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Unit2Whattimedoyougotoschool Ithasnofeet 脚 butitcanwalk 走 withitshands 手 Ithasnomouth 嘴巴 butitcanspeaktoyou ItcallsTick 滴答 Tick andTickeveryday Whatisit Guessinggame It saclock 复习目标 1 时间表达法2 频度副词的用法3 用when和whattime引导的特殊疑问句 1 直接读法按时 分的顺序用数字直接表示整点数字后加上o clock 4 00fouro clock2 15twofifteen6 40sixforty 一 时间的表达法 2 分钟 past 小时几点过几分12 05fivepasttwelve8 25twenty fivepasteight11 10tenpasteleven 3 分钟 to 小时差几分几点10 50tentoeleven6 58twotoseven9 40twentytoten 15分钟 a onequarter半小时用half7 45aquartertoeight10 15aquarterpastten3 30halfpastthreehalftofour 在几点用 介词 at HowtotellthetimeinEnglish 9 1010 1511 2012 3013 4014 4515 56 nineten tenpastninetenfifteen aquarterpastteneleventwenty twentypasteleventwelvethirty halfpasttwelveonefortypm twentytotwotwoforty five aquartertothreepm threefifty sixpm fourtofourpm 1 表示上午 下午或晚上的具体时刻 可以在时刻后加上inthemorning intheafternoon intheevening atnight2 在12点之前的具体时刻后用a m在12点之后的具体时刻后用p msixa m上午六点onep m下午一点 1 上午七点整2 中午十二点3 早上五点半4 下午五点一刻5 差十分六点6 五点过两分7 三点二十五8 四点三十八分9 十二点差一刻10 五点零五分11 九点十分12 十一点零六分 getup have eatbreakfast gotoschool have eatlunch playsports gohome dohomework take haveashower gotobed havedinner 起床吃早饭去上学吃午饭做锻炼回家吃晚饭做作业洗淋浴上床睡觉跑步 Phraces run 2 always意为 总是 一直 usually意为 通常地 never意为 从未 绝不 often意为 经常 sometimes 有时 I 通常 getdressedatsixforty Jackis 总是 late Hisgrandpa 从未 goestoschool He 经常 eatslunchat12 00 频率词 用在助动词 be动词情态动词后 实义动词前 always never usually often Whattimedoyouusually Iusually at getup run Whattimedoyouusuallytakeashower havebreakfast gotoschool getupat6 00runat6 30 Iusuallytakeashowerat7 00havebreakfastat7 30gotoschoolat8 00 试试看1 我通常在早上5 30起床 2 TOM一直在晚上7 00游泳 3 你的祖父母经常在晚饭后散步吗 4 我小弟弟每天晚上9 20睡觉 5 人们通常什么时间吃晚饭 用Whattime或When完成句子 1 doesheusuallygetup Heususllygetsupat6 30 2 doyouoftenplayfootball Ioftenplayfootballintheafternoon 3 doyouplaytheguitar Iplaytheguitarafterwork 4 isyourmother sbirthday It sMarch28th Fillintheblanks timedoyougetup Igetupsixo clock Whattimedoyougotoschool Igotoschoolatsix 6 45 3 Helenusuallybreakfastatseventen eat 4 Whattimehetakeashower At8inthemorning What at eats does forty five Hermothergetsup five thirtyeverymorning 2 Peopleusuallyeatbreakfast themorning 3 Theywillgoswimming four theafternoon 4 Iplaysoccer Sundayafternoon 5 Herbirthdaypartyis March8th at in at in on on 二 请用at in或on填空 Igetupatsixthirty Sheeatsbreakfastataquarterpastseven Jerrygoestoschoolatsevenfifteen 4 Marytakesashowerat8 00 一般疑问句 5 Myfathergoestoworkathalfpasteight 同上 提问 Whattimedoyougetup Whattimedoessheeatbreakfast WhattimedoesJerrygotoschol DoesMarytakeashowerat8 00 Doesyourfathergotoworkathalfpasteight Thankyou whattimeisit It stwelvethirty halfpasttwelve Whattimeisit eighto clock three thirty halfpastthree six thirty halfpastsix twelveo clock Whattimeisit It stenthirty halfpastten Whattimeisit 6 00 It ssixo clock 9 30 Whattimeisit It sninethirty halfpastnine 7 00 Whattimeisit It sseveno clock Whattimeisit It stwothirty halfpasttwo getup get r n run takeashower au school gotoschool Whattimedoyouusually Iusually at getup run Whattimedoyouusually Iusually at eatbreakfast takeashower 析 1 It stimeforsth It stimetodosth 该做某事了 到了做某事的时间了 2 It stimeforsb todosth 某人该做某事了 到了某人做某事的时间了 Eg 1 该吃午饭了 2 到了你做家庭作业的时间了 It stimeforlunch It stimetohavelunch It stimeforyoutodoyourhomework 刷牙淋浴去上班到达整晚 天 年听音乐上床睡觉回家给 写信开始做某事在星期六在上午 下午 晚上 brushone steethtakeashowergotoworkgettoallnight day yearlistentomusicgotobed gohomewritetosb starttodo startdoingsth onSaturdayinthemorning afternoon evening brushes Wordsandexpressions knowabout around domyhomework start schoolstarts tellmeabout thanksfor bestwishes takeabus 重点句型 1 Whattimeisit What sthetime It s2o clock 11 05 2 Whattimedoyougetup Iusuallygetupat6 15 Whattimedoeshebrushhisteeth Hebrusheshisteethat6 30 重点句型 2 Whattimedoyougetup they I weusuallygetupat6 15 三单 Whattimedoeshebrushhisteeth Hebrusheshisteethat6 30am W
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