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1 2014 20152014 2015 年第一学期英语八年级上期中试题年第一学期英语八年级上期中试题 一一 听力测试 听力测试 2020 分 分 A 听对话 选择与对话内容相符的图 读一遍 1 A B C 2 A B C 3 A B C 4 A B C 5 A B C B 听句子 根据所听句子 选择恰当的应答 读一遍 6 A Yes they do B Yes they d love to C No thank you 7 A That s OK B Me too C What about you 8 A Noodles B Milk C Apples 9 A You re welcome B Thank you C Yes please 10 A I think so B I hope not C Yes she does C 听对话及问题 根据对话内容选择正确的答案 读两遍 11 A Red B Blue C Brown 12 A Amy B Betty C May 13 A In a movie theater B In a bookstore C In a restaurant 14 A Because he can sing fast songs very well B Because he can sing many old songs C Because he can sing all the popular songs 2 15 A This evening B Tomorrow morning C Tomorrow evening D 听短文 根据其内容填写所缺信息 读三遍 There are many supermarket on Heping Street We can go shopping there Which is the best one I think the best one is the Friendship Market It has three floors You can find 16 on the first floor And everything is 17 there If you want to buy cooked food or a dessert you should go to the second floor 18 are on the third floor They are of good quality and are 19 every weekend The workers finished building the market last year so it is 20 I like going shopping there with my parents or my friends on weekends 二二 单项选择 单项选择 1515 分 分 21 How is Helen in the new school She is doing very well There is to worry about A something B anything C nothing D everything 22 Helen was so excited at the news that she could say a word A ever B almost C hardly D always 23 I don t remember when and where I this umbrella A buy B am buying C will buy D bought 24 Who likes watching news Greg does He hopes about everything now A know B knowing C to know D know 25 Jack is there in today s newspaper No nothing A anything important B something important C important anything D important something 26 The dish is delicious Well at least it s as as the one I cooked yesterday A good B well C better D best 27 Do you know that there are many different animals in the zoo Yes I do And I also know that some of them are scary A kinds of kind of B kinds of kinds of C kind of kinds of D kind of kind of 28 Peter is than you right Yes but he is runner in our class A heavier best B heavy the best C heavier the best D heavy better 29 Our school bus will leave at 8 o clock tomorrow Don t be late OK I will be there ten minutes A sooner B slower C faster D earlier 30 I think computers are very useful They can help us get much on the Internet A game B information C idea D message 31 do you have an art festival in your school Once a year A How long B How often C How far D How soon 32 The little girl should more hot water A drink B drinks C drinking D drank 33 Yesterday the boys to the park and a good time A go have B went has C went had D goes has 34 He sometimes English books at home A watches B sees C reads D looks 35 They decided by bus A to go to there B to go there C going there D going to there 3 三 情景交际 三 情景交际 5 分 分 A Hello Peter do you often watch TV B No 36 I like going to the movies A 37 B Twice a week A Well do you like watching TV Bill C Yes 38 A What s your favorite program C Sports shows What about you A I never watch TV 39 C What do you usually do in your free time A I usually exercise Sometimes I read books C 40 四四 完形填空 完形填空 1010 分 分 Maybe you know about Sun Ying on TV She is a 41 young woman She was born in Jilin In January 2006 she left her hometown 42 Shenzhen She found a job in a factory and began to work there 43 after working for seven months she went to a mountain shool in Guizhou Province for 44 because she wanted to help the students there She found that the school had 45 but 除 之外 the old houses without doors She felt quite 46 When she got there she got a warm 47 The students called her Aunt and the parents 48 food to her All the people 49 her She planned to work there all her life She wanted to bring 50 to the kids there 41 A 32 years oldB 32 year oldC 32 years oldD 32 year old 42 A toB forC inD from 43 A AndB ButC SoD Or 44 A teachingB livingC farmingD studying 45 A everythingB somethingC anythingD nothing 46 A happyB interestedC sorryD excited 47 A talkB medalC heartD welcome 48 A boughtB broughtC tookD cooked 49 A loved B hated 讨厌的 C laughedD asked 50 A foodB hopeC booksD money 五五 阅读理解阅读理解 30 30 分分 A Dear John Thank you very much for your letter I am glad that you enjoyed our holiday with me We enjoyed having you and your sister here We hope that you will both be able to come again next year Perhaps you ll be able to 能 stay longer next time A week is not really long enough is it If your school has five weeks holiday next year perhaps you will be able to stay with us for two or three weeks We have been back at school three weeks now It feels like three months I expect that you are both working very hard now because you are in Grade Two now Tom and Ann won t be in Grade Two until 2013 They went for a picnic yesterday but I didn t go with them because I hurt 弄伤 my foot and I couldn t walk very well They went to an island 岛 and enjoyed themselves there Tom Ann and I send our best wishes to you We hope to see you soon Yours A How often B That sounds good C I hardly ever watch it D I watch it every day E I think it s boring 4 Michael 51 Who stayed with Michael for the holiday A John B John and his sister C Tom D Tom and Ann 52 How long did their holiday last A A week B Five weeks C Two weeks D Three weeks 53 How many boys are mentioned 提到 in the letter A Two B Three C Four D Five 54 Who went to have a picnic yesterday A Michael Tom and Ann B Michael and his sister C John and his sister D Tom and Ann 55 In the year of 2012 which grade is Tom maybe in A Grade Two B Grade Three C Grade One D Grade Four B Mr Green asked a lot of questions about the buses But Sam couldn t answer them Here s a timetable Friends after you read it can you answer Mr Green s questions Timetable STOPBUS 1BUS 2BUS 3BUS 4 Ferry6 006 307 007 30 Old street6 106 407 107 40 Park6 256 557 257 55 New Street6 307 007 308 00 Hotel6 357 057 35 Playground6 407 107 408 05 Hospital7 00 8 008 25 Market7 007 308 108 35 56 How many stops are there between the Ferry and the Market A Five B Six C Seven D Eight 57 How often does the bus get to the New Street A Every half an hour B Every twenty minutes C Every ten minutes D No answer 58 At what time does Bus Four leave the Hotel A Seven fifty five B Eight o clock C Five minutes past eight D No answer 59 I work in the hospital It is quite near the bus stop Only three minutes walk I must reach the hospital at eight o clock Which bus should I take A The first bus B The second bus C The third bus D The fourth bus 60 I start my work at 8 00 I have breakfast at 7 30 Before breakfast I must get to the market Which bus should I take A The first bus B The second bus C The third bus D The fourth bus C To stay healthy sometimes isn t difficult Have a healthy lifestyle It s the best way to have a good lifestyle with family When your family do the same activity you can encourage each other to keep going If you make your family enjoy doing exercise and eating healthily you can also be healthy When you go shopping buy healthy food Buy more vegetables and fruit Try different kinds of healthy food and try to eat at home every day If you are eating out try to eat healthy food 5 Don t think of having food as a fun activity Many times we do fun activities around food For example we may often meet our friends for lunch In fact there are many other activities you can do with friends How about meeting friends for a sports game You can eat but the activity doesn t have to focus on food Looking after your health should not be boring Start now 61 The passage tells us ways to keep healthy A 6 B 5 C 4 D 3 62 According to the passage the best way to have a healthy lifestyle is to have a good lifestyle with A family B friends C students D teachers 63 The underlined word encourage means in Chinese A 表达 B 总结 C 鼓励 D 打击 64 According to the passage many people often for fun A play games B go out to eat C do sports D make calls 65 From the passage we learn it s good for us to A go out to eat fast food with friends B do many fun activities around food C eat different kinds of healthy food often D invite friends to eat out often 六六 词汇 词汇 1010 分 分 A A 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词 66 To be a scientist is my d job when I was a kid 67 Would you m teaching me English Not at all 68 Did you visit the Great Wall Yes I did It was really w 69 Ben your teeth look dirty Go to the d to clean them 70


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