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Unit 13 wearetringtosavetheearth!sectionagrammarfocus-4c,修订,其他种类的污染2。哈迪3。把垃圾扔到河里4。中的作用、differentkindsofpollution、thebottleftheriver、throwrubbishinttheriver、playapartin、I. checkifyouknowthesephrases,5 .中国南部6。危险7。在中.顶部8 .海洋生态系统,insouthernchina,beharmfulto,at the top of,the oceans ecosystem,ii。translatthesentences,1 .到底层都装满了垃圾。这种方法不仅残忍,而且对环境有害。eventhebottomoftheriverwafulofrubbish、thismethodisnotonlycruel、butalsoharmfultotheenvironment、3。鲨鱼在海洋食物链的顶端。很多人相信鲨鱼翅膀对健康有好处。shareksareatthetopofthefoodchainintheocean s eco system,alotofpeoplebelievenatshark sfinsaregoodforhealth,alotofpeoplebelievenatshark解除负担的开始(结果)adj .可重复使用的支付;付出代价采取措施。运输业;运输,差异化:join、joinin和take part in,to,wilyoujoininthediscussion?你参加我们的讨论吗?ShejoinedtheYoungPioneers。她加入了年轻的先遣队。whydidntyoujoininthetallastlight?昨天晚上你为什么没参加会议?Didyoutakepartsmet?你参加运动会了吗?afford是动词,意思是“死,能承受”,通常与can,could,beableto一起使用,常用在否定句中。they could n t afford $ 50 fora ticket。他们付不起50美元买一张票。afford后面经常跟有to的动词不定式。wecan tafford toggoa broadthissummer。今年夏天我们没有足够的钱出国。示例:misstaylorneverwatesmoneyonaythintooexpensive,Eventhoughshencan _ _ _ _ to。shehadonatedmuchofthebushesavedtocharities . a . affor db . allowc . remindd . pay,afford,payattentiontaothesentences . 1 . web red.e.g.look!Theboyiscrying。定义:表示说话时(瞬间)正在进行的动作,还表示当前阶段或当前阶段正在进行的动作。Usedtodosth是指过去做某事,但现在倾向于不做,然后跟随动词的原形。Beusedtodoingsth。表示您已习惯做某事e . g . iusedtodologetpathsixo clock。joeiusedtodrinkingacupofcoffeeverymorning,used todo,beusedtodoing,Translation.1 .她过去常常在周末和朋友们之间闲逛。sheusedtohanggoutwithafriendsonweekends . 2 .他习惯每晚睡得晚。Heisusedtostayingup。Exercise,手动语音:Passivevoice,定义:主题是动作的继承者,即动作中对象的语音。结构:be历史分词法e . g . anewschoolasbuildingratyear . ourclassroomiscleaneedveryday .translaterethesentencesbyusingpassivevoice . 1 .工人们使用各种各样的机器工作。themuseumwaasvisiitedbysomeoldpeoplejust now、differentkindsofmacmachinesareusedtoworkbytheworkers、exercise、结构333.e . g . ihven tfiniishedmyhomeworkyet。定义:表示动作已完成,但影响当前;也就是说,从过去的某个时候开始到现在为止,可以持续下去的行动。PresentPerfect现在已完成。complethefollowwingsentences . I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(be)inbeijingfortwoyears . 2 . I _ _ _ _ _ _ _、Have been、Have、heard、has worked、exercise、4。the twist ns _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(wash)Have washed、hassheed、has、sung、1。情态动词本身具有表示说话者情感、态度或语气的一定意义,但不能单独用作谓语,只能构成其他动词和谓语。通常为: can (could)、may (might)、must、need、shall (should)和will (would)。,情态动词,2 .情态动词是没有人叫的,数量的变化,然后是动词的原型。否定式是在模态动词后加上not。个别情态动词有过去时态形式,可以用来表达更礼貌、更委婉的语气。e . g . kencanclimbupthetresslikeakoala . tracycouldrideabiocyclewhenshewas fiveyearold . youm ustn tplaywitfire . itis dangerous你必须先完成作业。他现在不能在家。她必须知道这个问题的答案。exercise,wecan teatintheclassroom。youmustfiniishyourhomewokfirst。he can tbeathehomenow,shemustknowtheanswerothisquestion,4a,fillintheblankswithecorrectformsoftheverbsinbranks,Joe : _ _ _ _ you ever _ _ _ _ _ _(take)partinanenvironmentalproject?Eric : yes,iave . I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(help)with a clean-updellastyear。it was _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(consider)thebige stclean-upproect thisis、have、taken、Helved、consired、had、had、参与、Joe : howmany people _ _ _(take)part?Eric : I _ _ _ _ _(think)more than 1,000 people _ _ _ _ _(come)tohel pout . Joe : that sfantasticiguesseveryoeinthiscityis _ _ _ _ _ _ _(try)toimprovetheenvironment . Eric 3360 yes,wecan taffordto _、took、think、came、trying、wait、v .低成本(结果);可以生活,4b,fillintheblankswitheappropriatemodalverbsfromthebox。People _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ thingthings _ _ _ _ bedroonetosavetheearth . manyworkgetting theearths支付代价small things _ _ _ _ _ _ _ addupandbecomebigthingstart _ _ _ _ _ _ _ improvetheenvironment . leent,could,would/can,采取措施,makealistofthinsthatpeoplecandoohelpthevironmenanddiscussyourlistwithout your partner.练习题,模态动词练习,1 .-_ _ _ _ youpassmean?idleiketwritedownthephonenumber。-sure . hereitis . a . canb . needc . mightd . must 2 .-mayigoothecnema,mum?-certdainly,but you _ _ be back by 11 oclock . a . canb . mayc . mustd . need 3。you _ _ worry about me。itsnothingserious . a . cantb . must NTC . need NTD . wont,4 .-exuseme . isthistherhtwaytothomepalace?-sorry,imnot sure . but it _ _ _ be . a . mightb . must NTC . cantd . must 5 . themanintheoffice _ _ _ bemr . black,bemsshe _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ withhhandsonweekends . b他习惯每天晚上睡得晚。he _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ atnight . c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _hepromisedtopickmeupattheschoolate . how ever,He _ _ _ _ yet . a . didn tarriveb . doesn tarrivingd . hasn a . isregardedb . haregardedc . isregardingd . regards,choosthebestanswer。-3 .where is Tom?-he _ _ _ _ _ inhisroom . a . is reading b . readsc . read . was reading 4 .-mayigout now、dad?-no . you _ _ _ _ _ letyourmotherknowfirst . a . can b . mayc . needd . must,5 .herson _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ coke,butnohe _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ milk . a . used to drink;Isusedtodrinkingb。used to drinkingDrinksC.isusedtodri


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