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操作工英文自我评价范文操作工英文自我评价范文 仅仅由别人的评价来判定自己是不全面的 当自己也沉淀 下来 窥探自己的内心 写下自己的自我评价 这样才可以不 断进步 但是自我评价要怎么写呢 下面是小编为大家带来操作 工英文自我评价范文 相信对你会有帮助的 操作工英文自我评价范文篇一操作工英文自我评价范文篇一 in the twinkling of an eye one years work is spent in a tense and busy the new year new starting point new opportunities and new challenges i will work harder to learn will improve my ability to work do not live up to you expectations i will strive to do their jobs since taking part in the work i earnestly complete the work study hard think positively individual ability rises gradually i am thinking learning work has made new progress but i also recognize that they have too many shortcomings theoretical knowledge and low level of operation skills are not strong as a qualified operator we must learn the rules of production equipment operating procedures process safety knowledge and process parameters outside the loading operation process to pay attention to many things no small mistake there will be a big life threatening risk of loss of economic dime so everyone should take their own work to do to ensure safety in production internal control of the job is very important single system data audit monitoring communication communication do not take five and so on three check six pairs check the driver tank volume table pressure filling certificate dangerous transport certificate in addition the train is running fast also rely on the front because just to work soon in terms of experience or from thinking there are many shortcomings in these areas i got the company leadership department heads and the squad leader of the correct guidance the dragon is to carry out job training skills training so that we have a better chance to improve their theoretical knowledge of security and operational skills in the learning process i have a lot of uncertainty we always patiently explain to me i would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you in short into the xx company has more than a year in the car loading unit under the leadership of master ke along the way enjoy the pain over but also the luxury of happiness no credit also has elbow grease but either laughter or tears working for life working for our dreams we are brave to face a lot of difficulties i think these will be the growth of each of us to the glorious stage of bit by bit xx upcoming future work may be more difficult more and more competition will give us a great deal of pressure as long as the heart relaxed the pressure into motivation this is what we have been continuous progress of the common ground with the share 操作工英文自我评价范文篇二操作工英文自我评价范文篇二 this year is a special year for me because i have the first formal job in my life this is a starting point of my career i also cherish and do our best to do this job through years of continuous learning and the help of colleagues and leaders i have fully integrated into the family management department of the enterprise the personal work skills have also been significantly improved although a lot of things to be perfect but it should be said that this years to pay a lot but also a lot of harvest i feel growing and gradually matured the work of the current year is summarized as follows first in order to pragmatic work attitude to adapt to the characteristics of the department of enterprise management department is the operation of the company is an important hub of the department many of the work inside and outside the company coordination communication so the situation issued and the planning and coordination of the various departments of the company transaction this determines the complexity of the work of the office of the characteristics in addition to their daily work but also often have things outside the plan need to be dealt with temporarily and usually more urgent so i had to put down the work of the first to go to solve of course their own things on the lot often busy one day but every day is full i am in the spirit of service for everyone to do a good job every thing for the company to contribute my little light and heat second dedication good job in the past year i mainly completed the following work 1 the company reimbursement of the cost of the audit first of all departments designated personnel of the reimbursement department personnel occurred to the business management reviewers business reviewers of the reimbursement of matters the amount of bills and a series of issues audit every wednesday to the department of management leadership audit leadership audit is completed i entered the cost of registration software and relatively special reimbursement to do other aspects of entry and then by zhang audit zhang audit is complete and then re to register all the reimbursement do a detailed expense claim list by the financial 2 safe file management the scope of such documents is very wide the whole is divided into government the companys internal internal company is divided into all the certificate documents contracts agreements administrative logistics the need for an overall distinction to facilitate the various departments when needed in a timely manner 3 the completion of statistical reports and reported i am a statistical report related to the nanchang economic and technological development zone nanchang economic and trade commission nanchang key enterprise service platform network the office of foreign trade and economic development office and other government fixed the corresponding government statements five large pieces part of the financial statements in coordination with the completion of the financial out of the corresponding data some of the data need their own calculations each large report related to more 4 file this one is to spend time the most experienced one which is divided into two blocks paper files all handwritten everyones files are written on personal information i took over this one completely is blank and also sub sectors the statistics of the number of departments in the above list in such an effective classification the company all personnel information may be very intuitive to find electronic file this is a paper file is another presentation is the basic personal information on the entry of employees such as name id card graduation school and a series of involving very fine such a record and the way to facilitate the leadership of the companys basic personal information on the staff view 5 the company seal the custody of india and the use of registration of the situation all departments with the printed application form the leadership of the signature until i review only to be sealed and monthly order all printed with a single application and input to the computer to facilitate the leadership of a certain period of time with the indian situation of the audit 6 the reception of foreign guests companies to visit the guests more often need to accompany them to the workshop explain the company to its corresponding situation a series of questions for the guests to answer also ready the conference room put the information pour water and other matters 7 the relevant government documents matters of treatment this year under the guidance of mr chen dealing with two major items first the company eia documents the second is the companys internal solid waste disposal the two blocks in the coordination of the parties and finally the perfect completion the next step is the work of some of the thread of course some corresponding government similar documents have also been processed personal feeling this year their growth is great and soon write this summary hope you verify the leadership 操作工英文自我评价范文篇三操作工英文自我评价范文篇三 in the past year led by the leadership of the plant leadership led by the workers through the joint efforts of colleagues and through their own positive efforts as equipment maintenance workers i successfully completed his own work i do a year on the work of a serious summary the following is my summary of this years work model essay first the work attitude ideological work i am keen on my work strict self discipline abide by the rules and regulations of the factory strictly to the ball itself put the work position and always maintain a modest prudent self discipline positive attitude guidance and guidance of colleagues in leadership with the help of always diligent study proactive and strive to improve themselves and always work hard conscientiously complete the task perform good job duties adhere to the ideals of building a good factory a firm increase in workers income beliefs continue to strengthen learning a solid work of their own technology second do their own work to do a mechanic to deal with their own work to understand a clear familiar and skilled their work have all the machines and equipment to understand but also have the ability to respond to failure deal with the equipment may occur at any time to meet the needs of the production schedule our unit of equipment although the new equipment but also frequent failures such as machine washing machine no major problems minor problems in the maintenance process and gradually improve the machine cleaningmachine awareness so that small problems can be dealt with quickly as well as liquid sandblasting machine in use there is always a failure to plug the nozzle so that can not work broken through the brain after operator description cause of the failure my analysis the glass beads used in diameter than in the past and the specifications are not uniform resulting in a blocked nozzle after a bold improvement increasing the nozzle aperture the liquid blasting machine is normal work the tunnel cleaning machine always produces the transmission chain does not move before the adjustment of friction you can but once how to adjust the friction does not work after analysis that the friction coefficient is not enough found really inside the oil after careful cleaning remove the oil everything is normal and so a series of maintenance work we must understand the principle of equipment in order to good maintenance which is my years of experience in maintenance i will try to study once understood they suddenly realized looks complicated as long as understand it will be simple i not only bear the equipment maintenance work but also completed a lot of tooling production for example several engine based experimental bench design mobile engine rack and so on dozens of pieces this year we re manufacturing engine varieties increased a lot not the previous test bench the workshop down the task we immediately accept and actively to complete from the concept to the leadership through the design intent and then cutting the welding production and so on until the engine is placed commissioning delivery each engine model of the experiment have to go through our first process like the troops and horses do not move forage first when a variety of engines in my production on the bench test i feel very honored thank the leadership to me such a platform but also feel the excitement of the results of our work but also for our development in the manufacture of pride but these will make me work harder modest and prudent to learn from others as much as possible to improve their ability to work themselves in their own of the posts to play to the maximum effect faster and more efficiency of the completion of their own work but also enable us to get the maximum benefit units so that my work and the harvest workers can achieve a balance so i am more motivated more confident work interpersonal relationships with other colleagues are also important because a person s ability is limited and the success of everything depends on the collective wisdom therefore it is the prerequisite for the successful completion of the tasks assigned by the leader to unite with the colleagues this is not just work usually life is also the case so the unity of other colleagues is not only a personal thing is a duty to work i have a very good relationship with my colleagues often help each other because the mechanic i started only one there is a maintenance worker a good relationship and i work with colleagues i respect at work mutual cooperation is to improve the efficiency of a lot for example in the welding oil depot anti theft window the door of the test station in the production of sandblasting between the asbestos roof give sandblasting between the welding air pipe w


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