重庆市垫江八中七年级英语下册《Unit 5 Five Our School Life-Topic 2(Section A)》学案 仁爱版_第1页
重庆市垫江八中七年级英语下册《Unit 5 Five Our School Life-Topic 2(Section A)》学案 仁爱版_第2页
重庆市垫江八中七年级英语下册《Unit 5 Five Our School Life-Topic 2(Section A)》学案 仁爱版_第3页




用心 爱心 专心1 重庆市垫江八中七年级英语下册重庆市垫江八中七年级英语下册 Unit Unit 5 5 FiveFive OurOur SchoolSchool Life TopicLife Topic 2 2 SectionSection A A 学案学案 仁爱版仁爱版 一 英汉互译 1 做作业 2 看书 3 打篮球 4 此刻 现在 5 make cards 6 play soccer football 7 swimming pool 8 teachers office 9 dining hall 10 classroom building 二 根据首字母或汉语意思填空 1 I want to get your letter s 2 She d very well Look she is for her friends 3 Kangkang likes r He often r in the library 4 The classroom isn t c Whose turn is it to c today 5 Lin Tao 正在做作业 三 单项选择 1 We at the moment A playing soccer B are play basketball C are looking at TV D are watching TV 2 His father likes running He in the gym now A runs B is running C running D is running 3 Aunt Huang is a cleaner She usually this street A is cleaning B is cleaning C clean D cleans 4 room is big and bright They like it very much 用心 爱心 专心2 A Tom and Sam B Tom s and Sam C Tom and Sam s D Tom s and Sam s 5 Can you speak Japanese Yes but only A many B lots of C little D a little 6 Would you like for a picnic with me Yes I d like to A go B to go C going D goes 7 What are they doing They A watch TV B making cards C is making cards D are watching TV 8 Does Linda have sisters No she doesn t A much B one C any D a lot 9 Many students in our class like but they can t A play the basketball play guitar B playing the basketball play the guitar C playing basketball playing the guitar D playing basketball play the guitar 10 The girl often gets school 7 30 A at in B to on C at at D to at 四 句型转换 1 They are playing soccer over there 改为一般疑问句并作否定回答 they soccer over there they 2 My favorite subject is math 同义句转换 I math 3 He watches TV every evening 用 now 改写句子 He TV now 4 Are they reading in the library 作否定回答 5 She is doing her homework 改为否定句 用心 爱心 专心3 五 阅读理解 Mary is an American schoolgirl She is now in Beijing with her parents She doesn t know Chinese but she is trying 努力 to study and speak it She often tries to speak Chinese to her Chinese friends Sometimes they don t understand 理解 her because she can t speak Chinese well It s Saturday morning Mary goes out She is on her way to the park She is going there to see a flower show 展览 But she doesn t know how to get there She asks a Chinese boy The boy can t understand her Then she takes out a pen and some paper She draws flowers on it gives the picture to the boy and says something about it The boy smiles and then shows 指给 Mary the way to the park 1 Where does Mary live now She lives in A America B England C China D Canada 2 She can speak Chinese A much B a little C little D a few 3 She likes Chinese with her A speak parents B speaking friends C speaks girl friends D speaking teachers 4 Where is she going A To a new school B To see her friends C To a farm D To see some flowers 5 How does she ask the way to


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