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八下单词拼写练习U31. A good n_ is better than a brother far off.2. After f _ the letter carefully, he put it into a small box.3. After finishing the letter, he f_ it and put it into the envelop.4. After the dinner yesterday, the waiter p _ coffee for everyone.5. America became i _ on 4th July, 1776.6. Annie gets used to touching her iPhone with her middle f _.7. As he walked past the tree, an apple d _ from it.8. As middle school students, we shouldnt d _ too much on our parents. We should learn to look after ourselves.9. As we can see from the chart, the cost of childrens education has almost doubled ever s_ .10. As we can see, the cost of living has almost doubled ever s_ .11. Can I borrow your dictionary? Sorry, I l _ it to my cousin yesterday.12. Can you p _ me with some first hand information?13. Children d _ on their parents for food and clothing.14. Children these days d _ on their parents too much, which is not good for their future.15. China is a d _ country, for there are still many poor areas.16. China is d _ very fast these years and Chinese peoples life is becoming better and better.17. Cindy is very i _, because she began to do many things by herself when she was a little girl.18. Could I b _ your bike from you until next week?19. Could you help me s _ the floor of the classroom?20. Could you p _ me the sugar, Mom? The coffee is too bitter.21. Could you please help me s _ the floor?No problem.22. Could you please l _ me your pen? Mine is missing.23. Could you please p _ me the apple on the table?OK. Here you are.24. Did your father agree to let you travel alone? No, he didnt agree and n _ did my mother.25. Do you know who s _ the floor? Its pretty clean.I did. 26. Do you think its the parents job to p _ a clean and comfortable environment at home for their kids?27. Doing chores helps to d_ childrens independence and teaches them to look after themselves.28. Dont throw r _ anywhere. You should keep the classroom clean.29. Dont f _ down the corners of the page, it damages(损害) the book.30. Emma went to work in New York a year ago, and we havent seen her ever s _. We are looking forward to her return.31. English is f_ useful now, but some students think its rather difficult to learn.32. Every one of you should learn to live on yourself instead of d _ on your parents.33. Everybody has 10 f _ and 10 toes.34. Everybody is born with their ability to learn. But whether or not you can do this well d_ on your learning habits.35. For one week, she did not do any housework and n_ did I. 36. Good health d _ on good living habbits.37. Han Mei was cooking dinner w _ his father was listening to music.38. He can speak n _ of these two languages, hes from France and can only speak French.39. He cut one of the f _ when he cut the onions.40. He f _ the paper and carefully puts it into his bag.41. He is used to d _ on his parents, and cannot be independent at all.42. He often d _ by to visit me when he was free but now he never calls me.43. He plays computer games all the time on weekends. What a w _ of time!44. He says it is u _ to make him do the housework alone.45. He was i _ but nobody took him to the hospital.46. Helen s_ the floor and then took out the litter. 47. How long have you taught in our school s_ you came to China?48. How often do you eat out?It d _. But usually once a week. 49. I agree that doing housework can help d _ our independence.50. I cant understand a word of the English novel. N _ can I.51. I cut my f _ while cutting up the vegetables. It hurts me a lot.52. I d_ the glass on the ground carelessly and it broke into pieces.53. I didnt catch the school bus this morning.N _ did I. 54. I didnt go camping on my vocation. What about you? N _ did I. I went fishing with my father.55. I dont like eating onion because its so smelly. N_ does my daughter.56. I dont like this movie. Its boring.N _ do I. I almost fell asleep just now.57. I dont know how to spell this word.N _ do I.58. I found a big box d _ from the sixth floor when I passed that building. How dangerous it was!59. I have never been to the US.Me n _. How I wish to go there some day!60. I havent been to New York before and n _ has my sister.61. I l _ 100 yuan to Don last year, but he forgot to give it back to me.62. I l_ several records to John but he never returned them.63. I never learned to swim and n _ did my sister.64. I often have much s _ and fall ill before exams. What should I do?65. I s _ the floor yesterday though it was not my turn to be on duty.66. I t _the ball to Sally, but she didnt catch it.67. I think its really a w _ of time playing computer games.68. I think this program is meaningless and its just a w _ of time.69. I tried two bookshops for the dictionary I wanted, but n _ of them had it.70. If you dont study hard, your grades will d _.71. If you want to be i_, you must learn how to look after yourself. 72. In every restaurant, there is a sign Empty your plate. It tells us not to w _ food.73. In general, growing up means we have become i_. We dont need our parents to take care of us anymore and we must be responsible for ourselves.74. In the countryside, the roads used to be too narrow for cars to p _. But now theyve been widen a lot.75. It has been almost a year s _ the girl came here.76. It has been three years s _ we last saw our primary school classmates.77. It is f _ cold outside. My legs feel like big pieces of ice.78. It is helpful to d _ a good habit of reading in language learning.79. It is important for you to d _ your good habits.80. It is necessary for students to d_ a good study habit.81. It is necessary to build a society with f_ and justness82. It is the parents job to p _ their children with a comfortable environment.83. Its a complete w _ of time and money, dont do it anymore.84. Its a w _ of time just listening to teachers without taking notes.85. Its important to d_ childrens interest in study. 86. Its no good b _ something without returning.87. Its not my fault, but he u _ blamed me.88. Jane hasnt been to the science museum and n _ have I.89. Jason often fell ill and missed many classes. As a result, his grades d_.90. Justin h _ Christmas because he spent too much money buying gifts.91. Let your little daughter make some decisions by herself. Its important to d _ her independence.92. Look! The f _ of the clock points to twelve. Lets go and have lunch.93. Mary began to do her homework after she s _ the floor.94. Mary likes blue, w _ Tom likes red.95. May I use your English-Chinese dictionary now, Jill? Sorry. I have l _ it to Peter. He borrowed from me this morning.96. Mike was so generous that he l _ me 100 dollars without asking why.97. Miss tang has taught English s _ she came here.98. Mr. Jackson has been back to America s _ two weeks ago.99. My brother never eats carrots and n _ do I.100. My little daughter can make her bed and f _ her clothes.101. My n_ is a young man from China. His room is next to mine.102. My parents are used to teaching me to do things myself so that Im so i _.103. My pen isnt here, Can I b _ yours? OK, here you are.104. My sister didnt do any housework and n _ did I.105. My twin brother is a little different from me. He is quieter w _ I am more outgoing.106. N _ Anna nor I was interested in the movie, so we went shopping, instead.107. N _ of my parents liked the movie, but I enjoyed it very much.108. N _ of my parents went to work yesterday. They stayed at home.109. N _ of the books is mine.110. N _ of the plans works well. We need to make a third one. 111. N _ of the two answers is right. Do you have a third one?112. N _ of us did any homework, so our teacher was very angry with Mark and me.113. N _ of us will go to the party, because we are all busy.114. N _ Sam nor sally won the competition. The winner was Tim.115. N_ of my parents can speak English, so its difficult for them to live in America.116. N_ of the twins likes swimming. They both like playing basketball.117. Our next-door n _ are so noisy that we can hardly sleep some nights.118. P _ the exam is a piece of cake for me.119. People who live the next door are called n _. 120. Peter cant swim. N _ can I. So both us stay on the bank.121. Potato chips are one of childrens favorite s _.122. S _ no one in our class know the answer, I will tell you the way to work out the math problem.123. S _ we live in Hangzhou, we should do our best to be volunteers for G Summit.124. S _ we live in the same house, we should share the housework.125. S _ you all feel tired, please stop to have a rest.126. S _ you are not able to answer perhaps, we should ask someone else.127. S _ you have nothing to do now, could you please help me around the house?128. S _ you live in one house with your parents, you should know that everyone should do their part in keeping it clean and tidy.129. S_ you cant answer the question, I will have to ask someone else. 130. S_ everyone is here, lets begin our class.131. Sam didnt get the job, but he isnt unhappy because it didnt pay well a _.132. Shall we climb the mountain tomorrow?It d _ on the weather.133. Shall we go for a picnic tomorrow? Well, it all d_ on the weather.134. She cut one of her f _ while chopping onions last night.135. She d _ the plate and it broke into pieces.136. She f _ the letter and then put it in the box.137. She is always so u _ to be there to help people around her.138. She t _ more wood into the fireplace and soon she felt warmer.139. She was talking on the phone w _ I was doing chores.140. Some students s _ and mopped the floor, and others cleaned the window.141. Some students think doing housework is a w _ of their time.142. T _ your dirty clothes in the washing machine, or you wash it by yourself.143. Talking to a person who cant understand you at all is a w_ of time.144. Talking with her is a w_ of time. She will never listen to you. 145. That area has lots of crimes this year w _ this one has none.146. The book is too expensive. I think I will b _ one from the library.147. The boy was upset because he didnt p_ the final exam.148. The cleaner always s _ the floor before everyone came.149. The company p _ dinner as well as breakfast.150. The cooking time needed d _ on the size of the potato.151. The course is designed to help children d_ their speaking skills.152. The dustman comes once a week to collect the r _.153. The earlier kids learn to be i _, the better it is for their future.154. The first book was not good, n _ was the second one.155. The first two services are free, w _ the third costs $.156. The house is in a m _ after the party. Lets help to clean it up.157. The Indian restaurant is the best restaurant in town because it p_ the best food and the waiters there are the most friendly.158. The Internet today can p _ us with all the information we need.159. The main cause of the water pollution was that people t _ the wastes into the river.160. The old man p_ food for the poor boy to help him go through the difficulty times.161. The parents p _ the children with food and clothes.162. The relationship between the two countries d _ well now. And its good for the people in the two countries.163. The result of the basketball match doesnt d _ completely on the players skills. Team spirit also works in it.164. The room is full of r _. Could you take it out?165. The school p _ students with some bread and milk during the break.166. The sun p _ us with light and heat. We cant live without it.167. The useless paper was tied together, ready to be t _ out.168. The weather in Hangzhou is n _ hot nor cold in spring.169. There is an apple tree in front of my n _ house.170. They f _ their dinner-table each time after they had their meals to save space.171. They gave two answers, but n _ of them was right. 172. They t _ paper balls with each other in the classroom at the end of the self-learning class.173. This hotel is the most popular because it p_ tourists with great environment and good service.174. To improve your writing skills, youd better d _ a habit of reading.175. Tom wants to b _ some money from his friend. But no one wants to do him a favor. 176. Tracy lives next to Miss Brown. They are n _.177. Trying to do chores helps to develop childrens i _ and ability to look after themselves.178. Turn down the radio, or youll wake up our next-door n _.179. W _ Linda was sleeping, Jenny was helping Marry with her homework.180. W _ Mary was doing the washing up, she was planning her holiday.181. Wang Gang speaks n _ English nor German. He can only speak Chinese.182. Was it really f_ to ask the little boy to do all the work?183. We all dislike going skating in winter. N _ of us will go with you.184. We are working hard to clean up this m _.185. We b _ some books from the school library last week.186. We decide to volunteer to clean out the r _ in the city park. We want to make it clean.187. We did the same work, but he got more money than me. It was u_ to me.188. We each have two hand and ten f _.189. Weve been living like this ever s _ the birth of my little brother.190. Weve got two TVs, but n _ works properly, so we have to buy a new one this weekend.191. What do you think of the old saying, A good n _ is better than a brother far off?192. What will happen later d _ on the talks which are going right now.193. What would you like to drink, tea or coffee?N _. A glass of milk would be fine.194. What would you like, coffee or tea? N _. Id like some juice.195. Whats the weather like in Hainan? Hot. You can wear T- _ and pants.196. Whether or not you can read fast d _ on your vocabulary and reading habits.197. Whether we will take a school trip tomorrow d _ on the weather.198. Whether(是否) we can go out or not d _ on the weather.199. Which do you like? N _, I think theyre both ugly.200. Will you go to the beach tomorrow?It d_ on the weather. If its fine, Ill go there.201. Would you like some coffee or tea?N _. Id like some water.202. Would you mind p _ me that book?Of course not.203. You dont have to bring your lunch because the school p _ you with delicious food.204. You have grown s _ the last time I saw you.【参考答案】1. neighbor2. folding3. folded4. provided5. independent6. finger7. dropped8. depend9. since10. since11. lent12. provide13. depend14. depend15. developing16. developing17. independent18. borrow19. sweep20. pass21. sweep22. lend23. pass24. neither25. swept26. provide27. develop28. rubbish29. fold30. since31. fairly32. depending33. fingers34. depends35. neither36. depends37. while38. neither39. fingers40. folds41. depending42. dropped43. waste44. unfair45. ill46. swept47. since48. depends49. develop50. Neither51. finger52. dropped53. Neither54. Neither55. Neither56. Neither57. neither58. dropping59.


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