Unit 5My clothes_第1页
Unit 5My clothes_第2页
Unit 5My clothes_第3页
Unit 5My clothes_第4页




PEP 小学英语四年级下册小学英语四年级下册 Unit 5 My clothes A Let s learn Let s do 曲江区九龄小学曲江区九龄小学 戴丽娜戴丽娜 一 教学目标 1 能听 说 认读单词 clothes hat skirt dress pants 能熟练运用句 型 I like that green skirt those pants 来表达自己对于某件衣服的喜好 并能 在情境中运用 2 能听懂 Let s do 的指示语 并按要求做出相应动作 3 引导学生理解与区分单词 this these that those 二 教学重点 掌握 6 个有关服装的单词 并能在实际情境中运用 三 教学难点 表示服装的名词及读法 和句型 I like 四 教学准备 课件 单词卡 服装图片 颜色转盘 五 教学过程 Step 1 Greeting T Stand up please Good morning everyone S Good morning Miss Dai T Nice to meet you S Nice to meet you too T Sit down please Step 2 Fee talk T What s the weather like today S1 It s cloudy and warm T How are you S 2 I m fine thank you T How old are you S3 I m ten T What time is it S4 It s 9 o clock It s time for English class Step 3 Warming up T Look What s this Now lt s play a game Look and say the colours as quickly as you can What colour is it Review the colours words blue green black red T There are so many colours here What colour do you like best S blue T What s my favorite colour Can you guess Step 4 Presentation 1 I like green best Look I m wearing a green skirt Do you like green skirt S No I don t like it 2 师板书 I like the green skirt 教学单词 skirt Read and spell the new word s k i r t skirt The whole class read together T Ask the student What s the date today S1 Today is Mother s day 母亲节 T Yes so today I ll go for a party Look This is my big wardrobe 向学生展示 一个大衣柜 What colour should I wear Can you give me some ideas Please come here to choose one for me S1 Choose and point T What s this S Sorry I don t know T It s a dress 3 学生和老师一起学习单词 dress 方法同 skirt 4 Pair work Ask and answer A What s this B It s a skirt dress A What colour is the skirt dress B It s yellow red green 5 Learn the new words hat pants 利用歌曲 This old hat 引入并学习 6 Look I have so many clothes here Do you know clothes 引导学生理解 clothes 的含义并学习单词 clothes 教师总结 hats pants skirts dresses all together we call them clothes Step 5 Practice 1 课件呈现不同款式的帽子 短裙 连衣裙 请学生说说自己喜欢哪一件 I like this that T Do you like 2 Read after the record 3 学习单词 this these that those 引导学生进行区别 师出示一条长裤的图片 问 Do you like these pants 帮助学生理解在这里必须 用 these 而不能用 this 教师再出示不同款式的长裤 请学生说说自己 喜欢哪条 如 I like those blue pants 教师讲解单词 these 与 those 的用 法 即 these 是 this 的复数 those 是 that 的复数 4 Read and spell the new words the whole class hat skirt dress pants clothes 5 Read the sentences I like that green skirt Me too And I like those pants 6 Pair work 两同桌结对创编对话 A Look at that red hat I like it B Yes it s beautiful And I like those pants 7 Let s do 1 Listen and watch 2 Listen and do the action 帮助学生理解动词与动词短语的含义 Put on Hang up Take off Wash Put away 7 Game 1 Look and say Listen and pick up T ask the S Do you like these clothes What do you like you can choose 引导学生选择自己喜欢的一件衣服并用英语表达出来 I like T OK They are for you Are you happy S Yes thanks 2 火眼金睛 将所学新词一闪而过 看看哪个学生的眼睛厉害 看到什么 单词就大声读出来 8 奖励 T Boys and girls you did a very good job and I have some presents for you show a box Look What s in it A green skirt A yellow dress A white hat 学生抽到的只要能说出就送他 Step 6 Homework 1 Read and spe


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