



XX中石油职称英语新版选读文章系列(4) 导语:下面是收集的一篇关于中石油职称英语新版选读文章,供您参考,希望能带给您帮助。 1.The US is an attractive market. Its business culture, which has brought the world shareholder value and IPOs, has been leading mercial thinking in recent years and will continue to do so. But whoever wants to sueed in the US needs to remember the rules of the game. 翻译:美国是一个富有吸引力的市场。它给世界带来的诸如“股东价值”和 “首次公开募股”的商业文化近几年来一直引导着商业思想,并且在未来几 年内还将保持。但是无论是谁,想要在美国取得成功,都必须记住游戏的规则。 2.US business is described by the lyrics of the song New York, New York: If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere! Yet a euphoric approach to business is by no means enough. Although business munication in the US is pleasant and easygoing, it is at the same time ruthlessly focused. 翻译:美国的商业,在纽约,纽约这首歌的歌词中是这样描述的:“如果 你能在这里取得成功,你就能在别的任何地方取得成功!”但是愉快的做生意 的方法是绝对不够的。虽然在美国的商业沟通是愉快的和自在的,但是它同 时也因为不讲情面而成为焦点。 3.Communicating is a natural talent of Americans. When negotiating partners meet, the emphasis is on small talk and smiling. There is liberal use of a sense of humor that is more direct than it is in the UK. If you give a talk in America, you should speak in a relaxed way and with plenty of jokes to capture your audiences attention. 翻译:沟通是美国人与生俱来的才能。双方谈判的时候,闲聊和微笑是很重 要的。美国人比英国人更幽默也更直接。如果你和美国人谈话,要很放松并 且要准备很多笑话来吸引听众的注意力。 4.Informality is the rule. Business partners renounce their academic titles on their business cards. Sandwiches and drinks in plastic or boxes are served during conferences. Your business partners tend to act casually in the office and chat about their family. 翻译:美国人不拘礼节。商业伙伴不会在他们的名片上写他们的毕业院校。 会议期间会提供一些用塑料瓶或盒子装的三明治和饮料。你的生意伙伴很可 能会在办公室随意地做一些事情或聊他们的家庭。 5.The attitude time is money has more influence on business munication in the US than it does anywhere else. After the neutral warm-up, US negotiating partners quickly get to the point. Even social get-togethers are often used to discuss business matters. 翻译:“时间就是金钱”这种态度在美国的生意场上 * 力比其他任何领 域都强。在简单的寒暄之后,美国谈判双方很快地切入主题,甚至社会上举 办的联欢会都会被利用来讨论生意。 6.Although Americans do business in a very pragmatic way, they want to win. Developing a personal relationship with the business partner is not as important as getting results. 翻译:美国人做生意很注重实效,他们就是想赢。相比之下,发展与商业伙 伴的个人关系就不是那么重要了。 7.And US negotiators tend to want those results fast. As financial results are reported every quarter, it is essential to secure profitability on a short-term basis. For this reason, many US contracts contain the provision time is of the essence within their preamble. Hence, US impatience in negotiations should not be perceived as impoliteness, but as the corollary of time is money. 翻译:而且美国谈判者想最快地获得结果。金融情况时刻受到关注,这对在 短期内保证收益很重要。因此,许多美国契约在前言里面包含“时间就是生 命”这一条款。所以美国人谈判很性急,但这不应该被理解成无礼,而是因 为“时间就是金钱”的理念在起作用。 8.This attitude has a strong influence on negotiations, since strategic alliances and other long-term projects are evaluated in terms of their potential to achieve a quick return on investment. 翻译:因为战略合作和其他的长期项目都是以其潜在的快速投资回报率来进行评价的,这种态度会对谈判有很大 * 。 9.Because the Asian negotiating approach tends to be long-term in nature, it is one of the main reasons why so many joint ventures and alliances between US and Asian panies have failed to meet expectations. 翻译:亚洲人谈判的时间历来很长,这也是为什么美国和亚洲的很多企业合 作起来却没有达到预期效果的一个主要原因。 10.When doing business in the US, you should take the following considerations into aount. 翻译:当你在美国经商时,以下的这些事情是值得考虑一下的。 11.Conducting negotiations on a highly professional level and making presentations with the help of state-of-the-art technology is appreciated in the US. You should observe a negotiated agenda, or even a draft agreement. The negotiation will proceed in a well-prepared, calm, matter-of-fact and pragmatic manner, all laced with a substantial dose of humor. 翻译:艺术般地将谈判内容呈现出来,引导一个专业的、高水平的谈判,这 在美国很受欢迎。制定一个谈判议程,甚至是一个协定草案。谈判将会在准 备充分、平和、实事求是的状态中进行,并且气氛轻松幽默。 12.Present and market your case in a positive way. You should not be too modest about your own panys products, services, and market position. Instead, take a can-do attitude. 翻译:在介绍自己公司情况的时候,要很积极。对自己公司的产品、服务和 在市场上的地位都不要说得太谦虚。要釆取一种乐观进取的态度,让对方觉 得你能行。 13.Moreover, do not be misled by your negotiating partners relaxed style of munication. Subjects such as religion, politics or ethnic background should only be touched on cautiously, even in private conversation. 翻译:还有,不要被你的谈判合伙人放松的沟通方式所误导。诸如宗教、政 治或种族等,这些问题一定要慎重提及1,即使是在私人的交谈中也应如此。 14.The casual attitude in the US does not mean there is no hierarchy in US panies.


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