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TagQuestions反意疑问句 Whowillbethewinner 100A 100C 100B 200A 200B 200C 300A 300B 300C Competition1 Challengeyourself Grammar 反意疑问句 1 Sheisastudent isn tshe 2 WespeakChinese don twe 一 定义 当我们陈述了一个事实 而又不是很有把握 就可以在陈述句后加一个简短问句 称为反意疑问句 例 二 结构 结构一 前肯 后否eg Sheisastudent isn tshe 结构二 前否 后肯eg Sheisn tastudent isshe 三 反意疑问句的解答步骤 Jackwasn tplayingsoccer TheirparentshavegonetoLondon Ihaveneverbeentothepark Youhaveagoodfriend Wehadameeting washe haven tthey haven tI didn twe don tyou 1 判定 判断该用肯定还是否定 2 找动 找句子的助动词 be用be 动词原形do 三单does 过去did 完成have 3 换代 将主语换为代词 be动词 is are was were 的句型 现在主语 is are isn t aren t 主语 过去主语 was were wasn t weren t 主语 1Heisyouruncle 2Youarenotstudents 3Thestudentsaregoingtohaveapicnic 4Kateisn tfromtheUSA 5HewasGerman 6TheGreensweren tathomelastnight isn the areyou aren tthey isshe wasn the werethey 2 一般动词 play study watch等 句型 现在主语 play plays don t doesn t 主语 过去主语 played didn t 主语 1Yourmotherlikescooking 2Hehasanapple 3Theplanetookoffanhourago 4Hedidn tgotoschoollatethismorning Lucystudiedpopmusic 6Youhaveagoodtime doesn tshe don tyou didn tit doesn the didhe didn tshe 3 情态动词 can will 的反意疑问句 主语 can will can t won t 主语 1Tomcanswimverywell 2Yourparentscan tswim 3Allofyourfriendswillcometoyourparty 4Theywon tcome canthey can the won tthey willthey 4 完成时的反意疑问句 主语 have has 过去分词 haven t hasn t 主语 1Youhaveheardofhim 2HehasbeentoAmerica 3Marryhasn tlivedinthecountryside 4Youhaven tbeentoShanghai 5TheyhaveneverbeentoHongKong haven tyou hasn the hasshe haveyou havethey 5 Therebe句型的反意疑问句 1Thereisapenonthechair 2Thereare60studentsinourclass 3Therewasnothinginthefridge 4Therewillbeapaperfactorynearmyhomeinabout2years isn tthere wasthere won tthere aren tthere Thereis are willbe isn t aren t won tthere 6 当陈述部分有never seldom 很少 hardly 几乎不 few little nothing 没有 等否定意义的词时 后面的反意疑问句则为肯定形式 1 Theyhavenevervisitedhishome 2 Therearefewapplesinthebasket 3 Hecanhardlyswim 4 Ithasnolegs 5 Thereislittlewaterintheglass 6 Theyseldom很少comelate arethere canhe doesit isthere dothey havethey 7 祈使句的反意疑问句 1Don tbelate 2Havearest 3Speaklouder 4Don twaitforme willyou 祈使句 willyou willyou willyou willyou Let shavearest 包括听话者 Letushavearest 不包括听话者 willyou shallwe 8 Let s的反意疑问句shallwe 8YouhaveneverbeentoBeijing 9Hedidn tsayanythingaboutyourmistakes 10Tomcanswimverywell 11Allofyourfriendswillcometoyourparty 12Thereisapenonthechair 13Thereisnothinginthefridge 14Therewillbeapaperfactorynearmyhomeinabout2years 15Openyourbooks 16Don tgoacrosstheroadnow 17Let swait 18Letushavearest haveyou didhe can the won tthey isn tthere isthere won tthere willyou willyou shallwe willyou 100A 100C 100B 200A 200B 200C 300A 300B 300C Competition1 Challengeyourself Theyusuallyhaveawalkaftersupper don tthey Therewillbeanexamsoon won tthere Badluck Youlose100points Congratulations Youareverylucky andyouget200points Therearefewpeopleinthestreet A aren tthereB arethereC aretheyD aren tthey B Hewashardlytwelvethen 那时他还不到12岁吧 对吗 washe 1 Lindawenttothezoothreetimeslastyear didn tshe 2 Thisisyoursister isn tshe 1 Tomisaworker isn tTom 找错 2 Youcanswim cannotyou 找错 3 Hehadlunch doesn the 找错 isn the can tyou didn the Hehasfewfriendsintheschool doeshe TheyhaveneverbeentotheUSA havethey 100A 100C 100B 200A 200B 200C 300A 300B 300C Competition2 Workinpairs Askandanswer 结对活动问答 Itisacow isn tit Yes itis Badluck Youlose100points Theyarepictures aren tthey Yes theyare Congratulations Youareverylucky andyouget200points Youliveinasmalltown don tyou Yes Ido Lingmingmakeslotsoffriends doesn the Yes hedoes canhe Yes hecan Beckhamcan tplayfootball Youlikerockmusic don tyou Yes Ido No Idon t HeneverspeaksEnglish doeshe Yes hedoes 4 你听流行音乐 是吗 Youlistentopopmusic you 5 它当然是传统音乐 对吗 It scertainlyverytraditional 6 你喜欢古典音乐 是吗 Youlikeclassicalmusic 他住在维也纳 对吗 HelivedinVienna don t isn tit don tyou didn the 8 你父母会游泳 是吗 Yourparentscanswim 9 他们从来没有到过香港 是吗 They HongKong they 10 你明天不上课 对吗 Youhave classtomorrow you can tthey haveneverbeento have do no 8YouhaveneverbeentoBeijing 9Hedidn tsayanythingaboutyourmistakes 10Tomcanswimverywell 11Allofyourfriendswillcometoyourparty 12Thereisapenonthechair 13Thereisnothinginthefridge 14Therewillbeapaperfactorynearmyhomeinabout2years 15Openyourbooks 16Don tgoacrosstheroadnow 17Let swait 18Letushavearest haveyou didhe can the won tthey isn tthere isthere won tthere willyou willyou shallwe willyou Youarelisteningtome YougotoschoolfromMondaytoFriday Hedidn tgotoschoollatethismorning YouhaveneverbeentoShanghai Thereare60Studentsinourclass aren tyou don tyou didhe haveyou aren tthere Matchthewordswiththepictures phoneInstrumentstringrecordingstudiorecordv recordn artistfiguremilkman Languagepractice Shedoesn tlikepopmusic doesshe You veheardofhim haven tyou HewasGerman wasn the Youlistentopopmusic don tyou It scertainlyverytraditional isn tit Vocabulary Yougotothelibrary TheycanhardlyspeakChinese You veneversunganEnglishsong Hehasanapple Openyourbooks Don tgoacrosstheroadnow Letusgocamping Let splaythegame don tyou haveyou doesn the willyou shallwe canthey willyou willyou Sally Hi John It salovelyday 1 John Yes itis You regoingonholidaytoday 2 Sally That sright Itoldyoulastweek 3 John Yes youdid Youdidn tgetmymessagelastnight 4 isn tit aren tyou didn tI didyou Writethemissingquestiontags A goonholiday 去度假 Sally No Ididn t Youdidn tcallme 5 John Yes Icalledabouteight Maybeyoudidn thearthephone didyou maybe放于句首maybe放于句中 youarewrong You wrong Maybe maybe Katy Youlikebluesmusic 1 Jenny Yes Ido Iplaytheguitar soIplayalotofbluesmusic Youcanplaytheguitar 2 Katy No Ican t Actually I masinger Idon tplayanyinstruments Youdidn tcometomylastconcert 3 don tyou can tyou didyou B Jenny No Iwasbusythatday YournextconcertisonSaturday 4 Katy Yes that sright Youarecoming 5 Jenny Yes ofcourse isn tit aren tyou Writewordsforthepictures composer singer rock opera musician singercomposerrockoperamusicianbluesclassicalguitarjazzpianopoptrumpetviolin Putthewordsintothecorrectcolumn TypesofmusicInstrumentsPeople bluesguitarcomposer classicaljazzpopoperarock pianotrumpetviolin musiciansinger Mozartwasacomposer Hewrote 1 musicand 2 Hismusicisdifficulttoplayandsing Musiciansand 3 trainforalongtimebeforetheycanplayandsingMozart smusic but 4 androckmusiciansdon ttrainmuch Completethepassagewiththewords singercomposerrockoperamusicianbluesclassicalguitarjazzpianopoptrumpetviolin classical operas singers pop Theirmostpopularinstrumentisthe 5 InAmerica blackmusiciansoftensingsadsongs Theycallthismusicthe 6 AnothertypeofmodernmusicfromAmericais 7 Thismusicoftenuses 8 andotherloudinstruments Weuse 9 andviolintoplayalltypesofmusic blues jazz trumpets piano guitar alltypes kindsofmusic各种各样的音乐 moveto 搬去 attheageof 在 几岁时buysb sth buysth forsb e g 妈妈买了一个MP3给我 Mymum me 4 makesth forsb 他给他妹妹做了个风筝 He hersister the20thcentury二十世纪二十一世纪thetwenty firstcentury boughtamp3for madeakitefor Reading 1 HowlongdidElvisliveinMemphis 2 WhatkindofmusicdidElvislike Activity7 Readandanswerthequestions HelivedinMemphisfor29years Gospel Hegottheguitarfromhisfather Becausetheguitarhadnostringsandhehadtodoapart timejobandboughtonestringamonth whenhewasayoungchild 3 Wheredidhegethisguitar 4 WhydoesthewritersayElviswasluckybecause aguitarhasonlysixstrings 5 DoyouthinkElviswasanartist Why Yes becausehewasthebiggestrocksinger hemadelotsoffilms hegothisownTVshowandgaveaverysuccessfulconcertandhewassoldoveronebillionrecords Writewordsforthepictures singer composer rock opera musician Activity4 Listasmanywordsasyoucan classicaljazzpopoperarocktechnorapwaltzgospel pianotrumpetviolindrumorgan musiciansingerfanartist Activity5 Completethepassage 1 classical2 operas3 singers4 pop5 guitar6 blues7 jazz8 trumpets9 piano Activity6 alltypesofmusic allkindsofmusic各种各样的音乐 Grammar 反意疑问句 当我们陈述了一个事实 而又不是很有把握 就可以在陈述句后加一个简短问句 称为反意疑问句 例 1 Youlikeclassicalmusic don tyou 2 HelivedinVienna too didn the 3 Yourparentscanswim can tthey 4 Tonydoesn tlikeclassicalmusic doesn the 5 Thismusicisn tverypopular isit 反意疑问句构成 助动词 系动词 肯定或否定 主语 代词 注意 1 前面的陈述句如果是肯定的 反意疑问句就要用否定形式 前面的陈述句如果是否定的 反意疑问句就要用肯定形式 2 反意疑问句的主语必须是代替前面主语的代词 3 反意疑问句的谓语动词在时态和人称上要与前面陈述句的谓语动词保持一致 4 陈述句部分如果有表否定意义的词 反意疑问句要用肯定形式 2 Youhavenoclasstomorrow doyou 3 Hewashardlytwelvethen washe 5 在回答反意疑问句时 要注意英汉两种语言习惯的差别 注意语调 询问问题用升调 核对信息用降调 例 1 Theyhavenevervisitedhishome havethey Matchthesentenceswiththequestiontags Youlikerockmusic Theysingwell Hehaswritten10newsongsthisyear Hewrotetraditionalmusic Shewasamusician Wecanpractiseafterschool Youdon tlikethissongmuch Theyhaveneverbeentoanyconcert Thismusicisn tverypopular HehasalotofCDs havethey can twe didn the doyou don tthey don tyou isit hasn the doesn the wasn tshe Activity1 Writethemissingquestiontags I Hi John It salovelyday Yes itis You regoingonholidaytoday That sright Itoldyoulastweek Yes youdid Youdidn tgetmymessagelastnight No Ididn t Youdidn tcallme Yes Icalledabouteight Maybeyoudidn thearthephone isn tit aren tyou didn tI didyou didyou Activity2 goonholiday 去度假 maybe放于句首maybe放于句中 youarewrong You wrong Maybe maybe Writethemissingquestiontags II Youlikebluesmusic Yes Ido Youcanplaytheguitar No Ican t Actually I masinger Youdidn tcometomylastconcert No Iwasbusythatday YournextconcertisonSaturday Yes that sright Youarecoming Yes ofcourse don tyou can tyou didyou isn tit aren tyou Activity2 moveto 搬去 attheageof 在 几岁时buysb sth buysth forsb e g 妈妈买了一个MP3给我 Mymum me 4 makesth forsb 他给他妹妹做了个风筝 He hersister the20thcentury二十世纪二十一世纪thetwenty firstcentury boughtamp3for madeakitefor Listenandanswerthequestions 1 WheredoesAmystudy 2 Whatdoesshethinkcanhelppeopleunderstandmusicofanykind 3 Whatkindofmusicdoesn tAmylike 4 Howdidherinterestinclassicalmusicstart 5 Whodoesn tmindclassicalmusic 6 Whatkindofmusicdidshetryhardtoenjoy AtPurcellSchool Listeningtoitmorecarefullyandtryingtofindoutaboutit Rap Bylisteningtoitplayingathomewhenshewasachild ManyofAmy sfriends Rockmusic Activity8 Aroundtheworld Theorchestra Whatisanorchestra Whatinstrumentsdotheyuse Whoistheorchestraledby Moduletask Talkingaboutthemusicyoulikebest Usethewordsinthebox Ilike It s Idon tlike It s Ithas is Doyoulike Yes Ido No Idon t It s beautifuldramaticfastfunlivelymodernsadseriousslowstrongrhythmstraditional HomeworkFinishalltheExx 反意疑问句 一 陈述句 肯定式 疑问部分 否定式 be动词 is are was were 的句型 2 一般动词 play study watch等 句型 3 情态动词 can will 的反意疑问句4 完成时的反意疑问句 现在主语 is are isn t aren t 主语 过去主语 was were wasn t weren t 主语 现在主语 play plays don t doesn t 主语 过去主语 played didn t 主语 现在主语 can will can t won t 主语 主语 have has 过去分词 haven t hasn t 主语 结构一 前肯 后否Be动词 1 Youareanactor 2 Heisagoodboy 3 It


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