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张汉熙高级英语第三版中的Paraphrase 高级英语第二册Lesson 1 Pub Talk and the Kings English1. And it is an activity only of humans.And conversation is an activity which is found only among human beings.2. Conversation is not for making a point.Conversation is not for persuading others to accept our ideas or points of views. In a conversation we should not try to establish the force of an idea or argument.3. In fact, the best conversationalists are those who are prepared to lose.In fact, people who really enjoy and are good at conversation will not argue to win or force others to accept his ideas.4. Bar friends are not deeply involved in each others lives.People who meet each other for a drink in the bar of a pub are not close/ intimate friends for they are not deeply absorbed in each others private lives.5. .it could still go ignorantly on.The conversation could go on without anybody knowing who was right or wrong.6. There are cattle in the fields ,but we sit down to beef (boeuf ).These animals are called cattle when they are alive and feeding in the fields; but when we sit down at the table to eat, we call their meet beef.7. The new ruling class had built a cultural barrier against him by building their French against his own language.The new ruling class by using French instead of English made it hard for the English to accept or absorb the culture of the rulers.8. .English had come royally into its own.The English received proper recognition and was used by the King once more.9. The phrase has always been used a little pejoratively and even facetiously by the lower classes.The phrase, the Kings English, has always been used disrespectfully and jokingly by the lower classes. (The working people very often make fun of the proper and formal language of the educated people.)10. The rebellion against a cultural dominance is still there.There still exists in the working people, as in the early Saxon peasants, a spirit of opposition to the cultural authority of the ruling class.11. There is always a great danger, as Carlyle put it, that “ words will harden into things for us.”There is always a great danger that we might forget that words are only symbols and take them for things they are supposed to represent.Lesson 2 Marrakech1. The burying-ground is merely a huge waste of hummocky earth, like a derelict building-lot.The burying-ground is nothing more than a huge piece of wasteland full of mounds of earth looking like a deserted and abandoned piece of land on which a building was going to be put up.2. All colonial empires are in reality founded upon this fact.All the imperialists build up their empires by treating the people in the colonies like animals (by not treating the people in the colonies as human beings).3. They rise out of the earth, they sweat and starve for a few years, and then they sink back into the nameless mounds of the graveyardThey are born. Then for a few years they work, toil and starve. Finally they died and are buried in graves without a name, and nobody notices that they are dead.4. A carpenter sits cross-legged at a prehistoric lathe, turning chair-legs at lightning speed.Sitting with his legs crossed and using a very old-fashioned lathe, a carpenter quickly gives a round shape to the chair-legs he is making.5. Instantly, from the dark holes all round, there was a frenzied rush of JewsImmediately from their dark hole-like cells everywhere, a great number of Jews rushed out wildly excited, all loudly demanding a cigarette.6. every one of them looks on a cigarette as a more or less impossible luxury.Every one of these poor Jews looks on the cigarette as a piece of luxury which they could not possibly afford.7. Still, a white skin is always fairly conspicuous.However, a white-skinned European is always quite noticeable./ However, people always notice anyone with a white skin.8. In a tropical landscape ones eye takes in everything except the human beings.If you take a look at the natural scenery in a tropical region, you see everything but the human beings.9. No one would think of running cheap trips to the Distressed Areas.No one would think of organizing cheap trips for the tourists to visit the poor slum areas.10. for nine-tenths of the people the reality of life is an endless, backbreaking struggle to wring a little food out of an eroded soil.Life is very hard for ninety percent of the people. They can produce a little food on the poor soil With hard backbreaking toil11. She accepted her status as an old woman, that is to say as a beast of burden.She took it for granted that as an old woman she was the lowest in the community, that she was only fit for doing heavy work like an animal12. People with brown skins are next door to invisible.People with brown skins are almost invisible13. Their splendid bodies were hidden in reach-me-down khaki uniformsThe Senegales soldiers were wearing second-hand ready-made khaki uniforms which hid their beautiful, wellbuilt bodies14. How long before they turn their guns in the other direction?How much longer before they turn their guns around and attack the colonialist rulers?15. Every white man there had this thought stowed somewhere or other in his mind.Every white man there had this thought hidden somewhere in his mindLesson 3 Inaugural Address (January 20, 1961)1. And yet the same revolutionary belief for which our forebears fought is still at issue around the globe.Our ancestors fought a revolutionary war to maintain that all men were created equal and God had given them certain unalienable rights which no state or ruler could take away from them. But today this issue has not yet been settled in many countries around the world .2. This much we pledge- and more.We promise to do this and we promise to do more.3. United, there is little we cannot do in a host of cooperative ventures.United and working together we can accomplish a lot of things in a large number of joint bold undertakings.4. .our last best hope in an age where the instruments of war have far outpaced the instruments of peace.The United Nations is our last and best hope of survival in an age where the tools to wage war have far surpassed and exceeded the tools to keep peace.5. .to enlarge the area in which its writ may run.We pledge to help the United Nations enlarge the area in which its authority and mandate would continue to be in effect or in force.6. .before the dark powers of destruction unleashed by science engulf all humanity in planned or accidental self-destruction.Before the terrible forces of destruction, which atomic bombs can now release, wipe out mankind, which may be planned or brought about by an accident.7. .yet both racing to alter that uncertain balance of terror that stays the band of mankinds final war.Yet both groups of nations are trying to change as quickly as possible this uncertain balance of terrible military power that restrains each group from launching mankinds final war.8. So let us begin anew, remembering on both sides that civility is not a sign of weakness.Let us start once again. We must bear in mind that being polite does not mean one is weak.9. Let both sides seek to invoke the wonders of science instead of its terrors.Let both sides try to use science to produce good and beneficial things for man instead of employing it to bring frightful destruction.10. .each generation of Americans has been summoned to give testimony to its national loyalty.Americans of every generation have been called upon to prove their loyalty to their country (by fighting and dying for their countrys cause).11. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love.We still lead the country we love , knowing our sure reward will be a good conscience, and history will finally judge whether we have done our task well or not.Lesson 4 Love Is a Fallacy1. A nice enough young fellow, you understand, but nothing upstairs.He is a nice enough young fellow, you know, but he is empty-headed.2. Fads, I submit, are the very negation of reason.A passing fashion or craze, in my opinion, shows a complete lack of reason.3. I should have known theyd come back when the Charleston came back.I should have known that raccoon coats would come back to fashion when the Charleston dance, which was popular in the 1920s, came back.4. “All the Big Men on Campus are wearing them. Whereve you been?”All the important and fashionable men on campus are wearing them. How come you dont know?5. My brain, that precision instrument, slipped into high gear.My brain, which is precision instrument, began to work at high speed.6. With one omission, Polly fitted these specifications perfectly.Except for one thing (intelligence) Polly had all the other requirements.7. She was not yet of pin-up proportions, but I felt sure that time would supply the lack.She was not as beautiful as those girls in posters but I felt sure she would become beautiful enough after some time.8. In fact, she veered in the opposite direction.In fact, she went in the opposite direction, that is, she was not intelligent but rather stupid.9. “In other words, if you were out of the picture, the field would be open. Is that right?”If you were no longer involved with her (if you stopped dating her), others would be free to compete to get her as a girlfriend.10. Back and forth his head swiveled, desire waxing, resolution waning.His head turned back and forth (looking at the coat and then looking away from the coat). Every time he looked his desire for the coat grew stronger and his resolution not to abandon/ give away Polly became weaker.11. This loomed as a project of no small dimensions.To teach her to think appeared to be a rather big task.12. Admittedly it was not a prospect fraught with hope, but I decided to give it one more try.One must admit the outcome does not look very hopeful, but I decided to try one more time.13. There is a limit to what flesh and blood can bear.There is a limit to what any human being can bear.14. I was not Pygmalion; I was Frankenstein, and my monster had me by the throat.I planned to be Pygmalion, to fashion an ideal wife for myself, but I turned out to be Frankenstein because Polly (the result/ product of my hard work) ultimately rejected me and ruined my plan.15. Frantically I fought back the tide of panic surging through me.Desperately I tried to stop the feeling of panic that was overwhelming me.Lesson 5 The Sad Young Men1. The slighted mention of the decade brings nostalgic recollections to the middle-aged.At the very mention of this post-war period ,middle-aged people begin to think about it longingly and young people become curious and start asking all kinds of questions.2. The rejection of Victorian gentility was, in any case, inevitable .In any case, an American could not avoid casting aside middle-class respectability and affected refinement.3. The war acted merely as a catalytic agent in this breakdown of the Victorian social structure.The war only helped to speed up the breakdown of the Victorian social structure.4. .it was tempted, in America at least, to escape its responsibilities and retreat behind an air of naughty alcoholic sophistication.In America the young people did not seriously take up the responsibilities of changing the traditional customs of society; instead they lived unconventional lives and, by drinking and behaving indecently in many ways, they broke the moral code of the community.5. Prohibition afforded the young the additional opportunity of making their pleasures illicit.The young people found greater pleasure in their drinking because Prohibition, by making drinking unlawful added a sense of adventure.6. .our young men began to enlist under foreign flags.As a result, the young men began to join the armies of foreign countries to fight in the war.7. .they “wanted to get into the fun before the whole thing turned belly up.”The young people wanted to take part in the glorious adventure before the war ended.8. .they had outgrown towns and families.These young people could no longer adapt themselves to lives in their hometowns or their families.9. .the returning veteran also had to face the sodden, Napoleonic cynicism of Versailles, the hypocritical do-goodism of Prohibition.The returning veteran also had to face the stupid cynicism of the victorious allies in Versailles who acted as cynically as Napoleon did. They had to face Prohibition which the lawmakers hypocritically assumed would be good for the people.10. Something in the tension-ridden youth of America had to “give”.(Under all this force and pressure) something in the youth of America, who were already very tense, had to break down.11. .it was only natural that hopeful young writers , their minds and pens inflamed against war, Babbittry, and “Puritanical” gentility, should flock to the traditional artistic center.It was only natural that hopeful young writers ,whose minds and writings were full of violent anger against war, Babbittry, and “Puritanical” gentility, should come in large numbers to live in Greenwich Village, the traditional artistic center.12. Each town had its “fast” set which prided itself on itself on its unconventionality.Each town was proud that it had a group of wild, reckless people, who lived unconventional lives.Lesson 6 Loving and Hating New York1. Nowadays New York is out of phase with American taste.Nowadays New Yorkers cant understand nor follow the taste of the American people and is often in disagreement with American politics.2. New York even prides itself on being a holdout from prevailing American trends.New York now boasts that it is a city that resists the prevailing trends ( fashion, styles) of America and that it is a place where people can escape from uniformity and commonness.3. .sitcoms cloned and canned in Hollywood, and the Johnny Carson show live, preempt the airways from California.Situation comedies made in Hollywood and the live talk show by Johnny Carson are on all channels, filling the airwaves.4. . it is making something of a comeback as a tourist attraction.New York is regaining somewhat its status as a city that attracts tourists .5. To win in New York is to be uneasy.A person who wins in New York is constantly disturbed by fear and anxiety (because he is afraid of losing what he was won in the fierce competition).6. Natures pleasures are much qualified in New York.Being a large and crowed city with many tall buildings, etc., the chance to enjoy the pleasures of nature is very limited in New York.7. .the citys bright glow arrogantly obscures the heavens.At night the city of New York is aglow with lights and seems haughtily to dim the light of the stars.8. But the purity of a bohemian dedication can be exaggerated.But a pure and wholehearted devotion to a Bohemian life style can be exaggerated.9. In both these roles it ratifies more than it creates.In both these roles of banking and communications headquarters, New York starts or originates very few things but gives its stamp of approval to many things created by people in other parts of the country.10. The television generation grew up in the insistent presence of hype.The television generation was constantly and strongly affected by extravagant promotional advertising.11. .those who are writing ambitious novels sustain themselves on the magazines.Authors writing long serious novels earn their living in the meantime by also writing articles for popular magazines.12. Broadway, which seemed to be succumbing to the tawdriness of its environment, is astir again.Broadway, which seemed unable to resist the cheap, gaudy shows put on in the surrounding areas, is once again busy and active.13. The defeated are not hidden away somewhere else on the wrong side of town.Those who failed in the struggle of life, the down-and-outs, are not hidden away in slums or ghettoes where other people cannot see them.14. The place constantly exasperates, at times exhilarates.New York constantly irritates and annoys very much but sometimes/ at times it also invigorates and stimulates.Lesson 7 The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas1. With a clamor of bells that set the swallows soaring, the Festival of Summer came to the city Omelas. Theloudringingofthebells,whichsentthefrightenedswallowsflyinghigh,marked the beginning oftheFestivalofSummerinOmelas.2.theirhighcallsrisingliketheswallowscrossingflightsoverthemusicandsinging.The shouting of the children could be heard clearly above the music and singing like the calls of the swallows flying by overhead. 3.exercisedtheirrestivehorsesbeforetherace.The riders were putting the horses through some exercises because the horses were eager to start and stubbornly resisting the control of the riders. 4.Givenadescriptionsuchasthisonetendstomakecertainassumptions.Afterreadingtheabovedescriptionthereaderislikelytoassumecertainthings.5. This is the treason of artist: a refusal to admit the banality of evil and the terrible boredom


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