



高考重点动词短语集锦 舒仁鸿一. 1.1拾起,采取:I picked up a coin in the road. pick up the phone 1.2(车船等)搭载;驾车去接(某人);装载(货物、行李) Shall I pick you up at the station? 1.3(偶然)发现;得到(利益等);学到(知识等);耳闻而学会 He picked up the book / information in a most unlikely place.2.1选择 She picked out the shoes that match the dress.2.2(从多数中)找出;分辨出 Can you pick out your cousin in the crowd?二.1.1树立(榜样,模范),竖立(柱子,三脚架,旗帜);搭(帐篷)set (up)/give an example to others set up a post / statue1.2开办;建立;设立;创设(组织,公司,制度)A new government was set up after the civil war.2.1 保留,储蓄(时间,金钱;);搁置(一会儿);(暂时)把放在一旁Ive set aside some money for the journey.2.2 忽视(要求,感受);不顾,抛弃(习惯)He set all offers aside.3.1 出发,出门,动身 They set out on a sightseeing tour.3.2 开始想,着手 She set out to knit (织) a sweater but in the end it became a vest (背心).4.1 出发,动身,启程 set out for work / on a trip 4.2 引爆(炸弹等);燃放(烟花,鞭炮)set off a time bomb5.1 放下,卸下 He set the box down on the table. 5.2 写下,记下,登记 I set down everything that happened then.6. 进入,踏上 She set foot in Taiwan / on the soil.7.(从)开船,出航;起航(去)Our ship will set sail for Shanghai tonight.三.1.1拿起,举起 She took up her bag and left.1.2占(时间,地方)The table takes up too much space.1.3开始(工作,产生兴趣)take up Japanese2.1拿下 She took some cups down from the cupboard.2.2拆毁,拆除(建筑,机器)take down the old building 2.3写下,记下 He took down my phone number.3.1拿进,携入 Please take the washing in if it rains.3.2吸入(空气,水等)take in a deep breath3.3欺骗,蒙骗 The salesman has taken in the old people and made them buy their poor quality goods.4. 接管,接收 The young politician took over the leadership of the party. They have taken over our firm by buying up shares.5.1把(物)拿出,把(人)带出 She took out a handkerchief from her pocket. My friends are taking me out to a show tonight.5.2除去,拔(牙等)You will have to have the tooth taken out.6.1把(物)拿走,运走,把(人)带走 You may not take these books away from the library.6.2 收拾(物),清理 take away the dishes on the table四.1.1送掉,免费给予,赠与 He gave all his lands away to the city. 1.2 (不经意)泄露 He is to sure to give away your secret. 2. 分配,分发 give out the newspapers / The president will give out diplomas(毕业)证书 3.1戒掉(习惯),放弃(尝试,想法)You should not give up hope. The police gave their search/searching for the missing child. 3.2放弃(病人),对放弃希望,不再指望(某人)到来The doctors gave his father up two years ago. I had almost given you up when the doorbell rang. 4.1归还 Have you given the money back to Jane yet? 4.2恢复 The long summer vacation will give her back her rosy complexion(红润). 5.放出(光,烟,气味),散发These wild flowers give off a nice smell.五.1.1翻倒,翻过来,翻身 A big wave turned over the fishing boats. 1.2翻(书),翻查(文件)He turned over the papers.2.1向求助,依赖,查阅 I turned to him for help.2.2翻到(书的某页,某章)Please turn to Page 27.3.1转入旁道,(路)分岔 They turned off from the avenue.3.2停掉、关掉(煤气,自来水,电灯,电视)turn off a tap / an oven5.1出现,露面 He turns up late for everything.发现、出现,找到 The key you lost has turned up.5.2(龙头,开关等)变大,开大 Turn up the radio.5.3 卷起(衣袖,衣领),向上折(裙摆,裤管)turn up ones collar6.1翻下(衣袖,衣领),折回(裙摆,裤管)turn down your skirt 6.2(龙头,开关等)变小,调小Please turn down (the volume on) the television.6.3拒绝(要求),驳回 turn down his request7.1(=turn about)转变()方向,回头,向后转 She turned around.7.2(使)旋转She turned around the wheel.8.1产生()结果,结果是Everything turned out well. It turned out that two travelers had been killed.8.2生产 The factories can turn out 1,000 cars a day.六. 1. 派人去拿、叫He sent for more beer. / Ill send for a taxi.2. 寄回,退回,退还,送回The boss sent back her report.3. 呈送(文件等),(在比赛中)交作品More than 6,000 new records are sent in to the Guinness Book of World each year.(寄送某处进行处理)4.1寄出(信等),发出(信息等)We should send all these parcels off by noon.4.2派遣,把赶走,为送行The teacher sent the naughty boy off七. 1.1处理,收拾,把放在一旁Put the toys away.1.2(=put aside)He put away some amount of money for his son.2.1放回,送回Put the tape back where it was.2.2使朝向后方(移动),拨回(钟表)针She put the chair/clock back.3.1穿,穿在身上,戴在Put your coat on when you go out.3.2增加(速度,体重等)She has put on some weight.3.3放上,盖上Put a kettle ( 水壶 ) on.4.1放下,(使乘客等)下车Put me down at the next corner, please.4.2写下,记下I put down his address.5. 延期,延后Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.八.1.1向上看,抬头看Look up at the top of the tree.1.2(在词典,时刻表等中)查看Look up ( the meaning of ) the word in the dictionary. 1.3尊重(to) You should look up to your parents.2.1通过看look through a microscope / keyhole2.2检查(文件等),审查,复习I have to look through my notebook for my exam.3.1向里看look into the room3.2调查,检查The committee is looking into the cause of the accident.6.1瞭望,越过看A stranger man was looking over the wall.6.2检查(事物),过目(文件)The secretary looked over the letters quickly.7.1向外看,look out (of ) the window7.2注意,小心Look out or you will catch ( a ) cold.8.1向下看,俯视Look down and you can find the book.8.2轻视,瞧不起She looked down on the students who dont like math.9. 环顾()四周He looked around himself and found nothing.10.1旁观,在旁边看Two men were fighting while people looked on.10.2 把看作I look on her as a promising pianist.九.1.1 捣毁,毁坏 break a door down1.2(机器等)故障The car broke down on the way home.1.3(人)身体出毛病,(健康)衰弱Your health will break down if you work too hard.1.4(计划等)受挫,失败Her marketing plan broke down.3.1击碎,粉碎,拆散,分开,分割break up an old ship3.2(关系)毁坏,破坏(关系)Their marriage broke up. / What broke up their friendship?4.1强行闯入The thieves broke in last night and stole jewelry.4.2打岔He kept breaking in with silly questions.十.1.1登上,爬上We went up in the lift. / go up a tree1.2(价格,气温等)上升Prices seem to be going up.2.1往(的地方)We went over an old woman and helped her into the bus.2.2越过go over a fence 2.3(详细)调查,检查I went over the figures twice, but reached the same total. You should go over a house before buying it.2.4温习,反复练She went over the lines time and again.3.1走过(某处)A taxi went by ( us ) at full speed.3.2(时间)过去,流逝Several years went by before they met again.4.1参加(考试,比赛)go in for an English contest4.2爱好She goes in for bird-watching.5.1外出,到外面Can I go out to play, Mom?5.2(灯,火)熄灭Suddenly all the lights went out.6.1回来,回去The doctor said I could go back to school in a week.6.2(时代上)追溯,回溯The custom goes back to the seventeenth century.7.He had left his wallet on the table, so I went after him.8.1进入I went into his room.8.2详细调查,详细叙述/研究You should go into the question of cost.9.1走开,离去Ive had enough of your complaints. Go away.9.2拿走,带走She went away with all the books. 十一.1.1追上,赶上He came up with us.1.2想出,找出Youve come up with a good idea.2. 发生,产生How did it come about that he left school?Tell me how the accident came about.3.1来,到,发生于He came to school by motorbike this morning.Go straight on till you come to a crossroad. No harm will come to you.3.2谈到When it comes to tennis, you cant beat her.3.3苏醒,恢复知觉When she came to herself, she found herself lying in hospital.5.1降下,下来Come down to the living room. Snow came down thick and fast.5.2(物价等)下跌,(费用)减低Prices didnt come down.6.1进入He came into my room without knocking.6.2进入(某种状态),开始(活动)The cherry trees are coming into flowers. The new law came into force. 7.1出来,露出,出现,显现,(花等)开,发(芽等)The moon has come out. / The roses came out.7.2(真相)大白,出版,出售The new facts came out through the investigation. When is new model coming out?11. 从远处到,顺便来访When did you come over to Beijing? / Come over here.12.1上升,升上,上来,上(城市)The sun has come up. / come up to Beijing12.2(地位)提升,(话题,议题等)被提出讨论A new problem came up.12.3(价格,温度)上升These days the temperature has come up.13.1(偶然)发现,遇见I came across his name on the list.13.2穿越,走过(房间等)come across the room / street十二.3.1大声叫喊He called out to/for her.3.2叫出,使(军队)出动The teacher called the lazy boys out.十三.1.1设法度过,活过(with以;without没有) Well get along with that much money somehow.1.2相处,顺利做(with与人/事)How are you getting long with your new friends / work?2.1(人,物)进入,把放入The dog got in by the back door. Get the children in. It began to rain.2.2坐进/上,进入(车等)get in a taxi2.3收获,收集Its time to get in the crops.3.1穿越(马路等)The street ahead is narrow, so a truck cant get through ( it ).3.2通过(考试等)She failed to get through the exam.3.3做完,读完,写完How long does it take you to get through a letter?3.4(用电话等)打通,联络到I called all day yesterday, but I couldnt get through to you.4.1过(马路,桥)The bridge fell down just after we got across ( it ).4.2(话)被传达,使人懂,让(人)了解自己的意思I just cant get across to him. It took me an hour to get my intention across to her.5.1回来,归来(from/to)When did you get back from Beijing/ to Guangyuan?5.2离开,后退Get back !Its dangerous.6.1(从树上)下来The cat climbed the tree and couldnt get down.6.2取下,拿下,放下Will you help me get the box down from the shelf?7.1(从车,飞机,马等)下来I got o


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