上海版英语汇编——情景交际(II )卷_第1页
上海版英语汇编——情景交际(II )卷_第2页
上海版英语汇编——情景交际(II )卷_第3页
上海版英语汇编——情景交际(II )卷_第4页
上海版英语汇编——情景交际(II )卷_第5页




第 1 页 共 5 页 上海版英语汇编上海版英语汇编 情景交际 情景交际 IIII 卷 卷 一 一 单选题单选题 共共 1212 题 共题 共 2424 分分 1 2 分 I am so nervous I am afraid I might forget what to say A Stop daydreaming B Keep calm C You are so funny D What a good idea 2 2 分 You go to see a doctor in a hospital When he asks you What s your trouble You should say A I m feeling terrible B Don t trouble me C Give me some medicine please D Please take care of me 3 2 分 Yes T I N G T I N G Tingling A Can you spell your name B Good morning Tingling C Good afternoon D My name is Tingling 4 2 分 Are those your parents Tom They are my uncle and aunt A Yes they are 第 2 页 共 5 页 B Yes those are C No they aren t D No those aren t 5 2 分 2016 莆田 What do you think of the film Captain America Civil War A It s wonderful B It s my pleasure C It s very nice of you 6 2 分 2019 七上 浦东期中 My parents always tell me not to call others late at night It s not good A All right B Not at all C That s all right D That s right 7 2 分 2017 七上 上海期中 Good morning Can I help you A No you can t B I don t think so C Yes I d like a new flat D Help me 8 2 分 Would you mind me turning on the air conditioner It s really hot today 第 3 页 共 5 页 A Yes please B No please don t do that C Not at all Do as you like D Sorry I don t know 9 2 分 I think we should take action to protect the endangered animals A So I do B Me neither C Me too D So I am 10 2 分 2017 常州竞赛 May I have your name please A I m a student B No you can t C You can call me Tom D My friend is Tom 11 2 分 2019 八上 浦东期中 Thank you so much for the present you sent to me A Please don t say so B I m glad you like it C No thanks D It s not so good I think 第 4 页 共 5 页 12 2 分 Please don t throw paper on the ground I won t A Excuse me B That s all right C Sorry D It doesn t matter 第 5 页 共 5 页 参考答案参考答案 一 一 单选题单选题 共共 1212 题 共题 共


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