



陕教旅游版第一册 Lesson8 What s this 教学设计教学设计 李云霞 设计理念设计理念 针对教材的特点和学生的特点 我在设计本课时本着 激趣 创新 应用 拓展 的原则 做了如下偿试 一 充分利用多媒体优势 优化课堂教学 二 充分利用和开发英语 课程资源 采用任务型教学途径 力求通过多样化的操练和游戏活动 创设空 间 培养学生的学习兴趣和自主学习的能力 三 运用字母卡片 图片 实 物 多媒体课件及采用唱歌 做游戏等激发学生的学习兴趣 教材简析教材简析 本节课主要教授四个单词 panda hippo elephant monkey 及如何用 what s that 来询问距离自己比较远的物体的英语表达法 并且会用 It s a an 来回答 在学习本课之前 学生在前七课已学完了 26 个英语字母 上节也学习了用 What s this It s a an 来询问物体的英语表达法 通过本课的学习 学生 将为以后学习英语单词及英语会话打下初步基础 Teaching aims 教学目标 教学目标 1 知识目标 a be able to aurally understand read and say the words panda hippo an elephant monkey b Be able to read and say What s that It s a 2 能力目标 a be able to aurally understand the dialogues b be able to make dialogues using the structure What s that It s a an 3 情感目标 a Foster the pupil s morality of loving and taking care of the animal b Foster the pupil s morality of cooperation and competition in study Key points and difficult points 教学重点 难点 教学重点 难点 Words panda hippo elephant monkey Sentences What s that It s a an Teaching methods 教法 教法 Demonstration Situational approach Elicitation approach task seeking creature Learning methods 学法指导 学法指导 Listening saying reading spelling communicative approach Role play Preparations 教具 学具准备 教具 学具准备 Tape recorder PPT pictures word cards letter cards objects small flags flower ect Teaching process 教学过程 教学过程 Step One Organize the class 课前热身 3Min Warming up exercise Sing the song How are you with actions Step Two Revision 复习 5Min 1 Act by body language and showing letter cards to revise the letters F T O C X 2 Point to the objects desk book chair blackboard ask and answer What s this It s Actions Touch point to your desk students touch point to the objects and repeat desk desk desk Such as book desk chair blackboard 3 Let students to make dialogue using What s this It s a an Ask two pairs Step Three Presentation 教授新知识 16Min Part A learn the words a panda a hippo an elephant a monkey 1 Show a toy panda ask What s that guide students to say It s a panda write on Bb panda such as hippo elephant monkey 2 Watching courseware PPT Hello I m panda I like cangaroo Hello I m hippo I m strong Hello I m elephant I m big Hello I m monkey I m clever chant panda panda 是熊猫 爱吃竹子白又胖 Hippo hippo 是河马 河马 Hippo 嘴巴大 elephant elephant 是大象 长长 nose 大耳朵 monkey monkey 小猴子 猴子 monkey 真聪明 小朋友 这些动物多可爱呀 我们一定要爱护它们 保护它们 你记住 了吗 3 Listen to the tape and repeat it twice 4 Follow the teacher 5 Open the book repeat following the tape twice 6 Practise reading and saying in groups 7 Compete to read in groups 8 let some pupils read individully Part B Learn the sentence What s that It s a an 1 Showing a toy monkey put it near me then far guide pupil to understand What s this and What s that It s a an such as book ruler hippo panda elephant 2 PPT shows compare this and that 3 Open the book turn to P46 listen and read 4 Students make dialogues in pairs Step Four Drills 操练 4Min Divide the class into small groups every group practises to make dialogues using What s that It s a panda hippo monkey or an elephant or using words as many as they can Step Five Consolidation 巩固 5Min 1 Role play Ask three pairs of students to make dialogues in front of the classroom 2 Do some exercise Step Six Play a game 游戏活动 3Min PPT shows listen to the song A B C students spell these words panda hippo elephant monkey with word cards Step Seven Summry and value 1 Summry the key points 2 Praise the best group and pupil Step Eight Homework PPT shows 作业布置 2Min 1 listen to the tape repeat lesson8 2 Making dialougues using What s this It s a an What s that It s a panda hippo monkey desk chair an elephant Blackoard design 板书设计 板书设计 教学反思 教学反思 这节课我创设了生动活泼的教学情景 注意融洽和谐的师生交流 在完成任务这节课我创设了生动活泼的教学情景 注意融洽和谐的师生交流 在完成任务 的环节中 我采取各种不同的方式达成学习目标 为学生提供发挥学习积极性 实的环节中 我采取各种不同的方式达成学习目标 为学生提供发挥学习积极性 实 践学习主观能动性的平台 使学生的英语能力和情意发展不知不觉渗透于学习活动践学习主观能动性的平台 使学生的英语能力和情意发展不知不觉渗透于学习活动 当中 造就和谐热烈的课堂气氛 充分体现任务型教学原则 当中 造就和谐热烈的课堂气氛 充分体现任务型教学原则 一 一 创设真实的语言环境 营造轻松的课堂气氛 创设真实的语言环境 营造轻松的课堂气氛 二 二 运用课件 实物 图片 手势及体态语言等多种形式生动形象的呈现运用课件 实物 图片 手势及体态语言等多种形式生动形象的呈现 知识 教授知识


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