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写作模式和参考范文写作模式和参考范文 一What AttitudeShould WeTake toSth 批驳分析类 1 社会上对某事物的错误观念2 分析批驳其 错误所在3 给出如何看待该事物的建议写作模式1 With thearrival birth of sth is being more and more in our life 2 Hit Affected withthis trend some many peoplee to believe contend that 错误观念 3 But theirviewpoint belief couldnot arouseany echoin mymind 作者的立场 4 It istrue thatsth is a key ingredient in one s 让步法分析 5 On anyscale of in fact there is almost nothingheavier thansth 6 If wesee sth in itstrue colors however it is nothing but 批驳分析I 7 进一步阐述 8 And moreover laying anyundue stresson sth may leadone to as can be easilyseen in the casesof 批驳分析II 9 Therefore it is necessary to take acorrect attitudetowards sth 10 On theone hand 正确看法I 11 On the other 正确看法II 12 In sum sth means but not to our life 结论句 What AttitudeShould WeTake toMoney1 社会上对金钱的错误观念 2 分析批驳其错误所在 3给出如何正确看待金钱的建议1 With thearrival ofmarket based economy money isbeingmore and more important in ourlife 2 Hit withthis trend many peoplee to believe thatmoney isabove everythingelse in their life 3 But theirbelief couldnot arouseany echoin mymind 4 It istrue thatmoney isakey ingredientinone s struggletowards happiness without which for example there wouldbe noway to go tocollege orform afamily 5 On anyscale ofone s dailyworry in fact there isalmost nothingheavier thanmoney 6 If wesee itin itstrue colors however money isnothing buta means to anend 7 Money canbuy usfood but notappetite medicine but nothealth diplomas but notknowledge and daysof joy but notthe wholelife ofhappiness 8 And moreover laying anyundue stresson moneymay leadone tostop atnothing inmaking it as can be easilyseen in the casesof mostcorrupt officials 9 Therefore it is necessary totake acorrect attitudetowards money 10 On theone hand money isvital to our dailylife in whichcase it iswise ofyou tospend not where youmay save 11 On the other money is something tobe plowedinto something moreimportant so it is betterto sparenotwhereyou mustspend 12 In sum money meanssomething butnot everythingto ourlife 二Effects ofSth On Sb Sth Else 分析建议类 1 分析某事物的正面效应2 分析某事 物的负面效应3 给出怎样对待该事物的建议写作模式1 As isknown to all sth does bring a lot of benefits to sb sth else 2 First it cangreatly strengthen thereby changing for the better 正面分析I 3 Besides it canmake render sb sth else betterable to 正面分析II 4 And bestof all it canhelp sb 正面分析III 5 But all the abovedoes notmean follow thatwe canturn ablind eyeto thenegative effectssth brings about 6 If as asuession ofscientific studiesreveals implies suggests there aremore chancesthat 负面分析I 7 In addition the more the worse 负面分析II 8 And worstof all 负面分析III 9 Therefore a scientificapproach must be adoptedto the problem of sth 10 On theone hand 建议I 11 On the other 建议II 12 In sum sth can dosb sth else good or harm all dependingon 结论句 The Effectsof Exerciseon OurHealth1分析体育锻炼给我们带来的益处 2 分析体育锻炼给我们带来的坏处 3 给出如何参加体育锻炼的建议 1 As isknown toall exercise doesbring a lot of benefitsto our health 2 First it cangreatly strengthenour hearts lungs bones andmuscles thereby changingour wholehealth for the better 3 Besides it canmake ourbrains betterable toreact towhat isgoing on around us 4 And bestof all it canhelp usbreed optimismabout ourtough life 5 But allthe abovedoes notmean thatwe canturn ablind eyeto thenegative effectsexercise bringsabout 6 If youare normallyinactive and then contrary toyour usualhabit start aprogram ofundue exercise as asuession ofscientific studiesreveals there aremore chancesthat you have yourselfinjured 7 In addition the moreexercise thoseonafat reducing diettake the moreloss ofiron they will sufferand the worse theirhealth willget 8 And worstof all continual as well as excessive exercise can resultin suddendeath 9 Therefore a scientificapproach must be adoptedto theproblem ofexercise 10 On theone hand our physicalexercise mustbe based on bothprogressiveness andregularity 11 On the other we mustgo infor physicalexercise aordingto localas well as healthconditions of our own 12 In sum exercisecando usgoodorharm all dependingon howwe makeuse ofit 三A Letterto theCollege President1 就学校的某些变化给校长写封信2 分析变化主要表现在 哪些方面3 提出 进一步 改进的意见写作模式1 I amdelighted distressed to find there have been favorable unfavorable changes in 议论的主题 since Icame here 2 From myangle ofview these changes indicate thatwhat you have done is in out of line with 作者的态度 3 In thelong run they willproduce morepositive negative effect on 4 Such desirable undesirable changes can be foundin theaspects as follows 5 First 分析I 6 Second 分析II 7 And best worst of all 分析III 8 进一步阐述 9 But allthe foregoingdoes notmean that there is little roomfor furtherimprovement in that there islittleyou cando about 10 Instead to enrich reverse a richervariety a betterhealth canbe added to 建议I 11 And meanwhile 建议II 12 It shouldbe bornin mindthat 结论句 A Letterto theCollege President1 就校园生活的可喜变化给校长写封信 2 分析该变化表现在哪些方面 3 提出进一步改进的建议 1 I amdelighted tofindthere have beenfavorable changesin ourcampus lifesince Icame here 2 From myangle ofview these changesindicate whatyouhavedoneisin linewith theinterests ofundergraduates 3 In thelong run they willproduce morepositive effecton ourgrowth 4 Such desirablechanges canbe foundin theaspects as follows 5 First our diningconditions haveturned for the better thus endingour everydayworry aboutwhere tosatisfy ourhunger 6 Second your facultieshave paidas muchattention to our emotionalworld as to ourintellectual growth which inturn lendsmuch warmthof familytoourlife 7 And bestof all we findthe campusa morepleasant placeto liveon 8 As aresult of your efforts we nowhave moreplaces to go tofor recreation such ascafes bars fitness centers and readingrooms 9 But allthe foregoingdoes notmean that there islittle roomfor furtherimprovement in our college life 10 Instead to enrichourlifehere to the fullest a richervariety shouldbeaddedtoourspare timeas wellas ourcurriculums 11 And meanwhile we shouldbe allowedmore aessto scientificresearch social practiceand thefrontier of our ownfields 12 It shouldbe bornin mindthat the purpose ofour college life isto prepareus for the differentneeds oftomorrow s society 四How toDo Something 分析建议类 1 某一事物的现状2 分析该事物的重要性 或危害性 社会意义等 3 怎样对待该事物写作模式1 Much toour distress delight surprise these yearshave seenthe popularity worsening much improvement a widespreadneglect ofsth 议论的主题 in society 2 Aording toa recent official report survey opinion poll 佐证陈述 3 If thiscurrent isallowed to run its course things arebound toturn for the better worse Para 1 4 The importance harmfulness significance ofsth to sb sth else however canbe seen from the perspectivesasfollows 5 In the first place 分析I 6 In thesecond 分析II 7 And aboveall 分析III 8 To sumup 归纳总结 Para 2 9 So the most pressingfor us basic problemnow is how to 10 In myopinion the firststep shouldbe focusedupon 建议I 11 Then greater effortsmustbemade to 建议II 12 In oneword where there is there is 结论句 Para 3 How toConduct PatrioticEducation Amongthe Youthof Today1 我国爱国主义教育的现状 2 分析爱国主义教育的重要意义 3 如何在青少年中开展爱国主义教育 1 Much toour distress these yearshave seena widespreadneglect of patriotic educationinour society 2 Aording tosome officialreports many patriotic education centershavebeenclosed downor keptopen to the publicfor othermore profitablepurposes whilemany ofour nationalheroes havegiven wayto today s popstars inyouths minds 3 If thiscurrent isallowed to run its course I amafraid things arebound toturn for theworse with lessand lesssense ofpatriotism leftin the youth 4 The significanceofpatriotic education toour society however canbe seen from the perspectivesasfollows 5 In thefirst place the patriotic education canmake youthmore awareof theglorious historyand cultureofournation thus buildingup theirsense ofpride asChinese 6 In thesecond the patrioticeducation helpsyouth valuetoday s hard earned lifeso asto holddearer theirgolden chancesof enrichingthemselves withknowledge inpeace 7 And aboveall the patrioticeducation canpush youthto drawupon moreof theircapabilities in order to make tomorrow s lifebetter than today sandleave behind themselves morehighlights forthe nation s culture 8 To sumup patrioticeducationisakeyingredientin theall round development of youth 9 So themost pressingfor us now is how toeffectively inculcatepatriotism in theyouthof today 10 In myopinion thefirststep shouldbe focusedupon givingfuller play to the potentials ofpatrioticeducationcenters insteadof runningthem forthepurposeof makingmoney 11 Then greater effortsmustbemade tointegrate thepatrioticeducationinto thecurriculums throughoutyouth s education 12 In oneword where thereis aneffective patrioticeducation ofyouth thereisa greaterenhancement ofnational cohesiveness 五My Wayof SeeingSomething 理由陈述类 1 人们从不同的角度看待某一事物2 我的看法是 说明理由 写作模式1 Something maybe manythings tomany people 2 Some maysee it as while others may view itas 人们的看法举例 3 As faras I am concerned however I wouldprefer tovalue itas 我的看法 Para I 4 My insightinto sth My outlookon sth My understandingofsth is bound up withthree majorfactors 5 Primarily sth isso that 理由I 6 进一步 阐述 7 Secondly sth is also 理由II 8 进一步阐述 9 And mostof all 理由III 10 进一步阐述 Para II 11 I have not much freedom option in this matter but I have neverfound anyother way of seeingsth more reasonable and aeptable than mine 12 Thus I willleave nostone unturnedduring the course of in order to pave the way for Para III My Wayof SeeingLife1 人们从不同的角度看待人生2 我所推崇的看法是 说明1 Life maybe manythings tomany people 2 Some maysee itas buildingup asmuch materialwealth aspossible while othersmayviewitas enjoyingto thefullest thepleasures eachday offers 3 As faras I am concerned however I wouldprefer tovalue itas mysole chanceto enrichmyself withknowledge first then toserve thesociety with all myheart and finallyto leavethe worldwithout anyregrets 4 My outlookon life is boundup withthree majorfactors 5 Primarily life isso wondrousthat I am eagerto exploreit 6 Set yourheart ona mysteryand youcan findsomething new attach moreofyourmind toa challengeand youcan geta sense of suess all ofwhich however depends on how muchknowledge youhave equippedyourself withfirst 7 Secondly lifeisalso shortto anyindividual likeme 8 The floweryouhavejust kissedforthefirst timeis nowfading awaywhile thelove fromothers youhave eto cherishmore isalready on the wane 9 And mostof all both wondrousnessand shortnessof lifepush meto seizeevery goldenminute andevery goldenchance 10 Once Iidle awaythe timeI amsupposed tograsp tostudy orwork forthe people there willbe nomore hopeof makingup forit 11 Ihavemuch optioninthismatter but Ihave neverfound anyother wayof seeinglife more reasonable and aeptablethanmine 12 Thus I willleave nostone unturnedduring thecourse ofmy collegestudies in ordertopavethewayformy meaningfuland colorfullife 六The Changes in Something 原因分析类 1 简述某一事物的变化情况2 说明引起变 化的原因3 分析其影响或走向Changesin Great Natural Disasters Worldwide写作模式1 As canbeseenfrom thegraph table diagram there havebeen drastic considerable unfavorable changesin 议论的主题 over the past period from to 2 To beconcrete only in year while whereas theratio s went upto in year 变化概述 3 These changes are mostdisturbing so it isnecessary for us togointo thewhys andwherefores of them first Para 1 4 Some changes such as result from but manyothers havemuch to do with 5 In thefirst place man sexcessiveexploitation of has donea lastingdamage to only to 原因分析I 6 进一步说明 7 In thesecond inorderto man hashad to overwork which inturn hasaelerated 原因分析II 8 In thethird man s blindapplication of has causedpermanent changesin 原因分析III 9 Among these changes are 进一步说明 Para 2 10 The listof causescould goon but theyare alreadyenough toindicate that these changesare producingmore and more negativeeffects on the world 11 These changesnot only but also 分析 12 If allowedtorunitscourse I firmlybelieve I amafraid this trendwill certainly bring moreharm threats tooursociety life 结论句 Para 3 The ChangesinGreatNaturalDisastersWorldwide1 简述所给图表中的变 化 2 说明引起变化的主要原因 3 分析这些变化对全球的影响 1 As canbeseenfromthegraph therehavebeen rapidchangesin the greatnatural disastersworldwide overthepastperiodfrom1960sto1990s 2 To beconcrete there wereonly16terrible naturaldisasters causing300 000deaths in1960s whilethe ratioswent uprespectively to131and1 100 000in1990s 3 The changesare disturbing so it isnecessary for us togointo thewhys andwherefores of them first 4 Some changes such asthose inearthquakes andvolcanic eruptions result fromthe movementof platesalong theweaknesses inthe earth s crust but manyothers havemuch todo withman s activities 5 In thefirst place man s mindlessand excessiveexploitation ofnatural resourceshas donea lastingdamage to the ecosystem only toinvite morefloods landslides andmud rock flows 6 The rareflood towhich Chinawas subjectedin1998is typicalof theevil seedsman hadsowed forhimself 7 In thesecond inorderto feedtheir more and largerfamilies people from all overthe worldhave hadtooverworktheir farmingland aswellas their grassland which inturn hasaelerated thedesertification of the landon whichthey havebeen relyingfor existence 8 In thethird man s blindapplication ofscientific findingshas causedunfavorable andpermanent changesintheglobal livingenvironment 9 Among thesechangesarethe depletionof ozonelayer the worseningof greenhouseeffect the recurrenceof hurricanesand theextinction ofmore species 10 The listof causescould goon but theyare alreadyenough toindicate that thesechangesare producingmore and more negativeeffects on the world 11 They havenot onlymade itimpossible forthe naturalsystems torecover theirbalance butalso madeit harderfor man to ensurehis bettersurvival 12 If allowedtorunitscourse I amafraid this trendwill certainlybring moreserious threatstoallthe livingthings on the Earth mankind included 七What CausesSomething New 原因分析类 1 近几年在社会上出现了 2 导致该 现象的原因3 分析该现象的社会影响写作模式Para 1 1 Believe itor not Like itor not these yearshave witnesseda boomin a popularity resurgence worsening crisis decline growth reviv al spread of inoursociety ontheChinese campus 2 Aording to people especially college students are showingmore and more interestin 3 To geta bettersense ofit it isnecessaryforustofind outits causes Para 2 4 A closeranalysis study observation of the phenomenoncan findthat threemain factorsare wellworth ourconcern should callfor moreofourconcern 5 In thefirst place it is the productof for which 原因I 6 In thesecond it isseen among as an ideal wayof since 原因II 7 And aboveall it isan inevitableresult of 原因III 8 While in fact Para 3 9 The effectsof thischange on our social collegelife are positive negative a mixedone 10 On theone hand 分析I 11 On the other 分析II 12 With more andmore added attached to the trend Iamfully convinced Iamdeeply worried it willcertainly is boundto inthe time toe What Causesa Boomin CelebratingForeign Festivals1 近几年大学校园出现了一股过洋节热 2 阐明导致该现象的原因 3 分析该现象的社会影响 Para 1 1 Believe itor not these yearshave witnesseda boomin celebratingforeign festivalsontheChinese campus 2 Aording toan officialreport survey young people especially collegestudents are showingmore andmore interestin suchfestivals asValentine s Day April Fools Day Thanksgiving Dayand ChristmasDay 3 To geta bettersenseofthe boom it isnecessaryforustofind outits causes Para 2 4 A closeranalysis ofthe phenomenoncan findthat threemain factorsare wellworth ourconcern 5 In thefirst place it is the productof students seeking afterindividuality andnovelty for whichthe collegecampus offersanidealclimate 原因I 6 In thesecond it isseen among thestudents as anideal wayof freeingthemselves fromstress forthetimebeing since mostcollegestudents single childof eachfamily are subjectedto theunprecedented pressuresfromallsides althoughthey enjoythe abundanceof materialwealth 原因II 7 And aboveall itisan inevitableresult ofmoreandmore exchangesbetween Westernand Easterncultures 原因III 8 While theChinese watchtheir childrenthirst forthe joyderived fromforeign festivals in fact the Americansare discussingwhether ornot tolist theChinese SpringFestival amongtheir officialholidays Para 3 9 The effectsof thischange onour collegelifearepositive 10 On theone hand it hascreated morechances forstudents togain a better insightinto othercultures 分析I 11 On theother it hasenriched thecollegelife thus makingthe campusa morepleasant placeto liveon 分析II 12 With moreandmorehealth andcolor addedto thetrend I firmlybelieve it willcertainlybringmore benefitstoourcampus lifeinthetime toe 八Views onSomething 各抒己见类 1 有人认为该事物 理由是 2 也有人认为该事物 3 我的看法写作模 式1 Almost everyonewould agreethatthebirth appearance arrival developmentofsth 2 B ut thisagreement ceasesto existjust whenit esto 议论的主题 Para I 3 Many Some peoplecontend believe argue that 一方观点 4 They basetheir contention belief argument onthe grounds that 理由I 5 Besides as theyoften pointout 理由II 6 Yet othersreact to the issue matter theother way around and hold assert thatthe opposite is just reasonable more aeptable 另一方观点 7 From theirangle ofview 理由I 8 And evenworse as theyclaim 理由II Para II 9 Iamof adhere to stick to the opinion view truth thatanything new including can bringhuman societyfortunes merits advantages or misfortunes demerits disadvantages all dependingon 我的看法 10 On theone hand 理由I 11 But ontheother 理由II 12 In short the key solution totheproblem is alwayscontrolled in 结论句 Views onCloning1 有人认为克隆技术的应用利大于弊 理由是 2 也有人认为弊大于利 3 我的看法 1 Almost everyonewould agreethatthebirth ofDolly asthefirst cloneof anadult animal has openeda newwayofseeing thecreation oflife forthe world 2 But thisagreement ceasesto existjust whenit esto whethercloning willbring fortunes ormisfortunesto human society 3 Many contendthatthemerits ofcloning willoutrun itsdemerits 4 They basetheir contentiononthegroundsthatcloning isthemosteffective methodof savingthe rarewild livesfrom dyingout 5 Besides as theyalso pointout cloning canhelp providebetter waysto treatsome seriousor deadlysicknesses such asdiabetes and Parkinson s disease 6 Yet othersreact tothe issuetheotherwayaroundandholdthattheoppositeisjustreasonabl e 7 From theirangle ofview cloning willthreaten theecological balanceby destroyingthe naturalreproduction throughth
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