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Life in the future,新课标高二版 必 修 五,3,Teaching aims,To master the usage of past participle used as adverbial,The Second Period of Unit 3 Learning about LanguageI. Find out the words and phrases in the passage according to the expressions:1. A machine usually with wheels and an engine which is used for transporting people or goods on land, particularly on roads. = 2.To make use of (the prize)= 3.To be carried away =,vehicle,To take up,To be swept up,4. To see = 5.To be unable to see = 6. You have travelled through many time zones. So you feel very tired. The feeling of this kind of tiredness is called _.7. A shortage of oxygen =,To catch sight of,To lose sight of,jetlag,lack of fresh air,8. all the time, very often make sb. remember sth. =10.happening or existing before the one mentioned =11.rapidly, quickly =,constantly,remind,previous,swiftly,12. Tired =13. To take goods or people from one place to another in a vehicle=14. To be quick in action or movement =15. Very quickly =16. To learn a skill or a language so well that you understand it completely and have no difficulty with it =17. Not sure or feeling doubt =,exhausted,transport,hurry,in no time,master,uncertain,II. Finish Discovering useful words and expressions on P19 first, then Discovering useful structures on P20-21.,1.Find the words from this unit to fill in these box.,People space guide,visitorssteward Stewardess,Space travel,Machines/equipmenttime capsule Opening,space capsulehovering carriagesmask safety beltjetflying vehicles,Effects Time lag happy and optimistic feelings uncertain,jet lag pessimistic or depressed feelings headache exhausted,2.Combine a verb from the left box with a word from right box. Write down the verb phrases in the blanks. Then use them to complete the sentence.,Search take slide sweep press,for up down into,1._,2._,5._,4._,3._,search for,take up,slide into,sweep up,press down,1. Where on earth did I put my belt? I am constantly losing it and having to _ it ?2. When we flew in the space capsule we were _ into the sky so quickly that I did not even have time to fasten my safety belt.3. When we wanted the hovering carriage to speed up, we _ hard on the driving pedal and bent over in the direction we wanted to go. 4. After having your dinner, you must _ all the rubbish on the floor. Let the next group of people have pleasant surroundings to eat in.,search for,swept up,pressed down,sweep up,5. After he won the competition, Li Qiang _his prize and went on a time tour with his friend and guide Wang Ping. 6. the steward opened the door of the spaceship and Li Qiang _ sideways _ his seat.,took up,slid,into,Many people need to be reminded of the job _in space stations, which_ need space cooks, cleaners, teachers, stewards and _ .You can be swiftly trained for your new job from using _skills. At first people may find the _ to space life difficult to_.,3. Complete this advertisement choosing words or phrases in their proper forms.,opportunities,constantly,stewardesses,take up constant tolerate previous lose sight of link adjustment stewardess opportunity bend,previous,adjustment,tolerate,However, they will be able to overcome the difficulties if their families encourage them to _the job. That is why we Persuade families not to _the Advantages that come from a period of time in space. For health reasons only one stay of three years is allowed. People often want to stay longer, but the _between illness and length of stay is strong. It is sad, but the rules cannot be _for anyone.,take up,lose sight of,link,bent,III. Find a suitable word to complete each sentence in its proper form:1. Are you going to _ up the challenge?2. Sorry, Ive _ up you too much time.3. When did you _ up English?Can you say out more phrases with_?,take,taken,take,take,Take off, Take away,Take out,Take in,Take for,Take down,Take on,Take over,Take back,4. As I walked through the town, I was _ reminded of my childhood.5. Please _ me to get up early next morning.6.The teacher _ him that he should pay more attention to his handwriting.7. The view _ her of Scotland. 8. She has two children from a _ marriage.,constantly,remind,reminded,reminded,previous,9. A cat is _ to a tiger in many respects.10.What is the _ between a cat and a tiger?11.They were _ dressed. Can you tell the different meanings of the following: be the same as be different from be opposite to,similar,similarity,similarly,12. I was so _ about my exams that I didnt sleep.13. Jill is always _ of dogs.(afraid)14. They were _ about what to do next.15. He didnt enter the university because of the _ of money in his family.16. Sometimes he _ confidence.17. Philip was not _ in intelligence or ability.(short of),nervous,nervous,uncertain,lack,lacking,lacks,18. Alice dressed _.(quickly)19. They put out the fire by _ water on it.20. Teachers make a living by _.21. He wrote the letter with a _.22. _ must do ones/his duty.23.Is it easy to _ a foreign language?24.I was wandering through the street when I _ _ _ a tailors shop.,swiftly,pouring,teaching,pen,One,master,caught sight of,Can you say out more phrases with catch?Can you say out more phrases with sight?,catch up with, catch fire, catch cold,catch the bus, be caught in( a rain),catch sb. doing, catch ones attention,at first sight, come in sight, at/on sight, go out of sightat the sight of,25. The strong wind _ up the leaves off the street.26. _, I slid into bed and fell _ _.Notice:27. She _ along the


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