安徽省淮北市2011-2012学年度七年级英语下学期期末复习考试卷A 人教新目标版_第1页
安徽省淮北市2011-2012学年度七年级英语下学期期末复习考试卷A 人教新目标版_第2页
安徽省淮北市2011-2012学年度七年级英语下学期期末复习考试卷A 人教新目标版_第3页
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安徽省淮北市2011-2012学年度七年级英语下学期期末复习考试卷A 人教新目标版_第5页
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1 安徽省淮北市安徽省淮北市2011 20122011 2012学年度七年级英语下学期期末复习考学年度七年级英语下学期期末复习考 试卷试卷 人教版 含答案 人教版 含答案 A A 一 听力测试 一 听句子 选择与句子内容相对应的图片 每个句子读两遍 请看第一组的四幅 图片 听三个句子 完成第 1 至第 3 小题 1 2 3 请看第二组的四幅图片 听三个句子 完成第 4 至第 6 小题 4 5 6 二 听对话和问题 根据所听内容 选择最佳答案 对话和问题部读两遍 7 A His uncle B His aunt C His teacher D His grandmother 8 A Talking with her partner B Listening to music C Eating an apple D Singing a song 9 A To stay at home B To do her homework C To go to the beach D To go to the movies 10 A For half an hour B For one hour C For one and a half hours D For two hours 11 A She is tall B She is short C She is thin D She is of medium build 12 A Rice and beef B Potatoes and mutton 2 C Rice and mutton D Beef and tomato noodles 13 A Because he is ill B Because he is a doctor there C Because he is a nurse D Because he is looking after his mother there 14 A They don t mind them B They like them very much C They can t stand them D They think soap operas are interesting 二 听短文 根据短文内容 判断下列句子正误 正确的用 A 表示 不正确的用 B 表示 短文读两遍 听短文前 你们有 20 秒钟的时间阅读下列句子 15 Mr Brown is seventy years old 16 He goes for a walk in a park every morning 17 Today Mr Brown asks the policemen for help 18 Mr Brown can t find his way 19 Mr Brown asks the police for help because he is ill 20 Mr Brown don t want to walk home today 请翻到第 卷 先找到第五大题的 A 部分 你们将有 5 秒钟的准备时间 二 单项选择 21 There a lot of rain in the south of China last year A is B are C was D were 22 Would you like something to drink please A Meat B Rice C Water D Dumpling 23 Would you please the TV a little Jack is doing his homework I m sorry I will A turn down B turn up C turn on D turn off 24 Let s go and see a movie Great The TV shows are too A expensive B interesting C exciting D boring 25 What do you usually do Saturday morning A on B in C at D with 26 What did you do yesterday afternoon I helped my mother dinner 3 A cook B cooked C cooks D cooking 27 Do you have anything to say A other B else C too D either 28 Do you have any rules in your house I never have fun at home A too many B too much C many too D much too 29 He spent much time computer games A play B plays C played D playing 30 The soap opera is too boring I it A like B love C don t mind D can t stand 31 Don t talk in class A friendly B really C loudly D clearly 32 Sunday is the day of the week A first B second C seventh D last 33 do you like elephants Because they are fun A How B Why C What D Who 34 Can we listen to the music in the classroom A Yes we do B Yes we can C No we don t D No we can 35 did you go last vacation We went to the Great Wall A What B Where C How D When 三 完形填空 Dear Lily We are back in New York City now We had 36 good trip I 37 to collect my photos yesterday They 38 great l showed these photos 39 my classmates They all 40 them There is a photo of Ben and Simon 41 the Great Wall There is also a picture of you and 42 in the Forbidden City 紫禁城 We really enjoyed 43 vacation We were sad to 44 you Please 45 and visit us in New York City at Chinese New Year 4 Love Amy 36 A the B a C an D some 37 A go B went C is going D was going 38 A arc B were C feel D felt 39 A from B by C for D to 40 A like B liked C likes D liking 41 A in B about C on D from 42 A I B me C we D they 43 A my B your C their D our 44 A leave B meet C take away from D play trick on 45 A go B weet C come D came 四 阅读理解 一 阅读短文 选择最佳答案 A Mr and Mrs Wilson lived in a big city and one summer they went to the country 乡村 for vacation They enjoyed it very much because it was a quiet clean place One day they went for a walk early in the morning and saw an old man He lived on a farm 农场 and he was sitting alone in the warm sun in front of his house Mr Wilson asked him Do you like living in a quiet place The old man said Yes I do Mr Wilson said What are the good things about it The old man answered Well everybody knows everybody People often come to see me and I often go to see them And there are a lot of children here Mr Wilson said That s interesting And what are the bad things The old man thought for a minute and said Well the same thing really 5 根据短文内容 判断下列句子的正误 正确的用 A 表示 错误的用 B 表示 46 Mr and Mrs Wilson lived in the country 47 Mr and Mrs Wilson liked the country because it was quiet and clean 48 The old man was Mrs Wilson s uncle 49 The old man thought everybody knew each other was a good thing about the country 50 The old man thought the bad things and the good things are the same things B Tim likes fish very much One day he bought some fish from the shop and took it home When his wife saw the fish she said to herself Good I can ask my friends to have lunch and we can eat the fish They like fish very much So when Tim came home in the evening the fish was not there and his wife said Oh your cat eats them So she gave Tim only some bread for his supper Tim got very angry He took his wife and the cat to the shop near his house and weighed 称重 the cat Then he said to his wife My fish is one kilo 千克 This cat is one too My fish is here you see then where is my cat 51 Tim likes eating A meat B bread C rice D fish 52 Tim s wife gave Tim only for his supper A some rice B some fish C some bread D some soup 53 Tim weighed in the shop with his wife A the fish B the cat C his wife D his friend 54 How much fish did Tim buy A One kilo B Two kilos C Three kilos D Four kilos 55 Which is right 6 A Tim didn t like his wife s friends B Tim didn t like his wife C Tim didn t like his cat D Tim didn t believe 相信 the cat ate the fish 二 阅读短文 简要回答第五大题 B 部分的问题 C Once all American was in Africa and he wanted to go to the mountains He got on a bus and the driver 司机 said The yellow ticket 票 is one dollar I have two other tickets The red one is only fifty cents 美分 and the green one ten cents A green one please said the American Now the bus is going up a mountain Suddenly it stopped Yellow ticket people get out and walk Green ticket people get out and push 推 the bus 第 卷 非选择题 五 听写与阅读简答 A 听写 听对话 根据对话内容 完成下面的表格 每空词数不限 对话读三遍 听 对话前 你们有 15 秒钟的时间阅读表格内容 共 5 小题 计 5 分 The boy thinks the school rules are awful school RulesHave ToNot Have ToCan t what to wear wear 56 wear T shirts whereto eateat in the 57 go home for 58 what to study study math science histo ry Have 59 classes can t study 60 and Spanish 56 57 58 59 60 B 阅读简答 阅读第四大题 C 篇短文 简要回答下列问题 61 Where was the American 7 62 What did he want to do 63 How much was the yellow ticket 64 How much did the American pay for the ticket 65 Did the American get out to push the bus 六 词汇考查 A 根据句意 首字母或汉语提示完成单词 66 Yao Ming is very t but Pan Changjiang is quite short 67 What s bowl of noodles would you like I d like a large bowl 68 What do you have today We want some Sichuan food Well please have a look at the m There are some specials in it 69 There is n in the bag It s empty 空的 70 Gina you aren t a child any more You must w 洗 your clothes yourself 71 Jay Chou s songs are very p Most of young people like them 72 This bike is too e I can t buy it because I don t have so much money 73 There are many different kinds of a in the zoo 74 Please give me the 原因 理由 for being late 75 We are in the same class So we are 同班同学 B 根据句意 用所给词的适当的形式填空 76 Li Yuchun is still a popular sing Many young kids are her fans 77 Do you know the high of Qomolangma 珠穆朗玛峰 78 How was the game of Just Go 大冲关 Pretty excited 79 I can t stand Kevin He is always friendly to me 80 We went to the child Palace last week 81 The reporter write an article to the magazine last night 82 Tom not do his homework because he was ill in hospital yesterday 8 83 Listen Someone cry outside the house 84 Li Yang practiced speak English every morning 85 My lather decided buy another car because of the depreciation 降 价 七 句式转换 按要求改写句子 86 What do you think of the soap operas 改为同义句 do you the soap operas 87 It s time to play spots 改为同义句 It s time 88 She went to the Palace Museum last weekend 对划线部分提问 she go last weekend 89 Joe did some reading at home yesterday 改为一般疑问句 Joe some reading at home yesterday 90 Mary played tennis yesterday afternoon 改为否定句 Mary tennis yesterday afternoon 八 补全对话 从方框中选择适当的句子完成对话 其中有两项为多余选项 A Good morning Tim B Good morning Jack A 91 B It was pretty good A 92 B I went to the beach with my father A 93 B I swam and did some shopping A 94 B Very delicious A 95 B I think most of them are quite friendly 9 A So you had a wonderful time B Sure A How was the weather B How Was your vacation C What did you do there D Who did you go with E How was the food F How were the people there G Where did you go for vacation 答案 91 92 93 94 95 九 书面表达 根据下面表格提供的信息写一篇 50 词以上的短文 记述 David 上个暑假旅游的经历 要求 书写规范 语法正确 语句通顺 Timelast summer vacation PlaceHainan Transportation by air 坐飞机 Weatherhot and sunny Activities went to the beach did the shopping went to the park Fooddelicious Peoplefriendly 安徽省淮北市安徽省淮北市2011 20122011 2012学年度七年级英语下学期期末复习考试卷学年度七年级英语下学期期末复习考试卷 人教版 含答案 人教版 含答案 A A 一至四大题 每小题 1 分 共 55 分 10 1 5 CADBD 6 10 CABCD 11 15 DABCB 16 20 AABBA 21 25 CCADA 26 30 ABADD 31 35 CABBB 36 40 BBADB 41 45 CBDAC 46 50 BABAA 51 55 DCBAD 五 听写与阅读简答 A 听写 每小题 1 分 共 5 分 56 uniforms 57 dining hall 58 lunch 59 P E 60 French B 阅读简答 每小题 2 分 共 10 分 61 He was in Africa 62 He wanted to go to the mountains 63 It was one dollar 64 Ten 10 cents 65 Yes he did 六 词汇考查 每小题 1 分 共 20 分 66 tall 67 size 68 menu 69 nothing 70 wash 71 popular 72 expensive 73 animals 74 reason 75 classmates 76 singer 77 height 78 exciting 79 unfriendly 80 Children s 81 wrote 82 didn t do 83 is crying 84 speaking 85 to buy 七 句式转换 每空 1 分 共 10 分 86 How like 87 for sports 88 Where did 89 Did do 90 Didn t play 八 补全对话 每小题 1 分 共 5 分 91 95 BGCEF 九 书面表达 计 15 分 其中卷面占 3 分 One possible version Last summer David had a good time for vacation He went to Hainan He went there by air The weather was hot and sunny He liked the weather He went to the beach and the park Then he went shopping He bought a lot of things there But the shops were a little bit crowded He had meals outside He thinks they were delicious The people there were friendly He says Hainan is a good place to 11 visit It s beautiful 七年级听力录音材料 一 听句子 选择与句子内容相对应的图片 每个句子读两遍 请看第一组的四幅图片 听三个句子 完成第 1 至第 3 小题 1 Turn left at the third crossing and you can find a post office 2 Dolphins are friendly and cute We like them very much 3 Julie wants to go to Japan with her parents on her vacation 请看第二组的四幅图片 听三个句子 完成第 4 至第 6 小题 4 My sister watched TV last night She didn t do her homework 5 Jack and Peter are talking on the phone 6 It s rainy in Shanghai now 二 听对话和问题 根据所听内容 选择最佳答案 对话和问题都读两遍 7 W What did you do on vacation M I visited my uncle He is a teacher in a middle school Question Who did the boy visit during the vacation 8 M Mary don t listen to music in the classroom W I m sorry sir Question What is Mary doing in the classroom 9 W Why not go to the beach David M Oh sorry I have to stay at home and do my homework Question What does the girl want to do 10 W Can you play computer games on weekends M Yes but I can only play for two hours Question How long can the boy play computer games on weekends 11 M Hi Is that Mary W No Mary is of medium build But the girl is tall and thin Question What does Mary look like 12 W I would like rice and beef What about you Eric M I don t like them I would like potatoes and mutton Question What would the girl like 12 13 M Where is your brother W He is in the hospital M Is he ill W No he is a doctor in it Question Why is the woman s brother in the hospital 14 M Do you like Soap operas Carol W I like soap operas very much But my parents can t stand them Question What do Carol s parents th


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