



Chapter 1 Choosing a pet单词:a dog一只狗 a cat一只猫 a bird一只鸟 a rabbit 一只兔子 a hamster一只仓鼠 a turtle一只海龟 this这个 that那个 these这些 those那些 a pet宠物 sing唱歌 like喜欢 find找到 come来 lovely可爱的 carrot红萝卜 seed种子 fish鱼 bone骨头 now现在句子/词组:1.What is this? It is a dog. 这是什么?它是狗。2.What is that? It is a bird. 那是什么?它是小鸟。3.What are these? 这些是什么? They are dogs. 它们是狗。5.What are those? 那些是什么? They are birds. 它们是小鸟。6.I like this/that rabbit. 我喜欢这/那只兔子。7.I like these/those rabbits. 我喜欢这些/那些兔子。 Chapter 2 Our pet friends 我们的宠物朋友 单词:our我们的 where在哪里 sad悲伤的in在里面 on在上面 near在旁边 under在下面a sofa沙发a table餐桌a chair椅子a box盒子a cupboard橱柜 a shelf架子 a bag书包 a bed床a drawer抽屉句子/词组:1Where is the cat? 猫在哪里?It is on the chair. 它在椅子上。2Where are the turtles? 那些乌龟在哪里?There are under the sofa.它们在沙发下面。3Is Bob under the cupboard? Bob在橱柜下吗?No,he isnt./Yes,he is. 不,他不在。/是,他在。4Are they in the box? 它们在盒子里吗?Yes,they are./ No,they arent. 是,它们在。/不,它们不在。5Is it in a drawer? 它在抽屉里吗?Yes,it is./No,it isnt. 是,在。/不,不在。 Chapter 3 Wild animals 野生动物(1)单词:a hippo河马 an elephant象 a lion狮子 a zebra斑马a snake蛇 a monkey猴子 a kangaroo袋鼠 a panda熊猫a penguin企鹅 a tiger老虎 eleven十一 twelve十二thirteen十三 fourteen十四 fifteen十五 sixteen十六seventeen十七 eighteen十八 nineteen十九 twenty二十a giraffe长颈鹿 fly飞 grass草 sky天空 a tail尾巴 a tree树 water水 wing翅膀句子/词组:1How many hippos are there? 有多少河马?There is one hippo. 有一只河马。2How many snakes are there? 有多少蛇?There are twelve snakes. 有十二条蛇。3I can see some zebras. 我能看见一些斑马。4I can see an elephant on the grass. 我看见一只大象在草地上。Chapter 4 More about animals 关于野生动物(2)单词:eat-eating吃 sleep-sleeping睡觉 fight-fighting打架read-reading读 climb-climbing爬 walk-walking 走路sing-singing唱 draw-drawing画 hop-hopping 跳跃(双写p) swim-swimming游泳(双写m) run-running跑(双写n) skip-skipping跳绳(双写p) write-writing写(去e) dance-dancing跳舞(去e)silly愚蠢/傻 fly飞 a tree树 a nose鼻子句子/词组:1.The elephant is sleeping. 大象正在睡觉。2.The hippo is eating. 河马正在吃东西。3.The rabbits are hopping. 兔子正在跳跃。4.The turtles are swimming. 乌龟们正在游泳。5.How many tigers are there? 有多少只老虎? There are fifteen tigers. 有15只老虎。6.What are they doing? 它们正在做什么? They are running. 它们正在跑。Chapter 5 Happy moments 欢乐时光单词/短语:cook-cooking做饭 play-playing玩 watch-watching看make-making做,制作(去e) ride-riding骑(去e) dance-dancing跳舞(去e) wash-washing洗 play football踢足球 watch TV看电视 make a plane 做飞机 ride a bicycle骑自行车 take a photo照相 make a video录像grandma奶奶(口语) grandpa爷爷(口语)in the kitchen在厨房 in the living room在客厅 in the bedroom在卧室 in the bathroom在浴室 in the garden在花园 in the evening在晚上句子/词组:1What is he doing?他在做什么?He is making a plane.他在做飞机。2What is she doing?她在做什么?She is watching TV.她在看电视。3What is it doing?它在做什么?It is running.它在跑。4What are you doing?你在做什么?I am cooking.我在做饭。5What are they doing?他们在做什么?They are watching TV. 他们在看电视。6This is my father.这是我的爸爸。7These are my brothers.这些是我的哥哥/弟弟。Chapter 6 A fashion show 时装表演单词:a shirt衬衫 a T-shirt T恤衫 dress连衣裙 skirt短裙 shorts短裤 jeans牛仔裤 trousers长裤 a cap鸭舌帽 a hat帽子 her 她的 his他的 here这里clothes衣服 wear穿,戴 purple紫色 young年轻beautiful美丽 a jacket外套 socks短袜 shoes鞋fashion时装 show表演 colour颜色句子/词组:1Here is Mary.这是玛丽。(表演介绍)2Her shorts are purple.她的短裤是紫色的。3Here is Peter.这是彼得。4His T-shirt is green and brown.他的T恤衫是绿色和棕色的。5What colour is her dress?她的连衣裙是什么颜色的?6It is pink.它是粉


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