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Commvault Simpana 9学习手册1:Commserve的安装Commvault Simpana 9简介Commvault Simpana 9 备份与恢复软件是现代化数据管理解决方案的基础。相比松散集成的传统解决方案,现代化解决方案允许用户更好地管理信息资产,更快地恢复数据,并最终节约成本。慷孚对Simpana 9软件进行了优化,以保护数据和信息资产,无论它们保存在物理位置、虚拟位置还是保存在云中。它提供了真正意义上的一体化方案,帮助用户实现意想不到的结果。 降低多达50%的数据保护成本。 在不到17分钟的时间里实现对500台虚拟机的保护。 减少一半的备份窗口。 近实时的数据和应用恢复。 整个网络的数据传输量减少90%。 无缝地将数据保护扩展到云,并从云扩展到本地。 从传统备份解决方案迁移到Simpana 9只需几天(而非几周)。Commvault Simpana 9的架构Commvault Simpana 9采用三层备份架构由以下几个组件构成:CommServer 主控服务器、MediaAgent 备份服务器,介质服务器、iDataAgent 备份客户端Commvault 3个层次作用如下: CV备份服务器:又叫Master Server或Manager Server。该模块在每个备份系统中,必须有且只有1个。该模块是管理所有的备份任务,策略和客户端信息的。 CV介质服务器:又叫Media Server或Media Agent。该模块在每个备份系统中,至少要有1个,也可以是多个。该模块是将数据写到介质中的。该软件模块可以安装在不同平台的操作系统上。 CV备份客户端:又叫iDataAgent。该模块是从客户端将数据读出,并且传送到介质服务器上。iDataAgent又多种类型,包括文件的,数据库的,邮件系统的等等。Commvault Simpana 9的安装插入光盘开始安装,选择安装使用的语言选择在此计算机上安装Simpana进入安装的欢迎界面建议安装过程中关闭杀毒软件安装协议选择安装的组件,其中CommServe是备份管理服务器必须的组件,另外还要安装CommCell控制平台对其进行管理,还可安装MediaAgentCommNet Server安装要求系统最少2G的内存,不然无法安装Commvault Simpana 9推荐的内存数为4G需要安装.NET Framework安装.NET Framework安装MSSQL作为Commvault Simpana 9的数据库,输入sa的秘密确认建立数据库引擎的专用实例指定数据库引擎的安装路径指定数据库的安装路径开始安装数据库,Commvault Simpana 9的数据库采用SQL Server 2008指定CommServe客户端名称及主机名防火墙设置指定Commvault Simpana 9的安装目录指定Commvault Simpana 9的数据库目录为Commvault Simpana 9创建数据库Commvault Simpana 9的灾难恢复路径,可以选择备份到本地也可以选择网络路径指定Commvault Simpana 9管理平台的用户名和密码Commvault Simpana 9软件缓存的设置指定缓存路径自动更新设置提示子客户端没有配置存储策略显示安装摘要提示创建计划完成安装Commvault Simpana 9学习手册2:Windows客户端的安装Commvault Simpana 9学习手册1中介绍了服务器端的安装,CommServe用于集中管理备份客户端,分发策略,在应用服务器上还需要安装Commvault Simpana安装客户端来完成备份工作。首先在“客户端计算机”上点击右键“新客户端”选择“windows”客户端指定客户端名称及主机地址完成后在客户端计算机列表中就有了新增加的这台客户端了由于新增的客户端还没有安装客户端软件因此需要先“释放客户端许可证”,之后才能远程安装客户端软件释放许可证之后客户端计算机变成灰色选择安装软件开始安装向导选择软件缓存输入账户信息,需要对客户端有管理员权限的账号选择安装的软件包,Commvault提供了非常丰富的应用支持软件包Commvault 软件包配置客户端的策略应用软件包的安装选项客户端的安装选项安装作业计划安装摘要安装完成后可以看到win2k3-b的客户端安装了文件系统及SQL Server的代理。Commvault Simpana 9学习手册3:Linux、Unix客户端的安装Commvault Simpana提供了非常丰厚的客户端支持,除了常见的Windows系统,Linux及Unix也有客户端的支持,并且安装过程也非常简便。首先挂载Commvault Simpana的安装光盘rootlocalhost # mount /dev/cdrom /media/mount: block device /dev/cdrom is write-protected, mounting read-only光盘目录如下:rootlocalhost # cd /media/rootlocalhost media# lsacsls_utils fw_utils linux-ia64-glibc2.3aix5.3 get_glibc_ver linux-ia64-glibc2.5aix6.1 hp11.11 osf15.1AllTimeStamps_1281073120.txt hp11.23 pkg.xmlbranding hp11.23-ia64 reducedSP.shcvpkgadd hp11.31 registrycvpkgcheck hp11.31-ia64 silent_answer_example.xmlcvpkgoem ksh silent_installcvpkgrm linux-glibc2.3 simdarwin linux-glibc2.3-ppc64 solaris2.10db2_add_utils linux-glibc2.3-s390 solaris2.10-x86_64detect linux-glibc2.3-x86_64 solaris2.8eula_100.txt linux-glibc2.4 solaris2.9eula_101.txt linux-glibc2.4-x86_64 ssseula_102.txt linux-glibc2.5 supporteula_17.txt linux-glibc2.5-x86_64 timestamp.txteula_1.txt linux-glibc2.7 utilseula.txt linux-glibc2.7-x86_64 versionfreebsd7 linux-glibc2.9 xmlfreebsd7-x86_64 linux-glibc2.9-x86_64rootlocalhost media#执行./cvpkgadd进行安装,进入欢迎界面rootlocalhost media# ./cvpkgaddRestarting in pdksh-v5.2.14.Assigning setup GUID. 9-84-localhost.localdomain--4950Simpana 9.0.0 (BUILD84) Linux glibc2.5- CommVault _ _ / _(_)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | | _ _ | _ / _ | _ / _ | _ | | | | | | | |_) | (_| | | | | (_| | _/|_|_| |_| |_| ._/ _,_|_| |_|_,_| |_| 9.0.0(BUILD84) Welcome to CommVault Systems, Inc. Simpana.For support please visit/support, or send an email , or call US/CANADA (Toll Free) (877) 780-3077;INTERNATIONAL (732) 571-2160. This script will install Simpana backup system on this machine. Log messages will be sent to /tmp/.gxsetup/cvpkgadd.log.4950. Press to start .同意安装协议Simpana 9.0.0 (BUILD84) Linux glibc2.5-EULA Press to review Simpana End User License Agreement .Do you accept the terms of this license agreement? yes选择1,在本地安装Commvault Simpana agentSimpana 9.0.0 (BUILD84) Linux glibc2.5-Unix Setup Task MenuPlease select a setup task you want to perform from the list below:Advanced options provide extra setup features such as creating custom package,recording/replaying user selections and installing External Data Connectorsoftware. 1) Install data protection agents on this computer 2) Advanced options 3) Exit this menuYour choice: 1选择在物理机上安装Commvault SimpanaSimpana 9.0.0 (BUILD84) Linux glibc2.5-Cluster SupportCertain Simpana packages can be associated with a virtual IP, or in otherwords, installed on a virtual machine belonging to some cluster. At anygiven time the virtual machines services and IP address are active on onlyone of the clusters servers. The virtual machine can fail-over from oneserver to another, which includes stopping services and deactivating IPaddress on the first server and activating the IP address/services on theother server.You now have a choice of performing a regular Simpana install on the physicalhost or installing Simpana on a virtual machine for operation within acluster.Most users should select Install on a physical machine here. 1) Install on a physical machine 2) Install on a virtual machine 3) Exit this menuYour choice: 1输入物理机的计算机名Simpana 9.0.0 (BUILD84) Linux glibc2.5-Physical Machine Host NameWe found one network interface available on your machine. We will associate itwith the physical machine being installed, and it will also be used by theCommServe to connect to the physical machine. Note that you will be able toadditionally customize Datapipe Interface Pairs used for the backup datatraffic later in the Simpana Java GUI.Please check the interface name below, and make corrections if necessary:Physical Machine Host Name: redhat-a选择需要安装agent,输入相应的数字回车即可,选择完成之后输入dSimpana 9.0.0 (BUILD84) Linux glibc2.5-Install Simpana on physical machine redhat-aPlease select the Simpana module(s) that you would like to install.X 1) MediaAgent 1301 CVGxMAX 2) UNIX File System iDataAgent 1101 CVGxIDA 3) ProxyHost iDataAgent 1102 CVGxProxyIDA 4) Documentum iDataAgent 1126 CVGxDctmIDA 5) Oracle iDataAgent 1204 CVGxOrIDA 6) SAP for Oracle 1205 CVGxOrSAP 7) SAP for MaxDB 1206 CVGxSAPMAXDB 8) Informix iDataAgent 1201 CVGxIfIDA 9) Sybase iDataAgent 1202 CVGxSybIDA 10) DB2 iDataAgent 1207 CVGxDB2 11) MySQL iDataAgent 1208 CVGxMySQL 12) PostGres iDataAgent 1209 CVGxPostGres 13) Lotus Notes Database iDataAgent 1051 CVGxLndbIDA ) NEXT PAGE a=all n=none r=reverse q=quit d=done =next ,? here:是否输入licenseSimpana 9.0.0 (BUILD84) Linux glibc2.5-Install Agents for Restore Only?Do you want to install the agents for restore only without consuming licenses? no选择安装介质,2为本地Simpana 9.0.0 (BUILD84) Linux glibc2.5-Keep Your Install Up to Date - Installation Scripts PackInstallation Scripts Pack provides extra functions and latest support and fixperformed during setup time. Please specify how you want to get this pack.If you choose to download it from the website now, please make sure you haveinternet connectivity at this time. This process may take some time dependingon the internet connectivity. 1) Download from the software provider website. 2) Use the one in the installation media. 3) Use the copy I already have by entering its unix path.Your choice: 1 2选择安装路径Simpana 9.0.0 (BUILD84) Linux glibc2.5-Keep Your Install Up to Date - Latest Service PackLatest Service Pack provides extra functions and latest support and fix forthe packages you are going to install. You can download the latest servicepack from software provider website.If you decide to download it from the website now, please make sure you haveinternet connectivity at this time. This process may take some time dependingon the internet connectivity.Do you want to download it from internet now? noSimpana CVGxBase0 for Linux glibc2.5-Simpana Installation DirectoryPlease specify where you want us to install Simpana binaries.It must be a local directory and there should be at least 142MB of free spaceavailable. All files will be installed in a simpana subdirectory, so if youenter /opt, the files will actually be placed into /opt/simpana.Installation Directory: /optSimpana CVGxBase0 for Linux glibc2.5-Simpana Log DirectoryPlease specify where you want to keep Simpana log files.It must be a local directory and there should be at least 100MB of free spaceavailable. All log files will be created in a simpana/Log_Filessubdirectory, so if you enter /var/log, the logs will actually be placedinto /var/log/simpana/Log_Files.Log Directory: /var/log是否建立专门的备份用户组Simpana CVGxBase0 for Linux glibc2.5-Simpana GroupMost of Simpana processes run with root privileges, but some are launched bydatabases and inherit database access rights. To make sure that registry andlog files can be written to by both kinds of processes we can either make suchfiles world-writeable or we can grant write access only to processes belongingto a particular group, e.g. a simpana or a dba group.We highly recommend now that you create a new user group and enter its name inthe next setup screen. If you choose not to assign a dedicated group toSimpana processes, you willl need to specify the access permissions later.If youre planning to backup Oracle DB you should use dba group.Would you like to assign a specific group to Simpana? yes no确认用户权限Simpana CVGxBase0 for Linux glibc2.5-Access Permissions for Other UsersInstaller will assign full access rights to root user and its belonging groupfor all installed Simpana files and its processes.For any other users, you can specify the access permissions now.However, since you chose not to assign a dedicated group in previous step,make sure you specify sufficient access rights for other users if you are alsoplanning to install Simpana agents involving third party software protection.X 1) Allow read permission to other usersX 2) Allow write permission to other usersX 3) Allow execute permission to other usersa=all n=none r=reverse q=quit d=done =next ,? here:选择agent使用的端口号,默认是8400,这里8400的端口已经被占用,安装程序会自动向后选择端口,直到端口可用Simpana 9.0.0 (BUILD84) CVGxBase for Linux glibc2.5-Instance Port NumbersEvery instance of Simpana should use a unique set of network ports to avoidinterfering with other instances running on the same machine.The port numbers selected must be from the reserved port number range and havenot been registered by another application on this machine.Please enter the port numbers.Port Number for CVD : 8400Simpana 9.0.0 (BUILD84) CVGxBase for Linux glibc2.5-Instance Port NumbersEvery instance of Simpana should use a unique set of network ports to avoidinterfering with other instances running on the same machine.The port numbers selected must be from the reserved port number range and havenot been registered by another application on this machine.Please enter the port numbers.Port Number for CVD : 8403Port Number for EvMgrC: 8402* Port 8402 is already reserved in /etc/services.Press to try again .Port Number for EvMgrC: 8403* CVD and EvMgrC cannot share the same port number.Press to try again .Port Number for EvMgrC: 8404防火墙设置Simpana 9.0.0 (BUILD84) CVGxBase for Linux glibc2.5-Firewall ConfigurationIs there a firewall between this client and the CommServe? no指定CommServe的服务器地址Simpana 9.0.0 (BUILD84) CVGxBase for Linux glibc2.5-CommServe Host NamePlease specify hostname of the CommServe below. Make sure the hostname isfully qualified, resolvable by the name services configured on this machine.CommServe Host Name: 选择使用的存储策略Simpana 9.0.0 (BUILD84) CVGxIDA for Linux glibc2.5-Storage PolicyPlease select one storage policy for this IDA from the list below: 1) dc-4week-1cyclesStorage Policy: 1是否需要在另一台服务器上安装agentSimpana 9.0.0 (BUILD84) Linux glibc2.5-Cluster SupportCertain Simpana packages can be associated with a virtual IP, or in otherwords, installed on a virtual machine belonging to some cluster. At anygiven time the virtual machines services and IP address are active on onlyone of the clusters servers. The virtual machine can fail-over from oneserver to another, which includes stopping services and deactivating IPaddress on the first server and activating the IP address/services on theother server.Currently you have Simpana installed on physical node redhat-a(redhat-a).Now you have a choice of either adding another package to the existinginstallation or configure Simpana on a virtual machine for use in a cluster. 1) Add another package to redhat-a(redhat-a) 2) Install Simpana on a virtual machine 3) Exit this menuYour choice: 13完成安装Simpana 9.0.0 (BUILD84) Linux glibc2.5-DoneThank you for choosing CommVault Systems, Inc. Simpana.For support please visit/support, or send an email , or call US/CANADA (Toll Free) (877) 780-3077;INTERNATIONAL (732) 571-2160.Please take a moment to visit CommVault Systems, Inc. Simpana Web site at/supportto download the latest Simpana Updates andService Packs.客户端安装完毕之后到CommCell控制台进行“注册客户端”指定客户端地址及端口号是否改写客户端名称及主机名确认添加配置完成添加后就可用看到Redhat-a的主机及其安装的agentCommvault Simpana 9学习手册4:库(library)的配置在Commvault Simpana中,备份的存放介质都是以库(library)的方式存在,磁带以磁带库的方式,磁盘以磁盘库的方式,进行备份作业前需要进行库的配置,也就是需要定义一下备份资料存放的区域。存储空间以库的方式被存储策略进行调用。在这里的测试环境中没有磁带库及磁盘阵列,只能做本地硬盘及网络共享磁盘的配置,其原理是一样的。首先在“存储资源”“库”“库及驱动器配置”,新建一个库选择库所在的mediaagent如果有磁带库或者磁盘阵列等SCSI设备软件可以自动检测到,其他设备需要手动添加选择添加磁盘库为新添加的磁盘库起个名称选择本地磁盘库所在的路径添加好一个库的磁盘一个磁盘库下可以指定多个存储的文件夹路径指定网络共享的磁盘库的路径在“共享磁盘设备”下可以查看win2k3这个mediaagent下指定的磁盘win2k3-a这个mediaagent下的库及其所拥有的磁盘设备到这里Commvault Simpana 9的库就定义好了,接下来就可以用到存储策略的配置中。Commvault Simpana 9学习手册5:存储策略的配置存储策略是用来被备份策略调用的,存储策略定义了备份内容存储到哪里,存储多长时间,几个周期,以及是否使用
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