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1 已经具备了比较良好的条件 relatively sound conditions exist for sound 作为形容词常见的几个搭配 1 Having a firm basis unshakable 基础牢固的 不可动摇的 例子 a sound foundation 牢固的基础 2 Financially secure or safe 财政上充实的或安全的 例子 a sound economy 殷实的经济 3 Based on valid reasoning 合理的建立在有效推理之上的 例子 a sound observation 合理的说法 4 Free from logical flaws 没有逻辑错误的 例子 sound reasoning 符合逻辑的推理 5 Thorough complete 彻底的 完全的 例子 a sound flogging 狠狠的鞭打 6 Deep and unbroken undisturbed 深沉而不间断的 不受打扰 的 例子 a sound sleep 酣睡 7 Marked by or showing common sense and good judgment levelheaded 有识别力的表现基本常识及良好判断或者具有这种特点的 头脑清 醒的 例子 a sound approach to the problem 对该问题见解正确的方法 2 推动经济和社会发展达到新的水平 raise its economic and social development to a new level 3 维护地区的和平与稳定 发展经济科技 maintain regional peace and stability develop economy science and technology 4 扩大互利合作 促进共同繁荣 expand mutually beneficial cooperation and promote common prosperity 5 创造了重要的前提条件 provide an important prerequisite 6 具有相当强的经济实力 have built up significant economic strength 7 踏上 航程 join the rank of rank 1 A body of people classed together numbers 群众归 类在一起的人们 成员 例子 joined the ranks of the unemployed 加入到失业大军中 2 本句中 A row line series or range 行列行 列 系列或行 列 8 正在步入 的行列 have embarked on the road of road 的抽象概念 be in on the road to doing sth 走上 的道 路 着手某事 Theres no royal roadto wisdom 学识无捷径 9 有的 有的 有的 some others and still others 10 为 提供广阔的空间 provide a broad scope for 11 以 为重 attach great value to sth 12 崇尚自尊自强 uphold such virtues as self respect and self strengthening 13 为不断发展 提供精神动力 will be further boosted by the spiritual motivations 14 从政治 经济 文化 地缘等方面看 东亚都是当今世界一支不 可忽视的力量 East Asia in today s world is a force that cannot be ignored politically economically culturally or geographically 15 这样才能 Only by doing so can we 16 香港社会稳定 人心稳定 经济保持稳健运行 HongKong now enjoys social stability its residents have a sense of security and its economy is developing smoothly Enjoy 这种用法 很有意思 享受 享有 特权等 享受 的乐趣 欣赏 喜爱 欢 enjoy free medical care 享受公费医疗 enjoy a good health a good income 享有健康的身体 很好的收入 enjoy ones dinner 津津有味地吃饭 He enjoys many privileges 他享有许多特权 He is enjoying the cool air 他在乘凉 17 南方私家花园中的溪 桥 山 亭 小巧玲珑 布局精美 尽显 自然美 令人赏心悦目 Small and delicate cleverly laid out and pleasing to the eye the streams bridges rockeries and pavilions of a private Chinese garden reveal a natural beauty of their own 18 白墙上树影婆娑 池塘中柳枝起舞 在园中徜徉的游客 也许 能在这世外桃源里真正地享受片刻安宁 Strolling about these gardens with the tree shadows swaying on the white wall and willow reflections dancing in the ponds tourists may then find themselves truly enjoying a moment of peace and relaxation in this paradise beyond the turmoil of the world 19 这是 的第一步 This is merely the first step toward 20 A 进而 B A prior to B 21 只有在这种情况下 Only under such circumstances can 22 因 不同而有所不同 vary due to the differences of 23 我认为 in my view 24 20 年的改革开放大大改善了中国人民的物质生活 20 yeats of reform and opening up have witnessed great improvement in the material life of the Chinese people 21 说起 in terms of 该短语解释 1 As measured or indicated by in units of 用 衡量或表示 用 的措辞 distances expressed in terms of kilometers as well as miles cheap entertainment but costly in terms of time wasted 用公里和英里来 表示距离 低廉的娱乐 但就浪费的时间来说却极昂贵 2 In relation to with reference to 根据按照 就 而言 facilities planned and programmed in terms of their interrelationships instead of evolving haphazardly 按照其内在 的关系来营造设施以防止其产生灾难性的进展 22 人们都知道 it is popularly recognized that 23 A 孕育了 B B owes itself to A 24 我愿在这里提出一下几点意见 I would like to offer my observations as follows observations 的解释 An inference or a judgment that is acquired from or based on observing 观测结论 从观测得出的推论或判断 观察后发表的 言论 意见 短评 25 本着 的原则 in accordance with the principle of 26 把 摆到重要位置 give priority to 27 应该 而不要 instead of 28 人类将要迎接一个新千年 Mankind is about to embrace a new millennium Embrace 的解释 1 To surround enclose 包围 包含 例子 We allowed the warm water to embrace us 我们让温水包围 我们 2 To twine around 环绕 缠绕 例子 a trellis that was embraced by vines 环绕了葡萄藤的棚架 3 To take up willingly or eagerly 乐意地或渴望地从事于 embrace a social cause 乐意地从事于一项社会活动 4 To avail oneself of 利用 I only regret in my chilled age certain occasions and possibilities I didnt embrace 我只是遗憾 在我失意的时候没有利用某些情 况和某些可能 29 显得越来越紧迫 take on an even greater urgency 30 吸毒者约占全世界人口的 3 Illicit drug consumption involves about 3 percent of the worlds population 31 将法网撒向毒品市场的每个环节 spread the net of justice over every link of the drug market 个人认为 corner 更好 32 致富奔小康 get on the road leading to a comfortable life reach a moderate level of prosperity 33 是 共同的心愿 will reflect the common aspiration of 34 始终 have always been 35 这是 也是 This is It also reflects 36 随着时间的推移 With the passage of time 37 人们越来越清楚地看到 it is even more apparent that 38 中国的裁军决策是由中国主动作出的 Chinas disarmament decision is made out of its own will 39 不是屈服于任何人的压力而被迫作出的 rather than under any external pressure 40 是以对 高度负责的精神而采取的 it is an act taken out of a high sense of responsibility for 41 不把裁军作为迫使他国同时裁军的筹码或先决条件 China has no intention whatsoever to use disarmament as a means or prerequisite to force other countries to reduce their military troops with China 42 以自己的实际行动表达了 show to the world with its initiative in 43 有朋自远方来 不亦乐乎 How delightful I am to have friends coming from afar 44 起到 的桥梁作用 serve as a bridge linking linking 一词大可 不必要 45 以长远的战略眼光审视和处理双方关系 approach and handle our bilateral relations from a long range strategic perspective 46 支持东盟在地区和国际事务中发挥积极作用 be in support of a positive role by ASEAN in regional and international affairs 47 取得了长足的进展 make considerable headway make great stride 48 中国与东盟各国的发展 繁荣和友好合作 前景将更加美好 there lies an even brighter future for the development prosperity friendship and cooperation between China and ASEAN 是不是为 cooperation on friendly basis 更好 见例子 cooperate in harmony


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