西安市2019版英语二年级下册UNIT FOUR WHERE IS MY SHIRT Lesson 15 练习卷2B卷_第1页
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西安市2019版英语二年级下册UNIT FOUR WHERE IS MY SHIRT Lesson 15 练习卷2B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . There no computers fifty years ago. ( )AwereBwasCare2 . I am _you some photos .AsendBsendingCam sending3 . People visit _ parents and grandparents at the Double Ninth Festival. ( )AtheyBtheirCthem4 . _ ( )Yes, I can. ACan you play basketball?BCan you write to your friend?5 . ( ) Whose pencils are there? Theyre .AmyBmeCmineDour6 . Please pass the knife. ( )AIBmyCme7 . _toy cars are those? ( )They are _.AHow many, mineBWhose, yoursCWho, yours8 . I am_, Idlikeahamburger. ( )AthirstyBhungryChealthy9 . 选出不同类的单词。( ) (1) A.plane B.traffic C.bus( ) (2) A.on B.in C.how( ) (3) A.mom B.home C.school( ) (4) A.second B.six C.first( ) (5) A.foot B.left C.right10 . Jenny eats an ice cream _ the afternoon. ( )AonBinCat二、英汉混合英汉互译。11 . 有一节英语课_12 . 每天_13 . 在早上_14 . 看电视_15 . 起床_16 . go to school_17 . a flower_18 . on the lake_19 . 英汉互译1在公园里_ 2. 在草地上_3禁止吸烟_ 4. 不许乱扔垃圾_5不许停放车辆_ 6. 许多_7在墙上_ 8. 散步_9公共标记_ 10. 吵闹_11. at Jinling Zoo_12. take a walk_13.keep off_ 14. keep quiet_三、改错20 . 找出下列每句中的错误并改正。【小题1】This is a new library. Can you show I around? (_)_A B C【小题2】The dog have a longtail. (_)_A B C【小题3】I likeplaying football and sing. (_)_A B C【小题4】Mike alwayswatchs TV at weekends. (_)_A B C【小题5】We tooput the presents under the tree. (_)_A B C【小题6】There area dog and a cat in the house. (_)_A B C【小题7】Yang Ling usuallygos to school by bike. (_)_A B C【小题8】She cancooksnice food. (_)_A B C【小题9】At Christmas Day, we often say “Merry Christmas”. (_)_A B C【小题10】They all aregoodstudents. (_)_A B C四、看图题21 . 看图片,圈出正确的短语。1.2.3. 4.5. 6.7. 8.9. 10.五、仿写对话22 . 看图,仿照句子,完成对话。What did they do last Sunday?They went swimming.1._2._六、连词成句23 . 连词成句。1. the, hot, was, boy(.)_2. favourite, month, is, my, September(.)_3. is, on, Teachers Day, September 10th(.)_4. hold, kept, it, I, my, in(.)_5. year, seventh, July, is, the, month, of, the(.)_七、连线题24 . 连线。1. Butterflies can a. s


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