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1. 我已经考了好几次雅思了,而且综合多次成绩,证明我有能力打到要求2.由于现在时间紧迫,在deadline之前我是没有时间再参加语言考试了3.我的预科成绩超过了你们给的conditions,证明我有能力学好你们这个课程4.我非常想去你们学校,我把你们学校放到firm choice。5.尽管我已经有了XX大学的unconditional offer,但我还是想去你们学校。(最后一个有点耍赖的意思,你不要我我就去别家了,你们损失时你们的事)然后学校给了我一次电话interview,然后我就拿到uncon了如何argue详解,希望对大家有帮助,尽力答疑。(曼大为例)昨天写了一个帖子说自己不想去读所谓的三周语言了,后来许多人消息我问argue的具体过程,之前看到坛子里面有人分享过argue的经历,但既然还有人会问具体过程,可能是西域的那篇有小小点复杂,在此我就把我的过程详细写下来,算作是对前文的补充吧。 0 ?( p4 d0 8 - d1 L P- C% P: F4 MJ2 : 4 5 p我准备费劲力气全面剖析整个过程,but有一个小小的要求: ; C, d6 O7 S# S, r如果读,请深读. - A. M2 k% N1 K+ Z6 a3 Q% u然后请回答我一个问题(我也是需要帮助的嘛) t2 rA3 S+ - Y% x6 8 T& V5 O x: v7 u n/ ARGUE背景:(呵呵,这次argue没写错吧) 9 I: Q( f+ # G0 l本人申请的是MBS的IHRM专业,拿到的是conditional offer:条件雅思7分,本科成绩80% 7 n1 n1 L, r( & N f% 2 Z9 . a7 V我当时申请的时候雅思是6.5分 分数分布:口语5.5 作文5.5 听力7.5 阅读8 2 f% G! w0 w: v! p& |4 w背景:全国大学排名6-9之间,平均成绩85分。# z& M6 E, s# U2 n5 p零九年一月十七日再考雅思,结果分数7, 分布:口语5.5 作文6.5 听力7.5 阅读8 6 QI+ t b0 k$ 8 q问题:口语单项不过6分,差一点点。 虽然offer上没写单项要求,但我心里知道,她一定会有要求的。! U4 ZX5 p2 Z* Y. 3 ; N7 M2 E& 果然,我把雅思成绩发过去得到了这样的回复: As you got a 7.0 overall but Speaking element is below 6.0 we can either offer you a 5 week pre-sessional course or ask you to retake the IELTS test. If you choose to go for the pre-sessional he will have to book it through the University Language Centre * Z3 r3 e2 + Q, n+ P( eA* B4 S9 v8 K* o+ wOKARGUE拉开战幕:% X* E. H& U9 D- s6 我认为argue的最重要的两点: + I3 ! y i0 ) 1.回应对方要有针对性 2. 自己陈述时要有逻辑性 D r; |) g* a4 F4 Z6 g( O# z- O) c7 P4 S& d. l L. _/ y! 0 我把我的分析过程展现给大家,供以参考(虽然你们不能按照模板那么照搬,但是我始终觉得思想可以为形式增添光彩,让你们把模板用得更加灵活而有效率)$ Z% N% . M- . - i对方主攻点是:我的口语稍微低于6分,需要读5周语言。(换句话说,问题就是口语)! c+ l: 8 K2 k$ C! s6 E那么我回应的时候一是要正面回答她的问题,二是告诉她语言课程对我来说是不(不是)正确的选择。 3 O8 J# z( j0 Q% d如何说明这两点,我准备了一些理由,但是要排列的有逻辑性才能更加有作用(哲学上的量变到质变的一种,排列组合的威力)。陈述时要先动之以情,然后晓之以理。 7 |6 e6 g9 U! |. R& ; C+ 9 J) D. 0 t. J# R2 V9 o( Y0 Q; c* # g E3 g9 w1 p/ q8 y第一步。我开始动情(不过我没有带一点夸张成分):Few months ago,I promised you that I could get 7 and took the exam in Jan. - a few days before our Chinese New year. Everyone went back home to enjoy their family reunion time except me.To pursuit and realize my dream and honor my promise,I had to study in the cold&empty classroom day after day without anyone.So many tears and the snakes on my jack that I choose never looking back(呵呵,lonely的歌词),I had to put up with low temperature and lonely atmosphere and I missed my parents,who had already prepared luxurious dinners in the warm house( but far away) waiting for me. However,thanks to God,I got 7 finally and I am very happy,because my hardworking have been rewarded by God ! o% x2 T% y1 A1 R% 5 K4 i/ W0 : T. c第二步开始讲道理(虽然我知道这个道理很不堪一击):我说她给的conoffer上没要求单项(但是她们网站上写了啊)。所以这一点我不着太多纸墨。我只写了两三句话,怕引起她反感。$ D8 ; Z ?/ F8 E$ x5 u/ r* s3 & T2 A- |) l9 4 + |$ L* _: u第三步直面我口语的问题和语言班的问题:8 _9 w. c& D% k3 H: a4 s) m- n: 分论点1:我两次雅思成绩给她一看,我告诉她It unfolds that my listening and reading skills are very stable,there is no need for me to take lessons concerning on these.It is unfair to me as well as goes againt the fact.(语言班不必要让我再去学习什么听力和阅读,并且我作文短短一个月不到提高了1分,证明我还不是笨得无可复加) & K+ O% m- ?$ D* d: u6 u9 X9 2 _, c3 W- I1 UAll that I need to improve is my oral English.(承转句)& o$ ?9 u0 U3 J* z! - c$ E w0 u; R1 O8 d! c分论点2:接着我展现我准备为口语改进提供了什么努力:And I do have already begun to do something.I have spent 2000RMB to join an oral English class taught by Englishman (host by College of Foreign language and Literature,Wuhan University) and this class will last for 2 months.As I can honor my last promise,please believe in me again that I can speak a good English after 2 months strict training. ( e0 _; Q* * L4 L- I. B) X p: q% ye2 E, H静待结果,等待是漫长的,揪心的,让人放弃的。(我想起了历史上奇怪的战争,从1939年9月3日英法对德国宣战到1940年5月10日德国进攻法国,长达8个多月的时间里,英法两国一直按兵不动。) 3 B6 T/ 6 w% N& D; h5 C1 z8 L0 s5 X9 O0 s% M% P* O0 Anyway,结果是让人开心的: Thank you for your email. As your writing score has improved greatly we can waive the IELTS re-take in this instance. However, we strongly encourage you to attend the in-sessional English classes at the University Language Centre or at MBS. These classes are free. Please contact the University Language Centre for more info on how to book a place. http:/ 9 c& T6 b1 H$ I* W% 4 z& : a) T) a9 ( WZ) J! g( k) k- B; d: o: * ( _我查了这个语言课程是这样要求的:These in-sessional courses are not credit-bearing and participating students should already have met the minimum English language requirements of their Schools.7 g1 R. E* c4 L$ ! q. M换句话说,成功了。congratulations 4 E L5 E; w3 f! H( W) _; h: I; ( b9 1 S% V1 K% m/ Z事后总结: ) T% e7 R/ B4 i, y( K她给的判决说明我之前分析还是比较正确的,还好我没像泼妇一样纠缠于她offer上单项要求的问题。/ . V2 Y+ I* Q( j$ z& Q K她之所以同意我,我觉得有以下原因:6 |# N6 t/ w4 r% % l* 9 D+ : C6 Y1 K; K一,她绝对不是因为我的情感诉说给折服的,毕竟外国人还是重视事实和道理。我觉得我开始写情感是抓住人的共性,让她放松心防与抵触来以平常心接纳我这个argue者。(因为我以前邮件过她很多次,有一次她开头的回复竟然是 thanks for your numerous mails。当时我彻底无语) 建议大家第一步是动之以情,但是记住,不要夸张,不要太多,多了就造作了。 6 V& n1 e0 S% P3 |$ ( 8 g( H% a. o( $ q( c二,我觉得还是事实帮助了我,当时(十二月十八号零八年)我就跟这个小蜜斩钉截铁地我一定会考7分,语气不容置疑,其他什么也没想了。离1月17日不到一个月,当时真的是绝路了,因为我认为不到7分我都没脸见她了。所以那一个月基本上是每天除了吃饭就是看书,一天10个小时是平均值吧。终于还是有回报的。作文能提高了1分。也正是这一点让她最终答应我的要求。4 b+ U8 E+ b1 z: t% E; i% Xu/ G# p9 b4 Y0 l三,必须针对自己的弱项拿出诚意,我现在更加有动力练习口语了。毕竟不能让自己失望(妈妈教导我要做诚实守信的人,既然承诺了,就要实现),也不能让曼大失望。& b1 r/ . I5 - F* G/ U3 3 ( Y% U jn; R2 J建议: 大家如果状况和我差不多,就不要错过机会去争取吧。不尝试你怎么知道失去的是什么。 如果大家有什么个案需要我帮助,我愿意提供逻辑分析,当然 仅供参考。 / c7 u( e7 z* g1 F n w5 t2 e. i0 a9 K, w7 j, d我的问题:/ i, q, s7 J3 Sf7 B, # L$ K% r; _% M(主问题)大家觉得我argue到这个地步,小蜜应该不会变卦了吧?毕竟我手上始终没纸质offer。 1 n& t0 y/ JJ+ Z# 6 Q j2 g(副问题)MBS的同学们有拿到纸质offer吗? & F7 N4 r- * X) M L% d又到一年ARGUE时, 谈谈怎么ARGUE 均分和语言,附例文10篇又到一年argue时。 整理篇东西来说下这个事。 1 q, F& l, r2 V) P7 U$ _/ B; w9 bk0 L6 8 2 y翻了翻旧帖,看了近2年的ARGUE案例,总结说说最常见的2种CON吧一个成绩,一个语言6 P* z* b G5 Q至于如何ARGUE换专业如何被拒了以后ARGUE,可以转战西域的那篇大作 分享自己Argue的经验,希望对大家有帮助 这里 只说说ARGUEcondition, Q+ F) b6 u) u0 NQH* M% q: m5 9 ?o4 + G9 t* t0 N( / W B: u$ k0 R/ |# _+ h$ E2 d* g9 SN成绩CON: |1 G/ - y& O- G. f- P; G- X- J+ U* L. B一般来说,相差2分之内都不用ARGUE,很多例子都是可以直接换到UNCON的, 0.几1.几分的问题,随便换个平均分算分方式都有可能有这个差异,学校不会抠的那么仔细,也不会详细的去用计算器把你全部均分按一遍 (每个人均分按一遍10几20分钟去掉,一年招几千人,明显不可能每个人都去给你详细算均分) 去年我同学就有均分78 不ARGUE直接换到CON80 的UNCON的例子。 所以需要ARGUE的都是相差2分以上的人群。 / 8 W2 $ v ?; e9 k4 c6 A! L+ V4 |$ k( N9 e |+ H& cx/ X& u收到成绩CON,通常的都是2种做法:9 v$ q7 hI) i) E. U; e8 R. A收到CON-OFFER马上去ARGUE。/ x2 - * I y3 k7 , m B收到CON-OFFER,先接受, 然后毕业后换UNCON时ARGUE。 - ) ?+ s0 O2 f7 z7 f9 z0 i( |7 M P9 |. d4 ! e对于A情况, ARGUE出会有2种结果: A1: 学校认为: 嗯,这人是挺合适的。 于是给你降CON。 A2学校认为: 还要考虑考虑。 通常的答复是,我们现在不能给你降CON,希望你包括毕业论文的全部成绩出来后把所有成绩发给我们,我们综合考虑。 (实际就是让你采用B做法) / u8 n% K4 q& o0 b% C1 e, c. ?6 0 f$ J& j8 9 B 4 Q7 p7 j对于B情况,成功换到UNCON的比较多。 不成功的例子很少。当然,成功与否与最后一个学期是否努力及argue信的质量有关。 - % x& i8 O% S, R. |( N3 B* ( ?$ z0 ) f7 ?; w% n& P& s对于A,B两种情况, 成功的例子每年都有不少, 不过我还是推荐走B路线比较好。 原因后面会说。 ( E3 L4 T ?+ C+ S! d3 X/ 9 R7 M+ u5 b插播一句:个人认为有些学校给出一些离谱的高CON是因为他们希望你论文做的成绩高一些证明你实力。英国论文占总成绩比重都比较重,很能影响最终得分,所以他们认为CON你提高个5分 8分的你靠论文还是可以拉上来的。他们不知道中国比重小。 + c/ o E1 S2 z: . h, g+ o; U$ . h3 O( x+ c) E8 h/ |6 Y2 a+ D2 c7 w成绩怎么ARGUE?# V& n r* D+ g/ I$ t N) 3 V* r; |4 RARGUE前,强烈建议详细的看一下你那个专业的entry requirement,逐条分析给对方你已满足每条要求。 1 o) l% f* L, B0 4 D2 x- W* p1 B1 C. O- f. g, a5 E2 k如果你选择A路线可以参考如下理由8 V: ( H0 m8 O- i. 1 B3 u# v8 e2 r* f# w4 d1课程已全部结束, 大四没有课,论文比重不大,成绩实在无法提高到CON。 2 w f5 V Y/ , ; ?3 z2尽管我平均分低,但是我年级排名依然很靠前 (附RANK证明). ( K1 % * D; w3 J2 K3我专业课成绩都很高,低分的都是些中国特色的垃圾课。 我对专业很有热情。 2 V6 6 ; . Y( w4我的本科学校在国内很好。/ 我本科学校专业排名很靠前。 , o3 E T& V& o0 , w+ Y- P+ Z- C5我前3年成绩一直在不断进步 (被用的很泛滥的理由。)8 z$ L& z& z4 s# - z( T* - I$ k0 q0 G8 W& F, Z如果你选B路线论文尽量弄得好一点。 能打高分的打高分,能拿什么优秀论文的就尽量去争取。 R( k; . _* R( K X: k2 T |+ * q3 1课程已全部结束, 大四没有课,论文比重不大,成绩实在无法提高到CON。 0 T, y7 g$ ?2 Y w! RA( p2尽管我平均分低,但是我年级排名依然很靠前 (附RANK证明), # m, J/ H* B q( j0 f7 m! u, 3我专业课成绩都很高,低分的都是些中国特色的垃圾课。 我对专业很有热情。 ( 4 G+ u HQ* p9 Z# S. 9 H4我的本科学校在国内很好。/ 我本科学校专业排名很靠前。1 _8 O3 # d4 l* ) D5我前3年成绩一直在不断进步 (被用的很泛滥的理由。)+ l- w4 : L- G7 X* M! D7 o Q6我论文做的很好,老师很欣赏,证明我有这个实力。 : N0 F8 U. _ f- q! r7论文期间我还发表了PAPER。 S B! A u: e( |! X; m8论文期间我导师很赞赏,还专门给我出了推荐信 * h# m. q/ g+ nw8 E/ + : su) ; H( 以上理由参考就好,依自己实际情况来写为好)* + C/ 0 f) Q2 D6 X7 w5 $ O w5 & t2 f5 T( T这类理由还可以找很多,总之逻辑就是一句:尽管我平均分没有达到你们的CON 但是我还是满足了你们的入学要求,而且我可以通过各种理由证明我能力很强,能胜任这个项目的学习。 4 G% L6 * f7 d$ 1 P$ - T& X6 P/ L) F$ G之所以说是ARGUE,就是一个给对方摆事实讲道理的过程,至于你能给自己找多少事实,又能找出多少个支持你自己的道理,这就要靠自己去努力了。 你给自己准备的“炮弹”越多,就越容易成功。 这就是为什么我一直推荐毕业论文结束后再考虑ARGUE。因为这样你可以给自己找到更多的炮弹。 4 q2 J/ s u9 % a& b( V+ T- |7 N0 K, j5 Z7 c, C7 1 Q4 k. NV0 Q( V7 R& l2 B& l: t语言CON:7 w4 L: r6 t& v. e; 8 E( zL& + r. L j7 语言CON, 只有一次成绩的话通常很难ARGUE。 ARGUE成功的例子通常有如下因素:, T6 ! m& h& % c( w! p. i _# o! H, M- U1有过英语授课的学历。 比如2+2项目之类,有人成功ARGUE掉语言CON。 6 C- y- N# su Q G2总分超过了要求。 但是有一个小分没达到要求,也有ARGUE成功的例子。 (见例文)$ W G5 G* ( z. P8 U, M6 Y6 U3考了2-3次雅思,总分达到或超出要求了,但是总有个别小项没有达到,希望学校能综合看待几次成绩,也有成功例子。 4 h) c- G& R. Q: T$ t4面试,通过面试靠口语直接说服admission tutor./ J3 , W; c J: s& e2 . Y0 g2 # J; h- p- g5 A# l1 r m9 X. 如果不符合上面这几项的话,单纯一个雅思成绩就打算ARGUE掉语言CON,很难基本不可能。 通常学校的答复都会是让你重考雅思或让你报语言班。 / L9 C1 A( b l: g1 i* u7 U0 x, Z# |+ ?3 Wj HARGUE例文语言类 F! w) z2 w9 v B! . Y; z5 A- S8 O7 w2 Z. r3 K6 O1 H7 z4 e0 K- Q, y* k q& 4 b1 Dear XXXXX:2 F # * e7 o / Z, B0 * a8 C. m S# 1 g) wI felt so happy when I got the offer of Mres in Telecommunication indepartment of EEE yesterday. My name is xxxxx, and my application number is xxxx. Its a great honour for me to get a chance to study in the prestigious UCL.2 I3 b9 y% W& V1 O, ( / y: k9 jThere are no additional conditions attached to my offer beyond the General Conditions for Entry. 2 C$ _/ Av) c) X2 H( X8 ! - v; J, | ?2 Q h$ K. S! , j6 ( k( q# iStandard level: Overall grade of 6.5 with a minimum of 6.0 in each of the subtests.& i! 6 Q% R( MGood level: Overall grade of 7.0 with a minimum of 6.0 in each of the subtests.R+ j3 # i8 w: 2 hAdvanced level: Overall grade of 7.5 with a minimum of 6.5 in the listening and reading subtests and 6.0 in the writing and speaking subtests3 I, * ( n, 6 w/ 2 k, z5 D6 t* S9 s) EThe standards above are general conditions of the language score in UCL.But what puzzles me most is whether Ive already reach the standard. My ielts score is 7.5, which means I meet the advanced level, and I got 8.5 in listening and reading respectively, along with 6.5 of my writing section. Unfortunately, my speaking section only got 5.5. Anyway, the only section i couldnt meet the requirements.Nevertheless, Im not satisfied with my performance in the test that day, because my oral ability is competitive enough to get 6 or above.Unlike the other 3 parts of the ielts this section is more subjective and changing differs from different people. While I do show my respect to the one interviewed me on that day.On the basis of my excellent listening part, its obvious to show that my speaking ability shouldnt be worse. I do know speaking is very important to the mres in telecommunication i.e presentation and teamwork, so that I believe I could show you my ability regardless the bad-luck score.:) 2 T% Y1 l& r& s6 X2 T: J) a! q2 _* 0 9 t* a2 b4 Y $ s# GSo I write this email to inquire that whether my ielts meet the requirements. If not, should I take the ielts again or attend the language course.Personally i want to do neither of things mentioned above. That is because it both take too much efforts to do that, as I have to accomplish the senior year of my study with high burden under the strict assessment system of my university(which is the same in UCL). / _, Q7 V/ V5 9 : 9 Q* F : n2 R4 7 j: T. YOverally, i do cherish the chance to study in UCL if there is no additional condition of * p7 w/ h1 W# B! M3 S! z9 & x9 Pmy english proficiency. And i dont want to miss UCl only by 0.5 although excellent 7.5.+ h. N0 : m8 F3 3 g# A, t TAnyway, your favorable consideration would be my greatest honour. ! I- E8 w- J/ o9 Q% k9 N& S! JI am sorry for any inconvenience I might bring by this mail.( y1 y3 : b8 0 s3 ) R 1 U+ n/ j. Q0 w5 l8 T& kyours sincerely5 l/ W( J* a8 a9 g: R; 8 ) 7 F7 A, I cR9 G2 x XXXXXXXXXX4 W4 ) y |( Y; X9 o9 I# O3 - W b+ R8 e% c3 e7 u4 B2 d6 I9 1 t6 % X; F+ A V: c7 5 Z/ W8 5 F2 / E- S2 A5 a! i7 7 n. R4 Q% o2 p0 U; m j* d f/ q2 EN& jC0 : x* h- _4 cDear Rick,9 a/ p* b% i: G- e, a9 N% q( V: K8 _3 N6 H/ J% l) d) _2 |* DMy name is XXX. Sincerely apologize to bother you again about my admission (application number 815750) into your distinguished Technology Entrepreneurship Program.: d2 L9 1 _% v3 K* x& ?& b4 m: q RAs is required, I took my IELTS for the second time in April 19th, scoring 7.0 overall with speaking, unfortunately, scoring only 5.5, during which performance was impaired by my physical condition. The last time I took IELTS, I scored 6.0 in speaking thus I am I quite sure of my spoken English. The problem here is, before the pre-sessional English Courses, I have no chance to prove my spoken English in another IELTS, rendering me in such paradox.( , 3 l; _ S% E. n0 V6 ?( b4 |% The first time I got 6.5 overall, with Listening 7, Reading 6.5, Writing 5.5, Speaking 6.: A: - ; k% This time I scored 7.0 overall, withListening 8, Reading 7.5, Writing 6, Speaking 5.5.D+ m2 4 i2 n0 F d6 0 I4 f0 r- - W$ : ( X% iSuch is the tough situation I am in, I sincerely request your permission that my condition be taken into consideration and the restrictions of language proficiency be loosen a bit. I would be sending my new score to you in short notice and I wish to hear favorable answer from you soon, as UCL has always been my favourite University and I would be honoured to continue my academic pursuit here.* % lF* T, V) k5 X# x+ C+ U6 w+ ) TBest regards,0 L9 G+ V4 + Q/ D: e5 o0 G, d3 n2 i6 R3 R T 3 2 v9 f% H y2 R% ( m$ a; T; b1 + A6 b- . 3 a% c. x* k$ b; 1 1 G. b& 7 q0 ds8 c9 r- W3 U& F v, Z# ) L# zi# i7 W- g P0 o. e- L P) o. J7 t- B9 f y; q: W: D; v8 h1 3 L: VDear Mr.XXXX5 _: T- O- e) J! s V# h D, |0 |- % u7 E5 n7 C8 V EI am writing this mail to honestly ask for your help on the condition of my offer to MSc Finance. My name is XXX and my Applicant ID is XXX.+ T# g9 R; B! # 4 B7 n5 t& Q) q- O9 qI have received your conditional offer and I greatly appreciate the chance you gave me for MSc Finance. I have received several offers these days, but I consider you as my first choice. I have been dreaming of studying in your top management school for a long time./ e( L! E& j7 W% F+ w, O& 1 h% F% + A) Jq B) BHowever, the cause of my conditional admission is that my writing band of the IELTS is 5.5, just short of 0.5 from the qualified standard. I have to take another test before June. Unfortunately, now the task assigned to me in my lab is very heavy and tough, and its deadline is approaching, everyday I have to dive into my librarian work. Besides, I have to prepare carefully about the paper for my graduation in June. All the works conflict with the IELTS text and it leaves me a very short time to prepare well for the text.% j+ A; Oz( H5 w T% D9 g8 D8 U6 Q+ Z O: y8 ASince both my GRE score and overall IELTS score are qualified, (1320 and 6.5 respectively), and I have used English as my work language for more than 2 years in my lab, I mastered it well. So I hope if it is possible for me to join in the one month language class to avoid the IELTS text. I have the full confidence that I can take up your graduate course well with the help of one month language class.0 b n! W; f* y3 l4 I |6 ) 4 Y( ( 0 K; a s9 |% ( gI completely respect and understand that you have a strict standard of admission. But I really dont want to miss the chance of studying in your school. I would appreciate it if you could reconsider my conditional requirement. I believe my performance in the graduate course will prove your choice correct.0 D& |: c 5 x) k% hThank you very much and I apologize for any inconveniences I might have caused.6 ( z6 D9 J( _7 _, W- ) u4 2 H; O# T+ UYours sincerely,9 QD) : y% L2 1 J8 K. _XXX张哲张哲2011-5-923:14:05我找过他了她说估计不行让你跟她联系就说我找过她了这件事情,然后阐述一下你报考很困难啊,有过在英国的经历啊什么什么的写的诚恳一点然后她说她会给你discuss的张哲2011-5-923:14:23但是我不知道难度大不大啊张哲2011-5-100:11:58你要说七月一号就要casnumber了所以你至少要在六月中旬考完然后现在六月中旬的托福和雅思考位几乎没有了什么的再强调你在英国呆过啊什么的说你大学很多课都是英文上的之类的张哲2011-5-100:12:49托福考的很久了现在提高了很多了说说你什么实习啊什么的英语环境的不是你不愿意再考是没地方没时间让你考了张哲2011-5-100:13:10最重要的显示是:不是你不愿意再考是没地方没时间让你考了 成功Argue爱大语言附经验与总结小弟不才,在雅思这关上折戟数次,以至于临近毕业仍纠结于此不得解脱。上周末的时候查到了4月25日的雅思成绩,结果依旧不尽人意(总分6.5 听力7.5 阅读7.5 写作6.0 口语5.5),距离爱大的单项6.0要求少了0.5分。 Q* XE: B& I a2 q+ c4 _5 ?0 E F# k; S/ a- t* Z 拿到成绩之后,考虑时间仓促,雅思考试痛苦,毅然决定兵分三路。复议,此其一;argue,其二;语言课程,此下下策。! n% e; x$ H$ _3 q! q q* U t) L在这里和大家交流一下我的argue策略。欢迎大家拍砖。 8 d |4 DQ$ v o3 b) z( 1 R1 m: C8 G ; Y2 Z) e4 M* D* Y8 JC: c: S* F1 e% 1 _2 E 一云的分割线 2 F7 R. s! |7 A5 T9 x9 J& 7 m1 s; w# x5 0 k5 K6 |一,找到argue的对象。( P! _9 A4 D# N* s1 J( y* u2 b) F$ H0 c& x 在这里我想提醒大家,argue语言千万不要找小米。小米之于argue可谓轻车熟路,每一年要遇到N多案例,拒绝的方法和语句都在她脑海中翻腾几百遍甚至几千遍。拒绝你,只是复制粘贴的问题。$ , ?) d% c( , h Z 因此,你应该从官方网站上找到你专业的director联系方式,直接给他发email。1 X5 l |9 & h; i& O S8 4 0 r二,为自己找好足够的理由。6 P. U6 D; I6 0 o2 Wh6 H bH. z-


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