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第 1 页 共 22 页 上海新世纪版上海新世纪版 20202020 届英语中考二模试卷 届英语中考二模试卷 IIII 卷 卷 姓名姓名 班级班级 成绩成绩 一 一 单选题单选题 共共 1515 题 共题 共 3030 分分 1 2 分 2017 九下 无锡期中 They say there are many fish in the river But I fished none last time Hope we can fish today A another B others C some D any 2 2 分 When do you go to bed every day At 10 p m A B a C an D the 3 2 分 While Mike for his dog he fell into a river A looked B was looking C would look D was looked 4 2 分 2018 徐州模拟 Zhang Wen for the TV series last night so he is very sleepy in the class today 第 2 页 共 22 页 A took up B stayed up C gave up D made up 5 2 分 Our school in 1876 Wow it has a very long history A built B was built C is built D has built 6 2 分 Is there in today s newspaper Yes there is A something strange B anything strange C something new 7 2 分 You can get money 钱 in the and you can live in the A hotel bank B bank hotel C bank library D library bank 8 2 分 2015 七上 罗田期中 My sister s name is Gina Green Is her name Gina 第 3 页 共 22 页 A last B first C family D middle 9 2 分 2016 福州 When is the 31stOlympic Games It in Rio do Janciro of Brazil in August 2016 A held B is held C will be held 10 2 分 2018 七下 广州期末 There is an old saying Practice makes That s true The more you practise the better you will do A perfect B money C success 11 2 分 How many people were there at the meeting All the people went on a trip to Beijing A Nobody B No one C None D Nothing 12 2 分 David Burt s dream in China is to go into the west and an early childhood school there 第 4 页 共 22 页 A clean up B look up C give up D set up 13 2 分 2017 平谷模拟 you sing this song in English Let me have a try A May B Must C Need D Can 14 2 分 do you have dinner Rice and vegetables A Where in B Where for C What in D What for 15 2 分 It s time to OK Let s go to the dining hall The food there is delicious A say goodbye B play football C have lunch 第 5 页 共 22 页 D watch TV 二 二 完形填空完形填空 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1010 分分 16 10 分 2018 八下 阳谷期末 阅读下面短文 掌握其大意 然后从短文后所给的 A B C 三个选 项中 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 Tom and Linda were working in a big factory together One day they were asked to go on a business trip So they had to find a babysitter to take care of their two lovely babies A week later as they drove into their home town they noticed some 1 and went to see what it was A house was on fire Linda said Well the house isn t ours Let s go But Tom kept driving closer and said The house belongs to Fred It has nothing to do with us so let s go said Linda Tom drove up and said nothing A woman was 2 in the street My children Help Help Tom asked her to show him 3 her children were In the bathroom cried the woman 4Linda didn t agree Tom hurried to the bathroom which is full of smoke He soon found two children As he left he could 5 some other sound like crying He quickly sent the two children to a 6place But he was told two more children were 7 inside Linda shouted 8 Don t go back That house will fall down at any moment Tom went back by feeling his way down into the room It seemed a century had passed before he find both the children and the way back When they 9 Tom was so excited to find that he just saved his own children The babysitter 10 them at this house while she did some shopping 1 A cloud B light C smoke 2 第 6 页 共 22 页 A crying B speaking C helping 3 A which B where C what 4 A If B Unless C Although 5 A hear B see C notice 6 A dangerous B safe C round 7 A still B always 第 7 页 共 22 页 C never 8 A sadly B strangely C loudly 9 A came on B came out C came back 10 A forgot B lost C left 三 三 阅读理解阅读理解 共共 4 4 题 共题 共 3838 分分 17 10 分 For many school in Thailand there are two terms The first term is from the first week of May to the first week of October The second term starts from the first week of November and finishes at the last week of February or the first week of March The students don t get a break for Christmas 圣诞节 But they get a 3 4 days break for the New Year For many students a school day is very long They usually get to school at 7 30 a m Classes begin at 8 00 a m there are three classes in the morning and they are 50 minutes each 每个 Students have lunch at 11 00 a m they don t have dining halls so they have to eat in the classroom Lunch time finishes at 12 25 p m there are three classes in the afternoon School finishes at 3 15 p m many schools have a homework lesson after school so students usually go home after 4 45 p m 1 第 8 页 共 22 页 How long is the first term in Thailand schools A For six months B For five months C For four months D For three moths 2 What does the underlined word break mean in Chinese A 假期 B 节目 C 游览 D 计划 3 When do students usually get to school A At 7 00 a m B At 7 30 a m C At 8 00 a m D At 8 30 a m 4 Why do students have to eat lunch in the classroom A Because their dining halls are very small B Because they must do their homework after lunch C Because they don t have dining halls 第 9 页 共 22 页 D Because they bring lunch to school 5 What can we learn from the passage A There are three terms in Thailand schools B Students don t go to school in November C Students usually go home at 3 15 p m D Students have six classes a day 18 10 分 阅读理解 Four students from different countries are camping and they are talking about the weather Let s listen to them Wu Ling It s cool and sunny most of the time in our country I live in Beijing a beautiful city It s July now Though it is a little hot I still feel comfortable Waxili I live in Moscow There are storms too often there When the sky is dark and clouds are moving across the sky the storm is coming I don t like that Always it s not safe in the storm John I live in the north of Canada It s quite cold in winter so we wear warm clothes Many people like snowy weather because they can make snowmen and enjoy themselves Joe I come from Australia I never see a snowy day It s very hot most of the time in our country In winter it s not very cold 1 It is in Australia when the four students are camping A spring B winter C autumn D summer 第 10 页 共 22 页 2 doesn t like the weather of his country A John B Wu Ling C Waxili D Joe 3 Many people in enjoy snow A Beijing B Canada C Moscow D Australia 4 Joe has never seen a day before A snowy B rainy C windy D cloudy 5 The passage is mainly about A different cities B different talks in different cities C different countries D different kinds of weather in different areas 19 10 分 Jack is a twenty year old young man Two years ago when he finished middle school he found work in a shop Usually he works until ten o clock in the evening He is very tired when he gets home After a quick supper he goes to bed and soon falls asleep His grandma who 第 11 页 共 22 页 lives downstairs is satisfied with him One day on his way home he met Mary They were both happy He asked the girl to his house she agreed happily He bought some fruit and drinks for her And they talked about their school teachers and their future They talked for a long time Have a look at your watch please said the girl What time is now Sorry something is wrong with my watch said Jack Where s yours I left it at home Jack thought for a moment and found a way He began to stamp his foot on the floor bang bang bang The sound woke his grandma up The old woman shouted downstairs It s twelve o clock in the night Jack Why are you still jumping upstairs 1 Jack was when he finished middle school A sixteen B eighteen C twenty 2 The old woman is satisfied with Jack because A he s her grandson B he can keep quiet C he gets up early 3 From the story we can know that Mary is Jack s 第 12 页 共 22 页 A classmate B colleague C aunt 4 The underlined word stamp in the story means in Chinese A 盖印 B 跺 C 贴邮票 5 Jack stamped his foot on the floor in order 为了 A to make his grandma angry B that his grandma was going to tell him the time C that his grandma was going to buy him a watch 20 8 分 2017 杭州模拟 阅读理解 Arthur sat at the desk in his room pencil in hand He had to write a story for his English class by Friday I don t know what to write about he complained to his dog Toby who was asleep at his feet Arthur was talkative when speaking to his friends Yet he had trouble finding words when he had to write By bedtime Arthur had drawn a picture of Toby smiling He had drawn a tree with its branches blowing in the strong wind He had also written a note asking his friend Lee to go to the movies on Saturday But he had not written a single word of his story On Wednesday Mrs Solomon Arthur s English teacher asked the class to turn in their stories Arthur s heart went down he turned in the only work he had the page with his name the drawings and the note 第 13 页 共 22 页 Arthur wasn t surprised when Mrs Solomon asked him to stay after class the next day But he was surprised by what she said to him This is an attractive story Arthur The dog the movie the tree in the wind I can t wait to find out how they all fit together That isn t my story Mrs Solomon Arthur said I haven t been able to think of one yet Oh I think you have the seed of a story there Mrs Solomon replied Look at your note and the pictures and see if a story comes to you That night Arthur sat at his desk and this is what he wrote One Saturday Mike went downstairs to meet his friend Julio at the cinema It looked as if it might rain so Mike carried his umbrella Suddenly a big storm blew in bending the trees The noise of the wind sounded like the barking of Mike s dog Toby Toby really hated storms and barked whenever he wanted to be let inside Then Mike realized that it wasn t the sound of the wind It was Toby The dog was running after him down the busy street barking The sound was filled with unhappiness Mike felt sorry because he had left Toby outside He turned and headed home with Toby running beside him Mike let Toby in the door just as the rain started to pour down Arthur had a story in the end The last thing he did was to write his name proudly at the top of the page 1 What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 6 probably mean A Toby is an imaginative and lovely dog B The small tree will grow into a big one C His friend Lee can give him a lot of support D He can develop his story based on the picture 2 What kind of teacher do you think Mrs Solomon is A She is a strict teacher 第 14 页 共 22 页 B She is a wise teacher C She is an honest teacher D She is an humorous teacher 3 Which of the following is TRUE according to the story A It was easy for Arthur to find words to talk B Arthur was asked to stay after class on Tuesday C Arthur didn t finish his story writing in the end D All the class turned in their homework except Arthur 4 What can we infer from the story A Arthur is a shy and quiet student B Arthur isn t very satisfied with his story C There will be a storm on Saturday D Encouragement is important in teaching 四 四 语法填空语法填空 共共 1010 题 共题 共 3838 分分 21 1 分 Let s go to see a movie Good idea 22 1 分 2018 烟台 The old lady living on the five floor sometimes dances with her husband on the square 23 10 分 2017 黑龙江模拟 语法填空 There is a special kind of hotel in Quebec Canada It has a bar a church a shop and a small movie theater These things are not unusual But this hotel is only open from J to March 第 15 页 共 22 页 every year Why Because it is make of ice and snow When the weather get warm the hotel melts 融化 and closes Every winter the hotel owners build the hotel again Everything in the Ice Hotel is made of ice and snow All the furniture such as the table and chairs is made of ice even the beds are made of ice So people use special sleeping bags on the ice beds Inside the Ice Hotel the temperature is about 3 degrees blew zero When people sleep the sleeping bags keep them w In the morning they can have a hot breakfast After breakfast people can enjoy winter activities They can go skiing or ice fishing or they can go s in the dining room A the end of the day people can relax at the bar They can have drinks in glasses made of ice Many people e the Ice Hotel every year but they can only enjoy it for a short time b it melts again 24 1 分 her is Ms Smith and her first name is Gina 25 1 分 2016 七上 江苏月考 Do you know all these play names 26 1 分 There is a small p through the forest 27 1 分 They often r a bike to work 28 16 分 2016 九下 凉州期中 单词拼写根据首字母或汉语提示 写出下列句子中单词的正确形式 1 Ms Yang is 耐心的 with us We all like her 2 The colorful 气球 rose high into the air 3 Do you like the p written by Li Bai 4 Parents should give teenagers chances to make their own d 29 1 分 Are there any 国际的 banks in this modern town 第 16 页 共 22 页 30 5 分 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示填写单词 1 Ma Huan likes to talk to 人们 2 He often helps with sports for the English speaking students in the Students Sports C 3 Let s go to see the old people at the old people s h 4 What do you usually do on the 周末 5 Miss Wu 教 us music 五 五 单词拼写单词拼写 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1 1 分分 31 1 分 2017 杭州模拟 There must be something h in the neighborhood But what it is 六 六 任务型阅读任务型阅读 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1010 分分 32 10 分 阅读下列短文 根据短文中的信息完成文后表格 每空一词 Almost all of us have unpleasant habits We all want to get rid of 摆脱 them but we don t know proper ways Here s some advice Write down all the reasons why you want to stop some behavior Look at the reasons very often It s clever to do something else when you want to stop your bad habits If you get angry easily for example you can go out for a walk Decide what you ll do to reward 奖励 yourself if you really get rid of your bad habits If you get too heavy keep junk food out of your house 第 17 页 共 22 页 Bad habits develop over years so you can t get rid of them very soon So you should be patient Don t be afraid to ask others for support You can talk to your friends family or other people When you talk to them they might be able to provide some advice that you can t get from yourself to Get Rid of Bad Habits Make a listWrite down all the reasons you want to get rid of your bad habits Join in some You d better do something else when you want to stop your bad habits out for a walk can help you if you get angry easily yourself a rewardDecide how to reward yourself if you are in getting rid of your bad habits Keep off your bad habits away from junk food if you want to be thinner Be patientIt s to get rid of a bad habit in a short time Ask for When you talk to others they may give you some 七 七 汉译英汉译英 共共 5


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