八年级英语上册 Unit1 Lesson 5 Best Friends 学案 冀教版_第1页
八年级英语上册 Unit1 Lesson 5 Best Friends 学案 冀教版_第2页
八年级英语上册 Unit1 Lesson 5 Best Friends 学案 冀教版_第3页




用心 爱心 专心1 冀教版八年级 上 冀教版八年级 上 UnitUnit 1 1 LessonLesson 5 5 BestBest FriendsFriends 学习目标 语言目标 1 本课重点词汇 2 重点句型 能力目标 学习叙述一件事情的经过 情感目标 理解什么是真正的友谊 本课重点 词汇 句型 语言点 本课难点 The two best friends stopped talking to each other That way he could spend more time playing basketball 课前预习 快乐体验 Everything comes to him who waits 凡事需耐心等待 一 你想知道预习的结果吗 下面是课文中出现的动词 请写出它们的过去式 1 is am 2 say 3 can 4 paint 5 laugh 6 think 7 go 8 get 9 draw 10 look 二 你能根据课本回答下列问题吗 1 How are Patrick and Grant as the best friends 2 Why did they have a big argument 3 What did Patrick think of their arguement 4 What happened to the best friends when they met again 5 What s their deal at last 三 试着将下列短语译成英语 1 相互帮助 2 交谈 3 争吵 4 做作业 5 接下来的几天 6 互不搭理 7 两个人都 8 达成协议 四 你知道 best 的比较级和原级吗 请写出来 best 课堂讲解 日积月累 1 Did you ever argue with your best friend 2 The two best friends stopped talking to each other 3 That way he could spend more time playing basketball 4 In the following days both of them felt bod 5 A few days later there was a school basketball game 6 At the end of the game the two friends eyes met 课堂练习 高效提升 五 慧眼识珠 单项填空 1 Krista a cat on the blackboard yesterday A draw B draws C drew D is drawing 2 What time you home last night A did got B do got C do get D did get 3 Last weekend he went to the shop and a computer A buy B bought C buying 4 I m sorry you didn t spend more time your game A on B in C at 5 What about your grandmother A visit B were C visiting 6 How your day off A was B were C are 用心 爱心 专心2 7 What did you do A other B else C anything 8 I had a little dog It was cute A a kind of B kind of C kinds of 9 There a seal and two sharks A was B were C has 10 After lunch we cleaned the bus A the B a C 11 Do you want to the Visitors Center again A go B to go C going 12 Let s visit my aunt s house That interesting A listens B sounds C hears 六 你能综合运用括号中的单词吗 试试看 1 be you busy last night 2 It s seven o clock The Smiths have supper 3 They have a class meeting every week 4 What you do last weekend 5 Alice do some reading on Sundays 七 这些句式你掌握了吗 按要求改写下列句子 1 The circles and lines looked like flowers 改为一般疑问句 the circles and lines like flowers 2 The girl was very angry because Gina laughed at her runners 就划线部分提问 the girl very angry 3 Krista didn t like Gina very much 改为肯定句 Krista Gina very much 4 Mr King has to play sports every day 改为一般疑问句 Mr King to play sports every day 5 The students had a great trip 改为否定句 The students a great trip 6 There are some sharks in the river 改为一般疑问句 there sharks in the river 课后巩固 知能升级 八 根据对话内容 选择适当的句子补全 A Hello Bill B 1 A What did you do over the weekend B 2 A 3 B It was great 4 A I studied for the science test 5 九 小医生 下列各均有一处错误 请找出并改正 1 Do you have two tennis racket 2 Great Let we go to the park 3 It sounds well Do you have a ball 4 Thanks you very much You re welcome 5 Lucy doesn t has a computer 十 完形填空 A What about you B Hello Dick C It wasn t very good D I went to the beach E How was your weekend 用心 爱心 专心3 One cold winter morning an old woman had to see her 1 When she got there she 2 him that her right leg hurt and sometimes she could not 3 She asked him what was 4 as she had 5 have such feeling before The doctor looked her over carefully then he said You are in good 6 for a woman of your age I think the trouble in your right leg is just a matter of old age We get all kinds of illnesses 疾病 7 we get older The trouble will almost 8 when the weather turns warm I don t think so doctor she said My left leg is 9 and it is 10 age as my right 1 A doctor B teacher C daughter D son 2 A asked B said C told D spoke 3 A see B sit C go D walk 4 A trouble B wrong C matter D problem 5 A before B never C


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