



六年级下综合练习(一)一 选择填空。(12分)( ) 1. _ are they? They are my friends. A. Who B. Whose C. What( ) 2. _ pen on the desk is Jims. A. An B. The C. A( ) 3. Can you spell_ name please? Yes, _can. A. you; you B. you; I C. your; I( ) 4. Whose books are they? They are _ . A. their B. theirs C. them( ) 5. Mr Liu doesnt _ football. A. likes B. like C. liked( ) 6. Tom _ at home yesterday . A. was B. is C. were( ) 7. These CDs are Mikes. Give them to_. A. he B. him C. his( ) 8. Look! The boys _ basketball. A. is playing B. playing C. are playing( ) 9. I want to find a good book. Im going to the _. A. cinema B. library C. gym( ) 10.When is_? September tenth. A. Teachers Day B. Teachers Day C. Womens Day( ) 11. Amy is 150 centimeters tall. Im _ than her. A. longer B. tall C. taller( ) 12. Uncle Tom often _ children stories. A. speaks B. tells C. Tell( ) 13.-Did you go to see a movie yesterday ? -_ A .Yes , I didnt. B. No, I didnt. C. Yes, I was.( )14.-_ were you born ? -I was born in Qianjiang . A. When B .Why C. Where ( )15.Tree Planting Day is _ March 12th. A. in B. at C. in( )16.I _ you yesterday. A. called B. calls D. call( )17.Last Sunday _Mothers Day. A. is B. was C. are( )18.They used spades to _holes in the ground A. dig B. dug C. put( )19.How many _do you have? A. sheeps B. sheep C. sheepes( )20.I was born in Hangzhou. How _ you? A. are B. were C. about( )21.The trees can _the air fresh and clean. A. makeing B. made C. make( )22.Some dinosaurs _ very fast, but some only _slowly. A. run , walked B. ran , walked C. ran , walk( ) 23. There _ a cat and two birds in the tree just now.A. were B. has C. is D. was( )24 Why _ you buy some fruit?A. not B. not to C. dont D. dont to ( ) 25 Would you like _ for your breakfast?A. any eggs B. any strawberries C. some bread D. some apples juice( ) 26. Do you know the answer _ the question? A. to B. of C. at D. in ( )27. Thank you _ me. A. for help B. for helping C. at helping D. to help( )28. Im going to school _ Monday morning. A. at B. in C. of D. on( ) 29. _ would your brother like as a birthday present? A. How B. What C. How many D. Where( )30. Helen _ beautifully and she likes _ very much. A. dances, dancing B. dancing, dances C. dance, dance D. dance, to dance( )31 I like Art. _ you? A. How are B. What about C. What are D. How do( )32. Whose ruler is longer, _? A. yours or her B. yours or his C. my or his D. their or her( ) 33. In Suzhou it doesnt often _ in winter, but it is _ in summer. A. snowy, rainy B. snow, rains C. snow, rainy D. snowy, rains( )34 I watch interesting cartoons on CCTV 3 _. A. two days B. two every days C. every two days D. every two day( ) 35 Go _ the street and turn left _ the second crossing. A. long, at B. away, to C. along, at D. along, to( ) 36 _ meat do you want? Two kilos, please. A. How often B. How many C. How long D. How much( )37. Hes _ my purse, but he cant _ it. A. looking for, find B. seeing, looks for C. finding, look at D. looking at, see二 用所给动词的适当形式填空。(10分)1He often_(swim)in the river2Mr Wang is a teacherHe _(teach)English in a middle school near here3The students _(listen)to the teacher now4Look! Amy _(look)after her little brother at home5Lily _(swim)tomorrow afternoon6There _(be)some tea in the bottle7Tom _(get)up early this morning8It _(be)seven oclock9Tom _(play)basketball with his friends yesterday afternoon10We_(be)to the Great Wall twice11. My birthdays on the _ (five) of February.12. I _ (go) to parties with my friends last weekend.13. I like _ (collect) stamps very much.14. Jim always _ (have) a lot of questions.15. Did you go _ (swim) last Sunday?16. He closed the window just now. And now the window is _ (close).17. - Is this your book? - No, its _ (he).19 Look, they are _ (sing and dance).三完成句子。1.当我们年轻的时侯,我们不能玩火柴。When we were _we couldnt play _match.2.警察来了,把贼抓住了。The policemen _and _the thief.3我遇到了一个朋友,跟他握手打招呼。I met a friend and _ _with him.4.上个星期有一场台风,我把窗户都关好了。There _a typhoon last week. I _all the windows.5.哥哥昨天买了一个新的手表。My brother _a new _yesterday.四 完形填空 Joe and Fred go for a walk. They 1 some sandwiches with them, but they 2 to take something to drink. It is very hot. By 12:00 they are very 3 and thirsty. They find the nearest caf, go in and sit down 4 thetable with their sandwiches. “Good afternoon. Can I help you?” the man behind the bar asks. Joe looks at Fred and says, “Apple juice, I think. Yes, two glasses of apples juice. Is that 5 for you, Fred? “Yes, thats all right.” says Fred. Then he 6 the man behind the bar and says, “And I want it in a 7 glass! Dont forget that.” The man behind the bar 8 the juice into the glasses and 9 them to Joe and Fred. Then he 10 , “Who wants the clean glass?”( )1、 A、eat B、have C、take D、buy( )2、 A、are going B、forget C、have D、go( )3、 A、hungry B、happy C、full D、fat( )4、 A、on B、under C、at D、near( )5、 A、OK B、right C、wrong D、many( )6、 A、turns to B、turns C、turns down D、cuts( )7、 A、big B、small C、clean D、empty( )8、 A、drinks B、pours C、eats D、gives( )9、 A、brings B、sends C、takes D、carries( )10、 A、asked B、asks C、says D、talks五、短文阅读。(10分) A 读短文,判断短文后的句子是否与短文内容相符,相符在括号里画“”,不相符画“”。Bob is an old man. He has three new cars. He has no wife(妻子), but he has two sons and two daughters. One son is English. His name is Bill. The other(另一个) son is American. His name is Mike. One of his two daughters is Chinese. Her name is Lanlan. The other one is Japanese. Her name is Mikou. Bob has many toys for the children. He gives different toys to different children. The boys play with toy cars. The girls play with dolls. Bob is the childrens “father”, and he is their friend too.( ) 1. Bob is a rich(富有的) old man.( ) 2. Mikou and Lanlan play with toy cars. ( ) 3. The children play with the same toy.( ) 4. Bob and his children are good friends.( ) 5.The children like Bob very much.B根据短文内容选择正确答案,将其标号填入题前括号内。 John lives in a new house. He likes playing in a river. But there isnt a river near his new house. He is not happy. One day he asks his mother, “Is there a river near here?” “No, there isnt.” his mother says, “But here, has a garden.” “But its very small, I dont like it.” John says. One morning, his m


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