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第 1 页 共 19 页 鲁教版鲁教版 20202020 届九年级英语二模试卷 届九年级英语二模试卷 I I 卷 卷 姓名姓名 班级班级 成绩成绩 一 一 单项填空 共单项填空 共 6 6 分 每小题分 每小题 0 50 5 分 分 共共 1212 题 共题 共 6 6 分分 1 0 5 分 If you like the blue trousers you can A try on it B try them on C try it on D try on them 2 0 5 分 When did Neil Armstrong walk on the moon July 20th 1969 A In B At C For D On 3 0 5 分 Can you tell me Huang Hua will give us a speech this afternoon Yes he will A both B what C that D whether 第 2 页 共 19 页 4 0 5 分 What were your brother and you doing at this time last night He was writing an email I was watching TV A while B as soon as C until 5 0 5 分 Could you say that again I can hardly what you said just now A imagine B Control C see D change 6 0 5 分 Compared with newspapers or TV the Internet offers people information A much B more C most 7 0 5 分 My father usually the subway to work but next week he to work A takes walks B will take will walk C takes will walk D will take walks 8 0 5 分 What languages in that country German and English 第 3 页 共 19 页 A are speaking B is spoken C speak D are spoken 9 0 5 分 Could you me your bike Mine is broken Sorry Tony it yesterday A borrow lent B borrow has lent C lend borrowed D lend has borrowed 10 0 5 分 The blue skirt 15 dollars A is on sale B are on sale C are on sale for D is on sale for 11 0 5 分 there a map on the wall Yes there A Are is B Is are C Is is D Are are 12 0 5 分 Do you know to London 第 4 页 共 19 页 Sure Next month A when he will travel B when will he travel C when he travelled 二 二 完形填空 共完形填空 共 8 8 分 每小题分 每小题 1 1 分 分 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 8 8 分分 13 8 分 阅读下面短文 掌握大意 然后从 A B C D 四个选项中选出最佳选项 Playing a musical instrument is a great hobby I started playing the piano when I was five years old and I still 1 it now it is a perfect way to relax and can cheer me up when I m feeling 2 When 1 lived at home with my parents we had a brown piano in the 3 and I had piano lessons every week However when I went to university I had to 4 my family and my piano behind I enjoyed playing the piano so much that I 5 all the money I got for my birthday on a new electric piano It was quite 6 to get it from the music shop I had to ask a friend to help 7 get the piano into a taxi and then move it to the door I was able to play 8 I wanted using earphones so that I wouldn t disturb 打扰 my roommates When I got tired of studying or writing an essay I would take a 9 by playing something energetic It really helped me feel relaxed and happy 10 I was feeling a bit homesick 想家的 playing music that I learned on my old piano made me feel 11 Now I am studying abroad and I don t have a 12 with me When I m listening to a tune that I can 13 I feel nostalgic 怀旧的 about the piano keyboard I wish that pianos were as portable 轻便 的 as guitars 14 I really want to spend time on my hobby Luckily there are other activities that I 15 do to relax like drawing or writing stories 1 A enjoy B dislike C pack D double 第 5 页 共 19 页 2 A happy B comfortable C down D hungry 3 A house B school C office D park 4 A forget B leave C remember D make 5 A cost B paid C took D spent 6 A easy 第 6 页 共 19 页 B interesting C difficult D different 7 A him B me C us D her 8 A whenever B whoever C however D wherever 9 A course B test C walk D break 10 A Though B When C After 第 7 页 共 19 页 D Unless 11 A sadder B sleepier C better D worse 12 A guitar B piano C violin D drum 13 A play B speak C dance D thank 14 A till B but C so D because 15 第 8 页 共 19 页 A need B should C can D must 三 三 阅读下列短文 根据短文内容 从短文后各题所给的阅读下列短文 根据短文内容 从短文后各题所给的 A A B B C C D D 共共 4 4 题 共题 共 2626 分分 14 6 分 阅读表格 从每题所给的 A B C 和 D 四个选项中 选出最佳选项 Looking for an e friend My name is Lily I m an Australian girl I hope to make a Chinese e friend This summer I am going to study in Beijing But I can t speak or write in Chinese well I want to practise Chinese with my e friend I am good at drawing and I can draw some beautiful pictures for you And I can help you learn English better Do you want to make friends with me Please contact 联系 me My QQ number is 1255678 And you can send an email tone My email address is lily Looking for basketball players The school basketball team is going to take part in the basketball game in Guangzhou Now we need some excellent boys for playing basketball If you are good at playing basketball and have already taken part in some school games and you have 2 hours free time every day or practice please join us Just come to our team office and show us your ball playing skills 1 How can you contact Lily A By calling her on the phone B By sending a letter to her by post C By talking with her in her office D By chatting with her on QQ 2 What does the underlined word excellent mean A Very tall 第 9 页 共 19 页 B Very rich C Very good D Very happy 3 Which of the students CANNOT join the basketball team A Tom who has taken part in school basketball games many times B John who has only one hour every day for practice C Tony who is very good at playing basketball D Peter who has two hours every day for practice 4 Where can you probably find these two passages A In an advertisement 广告 B On TV C In a school newspaper D In a book 15 6 分 阅读短文 从每题所给的 A B C 和 D 四个选项中 选出最佳选项 Alan Smith is blind He teaches blind children in his country To show the world that the blind can also do something amazing he walked across the world s largest salt desert Salar de Uyuni only with the help of a GPS Walking across the desert is not easy for an able bodied person let alone 更不用说 a blind man Before setting off Alan spent three years training for the journey He studied everything he could find about the place and asked for advice from other travelers During his journey he only took water food and sleeping bags He walked about 20 kilometers a day He showed great perseverance 毅力 and finished the 140 kilometer journey in just seven days The brave teacher thought his week long journey was wonderful He said The journey was quite good There were snow storms and winds but luckily I made it 第 10 页 共 19 页 1 Why did Alan cross the desert on foot A To tell children a story B To have a wonderful journey C To take a risk for money D To show the ability of the blind 2 The underlined phrase setting off in the second paragraph probably means A preparing a journey B starting a journey C breaking a journey D finishing a journey 3 What did Alan do during the journey A He overcame all of the difficulties B He asked for advice from other travelers C He walked with an experienced tour guide D He studied something useful about the place 4 How long did Alan s journey take A 140 days B One week C 20 months D 3 years 5 Which of the following can best describe Alan s journey A It is a piece of cake 第 11 页 共 19 页 B It is between a rock and a hard place C Nothing is impossible D Learning should be a lifelong journey 16 6 分 Is there intelligent 有智力的 life on other planets For years scientists said no or we don t know But today this is changing Seth Shostak and Alexandra Barnett are astronomers 天文学家 They believe intelligent life exists 存在 somewhere in the universe They also think we sill soon contact these beings 人 生物 Why do Shostak and Barnett think intelligent life exists on other planets The first reason is time Scientists believe the universe is about 12 billion years old This is long enough for other planets to have intelligent life say Shostak and Barnett The second reason is size the universe is huge Tools like the Hubble Telescope 哈勃望远镜 have shown that there are at least 100 billion galaxies says Shostak And our galaxy the Milky Way has at least 100 billion stars Some planets going around these stars might be similar to Earth In the past it was hard to look for signs of intelligent life in the universe But now powerful telescopes 高倍望远镜 allow scientists to discover smaller planets the size of Mars or Earth in other solar systems These planets might have intelligent life Have beings from space already visited Earth Probably not says Shostak It s a long way away However intelligent beings may contact us in other way such as radio signals 信号 In fact they may be trying to communicate with us now but we don t have the right tools to receive their messages However this is changing By 2025 we could make contact with other life forms in our universe and we might help each other 1 Seth Shostak and Alexandra Barnett are A astronomers B farmers C singers D drivers 第 12 页 共 19 页 2 What is the best title for Paragraph 2 A The Age and Size of Earth B Our Galaxy The Milky Way C Why Intelligent Life Might Exist D Earth The Only Planet with Intelligent Life 3 Why was it hard to look for signs of intelligent life in the universe in the past A There were not any smaller planets B There were not any powerful telescopes C The astronomers were not interested in them D The Milky Way didn t exist at that time 4 Why haven t beings from space visited us yet according to Shostak A They re afraid of us B It s a long way away C They don t want to see us D They don t know how to use radio signals 5 What does the underlined phrase life forms in the last paragraph mean A Messages B Tools C Intelligent beings D Radio signals 17 8 分 阅读下列短文 从下面每小题的 A B C D 四个选项中选出最佳选项 并在答题卡上将相应字 母编号涂黑 第 13 页 共 19 页 D Have you ever experienced this moment You pick up a pen and start to write something down but you can t remember what the Chinese characters look like You are not alone Lots of people experienced such a moment CCTV10 started a show called Chinese Character Dictation Competition On the show only three out of the 10 adults correctly wrote the words bingqilin ice cream and no one could write out penti sneeze According to a survey about 94 percent of people said they had a bad memory when they wrote some Chinese characters It seems that Chinese characters are in danger As we know the digital 数 字的 age takes over people s daily life and the need of using a pen to write is geeing less and less Most people now write Chinese on keyboard 键盘 using pinyin An expert said These days many people would easily forget the feature of a Chinese character such as ins structure 结构 and meaning Chinese characters are one of the world s oldest written languages It is not only a way for us to record things but also important to pass on Chinese culture For example the Chinese character man male is made of two parts tian farmland 田 and li strength 力 We can tell from it that in the old times Chinese men were in charge of working on the farmland Now many organizations 组织 are making efforts to call on more people to pick up pens and write Chinese characters 1 After reading the passage we can know Chinese Character Dictation Competition is A a song B a TV show C an exhibition D a news report 2 On the show percent of the adults couldn t write the words bingqilin correctly A 3 B 10 第 14 页 共 19 页 C 30 D 70 3 Why does the writer mention the Chinese character man male 男 A To show that men did more work on the farmland B To show that men are playing an important pan in our life C To show how we use Chinese characters to record things D To Show the Chinese culture behind Chinese characters 4 What s the main idea of the passage A It s about the history of Chinese characters B It s about the features of Chinese C It s about the terrible situation of Chinese characters D It s about the importance of passing on Chinese culture 四 四 任务型阅读 共任务型阅读 共 1010 分 每小题分 每小题 2 2 分 分 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1010 分分 18 10 分 任务型阅读 What was living in the ISS like Living in space is common to astronauts But what if it is a task of nearly a year US astronaut Scott Kelly was in the International Space Station ISS for 340 days It is the longest time a US astronaut has spent in space at a time Kelly s stay is part of the Twins 双胞胎 Study When Scott Kelly spent nearly a year in the ISS his twin brother Mark Kelly lived on Earth They gave scientists more ways to study human space flight Usually living in the ISS for such a long time is boring Was it the same for Kelly Let s take a look Good morning everyone 第 15 页 共 19 页 It s time to enjoy a sunrise But for Kelly it was one of the 16 sunrises he saw each day in the ISS Isn t that cool Work comes first During his stay Kelly and his partners did about 400 science experiments One of them was about planting vegetables And they did it Growing vegetables will be helpful for longer space journeys Moving with microgravity 微重力 As we all know space is a place with microgravity which influences human bodies So Kelly did exercise more than 700 hours in the ISS That is about two hours of exercise a day Microgravity also makes some easy things difficult Kelly often slept in a sleeping bag or his arms would float 漂浮 in front of him all the time Boring Why not do something for fun Kelly loved taking photos from space and sharing them with the world online Even President Obama is hi


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