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1 作文 1 假设你是吴东 你在网上认识了一个美国朋友 Jack 他来信向你诉说交朋友的烦恼 他要求你就 friendship 这个话题发表你的观点和看法并给他一些建议 于是你根据你所了解的情况 给他回了一封 e mail 写作内容 1 友谊是每个人生活中最重要的事情之一 没有朋友 人会孤独的 2 多与朋友交流 让朋友知道你想与他交朋友以及你对朋友和友谊的理解 3 真正的朋友应该同甘共苦 4 邀请朋友参加一些活动如游泳 球赛等 赢得真正的友谊 Dear Jack I m glad to have received your e mail but I am sorry you are having some trouble in making friends In my opinion friendship is one of the most important things in everyone s life because without friends we will suffer loneliness If you would like to take my advice you ll win real friendship First why not communicate with your friend when possible and tell him her what you think about friends and friendship and let him her know that you want to make friends with him her Secondly you should learn to share your happiness and sorrow with your friends Thirdly it would be a good idea if you like to invite him her to join in some activities such as swimming and ball games which can make you learn to appreciate your friends and cherish your friendship I hope you will find these opinions and ideas useful Best wishes Yours Wu Dong 作文 2 假设你是李华 你所在学校拟在下周开一个 如何高效地学习英语 的讲座 请你根据以下要点给史密 斯教授写一封信 邀请他给学生做这次讲座 信的内容包括 讲座目的 让学生了解英语学习策略 讲座内容 如何高效学习英语 如何提高学习英语的兴趣 如何自主学习 讲座时间 1 小时 30 分钟左右 参考词汇 策略 strategy Dear Professor Smith Our school is planning to have a lecture on how to learn English effectively for middle school students next week and I m writing to ask you to come and give a talk on English learning strategies It will help us understand how to learn English in effective ways and also increase our interest in learning it thus making us learn it actively Do you think one and a half hours will be enough for such a lecture Please let me know as soon as possible so that I can make arrangements Looking forward to seeing you and enjoying the lecture Best wishes Yours Li Hua 2 作文 3 假设你叫 Jessie 你的加拿大笔友 James 想了解一下你将要参加的 2007 年全国中学生英语冬令营的有关信 息 请你根据下面的海报给他写一封回信 谈谈有关情况和活动意义 并邀请他参加你们的活动 回信的日期 2007 12 10 Welcome to Our Winter Camp 2007 营址 大连 活动时间 2007 年 12 月底 共 4 天 参加人员 来自全国各地的英语爱好者 中国 美国 英国和澳大利亚的英语老师 活动内容 举行英语演讲比赛 观看学生表演 游览大连风景名胜 交流学习英语的经验 December 10 2007 Dear James Nice to hear from you again As you know this winter vacation at the end of December 2007 we English lovers from all over the country will go to a four day English Winter Camp in Dalian Some English teachers from China the USA England and Australia will join us In the camp we will have an English speaking competition watch some wonderful performances given by the students and visit some places of interest in Dalian Besides we will exchange our English learning experience and talk about our colorful school life in English I think this winter camp will greatly improve my spoken English and I will make some new friends there I do hope you will come and join us Best wishes Yours sincerely Jessie 作文 4 假定你是一名高中生 一次一位外国朋友问你 除了在学校学习英语之外还有什么其它途径练习英语 请你根据提示用英语 词数 100 左右 写出你参加 英语角 的情况 提示 1 英语角 于两年前成立 许多中学生参加 有时也有些大学生和外国友人来此 2 活动时间 每周六上午 3 活动内容 练习英语口语 谈论大家共同感兴趣的事情 交流学习英语的经验等 4 谈你参加此项活动的体会 参考词汇 英语角 English corner I m a senior student I like English very much Besides attending English lessons at school I often go to the English corner in the park near my home on Saturday morning It was set up formed two years ago Many high school students gather there Sometimes some college students and even foreign friends are present at the English corner There we practice our spoken English talk about what we are interested in exchange our experience in learning English and so on I ve learned a lot I have greatly improved myself in English since I visited it It is really a great 3 help to me 作文 5 以 Nature 为题写一篇 100 词左右的英语短文 要点如下 1 简述人类对大自然的依赖 2 随着人类的发展 生态平衡遭到破坏 人类生存的环境受到严重污染 人类正在受到大自然的惩 罚 3 我们要善待自然 自然也会关照我们 Nature Nature is the mother of mankind We get almost everything from her We live on natural food We make clothes from natural materials And we build our houses of stone and wood However with the development of human beings man has destroyed the balance of nature Water air and soil have been badly polluted Some kinds of animals and plants have died out completely As a result man is being punished by nature Many people suffer a lot from all kinds of diseases caused by pollution We should treat nature well and she will look after us 作文 6 假如你是一名建筑工人 builder 名叫李华 在修建地基时挖出一些古代文物 一部分人建议 suggest 卖掉 可以得到一些钱 但你不同意 请你用英语给 China Daily 的编辑写一封信反映此情 况 阐明你的理由 并提出建议 参考词汇 修建地基 lay a foundation of 财产 wealth 捐赠 donate to Dear Editor I m a builder When other builders and I laid a foundation of a building we dug out some ancient cultural relics At that time some people suggested we sell them so that we could get some money But I didn t agree with them because I think these cultural relics are our country s wealth As Chinese people we should protect them So I told the other builders we shouldn t sell them because cultural relics represent a country s culture and history Besides we should donate these culture relics to our country in case they might be sold abroad secretly We shouldn t lose them 4 Yours sincerely Li Hua 作文 7 假设你是李华 请你用英语写一封信 向你的美国笔友 Peter 简单介绍有关乒乓球运动在中国的开展 情况 具体内容包括 1 乒乓球是中国的国球 乒乓球运动在中国开展得非常广泛 不管是老人还是孩子 几乎人人会打 乒乓球 2 在中国 乒乓球台案非常普及 不管是在公园 广场 还是在工作单位 随处都摆放着乒乓球台 案 3 中国乒乓球运动员的技术非常高 自 1959 年容国团在第 25 届世界乒乓球锦标赛上取得世界冠军 后 中国产生过无数的乒乓球世界冠军 Dear Peter I m very glad to know that you are a table tennis fan So am I Table tennis is the national ball of China Almost everyone in China whether old or young can play it The tables for playing it can be seen here and there in parks squares and in many working places even at some people s homes The Chinese table tennis players have very excellent skills Since 1959 when a man named Rong Guotuan won the first world champion at the 25th World Table Tennis Championship China has had many table tennis world champions and the Chinese people are very proud of them Hope one day you will come to China and we can play a game together Best regards Yours Li Hua 作文 8 假设你拥有一个名叫 Allen 的机器人 请根据以下内容 以 My Own Android 为题 简要介绍你的这 位机器人朋友 1 制造于 2008 年 1 月 身高 1 5 米 2 具备人工智能 可以聊天 下棋 play chess 玩游戏 3 几乎会做一切家务 尤其在陪护年迈的爷爷方面令人满意 4 希望能够根据需要随时升级 update My Own Android I have an android named Allen which was made in January 2008 He is about 1 5 metres in height and has artificial intelligence This means he can talk with everyone Sometimes we play chess or play games Allen can do almost all the housework such as cleaning the house and cooking the dinner but the best thing Allen can do is that when no one is at home he can take care of my grandpa who is quite old now My 5 grandpa is satisfied with Allen s service Of course if Allen can be updated when necessary I think that s much better 作文 9 假设你叫李华 你从报纸上得知世界上 8 种熊中有 6 种面临灭绝的危险 人类活动是造成熊类濒危的 主要原因 你决定给世界野生生物基金会 WWF 写信反映这一情况 提出你的建议 并希望基金会采 取行动对熊类予以保护 参考词汇 熊类 bear species Dear Sir or Madam I ve learned from a newspaper that six of eight bear species in the world are dying out Scientists say that humans are their biggest threat because some parts of bears are very expensive as medicine That s one of the reasons why bears are often killed In addition many habitats of bears are being destroyed as a result of human activities so bears are losing their homes To save bears I think more reserves for bears should be set up so that they can live freely there Laws should be passed to prevent people from killing bears Please give a hand to the endangered bears They need help to survive Yours sincerely Li Hua 作文 10 假设你叫李华 欲与来自本校不同班级的另外 4 名同学组建一支乐队 但缺乏经验 请就以下情况或 问题给知名音乐人卡曾斯 Cousins 先生发一封电子邮件 以寻求帮助 1 成员中有三名男生和两名女生 均喜欢流行音乐与现代舞蹈 2 每周周末排练是否足够 初期演唱的音乐宜多元化还是一种风格 3 怎样获得较多的表演机会 4 希望他能为乐队取个名字 Dear Mr Cousins Since you are a well known musician I m writing this e mail to ask you for some advice on how to form a band I together with two boys and two girls in different classes in our school want to form a band We are all fond of pop music and modern dance I d like to know whether we should play one kind of music or different styles to start with And is it enough to practise only at weekends How can we get more chances to perform We d appreciate it if you would come up with a name for our band Looking forward to your reply 6 Best wishes Yours sincerely Li Hua 作文 11 在我们国家 人们庆祝丰收的节日是中秋节 Mid Autumn Festival 请写一篇 120 词左右的短文向 外国朋友介绍一下这个传统节日 We Chinese celebrate our harvest festival Mid Autumn Festival on the 15th of August lunar month The special food for this festival is mooncakes so people also call this festival Moon Festival Mooncakes are something like pies There are different kinds of mooncakes some have fruit in them some have nuts in them and even some have meat in them All of them are delicious Just like Christmas and Thanksgiving in the West it s one of the most important and traditional events for us Chinese It is also a time for family members to get together Children come back home to have dinner with their parents This night the moon is round and bright People enjoy the full moon which is considered as a symbol of the harmony and luck 作文 12 根据下列提示要点 以 The Ways to Keep Healthy 为题 写一篇短文 提示 1 人人都想保持健康 2 饮食要健康 多吃水果 蔬菜 因为它们富含纤维素和维生素 少吃黄油 奶酪 咖啡和巧克力 因为它们含糖和脂肪太多 糖和脂肪使你迅速变胖 3 有良好的生活习惯 定期锻炼 充足的睡眠 不要过度劳累 不抽烟等等 The Ways to Keep Healthy Everyone hopes to be in good health But how Here are some ways to keep health First you need a healthy diet It is better to eat fresh fruit and vegetables because they have a lot of fibre and vitamins Don t eat the food which contains too much sugar and fat like butter cheese coffee and chocolate Fat and sugar make people put on weight easily Second good living habits are very important You should do regular exercise to build up your body Besides enough rest is necessary for your health You need 8 7 hours sleep a night and don t work too hard Smoking is a bad habit so never smoke In a word healthy food and good living habits are good ways to keep healthy 作文 13 根据下面提供的情景 写一段不少于 50 词的接续文字 Mark is a middle school student He lives in a tall building in the middle of the town About a mile from Mark s building there are many old houses They are all empty and going to be pulled down His father says they are dangerous and tells him to keep away from them However he enjoys playing there very much One Friday on his way home from school Mark went into one of the empty old houses He saw a door leading down into a small dark cellar He went into the cellar to see what he could find Just then he heard a terrible crash The roof of the old house fell in Mark tried to open the cellar door But he couldn t So he had to stay there Mark was saved three days later by some policemen They used dogs to find him 作文 14 写一篇题为 How I Overcome Difficulties in Learning English 的英语短文 写作任务 你是怎样克服困难学好英语的 你在英语学习中有哪些困难 你是如何克服这些困难的 审题构思 注意以下几点 1 存在的困难 在短文的第一段就应该写出 我 在英语学习中存在的问题 比如受家乡话发音的 影响 r 音和 l 音不分 记忆力差 很难扩大词汇量 阅读速度慢 不能在规定的时间内把试题做完 等 2 采取的措施 在第二段中 要简单说明 我 是如何克服这些困难的 如通过勤学苦练 尝试其 它不同的学习方法 或者向老师 同学等寻求帮助等等 3 说明的方法 我们可运用举例说明法 把学习中的困难和解决的办法列出来 4 心得与体会 唐僧师徒四人历尽磨难终于取得真经 那么当你成功地克服了英语学习中的困难后 必定也会充满成就感 总结出心得体会 何不简要点出来与各位朋友分享呢 I had many difficulties when I started to learn English Since I come from Chaoshan District I could not tell r from l Because they sound exactly the same in my dialect I had great difficulty in telling right from light My poor memory was another challenge for me when I decided to enlarge my vocabulary I could only remember the English words for a while In order to tell the slight difference between r and l I forced myself to practice a lot every day Whenever I started to speak English I reminded myself of the difference between right and light as well as read and lead At first I felt it rather unnatural but soon I got used to speaking in this way As for my poor memory I gave up mechanical memorization and tried many other ways Finally I found a most efficient way for me memorizing English words by their syllables and 8 pronunciation This is how I succeeded in overcoming the difficulties in learning English and now I have a stronger belief in the proverb that where there is a will there is a way 作文 15 最近的一项调查表明 我校大约有 30 的学生没有吃早餐的习惯 请根据表格所提供的内容用英语写 一篇题为 Top Meal of the Day 的短文 原因 晚上学习太晚 不吃早饭可多睡一会 家长太忙 给钱让孩子自己解决 有些女孩子为保持苗 条身材不吃早餐 结果 课堂上睡觉 记意力下降 考试成绩不理想 建议 早餐不可少 提供全天所需能量的 30 有助于提高学习效率 Top Meal of the Day A recent survey shows that nearly 30 of the students in our school do not have breakfast They tend to feel sleepy in class and have bad memories so it is hard for them to get high marks in all kinds of tests Some students who study late into the night choose to miss breakfast so that they can have a few extra minutes in bed Others are given money to buy their breakfast on the way to school because their parents are too busy to prepare it for them In addition a few schoolgirls want to stay slim and often go to school without breakfast In fact the morning meal plays an important part It can provide 30 percent of the whole day s energy which helps improve the efficiency of their studying So school kids should start their day with a regular breakfast 作文 16 在教师节前夕 由你以 My Beloved Teacher 为题写一篇英语短文赞扬你所敬爱的老师 提示 李老师 51 岁 男 高一时教你班物理 他对工作认真负责 对同学严格要求 耐心辅导 在 他的帮助下 你很快赶上了班上其他同学 词数 100 左右 Mr Li is one of my beloved teachers He taught us physics when we were in Senior One He was old but he taught very well He could make his class lively and interesting Mr Li made good preparations for his lessons and was strict with us too 9 I used to be poor in physics Mr Li helped me with my lessons very patiently Thanks to his help and hard work I made good progress and caught up with the class Teachers Day is coming I wish him healthy and happy 作文 17 根据以下要点提示 以学校学生会的名义 写一篇海报 呼吁人们节约耕地资源 我国人口不断增长 而耕地面积在日益减少 耕地面积只占全国土地总面积的 10 左右 更为糟糕的 是 建工厂 修公路和铁路 以及建设房屋等占用了大量耕地 呼吁大家节约用地 充分利用土地 以 及保护现有的耕地资源 注意以下几点 1 基本内容 海报中经常要写明活动的具体内容 主办单位 时间 地点 方法以及注意事项等内容 2 语言 海报的语言力求简明扼要 形象生动 富有鼓动性 又不夸大其词 3 组成部分 海报通常由三部分组成 即标题 正文和落款 4 格式要求 海报的标题 写在第一行 顶格或者居中 海报的落款通常写在海报正文的右下方 要 注明单位 而登出海报的日期通常放在最后一行 Save our limited farmland It s a well known fact that the population of our country is growing rapidly while farmland is being lost day by day According to the latest statistics land suitable for farming only makes up about 10 of the total land in our country Worse still building factories roads railways and houses uses up a lot of land especially farmland We now here call on all people to save and protect our farmland Remember once our farmland is gone it will be impossible to get it back The Students Union Wednesday March 19 作文 18 根据以下内容以 致女朋友的一封信 A letter to Girlfriend 为题 用英语讲一个幽默滑稽的 故事 a funny story 一天 一个青年男子给住在离他几英里远的镇上的女朋友写信 除写了其他的事情外 他告诉她他爱 她有多深 他认为她有多好 他越写越富有诗意 最后 他写到 为了能和她呆在一起 他将克服最大 的困难 他将面对任何人能够想象的最大的危险 实际上 为了能和她呆上一分钟 他将爬越世界上最 高的山 他将游过最宽的河 他将赤手空拳进入最深的森林同最凶恶的野兽搏斗 他写完了信 签上了名 突然 他想起了写一件事 因此 他在信末签名后又补充道 顺便说一下 我将在星期三晚上去看你 如果不下雨的话 A letter to Girlfriend One day a young man was writing a letter to his girlfriend that lived just a few miles away in a nearby town Among other thing he was telling her how much he love her and how wonderful he thought she was The more he wrote the more poetic he became Finally he said that in order to be with her he would suffer the greatest difficulties he would face the greatest dangers that anyone could imagine In fact to spend only one minute with her he would climb the highest mountain in 10 the world he would swim across the widest river he would enter the deepest forest and with his bare hands fight against the fiercest animals He finished the letter signed his name and then suddenly remembered that he had forgotten to mention something quite important So in a


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