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Unit11. In a world full of misinformation it is a formidable challenge for the students to learn to identify the true, the beautiful, and the good. 2. Any form of mountaineering has its inherent danger. After all, it is an adventure sport. 3. The university will permit a degree of individual instruction and the students may receive a curriculum tailored to their needs, learning style and pace. 4. It is said that the understanding of the genetic basis of learning will tell us which youngsters are likely to advance quickly and which ones seem doomed to difficult school experiences. 5. It has been reported that in Canada literally thousands of lakes and rivers are no longer able to support fish or plants. 6. In countries with relatively high literacy rates, books play an important part in enriching peoples lives. 7. The essence of government intervention has been to limit and distort competition rather than to encourage it. 8. The great cause of reform being carried out by Chinese people is without precedent in history. 9. Practice in simulated examination conditions must not be delayed until close to the examination time. 10. People have found that the lions and wolves in the forest often hunt down live animals by cooperative efforts. Unit21. During that battle a large number of men perished from hunger and thirst due to the severe shortage of food. 2. This research project bas further proved that fireworks have originated in China. 3. He is tempted to go there in person and check out how the accident happened. 4. At present, people have not found an effective way to cure this disease, which is still afflicting old people. 5. The contractor must adhere to the contract and complete the important project on time. 6. With persistent efforts, they finally settled the dispute between the two regions. 7. If Party B fails in delivering goods at a given time, Party A is entitled to terminate the contract and claim for any loss. 8. It usually takes a week to patent ones invention. 9. A clever politician knows well how to manipulate the public opinion and take advantage of his supporters. 10. The amount of water in tile rivers and lakes will diminish as the dry season continues. Unit31. As such, the event evoked curiosity and awe in most of us. 2. The techniques of sales promotion, to work well must gain the trust of middlemen in business as well as consumers. At the same time, they should be consistent with the local preferences and customs. 3. TO launch this new product into the European market, the company gave away 10,000 free samples for the local consumers to try. 4. As their life has been bettered, going on tours/trips out in the holidays has become a fashionable/stylish pastime for quite a few people. 5. The purpose of waging the war is, in nature, to control the oil resources in the area. 6. Sales promotion is effective in helping consumers become acquainted with a new product when it is first introduced to a market. 7. The new administration has realized that economic reforms must be deepened in conjunction with effective measures taken to ensure the basic conditions of employment and daily life for those poor people. 8. Towards its sales objective this year, the company offered a training course to enlighten consumers about its latest products. 9. To effectively raise our productivity, we should bring in advanced management experience from other countries. 10. Professor Wus lecture helped the students become acquainted with the use of this software product. It also gave them an idea of software development. Unit4I. Those who lead a miserable life often fail to recognize the inherent virtue of work in earning and sustaining their dignity. 2. With the life bettered and levels of education higher, the work ethic is diluted now. 3. The young generation has much difficulty understanding why their ancestors had to focus their minds upon work as the central concern of existence. 4. According to Maslow, different classes and ethnic groups are positioned at different stages in the work hierarchy. 5. In developing countries, many talented young intellectuals flock in droves to America, which forms the so-called brain drain. 6. If a country is prone to high inflation, then its currency will have to be dued to maintain the price competitiveness of its exports. 7. One expert in sociology believes that work is a means for people to build relationships. In that sense, the workplace performs the function of a community. 8. The desire to fulfill themselves, a harmless and even worthy enterprise, may sometimes degenerate into a selfish discontent. 9. To most Americans today, the blow of being laid off seldom carries the life-and-death implications it once had. 10. Modem workers may have a lot of complaints. But they will feel better when they know that their predecessors did work under a far more brutal condition during the early stage of the Industrial Revolution. Unit51. The firm will slash its employees from 5,000 to 3,000 because its business is slack. 2. We should treasure and maintain the cordial relationship established with them in 1990. 3. The patient died after he was infected as a result of a hospital blunder. 4. To do simuRaneous interpretation of speeches needs special training and sldlls. 5. Ifyou dont follow the objective law, you will be destined to fail. 6. It was clear that the government failed to revive the economy or reform the social institutions last year. 7. The miners strike in July showed how quickly workers anger erupted. 8. Whenever you visit the city, on a rainy day or on a sunny one, it gives a scene of an industrial flavor as cheerful and busy as ever. 9. He realized that it was difficult to inhabit this barren island any longer. 10. Overweight people are often lured by modern food products which claim to be able to help them lose weight.i America was once troubled by employment crisis. Unit61. The crime was exposed, and the chief criminal was prosecuted and convicted. 2. His international contacts could contribute greatly to their hitherto isolated effort. 3. Medical service would be free to the patients, and the financial transaction would take place between the two departments. 4. Police are hunting two youths who snatched a handbag from a woman in broad daylight. 5. During the ensuing twenty years, his far-sighted management brought great prosperity and turned the company into the largest clothing business in the country. 6. His strong belief that she was withholding things from him did not have any basis in fact. 7. Over the past few weeks, his every waking moment has been spent poring over his medical books. 8. We were given advance warning, so we were able to minimize the effects of the storm. 9. Such organizations have had only limited success in averting conflicts between states. lO. She was hounded out of public life by the persistent aaacks of the popular newspapers. Unit71. Cyberspace communication is expanding by leaps and bounds, with millions of people browsing websites daily. 2. The Chinese media are formulating new plans in order to increase their presence on the Intemet to meet the challenges of the virtual era. 3. The new system now allows faxes to be sent round the world with minimum effort and maximum security. 4. Because of its interactivity and accessibility, the Intemet has activated new interest in homestudy programs. 5. The invention of the electronic word processor was as startling an information revolution as the invention of the printing press. 6. Digital cameras arent available for everybody - at least, not yet. While cheaper than before, they are by no means cheap. 7. Aworkaholic is a person who works too much. Aworkaholic lives to work, rather than works to live. 8. It is not cheap to raise pets in the city. In the case of a dog, registration may be obtained from the citys Dogs Supervision Office for a fee of about 2,000 yuan a year. 9. Recently, we have witnessed a number of young people who, for a variety of sociological and psychological reasons, have become attached to their computers, and are exploiting their potential in a criminal manner. 10. Whether it is worth investing in the long term is still in doubt. Lets assume you are a


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