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Lesson13 Anewdress Freetalk 1 Whatcolorisyourhair 2 Whatcolorisyoureyes 3 Whatisyourfavoritecolo Let slearnthenewwords colour colour colorn e gMyfavoritecolourisgreen 我最喜欢的颜色是绿色 Greenadj ri n e gThegrassisgreen 草是绿色的 colours colors green绿色gray灰色pink粉色purple紫色orange橘色black黑色 brown棕色white白色red红色blue蓝色yellow黄色 comev k m e gIcometoschool 我来学校 Gov g e gIgotoschool 我去学校 upstairsadv p ste z e gComeupstairsplease 请上楼 downstairsadv da n ste z e gGodownstairsplease 请下楼 sameadj seim e gTheylookthesame 她们看起来很相似 samedifferentJohnistall Samehere Metoohere这里指的是自己 表示和 一样 John个子很高 我也一样啊 我也不矮啊 hatn h t e gWhereismyhat 我的帽子在哪里 dogn d e gThisisadog 这是一只狗 lovelyadj l vli e gIlikethislovelydog 我喜欢这只可爱的小狗 名词 ly 形容词 代表该名词特征 e gfriend ly友善的 Sheisafriendlygirl 她是一个友善的女孩 alovelyhat alovelydog alovelygirl smartadj sm rt e gThegirlissmart 这个女孩很漂亮 smart1 漂亮的 时髦的Herhatisverysmart 2 聪明的 机灵的Sheisasmartstudent 她的帽子非常时髦 她是一个聪明的学生 clever聪敏的 指理解力 狡猾的bright聪明的 多指小孩Yourlittlesonissobright wise理性的 精明的 形容长者 你的小儿子非常聪明 casen ke s e gMytoyinthecase 我的玩具在箱子里 carpetn k rp t e gThiscarpetisbeautiful 这个地毯很漂亮 Listenandanswerquestion WhatcolourisAnna shat Readandanswerquestion 1 WhatcolourisAnna sdress 2 WhatdoesLouisethinkofAnna sdress 3 WhatdoesLouisethinkofAnna shat Louise Whatcolour syournewdress Anna It sgreen Anna Comeupstairsandseeit Louise Thankyou Anna Look Hereitis Louise That sanicedress It sverysmart Anna Myhat snew too Louise Whatcolourisit Anna It sthesamecolour It sgreen too Louise That salovelyhat Review mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs 一 人称代词 第一人称 第二人称 第三人称 人称 格 数 单数 复数 主格 宾格 主格 宾格 I you he she it me you him her it we you they us you them Translation 这是我的手提电脑 那是她的老师 那是他的私家车 1 Thisismylaptop notebook 2 Thatisherteacher 3 Thatishiscar 4 这是她的英语书吗 是的 5 那是你的手表吗 不是 4 IsthisherEnglishbook Yes itis 5 Isthatyourwatch No itisn t 6 这是谁的雨伞 这是我的雨伞 7 那是谁的学校 那是她的学校 6 Whoseisthisumbrella Thisismyumbrella 7 Whoseisthatschool Thatisherschool 二 课文讲解 Whatisyournewdress color It s green Come Thankyou upstairsandit see Look itis here That snice It ssmart very very My hat snew too colorisit What It ssamecolor the green It s too a Thatislovelyhat Keypoint color colourWhatcoloris WhatcolorisAnn shat Whatcolor sLucy scat Whatcolor s WhatcolorisWhatcolor shistie 以疑问词what引导的Whatcolour 和Whatcolour s 类型的特殊疑问句式用于询问颜色 又如 Whatcolour sHelen sdog 海伦的狗是什么颜色的 Whatcolour syourshirt 你的衬衣是什么颜色的 Whatcolourisit 它是什么颜色的 Lesson14 case keis n 箱子 carpet ka pit n 地毯 Whatcolour syour It s Whatcolour syour It s umbrella blue Whatcolour reyour They re umbrellas orange Whatcolour syour It s car gray Whatcolour reyour They re cars blue Whatcolour syour It s shirt pink Whatcolour syour It s blouse lightpink Whatcolour syour It s coat purple Whatcolour syour It s jacket brown Whatcolour syour It s case green Whatcolour reyour They re cases champagne Whatcolour syour It s carpet white Whatcolour syour It s carpet gray Whatcolour syour It s tie blueandindigo Whatcolour reyour They re ties colourful Whatcolour syour It s hat brown Whatcolour syour It s cap red Whatcolour syour It s dog brownandwhite Whatcolour reyour They re dogs brownandwhite Matchthequestionsandanswers Whatcolourishisnewcar Whoseisthisredcase What sherjob Whatnationalityisshe Howareyou Whatmakeishercar Howdoyoudo What syourname She sanurse Howdoyoudo I mverywell thanks It saVolvo It smyredcase TimBrownShe sKorean It sblack 二 句型转换 1 Mybagisblue 就划线部分提问 isyourcase 2 Thisismydaughter 变为一般疑问句 thisyour 3 Thisismybrother stie 就划线部分提问 isthis 4 Julieisanurse 就划线部分提问 isJulie s What colour Is daughter Whose tie What job 5 ThecarisaFord 就划线部分提问 isthecar 6 Itismymother sskirt 否定句 Itismymother sskirt 7 ThepostmanisSwedish 就划线部分提问 isthepostman 8 Myfather snameisSmith 就划线部分提问 isyourfather s What make not What nationality What name 三 选择填空 1 isyournewdress It sgreen A WhatB WhatcolourC WhatmakeD Whatnationality 2 Myhatis A upB upstairC stairD upstairs 3 Isthatcar A sheB meC she sD her 4 JohnisAmericanboy A theB aC anD B D D C 5 Thisismyfather Thisissuit A heB he sC hisD he 6 Sheisakeyboardoperator A WhatmakeissheB WhatcolourissheC WhatnationalityissheD Whatisherjob C D 四 根据所给汉语提示完成单词 使句意完整 1 What 颜色 isyournewdress 2 Mynewdressis 绿色的 3 Come 到楼上 andseeit 4 Yournewdressisvery 时髦的 5 My 帽子 isnew 6 Mydressisthe 相同的 colour 7 Thatisa 可爱的 cat colour green upstairs smart hat same lovely Fillintheblacks Whatcolour s It s Comeupstairs seeit Look That s It s Myhat snew Whatcolou


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