英语人教版五年级下册Unit 6 Work quietly_第1页
英语人教版五年级下册Unit 6 Work quietly_第2页
英语人教版五年级下册Unit 6 Work quietly_第3页
英语人教版五年级下册Unit 6 Work quietly_第4页




人教版 PEP 五年级下册 Unit 6 Work quietly 第四课时 Learning aims 学习目标 1 能熟读对话部分 并掌握重点句型 What s your name I can show you the English books Here they are Anything else 2 能听录音完成 Let s try 部分 Important difficult points 重难点 1 掌握对话部分并理解难点句子 2 能进行简单的英语的交流 导学探究 Step1 预习温故 用时 5 分钟 1 T When is Mother s Day S It s on the second Sunday in May T Which season do you like best S Summer T Why do you like summer S Because I can swim T What is John doing S He is talking 老师可将这些问句板书在黑板上 或空出句子某一部分让学生填 2 Review last lesson words and sentences Step 2 新课内容展示 用时 17 分钟 1 Listen to the tape and finish exercise of Let s try part 老师讲解录 音中的重点句子 2 Teach Key s sentence What s your name I can show you the English books Here they are Can I read the books here Anything else 3 T Look at the picture Where is John S He is in the library T What is he doing S He is talking T What are they talking about S I don t know T Ok Listen to tape and answer the question 4 Students listen to tape again Step 3 合作交流 师生共建 用时 8 分钟 1 Read this part together 2 Role play Step 4 达标检测 用时 7 分钟 一 根据课文内容判断 正确的用 T 错误的用 F 1 Tom is in the kitchen 2 John show Tom The English book 二 根据首字母提示补全单词 1 My father is w TV 2 W storybook is this 3 No they aren t They are l to music 4 K to the right 5 We are h Chinese class now 三 给下列句子选择正确的翻译 1 What are they doing A 它在和妈妈玩耍 2 They re eating lunch B 它们在干什么 3 What s the little monkey doing C 那只小猴子在干什 么 4 It s playing with its mother D 它们在吃午饭 5 Shhh Talk quietly E 嘘 小声讲话 四 单项选择 1 I can you the English books A look B show C see 2 Can I the books here A read B see C look 3 your desk clean A Put B Do C Keep 4 Can I have some juice please A Of course B Thanks C Yes I am 5 The cats are playing the boy X K b 1 C o m A with B in C and 学生小结 这节课我学到了 Step 5 布置当堂作业 用时 2 分钟 1 抄写对话部分 并写出汉语意思 2 熟读对话部分 Board Design 板书


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