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最具发展潜力的旅游线路 锡林浩特-赤峰的草原、蒙古族文化、辽文化、地质奇观、温泉度假游是内蒙古4条精品旅游线路之一。该旅游线路地跨锡林郭勒盟、赤峰市、通辽市3个盟市。旅游线路所经过的区域包括科尔沁草原、科尔沁沙地、巴林草原、浑善达克沙地、锡林郭勒草原、大兴安岭南段、燕山山脉余脉-七老图山等地理单元。该旅游线路所处的地理区位独特,距离北京市、承德市、沈阳市、张家口市等大中城市较近,交通联系便捷,特别是与北京市、承德市两个重要旅游城市相邻,可以借助优势,组成跨区域的旅游线路。该旅游线路所在区域是内蒙古自治区旅游资源最丰富的地区之一,不仅旅游资源数量丰富,而且旅游资源类型多样,几乎囊括了内蒙古的所有旅游资源。同时,这条旅游线路还具有典型性,特别是锡林郭勒大草原、阿斯哈图石林、元上都遗址、辽文化遗址、巴林奇石、蒙古族风情等都具有极高的旅游价值,是内蒙古的王牌旅游资源。因此,该线路是内蒙古自治区最具发展潜力的旅游线路,也是率先成为中国北方旅游热点的旅游线路。 推荐线路:草原风情、地质奇观旅游 北京-张家口-太仆寺旗(贡宝力格草原旅游区)丰宁县-多伦县(汇宗寺景点、山西会馆景点)-正蓝旗(元上都遗址旅游区、金莲川草原与忽必烈夏宫旅游区)-锡林浩特市(辉腾锡勒草原旅游点、平顶山旅游点、希日塔拉草原旅游点、锡林河九曲湾旅游点、白音锡勒牧场旅游区、贝子庙旅游点)-克什克腾旗(达里湖旅游区、白音敖包草原旅游区、黄岗梁旅游区、阿斯哈图石林旅游区、热水塘旅游区) -红山区(红山国家森林公园旅游区)-喀拉沁旗(清代蒙古王府旅游点)-承德-北京。 线路特点:本条旅游线路有两个入口,一是经张家口、太仆寺旗到正蓝旗;二是经丰宁县、多伦县到正蓝旗。该线路的旅游主题是草原生态、民族风情、蒙元文化与地质奇观旅游,其核心旅游区是元上都遗址、锡林浩特周边草原、阿斯哈图石林、喀拉沁清代蒙古王府等,与承德、围场、丰宁等周边知名旅游区资源互补,道路交通联系便捷,全线都为二级以上公路,适合开展自驾车旅游。蒙古族文化,沙漠观光旅游 呼和浩特-包头-鄂尔多斯历史文化与民俗风情游是内蒙古中西部旅游线路。这条旅游线路包含了呼和浩特市、包头市、乌兰察布市、巴彦淖尔市和鄂尔多斯市5个城市,有草原、沙漠、河流、湖泊、森林、民俗与民族文化、文物古迹、工农业成就等多种旅游资源,推出了自然观光、历史文化、民俗风情、工农业旅游、商务会展等多项旅游产品,围绕呼和浩特市、包头市、鄂尔多斯市、乌兰察布市和巴彦淖尔市等旅游中心城市,以周边城市为依托,组合推出的5条旅游线路(大线路中的支线路),每条线路都有一个不同的旅游主题和内容,共推介旅游景区(点)39个。 推荐线路: 1.草原、文化、边境风情游 北京市(经昌平、八达岭高速、宣大高速)-大同市-凉城县(二龙什台国家森林公园旅游区、岱海旅游区)-呼和浩特市(大召旅游点、五塔寺旅游点、昭君墓旅游区、白塔旅游点、内蒙古博物馆、将军衙署博物院、敕勒川人家旅游度假村)-武川县(哈达门国家森林公园生态休闲旅游区)-四子王旗(格根塔拉草原旅游区)-二连浩特市(二连国门旅游区、恐龙博物馆、蒙古风情大观园)-察右后旗(蓝天蒙古大营旅游区、阿贵庙旅游区)-集宁区-兴和县(苏木山旅游区、涝沥海旅游区)-张家口-北京市。 线路特点:本条旅游线路是一条以北京为旅游客源地的大环线,以温带草原、蒙古族民族文化和中蒙边境风情旅游为主,兼有文物古迹、森林、温泉观光、度假旅游。在交通方式上,远途交通以飞机、火车为主;短途交通以汽车客运为主。因为交通方便,游客也可以进行自驾车旅游。 2.民族文化、沙漠风情游 北京、上海、广州-呼和浩特市(大召旅游点、五塔寺旅游点、昭君墓旅游区、白塔旅游点、内蒙古博物馆、将军衙署博物院、敕勒川人家旅游度假村)-土默特左旗(哈素海旅游区)-土默特右旗(美岱召旅游点)-包头市(包头市内广场、新世纪青年生态园、北方兵器工业城、五当召旅游区)-乌拉特前旗(维信高尔夫草原生态旅游区、乌梁素海旅游区)-杭锦旗(夜鸣沙旅游区、穿沙公路景点)-伊金霍洛旗(成吉思汗陵文化旅游区、神东煤海工业旅游区)-东胜区(鄂尔多斯世珍园旅游区、鄂尔多斯羊绒衫厂)-达拉特旗(响沙湾旅游区、恩格贝沙漠生态旅游区)-包头市。 线路特点:本条旅游线路以内蒙古民族文化、沙漠风情游为主,兼有湖泊观光、草原高尔夫度假和工业、农业观光旅游,交通方式上以汽车为主,也是一条较好的自驾车旅游线路。边贸旅游 推荐线路: 1.草原、边境、森林、温泉游 满洲里市(国门景点、中俄互市贸易区景点、市内观光景点)-达赉湖小河口旅游区-呼和诺尔大草原旅游区(呼和诺尔旅游点、影视城景点、金帐汗景点、巴彦哈达景点)-海拉尔区(侵华日军海拉尔要塞遗址景点、西山国家森林公园景点)-鄂温克族自治旗(鄂温克民族博物馆)-白音呼硕旅游区-伊敏煤电厂工业旅游景点-红花尔基国家森林公园旅游区-新巴尔虎左旗-诺门罕景区-道乐都景区-阿尔山市(天池景点、石塘林景点、杜鹃湖景点、三潭峡景点、松叶湖景点、玫瑰峰景点、五里泉景点、阿尔山圣泉旅游度假区、驼峰岭天池景点、好森沟景点、不冻河景点、哈拉哈河景点)-察尔森蒙古包旅游村-乌兰浩特市(“五一”会址景点、乌兰夫办公旧址景点、成吉思汗皇家园林景点、成吉思汗赛马场景点、王爷庙景点) 线路特点:以草原、森林、冰雪观光旅游、民俗风情体验和温泉疗养度假旅游为主,兼有边境口岸和异国风情旅游专线。 2.温泉度假与草原观光游 齐齐哈尔市-扎赉特旗-乌兰浩特市(“五一”会址景点、乌兰夫办公旧址景点、成吉思汗庙景点、王爷庙景点)-察尔森蒙古包旅游村-阿尔山(天池景点、石塘林景点、杜鹃湖景点、三潭峡景点、松叶湖景点、玫瑰峰景点、五里泉景点、阿尔山矿泉群景点、驼峰岭景点、好森沟景点、不冻河景点、哈拉哈河景点)-道乐都景区-诺门罕景区-新巴尔虎左旗(甘珠尔庙景点)-红花尔基国家森林公园旅游区-伊敏煤电厂工业旅游景点-白音呼硕旅游区-鄂温克族自治旗(鄂温克民族博物馆)-海拉尔区(侵华日军海拉尔要塞遗址景点、西山国家森林公园景点)-鄂温克旗五泉山旅游点-牙克石市(凤凰山庄旅游区)-巴林喇嘛山旅游点-鹿鸣山庄旅游点-雅鲁河漂流旅游点-秀水山庄旅游点-扎兰屯市(吊桥公园旅游点)-成吉思汗风景区-齐齐哈尔市。 线路特点:以草原、森林、冰雪观光旅游、民俗风情体验和温泉疗养度假旅游为主,是哈尔滨旅游的延长线,其中冰雪旅游和温泉疗养旅游是主要内容。 3.俄罗斯风情、中俄边境风光和古城遗址游 满洲里市(国门景点、中俄互市贸易区景点、市内观光景点)-俄罗斯后贝加尔斯克-俄罗斯红石市(访问俄罗斯家庭别墅、观看俄罗斯民族歌舞表演、购物)-黑山头口岸(中俄界河风光游景点、黑山头古城遗址景点)-拉布大林镇(中国俄罗斯族民俗旅游点)-海拉尔区(侵华日军海拉尔要塞遗址景点、西山国家森林公园景点)。 线路特点:由满洲里口岸出境,游览俄罗斯红石市后,当天或者次日由额尔古纳市的黑山头口岸入境,是一条具有中、俄两国旅游内容的旅游环线,既可以体验俄罗斯风情,又可以饱览中俄界河额尔古纳河风光和黑山头古城遗址。 航天科普、沙漠观光旅游 阿拉善左旗距银川110公里,距乌海市130公里,距阿拉善右旗510公里,阿拉善左旗距额济纳旗630公里,路面均为二级柏油公路。经过多年的发展,阿拉善盟推出了以阿左旗境内为主要旅游景点的大环线和小环线旅游。 推荐线路: 1.大环线:银川-阿左旗巴彦浩特-阿拉善右旗-东风航天城-额济纳旗-阿左旗-银川。 途中的主要游览景点有:阿拉善左旗广宗寺旅游区、福因寺旅游区、延福寺、阿拉善王府、月亮湖沙漠探险旅游区、天鹅湖旅游区、哈布茨盖怪石园;阿拉善右旗大漠民俗度假村、曼德拉山岩画景区、红墩子峡谷景区、海森楚鲁怪石景区、特布希庙景区、巴丹吉林沙漠景区;东风航天城、额济纳旗八道桥沙漠胡杨旅游区、怪树林、黑城子、红城、绿城、一二三塔。 2.小环线一:银川-中卫-巴彦浩特-银川。 途中主要游览的景点有西夏王陵、西夏影视城、通湖草原旅游区、沙坡头旅游区、阿拉善左旗广宗寺旅游区、月亮湖沙漠探险旅游区。 3.小环线二:银川-巴彦浩特-阿右旗-金昌。 途中游览的主要景区有阿拉善左旗广宗寺旅游区、月亮湖沙漠探险旅游区、哈布茨盖怪石园、阿右旗大漠民俗度假村、曼德拉山岩画景区、红墩子峡谷景区、海森楚鲁怪石景区、特布希庙景区、巴丹吉林沙漠景区。 4.小环线三:银川-巴彦浩特-额济纳旗-东风航天城-酒泉送团。 途中游览的主要景点有广宗寺旅游区、月亮湖沙漠探险旅游区、哈布茨盖怪石园、额济纳旗东风航天城、八道桥沙漠胡杨旅游区、怪树林、黑城子、红城、绿城、一二三塔。The most potential for development of tourism routesXilinhaote - Chifeng, Mongolia, prairie culture of Liao Dynasty, geological wonders, hot spring holiday is the 4 Inner Mongolia tourism products line. The tourist routes across Xilinguole Meng, Chifeng, Tongliao city of 3 alliance city. Tourist route through regions include Horqin grassland in Horqin sandy land, Bahrain, prairie, Hunshandake sand land, grassland, the southern section of Yanshan mountains in Greater Khingan Range, Hill - seven old mountain geographical unit. The tour the particular location, away from Beijing City, Chengde City, Shenyang City, Zhangjiakou City and other large and medium-sized city closer, and convenient transportation links, especially with the city of Beijing, Chengde two important tourist city adjacent, can make use of advantages, composition of cross-regional tourist routes. The tour is the part of the tourism resources in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region one of the richest areas of tourism resources, not only abundant tourism resources, but also various types, including nearly all of Inner Mongolias tourism resources. At the same time, the tour is also typical, especially the Xilin Gol prairie, a SiHa plans Shilin, the yuan capital site, Liao cultural sites, Bahrain stone, Mongolia customs nationality has high tourism value, is the trump card of Inner Mongolia tourism resources. Therefore, the line to the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is the most development potential of tourist routes, but also the first to become North China tourism tourist routes.Recommended route: the prairie style, geological wonders TourismBeijing - Zhangjiakou - Taipusiqi (Gong Baolige tourism area in Fengning county ( county ) - Department of religious temple attractions, hall of Shanxi attractions ) - Zhenglan Banner ( yuan on all sites tourism zone, Jin Lianchuan prairie and Kublai summer tourist area ) - Xilinhaote ( Huitengxile grassland tourism, Pingdingshan tourism, Xiritala grassland tourism point, Xilin River Bay 9tourist spots, Baiyinxile FARH, tourism area, tourism point of Prince Temple ) - Hexigten Banner ( as in Lake tourism area, tourism area, Baiyin Aobao Huanggang beam tourism area, tourism area a SiHa plans, hot pool Tourism Zone) - ( Red Mountain National Forest Park tourist area Kalaqin flag ( Mongolia ) - Qing Dynasty palace tourist spots - Chengde - Beijing ).Characteristics of line: the tourist line has two entrance, one is the Zhangjiakou, Taipusiqi to Zhenglan; two is the Feng County, county to Zhenglan banner. The lines of tourism theme is the grassland ecology, ethnic customs, Yuan culture and geological wonders tourism, its core tourism area is the yuan capital site, neighboring Xilinhaote prairie, a SiHa plans, Kalaqin Qing Dynasty palace Mongolia stone forest, and Chengde, paddock, Fengning and other neighboring famous tourist area of complementary resources, road and convenient transportation links, all fronts for more than two highway, suitable for self driving travel.Mongolia ethnic culture, desert tourismHohhot - Baotou - Erdos history culture and folk customs of Inner Mongolia Midwest tour. The tour includes Hohhot City, Baotou City, Wulanchabu City, Bayannaoer city and Erdos City5city, grassland, desert, rivers, lakes, forests, folk and ethnic culture, cultural relics and historic sites, industrial and agricultural achievements and so on many kinds of tourism resources, tourism, launched a natural history and culture, folk customs, industry and agriculture tourism, business exhibition a number of tourism products, around Hohhot City, Baotou City, Erdos City, Wulanchabu city and Bayannaoer City Tourism Center City, with the surrounding city as the basis, combined launched5 tourism lines ( large line of Branch Road), each line has a different theme and content, a total tourism scenic area (spot) to promote39.Recommended circuit:1grassland culture, customs, borderBeijing city (after Changping, Badaling high-speed, high-speed announced major ) - Datong - Liangcheng county (2what national Forest Park tourism area, Lake tourist area ) - Hohhot City ( called tourist spots, wutasi tourism, tourism area, tourism, the tomb of Zhaojun point, Inner Mongolia Museum, Yashu general Museum, Chile Chuan people Tourism Resort - county ( ) of HADAMEN NATIONAL Forest Park ecological leisure tourist area ) - Siziwangqi ( Tara Gergen Grassland Tourism Zone in Erenhot city ( two ) - even abroad tourist area, the dinosaur museum, Mongolia Grand View Garden ) - the police right after the flag ( Mongolia blue camp tourist area, the temple tourist area ) - Jining district - county ( hematoxylin mountain tourist zone, waterlogged Lek sea tourism area ) - Zhangjiakou - Beijing city.Characteristics of line: the tourist line in Beijing is a tourist and big ring, in temperate grassland, Mongolia culture and the Mongolian border customs tourism, with cultural relics and historic sites, forest, hot spring tourism, vacation tourism. In transportation, long-distance traffic to aircraft, mainly the train; short-haul traffic to the main passenger car. Because the traffic is convenient, visitors can also be self driving travel.2national culture, desert style TourBeijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou - Hohhot City ( called tourist spots, wutasi tourist spots, Zhaojun tomb tourism area, tourism, the Inner Mongolia Museum, Yashu general Museum, Chile Chuan people resort ) - ( the Hasuhai Lake Tourism Zone ) - tumed Right Banner ( meidaizhao tourist spots - Baotou city ( ) Baotou City Plaza, the new century youth ecological park, North City, five ordnance industry when called tourist zone) - Wulateqianqi (WBL Golf grassland ecological tourist zone, Wuliangsu Lake Tourism Zone) - banner ( night singing sand, road through desert tourism area spots ( Mausoleum of Genghis Khan ) - Yijinhuoluo cultural tourism zone, Shendong Coal Industrial Tourism Dongsheng district ( District ) - Erdos world Jane Park tourism region, Erdos cashmere sweater factory ) - Dalate flag ( the sounding Sand Bay Tourism Zone, an desert ecological tourist zone) - Baotou city.Characteristics of line: the tourist line in Inner Mongolia culture, desert style tour, with lakes, Meadows Golf Resort and tourism industry, agricultural tourism, transportation to the main vehicle, is also a good self driving tours.border tourismRecommended circuit:1grassland, forest, Wen Quanyou, borderManchuria city ( the country sights, Sino-Russian trade area attractions, city sightseeing attractions ) - Dalai Lake Tourist Area - called a small estuary and Noel prairie tourist zone ( call and Noel tourism, film and Television City, Golden Horde attractions, Bayan hada attractions ) - Hailar zone ( Japanese Hailar fortress ruins, Xishan Scenic Spots national Forest Park attractions ) - Evenk ( Ewenki Museum ) - white tone called large tourist area - the Yimin power plant industrial tourist attractions - Honghuaerji national Forest Park tourist area - the - free Scenic Area - Ledu area - Arxan City Tianchi scenic spot, stone ( Tanglin sights, attractions,3gorge cuckoo lake, Pine Lake scenic spot rose spots, spots, five spots in the spring peak, Quan Arxan tourism resort, hump ridge Tianchi scenic spot, gully attractions, not frozen river scenic spots, the Khalkha ) - Chaersen Mongolia package tour village - Ulanhot city ( five one on the site of attractions, Ulav office site attractions, Gen Gi Khan Royal Garden spots, Gen Gi Khan horse racing scene, King Temple scenic spots)Characteristics of line: in grassland, forest, snow and ice tourism, folk custom amorous experience and spa holiday tourism, both the border and exotic tourist bus line.2hot spring resort and the grassland TourQigihar city - Banner - Ulanhot city ( five one on the site of attractions, Ulav office site attractions, Gen Gi Khan temple, the temple Wang attractions attractions ) - Chaersen Mongolia package tour village - Arxan ( Tianchi attractions, stone Tanglin sights, attractions,3gorge cuckoo lake, Pine Lake scenic spots, spots rose peak, five spring attractions attractions Arxan mineral group, attractions, scenic spots, hump ridge good-ditch scenic spots, not frozen river scenic spot, the Khalkha ) - Ledu scenic spots - free Scenic Area - the ( Ganzhuermiao, attractions ) - Honghuaerji national Forest Park tourism districts - Yimin power plant industrial tourist attractions - white tone called large tourist area - the Evenk ( Ewenki Museum ) - Hailar zone ( Japanese Hailar fortress ruins attractions, Xishan National Forest Park attractions ) - Ewenki flag Wuquan mountain tourist attractions - Yakeshi city ( Phoenix Hill tourist area ) - Bahrain Lama Mountain Tourism - Ming villa tourist point - Ya Lu River rafting tourist spots - Xiushui hills tourist spots - Zhalantun city ( the drawbridge Park point ) - Gen Gi Khan Scenic Area - Qigihar city.Characteristics of line: in grassland, forest, snow and ice tourism, folk custom amorous experience and spa holiday tourism, Harbin tourism is the extension line, wherein the ice snow tourism and spa tourism is the main content of.3Russian customs, the Sino-Russian border scenery and the ancient city ruins TourismManchuria city ( the country sights, Sino-Russian trade area attractions, city sightseeing attractions ) - Russian Zabaikalsk - Russian tour city ( visit Russia family villa, to watch the Russian ethnic song and dance performances, shopping ) - Montenegro head port (Russia boundary river scenery attractions, the Black Hills the ruins of the ancient city attractions ) - Labudalin town ( China Russian folklore tourism point ) - Hailar zone ( Japanese Hailar fortress ruins attractions, Xishan National Forest Park attractions ).Characteristics of line: from the Manchuria port of exit, visiting Russia tour city, day or the next day by the EerguNa city of Montenegro is a port of entry, with Russia, Tourist Tourist link, can experience the Russian customs, but also can enjoy the Sino-Russian Boundary River EerguNa River and the black hills city site.space science, desert tourismAlashan Prefecture110 kilometers away from Yinchuan,130 kilometers from the city of Wuhai,510 kilometers away from Alashan Right Banner, Alashan Prefecture630 kilometers away from Ejinaqi, the road is two grade asphalt highway. After years of development, we introduced a Azuoqi territory as the main tourist attractions of the big loop and small loop tourism.Recommended circuit:1link: Yinchuan - China - Alashan Azuoqi Youqi - Dongfeng space city - Ejinaqi - a Zunqi - Yinchuan.En route to the main attractions are: Alashan Zuoqi Gua
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