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1.标题: ZnS-nanocrystals/polypyrrole nanocomposite film based immunosensor作者: Mishra Sujeet K.; Pasricha Renu; Biradar Ashok M.; 等.来源出版物: APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 卷: 100 期: 5 文献号: 053701 DOI: 10.1063/1.3681580 出版年: JAN 30 2012We report an electrochemically synthesized ZnS nanocrystals modified polypyrrole (PPy) nanocomposite film based immunosensor for the detection of C-reactive protein (alpha CRP). The ZnS-PPy composite film was characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and electrochemical techniques. The modified film showed good biocompatibility with efficient binding to protein antibody (alpha CRP-Ab) molecules through ZnS nanocrystals, exhibited an attractive platform for immunosensor fabrication. The electrical and sensing properties of the polymer composite film of different thickness towards protein antigen (alpha CRP-Ag) were delineated. The immunosensor exhibited an impedance response to aCRP-Ag concentration in a linear range from 10 ng to 10 mu g mL(-1). (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. doi:10.1063/1.36815801、 报道了电化学合成硫化锌纳米晶体修饰聚吡咯纳米复合膜构建的免疫传感器检测C反应蛋白。通过改性的膜显示了好的生物相容性,通过ZnS纳米晶体能有效地结合蛋白抗体,为免疫传感器的构建提供了很好的平台。聚合物的导电性和复合膜的厚度对抗体的结合显示不同的效果。这个免疫传感器对C反应蛋白呈现良好的信号,线性范围为10 ng to 10 mu g mL(-1)。2、标题: FITC-modified PPy nanotubes embedded in nanoporous AAO membrane can detect trace PCB20 via fluorescence ratiometric measurement作者: Wang Meiling; Meng Guowen; Huang Qing; 等.来源出版物: CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS 卷: 47 期: 13 页: 3808-3810 DOI: 10.1039/c0cc05371f 出版年: 2011A highly sensitive and selective fluorescence ratiometric sensor membrane for 2,3,3-trichlorobiphenyl has been achieved, via depositing polypyrrole nanotubes (PPyNTs, the fluorescence indicator) in nano-porous anodic aluminium oxide (NPAAO) template and subsequently immobilizing fluorescein isothiocyanate (as an internal reference) onto the inner walls of the PPyNTs embedded in the NPAAO.一个高度敏感的和选择性荧光比率传感器膜2、3、3 -trichlorobiphenyl已经实现,通过存放聚吡咯纳米管(PPyNTs荧光指标),在探讨多孔阳极氧化铝(NPAAO)模板及随后的固定异硫氰基荧光素标记(作为一个内部参考)到内在的墙壁上镶嵌PPyNTs。3、标题: Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy of polypyrrole based electrochemical immunosensor作者: Ramanavicius A.; Finkelsteinas A.; Cesiulis H.; 等.来源出版物: BIOELECTROCHEMISTRY 卷: 79 期: 1 页: 11-16 DOI: 10.1016/j.bioelechem.2009.09.013 出版年: AUG 2010Polypyrrole (Ppy) has been shown as a matrix for label-free electrochemical immunosensor based on electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements. The immunosensing system model presented here was based on bovine leukemia virus (BLV) protein (gp51) entrapped within electrochemically-synthesized polypyrrole (Ppy/gp51). This Ppy/gp51 layer interacted with antibodies against gp51 (anti-gp51-Ab) that are present in significant concentration in the blood serum of BLV infected cattle. After this interaction protein complex (Ppy/gp51/anti-gp51-Ab) was formed. The horseradish peroxidase (HRP) labeled secondary antibodies (Ab*) against anti-gp51-Ab were applied as agents interacting with Ppy/gp51/anti-gp51-Ab and forming the large protein complex (Ppy/gp51/anti-gp51-Ab/Ab*). The EIS study was performed for electrodes modified with different Ppy layers described here and an optimal equivalent circuit was adopted for evaluation of EIS spectra, it was a major outcome of this study. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.3报道了基于聚吡咯的无标记的电化学交流阻抗免疫传感器,这里介绍的免疫传感器统模型是基于牛白血病病毒(BLV)蛋白(gp51)嵌入电化学合成的聚吡咯中。在感染了BLV牛血清中,Ppy / gp51层与gp51抗体(anti-gp51-Ab)反应呈现良好的浓度关系,相互作用形成蛋白复合体(Ppy / gp51 / anti-gp51-Ab)。辣根过氧化酶标记(Ab *)二抗和anti-gp51-Ab竞争反应 Ppy /gp51/ anti-gp51-Ab并形成大的蛋白复合体(Ppy / gp51 / anti-gp51-Ab / Ab *)。研究了EIS对不同修饰的聚吡咯电极的表征,在最优的条件下采用EIS谱来评价,这是本研究的主要结果。4、标题: Immunosensor based on fluorescence quenching matrix of the conducting polymer polypyrrole作者: Ramanavicius A.; Ryskevic N.; Oztekin Y.; 等.来源出版物: ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 卷: 398 期: 7-8 页: 3105-3113 DOI: 10.1007/s00216-010-4265-8 出版年: DEC 2010In this study, the combination of autofluorescent proteins and fluorescence quenching polymers was shown to be a design which can increase the selectivity and sensitivity of immunosensors. With this objective, the conducting polymer polypyrrole (Ppy) was used as a matrix for immobilization of proteins, which enables biological recognition of the analyte, and as a fluorescence quencher, which increases the selectivity of fluorescence-based detection. In this study, bovine leukemia virus proteins gp51 were immobilized within the Ppy matrix and formed a polymeric layer with affinity for antibodies against protein gp51 (anti-gp51). The anti-gp51 antibodies are present at high levels in the blood serum of cattle infected by bovine leukemia virus. Secondary antibodies labeled with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) were used as specific fluorescent probes for detection of a particular target, because the fluorescence of HRP was readily detectable at the required sensitivity. The Ppy was used as fluorescent background, because its fluorescence was almost undetectable when excited by near UV light at 325 nm. Moreover the Ppy quenched the fluorescence of some fluorescent agents including fluorescein-5(6)-isothiocyanate (fluorescein), rhodamine B, and HRP by almost 100% when these fluorescent agents were adsorbed on the surface of Ppy. It is predicted that Ppy-induced fluorescence quenching could be used in the design of immunosensors to increase selectivity and sensitivity.在这项研究中,结合荧光蛋白和荧光淬灭聚合物显示了一个能够提高灵敏度和选择性的免疫传感器的设计。在这项研究中,以导电聚吡咯(Ppy)作为固定化蛋白质的基底,能够生物识别分析物,并作为一个荧光淬灭剂,增强了荧光检测的选择性。在这项研究中,白血病病毒蛋白质是牛gp51固定化在矩阵,构造了一种聚合Ppy层对蛋白质gp51亲和力抗体(anti-gp51)。anti-gp51抗体的存在在较高水平的血清牛感染牛白血病病毒。二次抗体辣根过氧化物酶标记荧光探针作为具体的检测一个特别的目标,因为荧光检测HRP的内部进行灵敏度。作为荧光Ppy的背景,因为它几乎无法察觉的荧光由近紫外光兴奋时在325海里。而且Ppy熄灭了荧光的fluorescein-5荧光剂包括(6)-isothiocyanate(荧光),rhodamine B和HRP 100%当这些荧光剂的表面吸附于Ppy。 据预测,Ppy-induced荧光淬火可用于设计的immunosensors增加选择性和灵敏度。5、 标题: A micro-potentiometric hemoglobin immunosensor based on electropolymerized polypyrrole-gold nanoparticles composite作者: Qu Lan; Xia Shanhong; Bian Chao; 等.来源出版物: BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS 卷: 24 期: 12 页: 3419-3424 DOI: 10.1016/j.bios.2008.07.077 出版年: AUG 15 2009We report a novel micro-potentiometric hemoglobin (Hb) immunosensor based on electrochemically synthesized polypyrrole (PPy)-gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) composite. PPy-AuNPs film with AuNPs uniformly distributed in it was deposited on gold electrode surface by a simple and direct procedure, without the addition of any nanoparticles or reducing agent. And this generic method makes it possible to deposite different polymers on miniaturized electrodes. With the existence of AuNPs, the antibody immobilization onto the electrode surface was facilitated. Morphology study by field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM) confirms the presence of AuNPs in PPy. Based on an ion-sensitive field-effect transistors (ISFETs) integrated chip, a micro-potentiometric immunosensor for Hb and hemoglobin-A1c (HbA1c) has been constructed. The sensor response was linear over the concentration range 60-180 mu g/ml Hb and 4-18 mu g/ml HbA1c. The Hb concentration in whole blood samples has also been analysed, with a linear dose-response behavior between 125 and 197 mu g/ml and a sensitivity of 0.20 mV mu g(-1) ml. The measuring ranges of the developed Hb and HbA1c immunosensors meet the clinical demand for measuring the HbA1c/Hb ratio of 5-20%. This sensor results in simple and rapid differential measurement of Hb and HbA1c, and has great potential to become an inexpensive and portable device for monitoring of diabetes. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.我们报道一种新的micro-potentiometric血红蛋白(Hb)免疫传感器,基于电化学合成聚吡咯-金纳米粒子(AuNPs)复合材料。 含有AuNPs的PPy-AuNPs薄膜均匀分布在金电极表面通过简单而直接的步骤,不加任何纳米颗粒或还原剂。通常这一方法是可行的,在微型电极沉积不同的聚合物。AuNPs存在的条件下,有利于抗体固定在电极表面。形态学研究,场发射扫描电子显微镜(FE-SEM)证实了 在PPy表面的AuNPs。基于ion-sensitive场效应晶体管(ISFETs)集成芯片,对Hb和hemoglobin-A1c micro-potentiometric immunosensor a已经建成。 线性传感器响应的浓度范围60 - 180亩g / ml Hb和透明胞浆亩g / ml血红蛋白。血红蛋白浓度的全血样品分析,用一个线性剂量依赖性的行为在125年和197年之间亩克/毫升,敏感性为0.20 mV亩克曼梯里。(1)测量范围较小发达Hb immunosensors满足临床需求的测量a / Hb比5 - 20%。结果该传感器测量简单、快速鉴别较小乙肝,很有潜力成为一个廉价、便携式设备监测糖尿病6、标题: Poly(methyl metacrylate) conductive fiber optic transducers as dual biosensor platforms作者: Atias Danit; Abu-Rabeah Khalil; Herrmann Sebastien; 等.来源出版物: BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS 卷: 24 期: 12 页: 3683-3687 DOI: 10.1016/j.bios.2009.04.035 出版年: AUG 15 2009Herein the development of an alternative optic-conductive fiber configuration applied for the construction of biosensing platforms. This new approach is based on applying the chemical polymerization of pyrrole onto the surface of polymethyl metacrylate (PMMA) fibers to create a polymer-a conductive surface, onto which an additional photoactive polypyrrole-benzophenone (PpyBz) film is electrochemically generated upon the fiber surface. Irradiation of the benzophenone groups embedded in the Ppy films with UV radiation (350 nm) formed active radicals that allowed the covalent attachment of the desired bioreceptors. Characterization of the amperometric biosensing matrix was accomplished by using a model Urease (Urs) through electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and amperometry. Both techniques have shown a low charge transfer resistance (340 k Omega) and a high sensitivity (12.3 mu A mM(-1) cm(-2). Thereafter, the construction of an optical biosensing matrix based on horseradish peroxidase (HRP) production of photons was carried out. The high signal to noise (S/N) ratio (1600) indicated clearly that this approach can serve as a new platform to replace glass optical fibers based on biosensors. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.此替代品的发展光传到纤维形态可有效应用于构建生物传感器。这种新方法是基于应用化学聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(PMMA)纤维表面上聚和吡咯,创建一个polymer-a导电纤维表面,在纤维表面电化学进一步生成具光活性的聚吡咯-苯甲酮(PpyBz)膜。 照射组的二苯甲酮是嵌在Ppy配有紫外线辐射(350海里)活性自由基,形成可以预期的bioreceptors共价连接。性能的研究不但可有效利用矩阵模型完成了脲酶(某)通过电化学阻抗谱(EIS)、amperometry。这两项技术所显示出来的一种低电荷转移电阻(340 k)和高灵敏度(12.3亩mM(1)厘米(2)。此后,建设基于矩阵光学不但可有效镧离子对辣根过氧化物酶生产的光子被执行了。高信噪比(S / N)的比值(1600)明确指明,该方法可以作为一个崭新的平台来代替玻璃光纤传感器的基础上。7、标题: Immobilizing Antibody with Electropolymerized Staphylococcal Protein A in Micro Amperometric Immunosensor for Detecting Salmonella Typhimurium作者: Sun Ji-Zhou; Bian Chao; Qu Lan; 等.来源出版物: CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 卷: 37 期: 4 页: 484-488 出版年: APR 2009A new method based on co-electropolymerizing staphylococcal protein A (SPA) and polypyrrole (PPy) to modify the sensing surface was developed and applied for the election of Salmonella typhimurium (S. typhi) in a micro amperometric immunosensor, which was an electrochemical system composed of two-electrode system and fabricated based on micro-elecrtro-mechanical systems (MEMS) technology. In the research, the factors influencing the performance of the resulting immunosensor were Studied in detail. With visual verification by SEM images, the experiment results demonstrate that this method as a controllable and convenient manipulation can effectively immobilized SPA on the surface of the working electrode for further orientation-control led immobilization of capture antibodies more rapidly (in 10 min) with less consumption of reagent(10 mu L) and enhance the property of the sensor. These all prove the feasibility of the method which was proper to sensing surface modification of the micro immunosensor. The studied immunosensor can detect S. typhi with the concentration of 10(2) cfu/ml with acceptable specificity and reproducibility. This work is potential to develop a portable, cost-effective and accurate biosensor for real-time sensing of pathogens in food products.一种新的方法基于电化学共聚葡萄球菌A蛋白质和聚吡咯(PPy)来修饰传感界面,对沙门杆菌(s . typhi)进行定量检测的安培免疫传感器,这是一种电化学双电极系统和基于微电极制造系统(MEMS)技术的构建。 在研究、策略的影响因素产生的immunosensor详细研究。利用扫描电子显微镜图像与视觉的验证,实验结果表明:该方法作为一种可控,方便操作能有效固定化SPA表面上的工作为进一步orientation-control电极固定抗体捕获了更为迅速(10分钟)和试剂消耗低,(10亩L),提高了传感器的性能。这些都证明了该方法的可行性,对于感觉是适当的微观immunosensor表面改性。研究immunosensor能探测到与浓度的typhi . 10(2)cfu / ml满意的特异性和重现性。这工作很可能形成一个便携式的、低成本和准确实时传感的病原生物传感器在食品。8、标题: Single Conducting Polymer Nanowire Chemiresistive Label-Free Immunosensor for Cancer Biomarker作者: Bangar Mangesh A.; Shirale Dhammanand J.; Chen Wilfred; 等.来源出版物: ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 卷: 81 期: 6 页: 2168-2175 DOI: 10.1021/ac802319f 出版年: MAR 15 2009A simple and cost-effective, all-electrochemical method to fabricate and assemble single conducting polymer nanowire based biosensors was developed. Polypyrrole (Ppy) nanowires were synthesized by electrochemical polymerization using an alumina template. The single-nanowire chemoresistive sensor device was assembled using ac dielectrophoretic alignment followed by maskless anchoring on a pair of gold electrodes separated by 3 mu m. To establish an efficient covalent surface biofunctionalization route, glutaraldehyde (GA) and N-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-N-ethylcarbodiimide hydrochloride (EDC) chemistries were compared. EDC was established to be the most effective chemistry and was used to surface-functionalize a single Ppy nanowire with cancer antigen (CA 125) antibody to fabricate a nanoimmunosensor for CA 125 biomarker detection and quantification. The immunosensor had excellent sensitivity with a lower detection limit of 1 U/mL CA 125 and dynamic range up to 1000 U/mL in 10 mM phosphate buffer. Furthermore, there was no loss of performance upon exposure to CA 125 in spiked human blood plasma. This demonstrates the clinical importance of these sensors for cancer marker detection with cost benefits and great portability for diagnosis of patients at the point of care.一个简单的、成本效益好的电化学方法构建制作和组装单一的导电聚合物纳米线生物传感器研制成功。聚吡咯(Ppy)纳米线是在氧化铝模板上电化学聚合而成的。single-nanowire chemoresistive传感器装置的组装用交流dielectrophoretic对齐,紧随其后的是无掩模锚固一双金电极3亩隔开。建立一个有效的共价表面生物功能化路线,戊二醛(GA)和N -(3-dimethylaminopropyl铵盐酸盐的-ethylcarbodiimide(EDC)化学反应进行了比较。 建立了结焦是最有效的化学和被用来surface-functionalize单一Ppy纳米线与癌症的抗原抗体构建一个纳米免疫传感器定量检测癌抗原CA125。这immunosensor具有优异的敏感性较低的检出限1/毫升国航125和动态范围多达1000/毫升10毫米磷酸盐在缓冲区。此外,没有损失的性能暴露于125年在带刺的人血钙等离子体。这表明了这些传感器的临床意义为癌症标记检测成本效益和伟大的可移植性的诊断的患者在点的照顾。9、标题: Poly(pyrrole-co-pyrrole propylic acid) film and its application in label-free surface plasmon resonance immunosensors作者: Hu Weihua; Li Chang Ming; Dong Hua来源出版物: ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA 卷: 630 期: 1 页: 67-74 DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2008.09.059 出版年: DEC 7 2008In this work, surface plasmon resonance (SPR) was used to study protein immobilization on poly(pyrrole-co-pyrrole propylic acid) (PPy/PPa) for immunosensing applications. SPR was employed to in situ monitor the electropolymerization process and to control thickness of the PPy/PPa copolymer film. Goat IgG as a model protein was covalently immobilized on the carboxyl-containing film through EDC/NHS as the coupling reagents. The effect of pyrrole propylic acid (Pa) proportion in the deposition solution on the protein immobilization capability was systemically investigated The immobilization efficiency was demonstrated. by a label-free SPR immunosensor. The heterogeneous kinetics of the immune reaction was discussed. This work could provide a facile method to immobilize proteins on an electrode surface by electropolymerized copolymer, and renders a universal approach to in situ study the protein immobilization process and sensing kinetics for scientific insights of the heteroimmunosensing scheme particularly in surface chemistry and molecular biology for further improvement of immunosensors. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V.在这部作品中,用表面等离子体共振(SPR)来研究蛋白质固定在聚(吡咯-吡咯丙基酸)(PPy / PPa)上应用到免疫传感器中。 通过采用原位检测电化学聚合过程和控制PPy/PPa共聚物膜的厚度。 作为一个模特,山羊IgG蛋白质中共价固定carboxyl-containing EDC /电影术语中,前景就是通过NHS为偶联。吡咯烷酮的影响propylic酸(Pa)的比例对蛋白质沉积溶液进行固定化能力固定系统效率得到证实。由一个label-free SPR immunosensor。 多相的免疫反应动力学进行了探讨。这项工作可以提供一个蒽的蛋白质固定电极的表面上electropolymerized共聚物,并使一个通用的方法研究蛋白质原位固定化过程和传感动力学的科学洞察力heteroimmunosensing方案特别是表面化学、分子生物学immunosensors进行了进一步的改进的。10、标题: Sensitive Human Interleukin 5 Impedimetric Sensor Based on Polypyrrole-Pyrrolepropylic Acid-Gold Nanocomposite作者: Chen Wei; Lu Zhisong; Li Chang Ming来源出版物: ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 卷: 80 期: 22 页: 8485-8492 DOI: 10.1021/ac8012225 出版年: NOV 15 2008A sensitive impedimetric immunosensor was constructed by using an electropolymerized nanocomposite film containing polypyrrole (PPy), polypyrrolepropylic acid (PPa), and An nanoparticles. The nanocomposite exhibits good stability, high porosity, high hydrophilicity, and efficient probe immobilization capability. In the film, PPa enhances the hydrophilicity while providing covalent probe attachment linkers, PPy promotes the conductivity and electroactivity, and Au nanoparticles result in good conductivity, high stability, and covalent binding linkers. These combined advantages significantly improve the detection sensitivity in comparison to the conventional methods. As a model, a human interleukin 5 (IL-5) immunosensor, an important sensor for disease pathology study, clinic diagnosis, and pharmaceutical research, was fabricated with the new nanocomposite film. Various optimization works were conducted to improve the detection sensitivity. With the optimal fabrication parameters, the detection limit for IL-5 was 10 fg/mL in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) and 1 pg/mL in 1% human serum with good specificity and a dynamic range of 3 orders of magnitude. This work demonstrates a new approach to develop a sensitive and labeless impedimetric immunosensor for potential broad applications in clinical diagnosis and drug discovery.构造了一个敏感的impedimetric immunosensor用一个电化学聚合纳米复合膜含(PPy)polypyrrole,polypyrrolepropylic酸(PPa)和纳米金。 展品的纳米复合材料的稳定性好、高孔隙度、高亲水性、高效的探头固定的能力。在这部影片里,原发性进展失语症(PPa)提高亲水性基团的共价探测器同时提供附件,PPy促进电导率和electroactivity,金纳米粒子获得优良的电导率、稳定性高和连接器的共价结合。这些组合优势显著提高检测灵敏度相比传统的方法。作为一个模特儿,人类白细胞介素5(IL-5)免疫传感器,有一个重要的传感器进行疾病病理学研究、临床诊断、医药研究,制作了新的纳米复合材料膜。进行了各种优化工作来改善其检测灵敏度。最优加工参数、检测限度是10 IL-5成品/ mL磷盐(PBS)和缓冲1页/ mL 1%人血清具有良好的特异性和动态范围的3个数量级。这项工作的新方法,开发了一个感性的和labeless impedimetric immunosensor潜在的广泛的应用在临床诊断以及药物的发现。11、标题:
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