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中考作文经典范文中考作文经典范文 时代观点 保护地球环境 人类共有的家园 Protect theearth s environment the homelandof allmankind 治理大气污染 还城市一片蓝天 Control air pollution andbring backcity s bluesky 污染者应该承担污染的代价 The pollutershould pay 珍爱生命 永不沾毒 Value your own life stay away from drugs 只工作 不玩耍 聪明的孩子会变傻 All workand noplay makesJack adull boy 时间是如此珍贵 我们不能浪费它 So precious is timethat we can t affordto wasteit 读书对心灵有益 Reading doesgood to our mind 我们期望有一个更加光明的未来 A muchbetter andbrighter futureawaits us 务必熟记的英语作文重点句式1 It must be keptin mindthat there is nosecret ofsuess buthard work 2 It canbe seenfrom this that 3 It is to 4 There is are 5 As thesaying goes nothing in the worldis difficultfor onewho setshis mindto it 6 Now in China more and more familiescan 7 No matterhow difficultEnglish maybe you shoulddo yourbest to learn it 中考英语写作专练 Letter假设你是Li Ping 深圳中学的一名学生 请根据提示写一封100个词的英文信 信息提示受信人的姓名Jim写信人的姓名Li Ping写信人的地址中国广东深圳市宝安北路180号写信的内容简介深 圳中学 学校生活 个人生活 个人爱好 家庭情况等 写信的日期xx年6月19日下面是你的笔友给你的一封来信 请你根据信的内容 给你的笔友写一封回信 要求意思连贯 表达正确 语言流畅 必须充分表达书信中要求所 要表达的内容 格式正确 你叫李华 住在广东省深圳市红岭路175号 邮编518102日期xx年 8月19日 100字左右 Dear I haven t heardfrom you for along time How areyou I havejust finishedthe exams Now I am gladI havetime towrite to you Our teachertells usthat Chinais alarge country It hasthe largestpopulation in the world It is very farfrom theUSA It ison theother sideof the world Now thesun isshining brightlywhile Iam writingto you But perhapsyou aresleeping in the darknight How interestingit is I m beingmore interested inChina I wishto knowmore aboutyour life Could youtell mewhat kindof food you oftenhave for meals Please writeme soon Best wishesto you yours Catherine例文North Bao an RoadShenzhen Guangdong China June19 xxDear Jim How areyou I m veryglad towrite theletter toyou My nameis Li Ping I m aChinese boy I m fromShenzhen China Do you know Shenzhen It s abeautiful moderncity inGuang dong I studyin ShenzhenMiddle School Our schoolis verylarge andbeautiful I m in Class One Grade3 There are45classes in our school We studyChinese maths English andother subjects I likeEnglish very much I likeplaying puter games football andwatching TV I havemany friends We helpeach otherand learnfrom eachother There arethree people in myfamily They aremy father my motherand I I wantto make friends withyou Please writeto mesoon Hope tohear fromyou soon I m lookingforward tohearing fromyou soon Best wishes Yours sincerely Li Ping中考英语写作专练 Announcement Notice 1 Announcement根据下面的汉语提示写一个60字左右的口头通知 假如你是班长 你们要举办英语讲座 lecture 1时间3月1日星期五下午3点至五点2地点阶梯教室 lecture theatre 3讲座人北京大学李平教授4报告的内容怎样学英语5要求 大家准时出席 attend 并且可以向他咨询有关英语学习的问题 例文Announcement Girls and boys Ladies andgentlemen May I have yourattention please Attention please I ve gotannouncement to make I m veryglad to tell youthat anEnglish lecturewill be held in the lecturehall theater from3p m to5p m on Friday March1st It will be givenby ProfessorLiPingfrom BeijingUniversity The topicis How to learn Englishwell You maytake notesif you like And youmay askany questionon Englishlearning study afterthe lecture Please attendthe lectureon time don t belate That s all thank you 中考英语写作专练 Notes 1 根据下面的提示内容写一篇80 120词的短文 假定现在是5月7日下午四点 星期日 你的名字叫李华 是某中学的学生 你到一位加拿大同学Mike的住处邀请他和你一道去看电影 可是他不在家 你留意个便条说明情况 1今晚730人民电影院放映 白求恩 Bethune 是关于一位于加 拿大的医生的故事 六十多年前他来到中国 为中国人民的革命事业 revolution 做 出了贡献 电影票已经买好 2人民电影远离学校大约2公里 两人最好骑自行车前往 3你让他吃晚饭就出发 700在学校门口等他 例文Message Left Leaving amessage 400p m May7th Sunday Dear Mike There will be afilm called Bethune at thePeople s Cinemaat730p m It is a storyabout aCanadian doctor He cameto Chinaand helpedChinese revolutionsixty yearsago I havebought thetickets It istwo kilometers awayfromour schoolto thecinema We d bettergo thereby bike As soon as youfinish yoursupper please go to thegate ofour school I ll waitfor youthere at700o clock in the evening Yours Li Hua 2 根据中文意思提示写作 假如你叫李明 因患重感冒今 明两天不能上学 请你给你的外籍英语教师写一张请假条 说明你这两天不能上学的 原因 60字左右 例文Written Requestfor Leave Asking forLeave Sick Leave DearMr Green I m verysorry to tell youthat I m notfeeling welltoday This morningI wentto seea the doctorand hetold methat Ihad caughta badcold He also asked told meto stay in bedfor twodays So I can t go to schooltoday andtomorrow I hopeto go back to school as soonasI getwell Please don t worryabout me I ll makeup forthe lessonsthat I have missedwhen Iam backat school Thank you Yours Li Ming 3 根据提示内容写一张60 80字的请假条 赵老师您好今天张芳患病不能前去上课 我要带她去医院 向您请病假三天 学生家长王丽xx年6月10日例文SickLeaveJuly10 xxDear MissZhao Zhang Fangis seriously badly illthis morningand Ihave to take herto seethe doctor So shecan t goto schoolfor class I thinkshe willstayinhospital forsome days Ihaveto askyoufor a sickleave ofthree days a three day leave I hopeshe will be wellsoon andgobacktoschoolassoonas possible Her mother Wang Li 中考英语写作专练 Lost andFound 1 根据下面的汉语提示写一篇寻物启事 假如你是王利 在十五中工作 今天 xx年6月8日 早晨在上班的 路上丢了手提包 提包里面装有一支钢笔 一把钥匙和许多钱 例文LOST Ilost myhandbag on the way to workthis morning There is a pen a keyto thedoor and a lot of moneyin it I wishthe finderto returnit to me verysoon Will thefinder please e to the NO 15Middle Schoolor callme My telephonenumber is8675331 My nameis WangLi I ll payhim orher forit Thank you 2 情根据下面的汉语提示写一篇招领启事 你于今天 11月8日 上午在学校花园拾到手提包一个 内有钱若干 及一个笔记本 请失主前来301室领取 例文FOUND Ahandbag withsome moneyandanotebook wasleft in the schoolgarden thismorning Nov 18th Will theowner pleasee toRoom301 Building14and getit 假定你是初三 1 班的李霞 你五月十四日晚上在阅览室里丢失了一个绿色书包 内有两本英语书 一个铅笔盒 一个MP3及自行车钥匙 你非常着急 请你根据以上提示 用英语写出一则50词左右的寻物记事 Lost May15th I left agreen schoolbag in the reading room on the eveningof May14th There aretwo Englishbooks a pencil box an MP3player and the keyto thebike in it Now I m veryworried aboutit Will thefinder returnit toLi Xiaof Class1 Grade3 Thanks a lot Li LeiFound June26th Ifound acell phoneon theplayground onJune25th Anyone who lost it pleaseeto Class3 Grade3of No 2Middle Schoolor callon1395052666 Zhou Hong 其他范文1 Learn English请你以 How to learn Englishwell 写份演讲稿80字左右 范文 Dear classmates We have been learningEnglish forover6years andreally loveit English isone of the mostimportant languagesin theworld It s necessaryfor us tolearnit well How doyou study Everyone learns English indifferent ways I thinkthe bestway to improve your English isto improve your Englishskills They are include listeningreading andwriting We shouldpractice themevery day We shouldremember morewords andgrammar Reading moreEnglish storybooks ornovels Watching moreEnglish cartoonTVs ormoves Listening Englishtapes andrepeating afterthe speaker Second you are notafraid to make anymistakes youspeak Englishas muchas possible Third youask theteachers when you don t understandany knowledge It s verygood for you ifyou are interested inEnglish You willfind studyingEnglish isinteresting and helpful One morething remember Practice makesperfect I hopeeveryone makesprogress Thanks 2 卫生健康饮食 健康一直是人们关注的问 题我校要举行以 关爱健康 为题的主题班会 请根据下表内容谈谈 你的看法 写一篇80字左右的演讲稿 保持健康的重要性保持健康的方法保持健康的结论 你的看法 1 多 吃水果蔬菜保持饮食平衡避免含糖高脂肪高的食物2 多锻炼健身强 体 3 鄙弃不良习惯 你的看法 How tostay our health fit 范文1 Dear boys and girls I m talking about Here ismy adviceabout how to keephealth fit As amiddle schoolstudent first you d betterdo moreexercise such as playingball gamesrunning swimmingand jumpingrope 绳子 Then youshould payattention toyour dietormealsDon t eattoo muchmeat andsugar but morevegetables andfruit Third youneed enoughsleep orrest Next keepyourself happy As peopleoften saysmiling makesyounger Last youmustn t drinkwine orsmoke They arebad for your health That ismy advice I hopeyou arehealthy andenjoy your life Thank you bye 范文2 Dear boysand girls I m talkingabout Here ismy adviceabout howto keephealth fit Today manyteenagers areunhealthy because they do lessexercise eat morejunk food haven t enough time tosleep If wekeep fit we mustkeep taking exercises every day Eat lotsof fruitand vegetables Sleep for about8hours anight Stay awayfrom cigarettes smoking drugs 毒品 Early to bed early torise get up Breathe 呼吸 the fresh air in the openair Keep happyevery day That ismy advice I hopeyou arehealthy andenjoy yourlife 3 初三学生要不要参加体育锻炼请根据下面所提供的信息 用英语总结出讨论情况 提示 70 的学生 应该每天进行体育锻炼 但不要时间过长 锻炼能增 强体质 保持健康 锻炼能使大脑休息 使学习效果更好30 的学生 锻 炼浪费时间 使人疲劳 锻炼以后很兴奋 较长时间不能投入学习 锻 炼中可能会受伤要求 语句通顺 句意连贯 词数为80词左右 发言稿 的开头已写好 但不计入总词数 Dear classmates I m LiHua After thediscussion wefound that70 of the students thinkthey shouldtake all kinds ofexercise everyday but notspend too much time They thinkexercise buildsbody andcan keepthem healthy Sports alsolet themhave a good rest so thattheir studywill bemore effective On theother hand30 students believetaking exerciseis tiringand it sawaste oftime They saythat afterhaving sportsthey are too excitedforalong timeto focuson their lessons And it s possibletobehurt whiledoing sports 4 How toprotect save our environment world 为题写一篇短文 提示 存在问题 1 水污染越来越严重2 砍伐森林严重3 大气污染严 重4 白色垃圾等要求 如何改善 保护环境 至少 3 4个方面 80字左右的 范文 How toprotect save ourenvironment world The environmentalpollution isworse andworse more andmore seriouslytoday Water ispolluted we have noclean waterto drinkMany treesare cuttingdown someanimals isgetting lessand less Some factoriesis pouringdirty airin thesky thepopulation isincreasing fasterand fasterresources isgetting lessand less etc Not only does itaffect our lives andhealth italso has a greataffection in the future People s healthhas beengreatly affectedby airnoise andwater pollution Many peopledied ofdiseases In orderto livea betterlife weneed protect our world We shouldn t throwaway rubbisheverywhere We wantto recyclereduce reusethings Don t wastethings Thissaves moneyand reducespollution Use thingsfor aslong as possible We don t useplastic bags We mustplant moretrees andstop the people cuttingthem We hopeour worldis moreandmore beautiful 5 How to makefriendsIt s hardto makefriends ifyou stayalone allthe time It s easiertomakefriends whenyou havesimilar interests Don tbe afraid toshow peoplewhat youare reallygood at Talk about the thingsyoulikeand dobest Look atpeople in the eyeswhenyoutalk tothem Be agood listener Let peopletalk about themselves beforetalkingaboutyourself Be friendlyto alotofpeople Try tohelp your friends whenthey arein troublebecause a friend inneed is afriendindeed That wayyou ll have a biggergroup tochoose fromand havemore chancestomakefriends 6 Early risingEarly risingis agood habitfor everyone It isgood for us inmany ways Firstly it helpsto keepus healthy We canbreathe the freshairin the morning It s funforusto take a walk along thestreet Secondly early risinghelps uswith our studies When weget upvery earlyinthemorning everything around usisquiet In themorning we learn morequickly andmemorize whatwelearneasily Thirdly early risinggives usenoughtimeto getready forour work such asto washour handsand facesand eatbreakfast properly 7 My viewon televisionTelevision hase intoourlifefor manyyears We can t livehappily withouttelevision It cangive usthe latestinformation andnews It canopen upour eyesand enlargeour knowledge We canget happinessfrom theplays ontelevision We llbeboring all day ifthereisno television Television programsare attractive After awhole day s hardwork we can sitbefore the television anddrink acup oftea How wonderfulit is Television is also badfor people s health It s badfor youto watch TV toolong especially badforyoureyes It istrue thatwatching TVcan influenceour behavior However it dependson whatwe do 8 My viewon schooluniform Atour school we haveto wearuniforms everyday The problemisthatall my classmates thinkthe uniformsare ugly We thinkyoung peopleshould looksmart and so wewould like to wearour ownclothes Our teachersbelieve thatif wedid that We wouldconcentrate moreon ourclothes thanourstudies We disagree We shouldfeel morefortable andthat isgood forstudying If we can t dothat we should be allowedto designourownuniforms We alsothink everyoneshouldbedifferent fromothers That wouldbeagood way to keepboth teachersand studentshappy 9 假设你叫陈泉 昨天收到了笔友David的e mail 得知他不久要到芜湖来学习中文 他想了解如何学好中文 请你用英文给他回复一封e mail 介绍学习中文的体会和方法 提出你的建议 以及表达你帮 助他学好中文的愿望 Dear David I m gladyou ll eto Wuhutolearn Chinese Chinese is very useful and manyforeigners arelearning itnow It s difficultforyoubecause it s quitedifferent fromEnglish You haveto rememberas manyChinese wordsaspossible It salsoimportant todo somereading andwriting You canwatchTVand listentotheradio topractice yourlistening Do yourbest totalk withpeopleinChinese You can learnChinesenot onlyfrom booksbut alsofrom peoplearound you If youhave anyquestions please askme I m sureyou ll learnChinese well Hope tosee yousoon inWuhu Yours Chen Quan10 假设你叫高迪 是高一 2 班的学生 你在10月16日晚上把一本 牛津高级英汉双解字典 丢在阅览室里 用英语写一则寻物启事 贴在餐厅前的留言板上 请捡到者交给 你或你班班长 启事时间10月17日Lost October17th On the eveningof October16th Ileftmy OxfordAdvanced Learner sEnglish Chinese Dictionaryinthereading room It isnew Will thefinder pleasesend ittomeinClassTwo senior GradeOne ortoourmonitor Thank youvery much Gao Di Loser 11 中考满分英语作文中国加入WTO后 有一大批外国人来 我市 河源参观 假设你是导游 请根据以下内容 向外宾简单介绍我市的情况 要求1 100词左右 2 要点包括a 有悠久的历史 位于广东的东北部 离广州198公里 人口约324万 b 有许多名胜古迹 如苏家围 Sujiawei 万绿湖 WanluLake 等等 万绿湖是一个很美丽的地方 湖水清澈 无污染 湖中有各 种各样的鱼 你可以到那里划船 野餐 钓鱼 是度假的好去处 你也可以去参观河源市博物馆 在那里你可以看到许多恐龙化石 f ossil c 祝大家在河源玩得愉快 Ladies andgentlemen Wele toHeyuan now letme introduceour city Heyuan toyou Heyuan is a citywith along history It isinthenortheast ofGuangdong and198kilometers awayfrom Guangzhou It hasa populationof3 240 000 There aremany placesof interestin Heyuan such asSujiawei Wanlu Lake andso on WanluLakeis abeautiful place The wateris cleanand notpolluted There areallkindsof fishinit You cango boating go fishingand havea piicthere It is really agood placeto spendyour holiday Besides you cango andvisit HeyuanMuseum There you can seealotof dinosauregg fossils I hopeyou canenjoy yourselvesin Heyuan Thank you 12 你校与加拿大某中学结成姊妹学校 加方校刊来信了解你校 的课外活动情况及你们的建议 请你根据下面表格中提供的内容用 英语写一篇80词左右的短文 文章的开头已给出 不计入总词数 活动时间450 550p m主要内容1 体力育类 篮球 足球等 2 兴趣小组 绘画 歌舞 电脑等 3 英语角 周三下午 建议1 增加课外活动时间2 减少作业量生词 兴趣小组interest group英语角English corner活动activity n 范文I d liketotellyou somethingabouttheout of class activitiesin our school We usuallyhave ouractivities from4 50 5 50intheafternoon We have different kindsof activities Some studentsareinterestedin sports They playbasketball andfootball We alsohave someinterest groups such asdrawing singing anddancing And now puter is the mostpopular On Wednesdayafternoon wegotoEnglish corner We liketalking inEnglish there We hopewe canspend moretime onsuch activitiesand lesstime onhomework 13 假定你某日在南昌遇见一位外国游客向你询问有关 乘车去庐山旅游的情况 请根据下面所给内容用一段话向这位外国游客做介绍 词数不少于80 火车80010001400汽车80090010001100注九江火车站 有汽车上庐山每小时一班You cangoto Lushan Mountaineither bytrain orby bus There arethree trainsto Jiujiang The first trainleaves at8 00 the secondat10 00 and the third at2 00intheafternoon When youarrive inJiujing youcantakeabus toLushan atJiujiang TrainStation You canalso gotoLushanfrom Nanchangby bus A busleaves everyhour from700inthemorning to5 00intheafternoon Lushan Mountainis verybeautiful I wishyou enjoyyourself 14 今天你到广州的一家超市购物 遇见一群英国游 客 在交谈中他们谈到明天想去广州动物园参观 向你打听该园的 门票价格和开放时间 请你根据下面表格中的内容向他们作个介绍 并顺便提醒他们一些 你认为参观时应注意的事项 词数不少于80个 给出的首句不计入总词数 注成人adult 票价成人80元 人20米 以上儿童40元 人1 20米以下儿童开放时间星期一 星期五上午900 下午400星期六 星期天上午800 下午530内容要点1 成人票价80元一张 2 儿童票价高于1 20米的40元一张 低于则 3 周一至周五 上午9点至下午4点开放 4 周 六 周日 上午8点至下午5点半开放 5 一些你认为参观时应注意的事项 Guangzhou Zoois thelargest oneinourcity The ticketfor anadult is80yuan The childrenover1 20m inheight canpay onlyhalf ofit and theones under1 20m canenter the zoo forfree The zooopens from9 00am to4 00pm onweekdays andfrom8 00am to5 30pm onweekends By the way while visitingthe zoo you d betternot feedthe animalswith thefoodyoutake And don t gettoo closeto oreven touchthe animals That wouldbe verydangerous Please keepthezooclean aswell Wish youagoodtime 15 假定你们学校要举行为期三天的运动会 你是学生会主席 由你具体筹划这次运动会 包括时间 地点 运 动项目 不少于5项 等 请你将筹划的情况告诉你班的英国同学Jack Jack擅长跑步 你邀请他参加男子400米接力赛项目 并告诉他该项 目比赛的具体时间及注意事项 词数80 100 内容要点1 举行校运动会 为期三天 2 运动会的时间 地点 运动项目 3 Jack擅长跑步 4 邀请他参加男子400米接力项目 5 接力赛的具体时间 6 参加接力赛的注意事项 范文Hi Jack we re going to haveourschoolsports meetingon theplayground nextweek It willlast threedays fromThursday toSaturday We havemany petitionsin running suchas100 metre race 200 metre race 400 metre raceand therelay race We alsohave thelong jump the highjump andso on I knowyou re goodat running Would youplease takepart inthe boys 400 metre relayrace whichstarts at10 30am onFriday Please be on time wear yoursports shoesand takea bottleof water Good lucktoyou 16 假设你是林华 今天在学校的公告栏上看到下面一则 海报 现在请你写一封e mail给你的好朋友Sam 一个集邮爱好者 告诉他有关海报的内容 并邀请他和你一起去参观邮票展 邮票展想度过一个特别的周末吗 来看看我们的邮展吧 这里将展 示国内外各种邮票 还将出售有关邮票的书籍 另外我们还设有邮 票交换角 主办者少年宫地点艺术中心时间10月15日 星期六 友情提示参加 者需准备6枚用以交换的邮票注意1 词数不少于80 开头和结尾已为 你写好 不计入总词数 2 根据内容要点适当发挥 注意行文连贯 3 参考词汇交换 exchange HiSam Ihavegood newstotellyou There llbea stampshow inArt Centeron Saturday October15 which is held byChildren s Palace Different kindsof stampsfrom bothhome andabroad willbeondisplay Books aboutstamps willalso beavailable Besides there llbean exchangecorner atthe show Anyone whowants towatch theshow needsto preparesix stampsfor exchanging I wanttotakepart inthe activity would youliketo go withme I thinkwe can make lotsof friendswho havethe samehobbies asus and maybewe canget somestamps thatwehavebeen expecting I m surewe ll havea specialweekend If you d liketogo please letme know 17 中学生学习时间长 压力大 专家建议学生每天课后应采 取适当的方式放松自己 某英文报 学生习作 专栏正在就 学生适当的放松方式 这一话 题进行征文 假设你是二十二中初三 3 班的班长 最近你对班上同学课后放松方式进行了调查 请根据表格提供的调查信息和要求写一篇短文向该报投稿 对象二十二中初三 3 班人数60人 男31人 女29人 常用放松方式1 看电视 30人 2 玩电脑游戏 12人 3 听音乐 8人 4 进行体育锻炼 5人 5 没有时间放松 5人 你的观点哪一种 些 放松方式是适当的 为什么 注意1 短文包括对调查相关信息的介绍和你自己的观点 2 词数80 100 题目和开头已为你写好 不记入总词数 The ProperWay s for studentsto RelaxIamthe monitorof Class3 Grade3 No 22Middle School Recently Ihave madea surveyof thestudents inmy classon ways to relaxafter class There are60students inmyclass 31boysand29girls Different studentshavedifferent waysto relax Half ofthestudentsoften watchTV 12students liketo playputer gameswhile8enjoy listeningto music 5students thinkdoing sportsis agood wayand anotherfive arebusy torelax As westudy toolong everyday andsuffer fromtoo m
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