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第 1 页 共 19 页 20202020 年初中英语外研 新标准 版七年级下册期末模拟试卷 年初中英语外研 新标准 版七年级下册期末模拟试卷 2 2 B B 卷卷 姓名姓名 班级班级 成绩成绩 一 一 单选题单选题 共共 1515 题 共题 共 3030 分分 1 2 分 Mom can I watch TV now No You watch TV you have finished your homework A can t if B mustn t unless C may unless D should if 2 2 分 The about something is all about its facts A discovery B appearance C truth 3 2 分 My father s sister is my A uncle B aunt C grandmother D cousin 4 2 分 I have read so but there no exciting news A many newspapers is 第 2 页 共 19 页 B much newspapers are C many newspaper is D much newspaper is 5 2 分 Is the school trip on December 12th Let s ask our teacher A Yes it is B You re right C I m not sure D Have a good day 6 2 分 This magazine out the morning of March 1st A came in B came on C was come in D was come on 7 2 分 June 9th he helped a man a fire A In into B On out of C In out of D On into 8 2 分 I don t have a volleyball but my brother has A a B it 第 3 页 共 19 页 C one 9 2 分 There is something wrong with her She cannot see clearly A legs B eyes C hands D arms 10 2 分 The young man has little money and few possessions Oh he is so A rich B short C poor 11 2 分 My cousin likes reading I often buy for his birthday A candies B toys C stamps D books 12 2 分 Next weekend we will play Class 2 A at B against C to D from 13 2 分 Mike who helped make the paper plane 第 4 页 共 19 页 Nobody I made it all by myself A your B yours C you D yourself 14 2 分 I am sorry to tell you that you failed the exam Well I ve already known it A didn t pass B didn t have C didn t know 15 2 分 They say there are many fish in the river But I fished none last time Hope we can fish today A another B others C some D any 二 二 完形填空完形填空 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1010 分分 16 10 分 Many people like travelling for their holiday They go to 1 seaside or forests Some people like2 so they like to visit some old interesting places In many countries the travel agency 旅行社 can help you 3 your holiday You can tell the travel agency what kind of 4 you like how much5 you want to spend and the travel agency will give you a lot of information about where to go how 6 there where to stay and what kind of activities you can do there 7the holidays is 8 Package holiday 9is you just pay the money and the travel agency will plan 10for you the ticket for the plane or train the hotel the activities and so on 第 5 页 共 19 页 1 A schools B shops C hills D the Great Wall 2 A history B music C country D city 3 A plan B planned C plans D planning 4 A weather B holiday C train D city 5 A water 第 6 页 共 19 页 B day C time D money 6 A get B to get C getting D got 7 A Both B All C One of D Every one of 8 A call B calling C calls D called 9 A That B What C How 第 7 页 共 19 页 D This 10 A everything B nothing C anything D something 三 三 阅读理解阅读理解 共共 3 3 题 共题 共 3030 分分 17 10 分 阅读理解 Birthdays are celebrated all over the word Some ways to celebrate birthdays are rather similar from county to country candles cakes and birthday wishes But there are also different ways to celebrate birthdays Here are a few 第 8 页 共 19 页 1 When someone is having a birthday in Denmark you can see outside the windows A flowers B presents C a flag D a chair 2 In flowers are put on the chair of the birthday child A Japan B Denmark C India D Holland 3 In only birthday children wear colored clothes to school A India B Holland C Denmark D Japan 4 In Japan the birthday is more important for boys when they are A 15 B 7 C 5 D 3 5 The passage is mainly about A similar ways of celebrating birthdays in some countries 第 9 页 共 19 页 B different ways of celebrating birthdays in some countries C children s birthdays in western countries D the importance of children s birthdays 18 10 分 根据短文理解 完成下列各题 A My Eating Habit I m Chance I like eggs and milk for breakfast For lunch I have rice and chicken I don t like hamburgers for dinner I often have fruit and vegetables My name is Cindy I like ice cream very much but I don t eat it It s not healthy I like strawberries but I don t like pears I often have strawberry salad after dinner I m Frank I m a fat boy I like hamburgers very much I can eat five hamburgers a day I like ice cream and chicken too I don t like fruit or vegetables I don t think my eating habit is good 1 Chance has for dinner A rice and chicken B hamburgers and fruit C fruit and vegetables 2 Cindy doesn t like A pears B strawberries 第 10 页 共 19 页 C fruit salad 3 Frank can eat hamburgers a day A three B four C five 4 Who likes ice cream A Chance and Cindy B Cindy and Frank C Chance and Frank 5 Which of the following is TRUE 正确的 A Chance likes bread for breakfast B Cindy doesn t eat ice cream C Frank likes healthy food 19 10 分 阅读理解 Once there was a parrot on sale in a pet store It was a beautiful red and blue bird It sat on a perch in the middle of the store so that everyone could see it when they came in The owner was very proud of it and asked a high price for it One day a man went into the store That s a beautiful bird he said to the pet store owner But why is it so expensive Is it an unusual bird No it s not very unusual It s expensive because it can talk the pet store owner said I see How can I make it talk the man asked The pet store owner asked him Do you see those strings tied to each of the bird s legs Yes the man answered 第 11 页 共 19 页 Well you pull those strings the pet store owner told him That will make the parrot talk The man asked Do you mind if I try Not at all the pet store owner said The man walked up to the parrot and pulled the string on its left leg The parrot said Good morning The man pulled the string on the parrot s right leg This time the parrot said How are you today That s not very interesting said the man Any parrot could do that Then he laughed But what would happen if I pulled both strings at the same time I ll fall off my perch you fool the parrot said 1 The parrot was expensive because A it was pretty beautiful B it could talk with people C it was a very unusual bird D it was in the middle of the store 2 The parrot would talk when A people came into the pet store B it saw the pet store owner C people said it was beautiful D people pulled the strings on its legs 3 Which is the first sentence that the parrot said to the man A Good morning B How are you today 第 12 页 共 19 页 C That wasn t interesting D I ll fall off my perch you fool 4 From the story we know the parrot was A kind B silly C clever D crazy 5 The best title 题目 for the passage should be A Unusual Parrot B Parrot Talk C Silly Man D Clever Owner 四 四 补全对话补全对话 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 5 5 分分 20 5 分 根据对话内容 从方框中 A G 七个选项中选出五个能补全对话的最佳选项 有两项多余 Emma What are you doing Li Lin Li Lin Emma I have read it before What do you think of the story Li Lin Yu Gong found a good way to deal with his problem Emma Really It seems impossible to move a mountain Li Lin But the story is trying to show us that anything is possible if you work hard Yu Gong kept trying and didn t give up Emma I think we should try to find other ways to deal with a problem 第 13 页 共 19 页 Li Lin But what could YU Gong do except moving the mountains Emma He could build a road Li Lin We have different opinions about the story There re many sides to a story and many ways to understand it Emma Yes that s fine A Don t you think it s a little silly B I m reading a book called YU Gong Moves a Mountain 愚公移山 C That s better and faster than moving a mountain D In my opinion it s really interesting E Do you prefer to read stories F I still don t agree with you G How about you 五 五 单词拼写 词汇运用 单词拼写 词汇运用 共共 5 5 题 共题 共 5 5 分分 21 1 分 Dr Bethune cut his finger during an 手术 22 1 分 As students we shouldn t be absent class 填介词 23 1 分 I like eating nooses because they are 健康的 food 24 1 分 My son has o a toy bear since his fourth birthday and he played with it almost every week 25 1 分 If you re uncertain about your physical c check with your doctor first 六 六 语法填空语法填空 共共 5 5 题 共题 共 5 5 分分 26 1 分 Lang Ping one of our national hero can speak English well 27 1 分 I want to buy some stamp in the post office 28 1 分 Our school bought some physical instrument last week 第 14 页 共 19 页 29 1 分 Do you enjoy play volleyball 30 1 分 Six monkeys are move on the screen 七 七 翻译翻译 共共 5 5 题 共题 共 5 5 分分 31 1 分 那张书桌在床的前面 That desk is the bed 32 1 分 people lost their lives in that cruel war 成千上万 33 1 分 取得好成绩是不够的 enough 34 1 分 不要放弃你的梦想 give up 35 1 分 你更喜欢谁 父亲还是母亲 Who do you like your father your mother 八 八 任务型阅读任务型阅读 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 2525 分分 36 25 分 请认真阅读下列短文 并根据所读内容在文章后句子中的空格里填入一个最恰当的英文单词 注意 每个空格只填 1 个单词 It was night by the time she came to a town Just outside the town there was a large temple 寺 庙 It was very quiet There was only one light in one of the rooms I will stay here tonight she thought The temple was quiet because only a goblin 小妖精 lived in it But the girl did not know this Once inside the temple she came near to the only room She knocked on the door but no one came Is anyone here she called quietly There was no answer so she went into the room Inside the room there was only a mat 垫子 on the floor a light near the window and a large paper screen The girl wanted to sleep but she also wanted to draw some cats She drew them on the paper 第 15 页 共 19 页 screen She drew cats of every kind After that she lay down and went to sleep Then she remembered the nun s words Don t go into large places at night Go only into small ones This room is very large And I am alone I ll hide myself She looked around the room and saw a large box She opened the box and looked insi


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