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第 1 页 共 24 页 上海新世纪版上海新世纪版 2019 20202019 2020 学年八年级下学期学科竞赛英语试卷学年八年级下学期学科竞赛英语试卷 B B 卷卷 姓名姓名 班级班级 成绩成绩 一 一 单项选择 单项选择 共共 2020 题 共题 共 4040 分分 1 2 分 2015 七上 舒城期中 下面两个字母中含有相同音素的是 A SY B UW C WV D YZ 2 2 分 2017 七下 江苏期末 There are three books on the floor Please A pick up them B pick it up C pick them up D pick up it 3 2 分 2017 八上 徐州期中 Mother s birthday is coming I ll make a card for her Please keep it secret I won t tell anybody about this A No I don t B Yes I do C OK I will D OK I won t 4 2 分 There are many people in Europe vacation every year A at 第 2 页 共 24 页 B for C on D in 5 2 分 What have you the bad milk I have poured it A tried out B cleaned up C asked for D done with 6 2 分 My mother told me my ideas my classmates A share with B to share with C sharing to D share to 7 2 分 一 A new 3D movie is on Shall we go and see it this weekend 一 What s it A I must be going now B You are right C Why not 8 2 分 2018 九上 深圳开学考 Is there anything special in today s newspaper Yes A terrible car accident happened last night According to the news report dangerous driving causes a lot of deaths every year 第 3 页 共 24 页 A makes happen B makes disappear C makes continue 9 2 分 It is said that the gravity on Mars is only about of the gravity on earth A three eighths B third eighth C third eighths D third eight 10 2 分 It seems that Mr Wu is standing there It be him because he called me from Canada just now A mustn t B can t C needn t D shouldn t 11 2 分 Mike can you tell us something about our new teacher Oh sorry I know nothing because I him before A saw B didn t see C have seen D haven t seen 12 2 分 2018 无锡模拟 I can hardly hear the radio Would you please A turn it on 第 4 页 共 24 页 B turn it down C turn it off D turn it up 13 2 分 2018 徐州模拟 Which of the following signs means You can t feed the animals A B C D 14 2 分 Lucy likes English very much She does her best it well A to learn B learn C learning D is learning 15 2 分 He has never been to Beijing A hasn t he B has he 第 5 页 共 24 页 C doesn t he 16 2 分 2016 常州 Do you enjoy yourself at the concert Yes I have never been to one before A a better B the best C a worse D the worst 17 2 分 What about watching the movie Big Fish tomorrow Oh I it already A watch B have watched C will watch D am watching 18 2 分 He helps his friends their English A in B at C with 19 2 分 2017 天津 I in the city since I left school A live B will live 第 6 页 共 24 页 C was living D have lived 20 2 分 We are going to visit the museum tomorrow Would you like to join us A That s very kind of you B Yes please C Yes I d love to D Yes I like them 二 二 完形填空 完形填空 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1515 分分 21 15 分 2017 八上 徐州期中 阅读下列短文 从文后所给的 A B C D 四个选项中选出一个最佳 答案 Once there lived two brothers The elder was called Simon and the younger Victor They1each other very much and always took care of one another Every day they worked from morning 2night getting as much grain 谷物 as possible from their fields One late autumn evening after their work in the3was done Simon said to his wife Victor got married last month He has many bills 账单 to pay I think I will put a bag of rice in his barn 谷 仓 Oh that s a good idea said his wife But please don t tell him said Simon If he knows I put the rice there he will4take it So late that night Simon took a bag of rice to Victor s barn The next day while looking at his own barn he found5strange I took a bag of rice to Victor s house last night 6 I still have the same number of bags in my barn 7 did that happen Simon decided to take another bag of rice to his brother s barn that night But the next morning he found the8number of bags in his barn again This is very strange he thought That night he9again He carried a large bag of rice on his shoulder 肩膀 and walked down the road to his younger brother s house In the bright moonlight he could see another10coming down the road He was carrying something on his11 too Younger Brother Simon cried What are you doing 第 7 页 共 24 页 I was12you Older Brother said Victor Your family is13 than mine I thought you needed more rice The two brothers quickly14that they had been taking rice to each other They15what had happened It is good to have a brother like you they both said And they lived happily ever after 1 A disliked B hated C loved D enjoyed 2 A until B at C through D with 3 A shops B fields C hospitals D factories 4 A never B sometimes C usually 第 8 页 共 24 页 D ever 5 A everything B anything C nothing D something 6 A so B and C but D or 7 A How B What C Why D Where 8 A small B different C big D same 9 第 9 页 共 24 页 A planned B failed C hoped D tried 10 A brother B person C sister D wife 11 A back B shoulder C head D hand 12 A proud of B polite to C angry with D worried about 13 A Smaller B richer 第 10 页 共 24 页 C larger D happier 14 A remembered B knew C believed D hoped 15 A laughed about B dreamed about C pointed at D shouted at 三 三 阅读理解 阅读理解 共共 5 5 题 共题 共 4343 分分 22 10 分 2017 八下 仙游期中 阅读理解 B Sweet Tomatoes Salad Tom age 4 They have to pay for the meal 第 12 页 共 24 页 A 110 B 120 C 150 D 180 4 Where would you probably read this passage A In a story book B In a math book C In a newspaper D In a geographic magazine 5 Which is wrong A Sweet Tomatoes encourages people to eat less meat B You can save 5 if you go to Sweet Tomatoes for a meal with a Sunday s China Daily C The first ten customers can get one free tasty chocolate every Sunday D We can t have a meal in Sweet Tomatoes on Monday 23 8 分 2019 天台模拟 阅读理解 Have you ever forgotten where your socks are when you wake up in the morning Can you remember what you ate for lunch a week ago You may think that being forgetful is not a good thing But now you should be thankful Scientists from University of Toronto found that forgetting actually is a key part of learning Getting rid of unnecessary information can help our brains work better What kind of information is unnecessary Scientists say that this may have something to do with the environment you live in In an environment that is always changing our brains may require us to remember less For 第 13 页 共 24 页 example a supermarket cashier 收银员 meets many people every day and will probably only remember them for a short time But a designer who often meets his or her customers will remember longer That s because our brains keep making new neurons 神经元 from stem cells 千细胞 said Paul Frankland a professor at the University of Toronto There is a special area in our brains called hippocampus 海马体 It is important for us to learn and remember When new neurons fit in the hippocampus they renew our old memories This could explain why you forget so much information about the time when you were very young However being forgetful is not always good When you don t have enough sleep you may have a hard time remembering new information Sleep helps the brain store and keep new facts and information Matthew Walker from the University of California told the Huffington Post 1 What s the opinions of the scientists from University of Toronto A Forgetting can make us become weaker B Forgetting things is necessary C Forgetting is also another kind of learning D Forgetting needs to be treated 2 Why does a supermarket cashier remember people for a short time A Because he has fewer neurons B Because he is always busy in the supermarket C Because his brain requires him to remember less D Because he is in an environment that is always changing 3 We should according to Matthew Walkers words A have enough sleep B store new facts and information C exercise more and make us stronger 第 14 页 共 24 页 D spend more time remembering new information 4 What can be the best title of the passage A Neurons and hippocampus B Forgetting is not bad C Forgetting and environment D Be thankful to forgetting 24 10 分 2018 广东模拟 阅读理解 Mark a young person tells me he wants to be a writer I always encourage such people but I also explain that there s a big difference between being a writer and writing In most cases these people are dreaming of wealth and fame not the long hours alone at a typewriter 打字机 You ve got to want to write I say to them not want to be a writer The reality is that writing is a lonely private and poor paying affair For every writer kissed by fortune there are thousands more whose longing is never rewarded 报答 When I left a 20 year job in the US Coast Guard to become a writer I had no hopes at all What I did have was a friend who found me my room in a New York apartment building It didn t even matter that it was cold and had no bathroom I immediately bought a used typewriter and felt like a real writer After a year or so however I still hadn t got a break and began to doubt MWE myself It was so hard to sell a story that barely made enough to eat But I knew I wanted to write I had dreamed about it for years I wasn t going to be one of those people who die wonder in what if I would keep putting my dream to the test even though it meant living with uncertainty 不确定 and fear of failure This is the shadowland of hope and anyone with a dream must learn to live there 1 According to the author s idea writing is A enjoyable 第 15 页 共 24 页 B interesting C lonely D boring 2 When the author left his 20 year job he A felt sad B lost his heart C felt unforgettable D found himself 3 When the author went to the New York apartment building A there was almost nothing there B there was everything there C the author was pleased with it D the author was so happy 4 What does the underlined word shadowland probably mean in Chinese A 点点希望 B 夺目强光 C 人生低谷 D 虚幻境界 5 What s the main idea of the passage A Tell us to study hard B Let us dream of succeeding C Let us do something that we can t accept 第 16 页 共 24 页 D Hold on to your dream even if you meet difficulties 25 10 分 One day Mr Jackson took Paul to his favorite restaurant It was a French restaurant The waiter was from France but he didn t speak to them in French Would you like to see menu he asked in a kind way Yes please Mr Jackson said The waiter gave them a menu each They studied them You can spend only twenty five dollars Mr Jackson told his son The waiter asked Paul What would you like young man How much is the tomato soup Paul asked Six dollars the waiter said It s very good How much is the duck with orange Paul asked next Fifteen dollars the waiter said How much is the chocolate ice cream Six dollars the waiter said Paul added it up quickly Six plus fifteen plus six is twenty seven He thought he could have the duck and the soup or the duck and ice cream I ll have the duck and the chocolate ice cream please he said to the waiter Paul said to his father My meal will cost only twenty one dollars Can I keep the other four dollars His father laughed No Paul he said leave it for the waiter 1 How did the waiter speak to Paul and Mr Jackson A In a rough way B In a friendly way C In French D Slowly 2 第 17 页 共 24 页 What did Paul have for dinner A The soup and the duck B The duck and the ice cream C The duck the soup and the ice cream D The soup and the ice cream 3 How much did Paul s meal cost A 21 B 24 C 25 D 27 4 What did Mr Jackson tell Paul to do with the other 4 A Keep it B Give it back to him C Spend it on soothing else D Give it to the waiter 5 What does this passage tell us A Paul and his father hate eating in restaurant B Mr Jackson s favorite food is English food C Paul was careful not to spend more than 25 in the restaurant 第 18 页 共 24 页 D Paul didn t know what to choose from the menu 26 5 分 2018 七上 台州期中 阅读下面短文 根据短文内容完成表格 每空不超过三个单词 Dear Mary Please take these things to Alice her CD player and CD case schoolbag sunglasses baseball cap keys and alarm clock Her CD player and her CD case are on the table in the bedroom She needs them for tomorrow Her schoolbag is under her bed The sunglasses are on the desk in the living room Her baseball cap is on her bed Her keys are on the table in the kitchen The alarm clock is on the table in her room Mom ThingsWhere and CD caseon the table in the bedroom Sunglasses in the living room in the kitchen The baseball cap 四 四 单词拼写 单词拼写 共共 6 6 题 共题 共 4242 分分 27 15 分 Good a Helen The boy is Tom His l name is White Wang Xin s E name is Alice Nice to m you Is that your c game Jane is a teacher in that 学校 Lucy s ruler is 黄色的 Your 夹克衫 is nice 八 is my lucky 幸运 number 第 19 页 共 24 页 What s your phone 号码 How be Helen She name is Jane She is my friend Hello me name is Xiaomi His one name is Tony Please call 685 6034 28 1 分 It s 下雨 I can t go out to play I feel bored 29 10 分 根据句子意思 用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空 在答题卡标有题号的横线 上 写出空缺处所填单词的正确形式 1 Tomorrow is Mother s Day It s also my mother s 四十三 birthday 2 Her dream is to dance as beautiful as Yang Liping 3 I had my old bicycle fix up in order to give it away to charity 4 like football basketball is played with five members on each side 5 Work hard and you will success 6 Gravity may be a problem for the early 移居者 7 Among the football players Li Ming plays 不好 8 Hangzhou is a beautiful city which 吸引 lots of tourists from home and abroad 9 Be careful This kind of disease can be easily 传播 everywhere by some animals 10 Li Zhicheng led the peasants to fight 反对 the governors of Ming Dynasty in 1629 30 5 分 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词 1 Do you like collecting 邮票 第 20 页 共 24 页 2 I want to go to the 书店 to buy some books 3 I got some 明信片 on my birthday 4 He 建议 seeing a doctor just now 5 The thief 仓促 to run away 31 10 分 首字母填空 1 She likes to swim so she can join the s club 2 Can you play the d 3 She can dance and sing well So she wants to be a m 4 S is the first day in a week 5 I like China and I can s Chinese well 6 Do you like to play volleyball w Jack 7 Then you can b in our school festival 8 Can you sing o dance 9 Do you have an e mail a 10 W do you like comedies Because they are funny 32 1 分 Can you name these beautiful pictures 悬挂 on the wall 五 五 选词填空 选词填空 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1010 分分 33 10 分 第 21 页 共 24 页 dumplings other Chinese potato world on with many they lot always another The food in the UK is very different from our Chinese food They ea


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