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第 1 页 共 20 页 人教版人教版 20202020 届九年级下学期英语期中联校检测试卷届九年级下学期英语期中联校检测试卷 A A 卷卷 姓名姓名 班级班级 成绩成绩 一 一 选择填空选择填空 共共 1515 题 共题 共 3030 分分 1 2 分 I think this kind of mobile phone will be fashionable this year I m not completely sure A as B if C until D though 2 2 分 I hear there will be a Peppa Pig Theme Park in Shanghai big surprise A What a B What C How D How a 3 2 分 we work at English the better grades we will get A Harder B The hardest C Hardest D The harder 第 2 页 共 20 页 4 2 分 Why didn t you try your best to get on the subway 地铁 I tried to but it started moving I could get on it A before B while C as soon as D after 5 2 分 I hear you have to read English every morning Right It s one of the in my family A plans B rules C orders D suggestions 6 2 分 Mr Black was very strict his students their homework A at about B to in C to with D with in 7 2 分 People in the UK say autumn while people in the USA say A store B cookie C soccer D fall 第 3 页 共 20 页 8 2 分 Could you give me water I am thirsty Of course A some kind of B any kind of C any a kind of D some a kind of 9 2 分 In her free time Alice often read stories have happy endings A what B who C that D where 10 2 分 Listen Is Sarah singing in the neighbor room No It be Sarah She has gone to Italy A needn t B may not C can t D won t 11 2 分 your name I m Mike A What B What s C How 第 4 页 共 20 页 D How s 12 2 分 We are going to hold an English competition this weekend I will try out for the competition A Not at all B Yes please C Sounds great D It doesn t matter 13 2 分 Do you have a car No I A don t B doesn t C am not 14 2 分 His grandmother for 6 years And he still misses her very much A died B has died C has been dead D has been died 15 2 分 I m feeling terrible I have a bad cold You d better see a doctor at once A I m afraid not B Sorry to hear that C Sounds great 第 5 页 共 20 页 D You are right 二 二 完型填空完型填空 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1 1 分分 16 1 分 完形填空 Once upon a time there was a lazy poor living in a small house with spider webs 蜘蛛网 on the walls and mice running around People 1 coming into such a dirty place and the poor man was lonely and sad every day He thought it was poverty 贫困 that2his unhappy life One day the poor man dropped in on a wise old man and asked him for 3about changing his life The old man gave him a beautiful vase 花瓶 and said This is a magic vase that will bring you 4 The poor man looked at the vase 5 Why would he need a vase in his poor house However he didn t want to 6 such a beautiful vase so he brought it home on the table It s not right for something so beautiful to be7 the poor man looked at the vase and thought Then he picked some wild flowers and put them into it making it even more beautiful 8he was still not satisfied It is not good for such a beautiful thing to stand next to a spider web At this he started to do some cleaning in the house and paint the walls His house turned into 9place immediately The poor man 10 He suddenly realized that in the past it was his laziness that made him poor and unhappy From then on he worked hard and his life got better and better 1 A enjoyed B avoided C forgot D considered 2 A led to B connected to C made up D set up 第 6 页 共 20 页 3 A service B knowledge C advice D care 4 A peace B happiness C mess D regret 5 A sadly B nervously C proudly D surprisedly 6 A throw away B give out C pay for D keep off 7 A ugly 第 7 页 共 20 页 B Full C empty D dirty 8 A Although B But C So D Because 9 A large B dark C strange D comfortable 10 A cheered up B rang up C sped up D stayed up 三 三 阅读理解阅读理解 共共 3 3 题 共题 共 2424 分分 17 8 分 阅读理解 第 8 页 共 20 页 1 When is Betty going shopping A At 13 00 on Saturday B At 8 00 on Saturday C At 20 00 on Saturday D At 17 00 on Saturday 2 How long is Julia going to spend in washing clothes A One hours B Two hours 第 9 页 共 20 页 C Three hours D Half an hour 3 Which is NOT right according to the passage A Betty plans to watch a football match at 17 00 on Saturday B Betty plans to swim on Saturday morning C Julia wants to surf on the Internet D Julia plans to revise for the test in her school 18 8 分 阅读理解 Once when I was a teenager my father and I were standing in line to buy tickets for the circus Finally there was only one family between the ticket office and us This family made a big impression on me There were eight children all probably under the age of 12 You could tell they didn t have a lot of money Their clothes were not expensive but they were clean The children talked excitedly about the clowns It was clearly a very important day out for them The father and mother seemed happy as they could be The tickets lady asked how many tickets the father wanted he proudly answered Please let me buy eight children s tickets and two adults tickets so I can take my family to the circus The ticket lady told him the price The man s wife lowered her head There was no longer a smile on the man s face He quietly asked How much did you say The ticket lady again told him the price The man obviously didn t have enough money But how could he tell his kids the bad news Seeing what was happening my dad took a 20 note from his pocket and dropped in on the ground We were not rich ourselves at all He then tapped the man on the shoulder and said Excuse me sir you dropped this 第 10 页 共 20 页 The man understood my father was helping him He picked up the money looked straight into my dad s eyes and in tears replied Thank you This really means a lot to me and my family Although we did not go to the circus that night we didn t go without 1 Why does the writer say Their clothes were not expensive but they were clean Paragraph 2 A To show the children were well looked after B To show cheap clothes could be popular C To show how hard the mother worked D To show how rich the family were 2 Why was the poor man unhappy after he spoke with the ticket lady A He had lost his money B His children were noisy C The tickets were sold out D The tickets were too expensive 3 Who did the 20 note belong to A The poor man B The writer s father C The poor man s wife D The ticket lady 4 Why was the poor man in tears at the end of the story A He found the money he lost B He wanted others to help him C He made his children unhappy 第 11 页 共 20 页 D He was thankful for the kindness 5 Which of the following statements is probably true according to the passage A The poor means saw the circus that night B The two families became close friends C The writer s father earned some money D The writer saw the circs that night 19 8 分 阅读理解 Mary is having a birthday party There will be a cake with candles Some people will bring birthday presents Let s look at birthdays in some different countries around the world Argentina Ear pulling If you ate 13 they will pull your ear They will pull your ear one time for each year of your age If you are 13 they will pull your ear thirteen times Denmark Flag 旗 If it is your birthday in Denmark a flag will fly outside a window of your home Philippines Coloured lights Some people put colored light outside their home if sometime is having a birthday Russia Birthday pies Many Russian children get a birthday pie not a birthday cake When you have a birthday here is a message for you Happy Birthday from all around the world 1 What is the passage s best title A The food around the world B Children around the world C Birthdays around the world 2 In Argentina what will children get if it is their birthday A A cake with candles 第 12 页 共 20 页 B Ear pulling C Ears 3 In Denmark if it is your birthday what will fly outside your window A A flag B A cake C Some lights 4 IN Philippines what do some people put outside their home if someone is having a birthday A A flag B Birthday pies C Colored lights 5 Do Russian children get a birthday pie or a birthday cake if they are having a birthday A A birthday pie B A birthday cake C Nothing 四 四 选词填空选词填空 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 5 5 分分 20 5 分 用 and but so or 填空 1 My friend is tall strong 2 I can t speak English French 3 She tried her best she became the winner of the competition 4 Cars bring convenience for people they pollute the environment 5 Hurry up we ll be late 五 五 根据句子意思 用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空 根据句子意思 用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空 每空限填一词 每空限填一词 共共 5 5 题 共题 共 5 5 分分 第 13 页 共 20 页 21 1 分 It s the second time she design the poster for the art festival since last term 22 1 分 It s said that most of the die firemen in the forest fire in Liangshan Sichuan Province were in their 20s 23 1 分 Mo Yan is one of the great writers in China 24 1 分 The teacher didn t believe his explain for being late again 25 1 分 There used be a quiet village here 六 六 语法填空语法填空 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1 1 分分 26 1 分 阅读下面的短文 按照句子结构的语法情况和上下文连贯的要求 在空白处填入一个适当的词或 用括号中所给同的正确形式填空 每空不超过两词 Dear Mary This is my school day In the morning I get up at seven o clock Then I wash my face have breakfast and go to school my brother We get to school at half eight At nine o clock we start our class I have three lesson in the morning The first lesson is maths It s difficulty but very interesting At ten o clock I have a break After a few minute I have PE It s my favourite At twelve o clock I have in the school dining hall In the afternoon I have two lessons At about four o clock I go home Yours Li Xuan 七 七 任务型阅读任务型阅读 共共 2 2 题 共题 共 2626 分分 27 1 分 阅读短文 回答下面的问题 第 14 页 共 20 页 Young children don t have the skills or knowledge to stay safe in heavy traffic The following tips 忠告 will be helpful for you to keep your children safe in heavy traffic Children learn about road safety by watching others As parents make sure that you always set good examples Your children will follow you and think it s OK to do like you Teach your children to pay attention to traffic lights when you cross the road together with them This helps them understand when it s safe to cross Make sure that you walk between your children and traffic and hold their hands all the time When your children are a little older you can start to tell them the importance of traffic knowledge Let them start to understand the reasons why they need to be so careful Talk with them about road signs and traffic rules Ask your children to play in a safe place Never let them ride bikes on the road without an adult present at rush hours The most important thing you can do is to keep your children from getting hurt so parents encourage them to follow traffic rules After knowing about traffic rules they ll volunteer to obey them In this way they ll be careful enough to keep themselves away from danger 1 Do young children know how to stay safe in heavy traffic 2 Who should set good examples to young children on the road 3 When do the parents tell their children about road signs and traffic rules 4 When will children volunteer to obey traffic rules 5 What is the passage mainly about 28 25 分 请先阅读下面短文掌提其大意然后根据短文内容从下面方框内的七个选项中选择五个还原到文 中使短文意思通顺 结构完整 Experts in nutrition 营养 suggest that we should eat at least five different kinds of vegetables and fruit a day They are very necessary for our health and help our bodies work well They can help reduce 减少 the risk of getting ill There are a lot of vegetables and fruit to choose from and they taste delicious 第 15 页 共 20 页 It s easy to buy our food from the local supermarket so why do we go to the trouble of growing our own Here are several good reasons You can pick and eat it at once When you have tried it you will agree that vegetables and fruit that are eaten straight from the garden taste better than anything you can buy in a supermarket You may want to cut down on your food miles the distance that a product has travelled before it reaches your kitchen Many food packages are flown halfway across the earth Homegrown food is likely to be healthier Food producers often use fertilizers 化肥 and pesticides 农药 which can end up in your food If you grow your own things are different You might also choose to grow some traditional vegetables and fruit These often have more of the vitamins minerals 矿物质 and protein 蛋白质 that keep you healthy And you can grow your own even if you only have a small backyard or a balcony R E Some food can grow well in pots including lettuce tomatoes potatoes and carrots You can recycle plastic bottles and cups to grow something Just make sure there are


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