



剑桥国际少儿英语kids box2 Unit1-8Name: _ Score: _Listening Part ( 40 )I . Listen and draw lines.(25=10) II . Read , listen and choose.(25=10)1. ( )Whats the ducks name?A B C 2. ( )How many frogs are there?A B C 3. ( )Whats the name of the lorry?A B C 4. ( )Whose is the lorry?A B C 5. ( )How many animals are there in the photo?A B C III . Listen and circle.(25=10)1 2 3 4 5 IV. Listen and color .(25=10)Writing Park ( 60)V. 找出拼写正确的单词,将其编号括号里。(110=10分)1. ( )1. A. epn B. pen C. nep2. ( )2. A. face B. afce C. fece3. ( )3. A. inpk B. pinkC. pnik4. ( )4. A. yellow B. yollew C. yellew5. ( )5. A. ereser B. eraserC. eraser6. ( )6. A.hospitalB. talhsopiC. haspitol7. ( )7. A. ikte B. kite C. Etik8. ( )8. A.clock B. clcokC. colck9. ( )9. A. map B. pam C. mpa10. ( )10. A. throwB. thowr C. ThworVI . 单项选择题。(115=15分)1. ( )Hello ,I _ Stella Star . A.is B.am C.are2. ( )This _ Marie. A.is B.am C.are3. ( )These _ pink dolls. A.is B.am C.are4. ( ) _ _ desks are there ?A. How is B. How are C. How many5. ( )There _ a lot of _.A. is ,desk B. is ,desks C. are , desks6. ( )Is there a computer ?A. Yes , it is. B. No, there is. C. Yes , there is. 7. ( )Are there a lot of bags on the bookcase.A. Yes , there is B. No , there arent C. No , there is 8. ( )There _ a book on the bookcase.A. be B. are C. is 9. ( )_is it?A. Whose B. Whos C. Whats10. ( ) - Whose is this book? - Its_. A. Stellas B. Stella C. Stellas11. Whats that in the toy box? - Its _ book.A. Simon B. Simons C. he 12. ( ) _ there a nice skirt?A. Is B. Are C. Am13.We can see you next _the bookcase.A.on B.to C.in14. Whats Alex doing?_ hitting the ball. A Theyre B Shes C Hes15._?-I am watching TV.A.What are doing you?B.What are you doing? C.What doing are you?VII.Look and read.write or (15=5)1 ( ) This is a hospital.2 ( ) This is a bookcase.3 ( ) This is a lamp.4 ( ) This is bread.5 ( ) This is a goat.VIII.Look and read,write Y or N. (25=10)1. ( )They are in the clothes shop.2. ( )Mrs Star is behind the mirror.3. ( )Simon has got a small shirt.4. ( )Mr Star is drinking water.5. ( )Stella is wearing jeans and T-shirt.IX.在右侧找出左侧的答语,把编号写在括号中。(110=10分)( ) 1.What are you doing? A. Good morning!( ) 2. Whats your name? B. Yes, he has. ( ) 3. Hello! C. Fine, thank you.( ) 4. Goodbye! D. Im swimming.( ) 5.Who is that? E. Yes,there are.( ) 6. Good morning! F. No, I dont. ( ) 7. How are you? G. Goodbye!( ) 8. Are there books i


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