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A Teaching Plan Unit9 When was it invented?( Reading: Do you know the basketball was invented? )I. 教材分析课文紧扣住本单元的话题invention,课文内容主要围绕风靡全球的篮球运动这一主题。本单元的语法是被动语态,因此文中出现了大量的被动语态的句子,通过阅读文章,学生能有效地感悟被动语态的用法。本节课渗透的是学习策略-大脑构图法(mind-mapping), 通过本节课的学习,学生能对这一学习策略形成感性认识,并在今后的学习中能有意识地使用该学习策略。II学生分析由于学生已经基本掌握了被动语态,因此本篇阅读中出现的处被动语态的句子对学生来说已不是障碍。关键是文章出现的一些生词,需要学生认读,否则在回答问题时就是障碍。运用Mind-mapping复述课文的信息对学生来说是一大难点。III教学目标1. 知识目标通过阅读,绝大多数学生能认读并掌握文中的重点词汇active, indoors, create, wooden, knock, divide, basket, metal, towards, develop, rise, 并找出文章中出现的被动语态的句子。2能力目标 通过本节阅读课的学习,大部分学生能较为熟练地朗读课文。在理解文章内容和反复朗读的前提下,中等及以上水平学生还能用Mind-mapping复述篮球的历史-篮球的发明、发展及流行趋势等。学生能初步掌握mind-mapping学习策略,并在今后的学习过程中,运用mind-mapping学会文字信息与图像的转换。 3.情感态度目标通过本节课的学习,激发学生对运动的热爱,并让学生树立teamwork的意识。 IV教学重难点1、 教学重点(1)能认读并理解词汇:active, indoors, create, wooden, knock, divide, aim, basket, metal, hoop, shoot, below, backboard, towards, court, develop, popularity, rise, worldwide, association, equipment. (2)找出并理解文章中出现的被动语态的句子。2、 教学难点能运用Mind-maps复述篮球的历史、篮球的器械、篮球的规则、篮球的流行趋势等。VI教具CAI, PPT. Blackboard.VII教学过程Teachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposesStep1 Warming up and lead in1. Enjoy a short video(篮球公园号码传奇24号) 2. Greeting.T: Hello, boys and girls. First let me introduce myself. My family name is Mei. You can call me Miss Mei. Im very happy to be your English teacher today. And I hope all of you can be active our English class. Can you be active?3) Free talk(Kobe Bryant-Yao Ming) T: Just now we enjoyed a short video. Whats the video about? What/Who/Which number did you see? Who is the top 1 NO.24? Do you like Kobe? Why? Besides Kobe, who else do you know are famous professional basketball players? Yao Ming used to play for NBA? Does he still play for NBA? He retired last year, why did he retire? Why did he retire? He got injured seriously. Because sometimes playing basketball is dangerous. Players often knock into each other and fall down.1. Watch the video.2. Learn active.3. Learn knock into.首先通过一小段视频CCTV-5 篮球公园号码传奇24号, 让学生感知本节课将会想学习与篮球有关的内容。再Greeting,拉近与学生间的距离,并引出本课的重点单词active, 然后通过Free talk这一环节,从视频中的Kobe谈到大家都知晓的姚明,追问姚明近况,为何退役,为何会受伤,到打篮球的危险性,球员之间相互撞击摔倒,引出重点词汇knock into。Step 2 PresentationT: Although Yao Ming has retired from NBA since last year, he still loves basketball. Do you enjoy basketball? T: Basketball is enjoyed by many people in the world including me. Do you know where basketball is played?T: What are in the basketball court? And something that we need to play basketball is called equipment.T: What equipment is in the court?1. Learn popularity rise-rose-risen and worldwide.2. Learn court.3. Learn equipment.4. Learn backboard, basket, andmetal hoop. 利用师生对话,引出了本课的新词 “popularity”,rise, 和worldwide,同时感受被动语态。再通过追问引出新词court和equipment。然后通过图片,教授新词backboard,basket和metal hoop. 在该步骤呈现了篮球设备的一些新词,为下面的阅读扫除部分词汇障碍。Step 3 Reading. Pre-readingT: Today we dont play basketball,we will learn some knowledge about basketball. Now turn to page 74, read the title, look at the picture and predict: what is the passage mainly about?T: From the title we predict that the passage may talk about the history of basketball,and from the picture we predict its about how to play basketball. Now turn to page 74, lets read it. After we read it, we will know whether our prediction is right or not.While-reading1 Fast reading Q1.Who was basketball invented by?Q2.When was basketball invented?T: By looking through the passage, we know there are 5 paragraphs. Number them from 1 to 5.Then think:how many parts can the passage be divide into?Before that, lets read the passage carefully and find the main idea of each paragraph, and which paragraphs can be put together. 2 Careful readingPart 1(1-2) The popularity of basketball. Basketball is enjoyed by_.Basketball is played_.Part 2(3-4) The invention of basketball. (3)James Naismith invented basketball when he was at college. True or False 1 Basketball was invented in 1861. 2 Dr Naismith was from Canada. 3 People played basketball outdoors on school playground. 4 It would be dangerous if players knock into each other.(4)Dr Naismith taught them how to play basketball.1. How many teams did Dr Naismith divide into?2. What is the aim of a basketball game?3. How to get the ball into the “basket”?Part3 (5)The development of basketball. The first gameTimeBecame an Olympic eventTimePlaceSince thenPopularityThe number of foreign players in NBAMany young peoplePost-reading1 Finish the mind-map on page 75.2 Retell the passage according to the mind-maps that are divided into 3 parts.3 Moral education: 1) As basketball team players, its very important to build up the consciousness of teamwork spirit. 1) Enjoy sports, enjoy life, enjoy yourself!4 Lets check. Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the given words. 1. Predict the content of the passage according to the title and the picture.2. Read the passage quickly and find the answers to the 2 questions.3.Number 1-5 at the beginning of each paragraph.4. Read each paragraph carefully and, find the main idea of each paragraph and divide the passage into 3 parts. Then read each part more carefully and finish all kinds of tasks.5. Finish the mind-map.6. Retell according to the mind-maps.7. Know the importance of teamwork spirit and love sports. 8. Fill in the blanks.阅读前让学生根据标题和图片预测文章内容。培养学生预测的阅读策略。让学生带着这个预测阅读文章,到最后检测是否我们的预测是对的。阅读中,先通过Fast reading, 培养学生快速阅读、捕捉信息的能力。再进行Careful reading,使学生掌握文章的具体信息,同时感受了被动语态,也知晓了篮球的流行、发明以及发展。在讲述篮球的发明如何打篮球的过程中,穿插一些篮球小知识,比如中投、远投、三分线、三步上篮以及灌篮,增强学生对篮球的兴趣。最后发问阅读前我们的预测是否正确,让学生感受到预测正确的喜悦,并在以后的阅读中有意识地先读标题和看图片,预测文章内容。阅读后,通过Fill in the mind-map, 再分解mind-map 让学生retell,再次运mind-mapping这一本单元主要的学习策略将图片转化成文字,使学生对文章内容再作一次深刻的回忆,更好地感受文本。同时通过挖掘文本的情感教育内涵,激发学生对运动的热爱,并让学生树立teamwork的意识。最后一段对话between a host from Basketball Park in CCTV-5 and James Naismith,对本节课的词汇作一检测。Step 4 Summary.Summarize the passage with the information on the blackboard. 让学生学会总结。Step 5 Homework 1 Oral work:Retell the passage once according to the mind-map on page 75.2 Written work: (1) Underline all the sentences with passive voice.(2) Finish work book period 5.The Design of the blackboardUni9 Reading Do you know when the basketball was invented? activepopular-popularity Part1(1-2) Popularity James Naismithrise-rose-risen Part2(3-4) Invention invent=createcourt equipment Part3(5) Development indoors/wooden floor/knock into divide into/shoot/below/throw historyDo you know when basketball was invented?If you travel around China you will notice a very popular activity everywhere you gobasketball. This much-loved and active sport is enjoyed by many, for fun and exercise.The sport of basketball is a little over a hundred years old. It is played by more than 100 million people in over 200 countries including China, where basketball has been played in parks, schools, and even in factories.Basketball was invented by a Canadian doctor named James Naismith, who was born in 1861. When he was at college, his class was once asked to invent a new game that could be played indoors during the long winters. Dr Naismith created a game that could be played on a harden wooden floor, so the safety of players was very important. Knocking into players and falling down would be dangerous.Dr Naismith divided the men in his class into two teams, and taught them how to play his new game. The aim of basketball is for players to try to get a ball into the “basket”: a net hanging from a metal hoop. Players shoot from below the basket, and sometimes the “backboard” is used for guiding the ball into the basket. Players move towards one end of the court while throwing the ball to each other. It is believed that on December 21st, 1891, the first basketball game in history wasplayed. Then in 1936 in Berlin, it became an Olympic event. Since then, the po


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