初中英语人教版八年级下册Section A (1a-2d).doc_第1页
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Unit4 SectionA(1a-2d)教案1.0 Teaching Analysis教情分析 1.1 Teaching Objectives 教学目标1.1.1 Language goals 语言目标 Key Words and Chunks For applying: allow, wrong, guess, deal, allow sb.to do sth., get into a fight with, be angry with, work out, call sb. up, surprise sb., give sth. back, be good at, although, hang out with, have a fight with, wait that long, talk about For comprehending: look through, big deal, appropriate advice, midnight Sentence Structures 1) Whats the matter? P25 2) Whats wrong? P25 3) My parents dont allow me to hang out with my friends. P25 4) I got into a fight with my best friend? P25 5) You should call him up. P26 6) I dont want to talk about it on the phone. P26 7) What should I do? P26 8) But why dont you forget about it so that you can be friends again? P26 9) Hope things work out. P26 10) I guess you could tell her to say sorry. P26 11) I found my sister looking through my things yesterday. P26 Grammar Focus 1) I have to study too much so I dont get enough sleep. P26 (so 作连词,意为“因此,所以”,表示因果关系。) 2) But why dont you forget about it so that you can be friends again. P26 (so that做连词词组,意为“为了,以便”,表示目的。)(Why dont you do sth.? 意为“你为什么不做某事呢?”可以和Why not do sth.? 互换。常用来向对方提出建议。肯定回答常用: Good idea. / All right. / Sure. 等,否定回答常用: No, I dont think so. / Sorry , I cant. 等。) 3) Although shes wrong, its not a big deal. P26(although 作连词,意为“虽然,尽管”引导让步状语从句。可以和though / even though互换。注意在使用过程中,同一句子使用了although /though, 就不能使用but。) 4) You should call him so that you can say youre sorry. P26 (“You should do sth. / You could do sth. 常用来向别人提出建议。意为“你应该/可以做什么事情。” so that 是目的状语从句引导词。 Youre sorry .是省略了连接词“that”的宾语从句,是动词say 的宾语。 ) 5) I guess you could tell her to say sorry. P26 (宾语从句,You could tell her to say sorry.前省略了连接词“that”,是动词guess 的宾语。) 6) You shouldnt wait until the last minute to study for a test. P28 (until可作介词和连词,本处是介词,通常可与till 互换, not until意为 “直到(发生某事)才” 本句意为“你不能等到最后一分钟才为考试学习。”) 1.1.2 Ability goals 能力目标 Enable students to talk about their own problems and troubles. Enable students to find out the reasonable solutions to the problems and give others some advice with the target language. Enable students to choose some ways to lower the pressure in daily life.1.1.3 Emotional goals 情感目标1.1.3.1 Encourage Ss to develop the cooperative spirit and the optimistic attitude through pair work and role playing. Encourage Ss to care more about themselves and care for others through discussing problems and giving advice.1.2 Important and difficult teaching points教学重难点1.2.1 Teaching key points1.2.1.1 To help Ss master words and chunks. To enable Ss to talk about problems and troubles by using the target language. To help Ss find out the correct ways to lower their pressure. 1.2.2 Teaching difficult points1.2.2.1 To let Ss master so many words and phrases. To make Ss learn to give appropriate advice to the certain problems. To make Ss use the grammar correctly and fluently. 2.0 Student analysis学情分析 2.1 Fundamental State基本情况本单元为八年级下期第四单元,学生经过一年多的初中英语学习,对初中英语学习的要求基本明白,并已基本适应初中英语学习,具备英语学习的基本技能,初步掌握一些学习策略,英语学习能力有显著的发展。学生刚好处于对人生观,价值观,世界观形成的思索阶段,情绪变化比较大,学习、生活、人际关系等难免会遇到困惑和压力,而本单元的中心话题正好是谈论如何察言观色,询问你身边的人的困惑、麻烦、或是压力,给出合理的解决建议,贴近学生生活实际。学习内容也从学生已知出发,通过让学生表达自己遇到的problems,再扩展到如何给出合理的建议、是否喜欢这样的建议,最后回归到怎样调节自己的情绪,处理生活中的困境和压力,对学生的积极人生观,价值观形成有重要意义。 2.2 Knowledge Reserve知识储备 通过一年多的学习和积累,学生积累了一定的词汇量,接触到了常见的话题和功能项目。在Book8B Unit 1 Whats the matter? 中已学习了如何询问身体不适和麻烦,会使用情态动词should对具体情况给出合理的建议.Book8B Unit2 Ill help to clean up the city parks. Book8B Unit 3 Could you please clean your room? 中已经学习使用情态动词could提出建议的方法,教师能从已知区域过渡到就近区域,能够减少学生学习焦虑,增强自信心,培养学生的自主学习能力。 2.3 Class data本班实际 本班学生有比较明确的学习目的,生活态度积极乐观,能够在小组活动中互相帮助,积极与他人合作,敢于用英语进行表达,乐于帮助他人,共同学习并提高自己的能力。本课型谈论 the problems , interpersonal communications, advice, pressure.话题内容贴近学生、贴近生活,学生熟悉,有话可说,乐于讨论与分享。教师应该尽量创设情景,拓展思路,必要时帮助学生用英语进行准确表达。3.0Teaching methods教法建议3.1 Situational teaching approach情景教学法3.2 Self-directed learning method 自主学习法3.3 Discussion method讨论法4.0教学辅助 blackboard and chalk, computer, projector, flashcard5.0Teaching procedures 教学进程 5.1 Leading-in and warming-up 引入与激趣活动 Greet the Ss and ask: “When did you finish your homework last night? Is it difficult for you? ”Show the pictures on P25, look at the girl on the left, let the Ss answer some questions:1. What is she doing today? 2. How is the weather? 3. How does she feel? Look at the same girl on the right:1. What is she doing now? How does she feel?2. Do you take after-school classes? Are you interested in / good at ?3. Do you worry about your study / your exam? Ask Ss to discuss in groups. 5.2 New points input 新知输入5.2.1 Language presentation T: Your classmates met some problems . Can you tell me what problems they met? Show some pictures of some students in our class, ask the Ss : “Whats wrong with him?” Talk about the problems they met. Let the whole class learn the phrases and sentences to express the problems. T: What should he do? Can you give him / her some advice? Let the students discuss in groups, use the sentence structures: He should do / Maybe he could do T: I had a fight with my daughter last night. What should I do? , Can you give me some advice? The T adds : Why dont you / Why not do. Do you have other problems in daily life? Share your problems with your partners, ask him / her to give you some advice. Let the Ss make their mind maps about the problems they met. Let the Ss share their problems with their partner, then ask for some advice. 5.2.2 Activity 1a Let the Ss read the problems in 1a aloud, ask several Ss to explain the sentences, make sure every student can understand the Chinese meaning. Individual work: Write the numbers in the appropriate box. Share your ideas with your partner, whats his/her opinion? Answers will vary. T: Do you have other serious problems in daily life? If so, add them on your mind maps. T can elicit Ss to give more different problems in English. If Ss dont know how to express their ideas, T can find a right time to help them. Encourage them to add their problems on their mind maps. Then T writes the sentence pattern on the Bd: -Whats the matter? / Whats wrong? -I have too much homework so I dont have any free time to do things I like. 5.3 Listening practice 听力训练 5.3.1 Activity 1b Pre-listening. Let students recite the sentences in 1a very quickly. While-listening. Listen and check the answers: Circled: 1, 4. Post-listening Pair-work. Ask Ss to role-play the conversation according to the sentence structure and the pictures. Show the problems with the advice on the screen, give the Ss 2 minutes to prepare the conversations in pairs. Encourage the Ss to talk about their own problems. Invite some pairs to role-play their conversations. 5.3.2 Activity 2a, 2b 2a and 2b provide listening practice using the target language. Pre-listening. Get Ss to read the advice in 2a. While-listening. Listen to 2a very carefully, choose the modal verbs: could /should. Listening Tip: Just write down the first letters of the words. T can give Ss the opportunities to show their answers individually. The answers to 2a: 1. Could, 2. Should, 3. Should, 4.could 5.could. Q1:Does Peter like the advice? Q2: Do you want to know why he doesnt like the advice? Ask the Ss to read the reasons in 2b together, make sure all the students know the meaning. Listen to 2b, write the letters (a-e) next to the advice in 2a. Ask some pairs to show their answers : -You could write him a letter. - Im not good at writing letters. The answers to 2b: 1,d 2,e 3,a 4,c 5,b5.3.2.3 Post-listening. Ask Ss to read 2c aloud, recite it in pairs. Make a conversation between Peter and his friend. Role-play their conversations about another suggestion. 5.4 Oral Output 口语输出 Activity 2d talks about Kims problem. 5.4.1 T can guide Ss to understand the whole conversation. T can play the recording for Ss to listen and repeat. Ask Ss to work in groups, find out the key words and phrases in the conversation, try to understand the key points. Point out the difficulties for their group.5.4.2 T can encourage Ss to read the conversation alone and find out the answers to the following Qs: Q1: Whats wrong with Kim? Q2: Did Kims sister give the things back? Q3: Whats Daves advice? Q4: Can you give Kim some other advice according to your daily life? 5.4.3 Get Ss to share their answers and check the answers to 1-3 together, think about the other resolutions, share them with the class. Ask Ss to talk about their questions, let the whole class solve the difficulties.5.4.4 Play a game:Agony Aunt. Each group writes the most serious problem on the flashcard, hand it to the teacher. The GL gets one of the other groups problems, then discuss in group, give appropriate advice to solve the problem. Role-play the conversation. 5.5 Sentence Interpretation 难句理解5.5.1 My parents dont allow me to hang out with my friends. P25 我父母不允许我和朋友们一起闲逛。(allow / dont allow sb. to do sth. 允许/不允许某人做某事,allow sth ./ doing sth. 允许某事/允许做某事)5.5.2 Although shes wrong, its not a big deal. P26 尽管她做的不对,但也没什么大不了的。(although 作连词,意为“虽然,尽管”引导让步状语从句。可以和though / even though互换。注意在使用过程中,同一句子使用了although /though, 就不能使用but。)5.5.3 You should call him so that you can say youre sorry. P26 你应该给他打电话,这样你就可以向他说对不起了。(“You should do sth. / You could do sth. 常用来向别人提出建议。意为“你应该/可以做什么事情。” so that 是目的状语从句引导词。 Youre sorry .是省略了连接词“that”的宾语从句,是动词say 的宾语。)5.5.4 I guess you could tell her to say sorry. P26 我猜想你可以告诉她,让她向你道歉。( I guess / I think + you could 常用来提出“可能的建议”。 I guess / I think + you should 常用来提出提意见者认为“更合适的建议”。You could tell her to


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