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Unit 4 When is Easter B Let s talk 教学设计教学设计 土堡小学 刘佳 教学目标教学目标 1 知识目标 版权所有 1 学生能够在图片和教师的帮助下 理解对话大意 能正确的语音 语调及意群 朗读对话 并进行角色表演 2 通过学习Mike与Chen Jie讨论生日的场景 听 说 读 写词汇 cook noodles both of you 了解一些中国生日的习俗 感知重点句型的语义及语用情景 When is your birthday My birthday is on April 4th What will you do for your mum I ll cook noodles for her 21教育网 2 能力目标 1 能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意 2 能够按照正确的语音 语调及意群朗读对话 并能进行角色表演 3 能够在情景中运用句型When is your birthday My birthday is on 询问并且 回答生日日期 并完成角色扮演活动 3 情感目标 1 激发学生的英语学习兴趣 培养良好的英语学习习惯 2 通过陈杰为妈妈煮生日面条 热情好客等行为与品质作为学生的榜样加以引导 学生 树立正确的价值观和社会责任感 www 21 cn 教学重点教学重点 1 句型 When is your birthday My birthday is on April 4th What will you do for your mum I ll cook noodles for her 2 1 c n j y 2 词汇 cook noodles both of you 教学难点教学难点 1 学生能够在语境中理解生词both of you的意思 并能正确发音 熟练使用一般将 来时态的语用 来源 21 世纪 教育 网 2 在具体的语境中 理解并使用下列句型 We can have a birthday party for both of you 21 世纪 教育网 教学准备教学准备 1 教师准备与本课时相关音视频及课件 教学过程教学过程 Step 1 热身互动热身互动 1 师生互致问候 自由对话 T Good morning boys and girls T Which season do you like best Ss I like best 2 Let s say 说一说 复习月份 March April October July January December June May February August September November Step2 预授准备预授准备 1 Sharp eyes 快速抢答说出闪现的词汇 2 Ask and answer 运用给出的节日和时间进行师生和生生问答 When is It s on m Step3 导入新课导入新课 1 故事导入 用绘本故事 My Mum 配合英文和中文翻译 学生在老师的引导下欣赏图文 并跟读 2 由自由问答引入对话情景 T Do you love your mum I have some questions for you children When is your birthday What will your mum do for your birthday 学生回答 3 T Your mum is great she gives your life but do you know when is your mother s birthday What will you do for your mother s birthday 问答完后教育学生记住母亲的 生日并在生日这天为母亲送上祝福 4 学习新句型 when is your birthday When is his birthday My birthday is on 5 看图 思索 抛出问题 Listen and answer Q1 When is Mike s birthday Q2 When is Chen Jie s mother s birthday Q3 What will Chen Jie do for his mother Then check the answers Ss His birthday is on April 4th Ss It s on April 4th too Ss She will cook noodles for her 6 学习重点句型 That s my mother s birthday too What will you do for your mum I ll cook noodles for her Chinese noodles are delicious Please come then We can have a birthday party for both of you both Step4 Practice 1 Watch the video 2 Listen and follow 3 Point and read silently 4 Read it together 5 Practice in groups and act it out Step5 Consolidation and extension 1 Fill the sentences 2 Fill the words and phrases 3 Make up new dialogues 选择自己可以进行的句式 或者自创对话进行练习并表演 Conclusion 1 知识总结 2 情感教育 在家人和朋友生日的时候送上祝福 Homework 1 熟读课文 背诵重点句子 2 为近期快过生日的家人和朋友做一张卡片 表达自己对他们生日的祝福 板书设计板书设计 Unit 4 When is Easter B Let s talk When is your birthday My birthday is on What will you do for your mum I ll cook noodles for her Unit 4 When is Easter B Let s talk 说课稿说课稿 土堡小学 刘佳 一 说教材 本单元 B 部分围绕 birthday 为主线展开 本课是这一单元的第 四课时 主要教学内容是通过核心句型 When is your birthday It s on April 4th 交流生日话题并充分展开问答 通过句型 What will you do for your mum I ll cook noodles for her 表达自己将为家人或朋友做什 么 该话题建立在五年级下册第三单元月份和本单元 Part A 的学习 基础之上 也为六年级一般将来时的学习做好铺垫 2 教学目标 1 知识目标 能在有意义的语境中 听懂 会说 会运用核心句型 When is your birthday It s on April 4th 交流生日话题并充分展开问 答 What will do you for your mum I ll cook noodles for her 表达自己 将为家人或朋友做什么 2 能力目标 能在情境中用其它词汇进行替换或将其它句子编入对 话中 培养学生的综合语言运用能力 3 情感目标 通过了解同学与亲人的生日 懂得感恩亲人 学会关 心他人 做一个温情的好少年 4 学习策略与文化意识 通过学习 学会读图 学会小组合作 了 解中西方生日文化差异 三 教学重点和难点 五年级学生有一定的语言基础 掌握了基本的交际用语 基于学 情分析 我将句型 When is your birthday It s on April 4th What will do you for your mum I ll cook noodles for her 设定为教学重点 将对 话中 Please come then we can have a birthday party for both 设定为教 学难点 四 教学流程 Step 1 热身互动热身互动 1 师生互致问候 自由对话 2 Let s say 说一说 复习月份 Step2 预授准备预授准备 1 Sharp eyes 快速抢答说出闪现的词汇 3 Ask and answer 运用给出的节日和时间进行师生和生生问答 When is It s on m Step3 导入新课导入新课 1 故事导入 用绘本故事 My Mum 配合英文和中文翻译 学生在老师的引导下欣赏图文 并跟读 2 由自由问答引入对话情景 T Do you love your mum I have some questions for you children When is your birthday What will your mum do for your birthday 学生回答 3 T Your mum is great she gives your life but do you know when is your mother s birthday What will you do for your mother s birthday 问答完后教育学生记住母亲的 生日并在生日这天为母亲送上祝福 4 学习新句型 when is your birthday When is his birthday My birthday is on 5 看图 思索 抛出问题 Listen and answer Q1 When is Mike s birthday Q2 When is Chen Jie s mother s birthday Q3 What will Chen Jie do for his mother Then check the answers Ss His birthday is on April 4th Ss It s on April 4th too Ss She will cook noodles for her 6 学习重点句型 That s my mother s birthday too What will you do for your mum I ll cook noodles for her Chinese noodles are delicious Please come then We can have a birthday party for both of you both Step4 Practice 1 Watch the video 2 Listen and follow 3 Point and read silently 6 Read it together 7 Practice in groups and act it out Step5 Consolidation and extension 4 Fill the sentences 5 Fill the words and phrases 6 Make up new dialogues 五 板书设计 Unit 4 When is Easter B Let s talk When is your birthday My birthday is on What will you do for your mum I ll cook noodles for her Unit 4 When is Easter B Let s talk 教学反思教学反思 土堡小学 刘佳 本单元 B 部分围绕 birthday 为主线展开 本课是这一单元的 第四课时 主要教学内容是通过核心句型 When is your birthday It s on April 4th 交流生日话题并充分展开问答 通过句型 What will you do for your mum I ll cook noo


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