



综合听力模拟训练二I. 每小题你将听到一个对话,从A、B、C三幅图中找出与你所听内容相符的选项。(每个对话读一遍)II. 听下列5个对话和对话后的问题,选择正确答案。(每个对话读一遍)( )6. A. White.B. Yellow.C. Blue.( )7. A. It happened in a clothing shop.B. It happened in a hospital.C. It happened at school.( )8. A. Mr Black is free.B. Mr Black is out.C. Mr Black is busy.( )9. A. Wednesday.B. Tuesday.C.Monday.( )10. A. Because he didnt want to go to the party.B. Because he had some other things to do.C. Because he was ill and couldnt go.III. 听对话和对话后的问题,选择正确答案。(对话读两遍)( )11. Where is the woman?A. She is in a shoe shop.B. Shes in a toy shop.C. Shes in a bookshop.( )12. Whats she looking for?A. Shes looking for a bear.B. Shes looking for a toy car.C. Shes looking for a toy bear.( )13. How much is the gray teddy bear?A. 200 yuan.B. 100 yuan.C. 80 yuan.( )14. Why doesnt the woman buy the first teddy bear?A. Its too small.B. She doesnt like the color.C. Its too big.( )15. How much does the woman pay for the teddy bear in the end?A. 80 yuan.B. 200 yuan.C.100 yuan.IV. 听对话,填表格。(对话读两遍)1Age16. _2Birthday17. _27th3Hobbies18. _ and 19. _ to popular music.4New presentA magazine about 20. _ music.V. 听短文,回答问题。(短文读两遍) 21. What day was it the day before yesterday? 22. How long did the rain last? 23. Where did Miss Gao ask the students to play ping-pong? 24. Who taught the other students to play ping-pong? 25. Why were the students happy that day?听力原文:I. 每小题你将听到一个对话,从A、B、C三幅图中找出与你所听内容相符的选项。(每个对话读一遍) 1. A: Who is the tallest of them? B: I think John is taller than Jim and Bill.Question: Who is the tallest of the three? 2. A: What day was yesterday? B: It was Sunday.A: What was the weather like? B: It was windy.Question: What was the weather like yesterday? 3. Girl: I usually go to school by bike. What about you, Li Tao?Boy: I usually go to school by bus, sometimes on foot.Question: How does the girl usually go to school? 4. Boy: Where are you from, Lucy?Girl: I am from Sydney. How about you? Boy: Im from Paris.Question: Where is Lucy from? 5. Boy: Did you have a good time last Saturday?Girl: Yes, we went to climb the hill and had a picnic there.Question: What did the girl do last Saturday?II. 听下列5个对话和对话后的问题,选择正确答案。(每个对话读一遍) 6. M: Excuse me. Is this your blouse?W: No, my blouse is yellow. This one is white. Perhaps its Lilys.Question: What color is the blouse? 7. M: Take this medicine three times a day, and youll be all right.W: Thanks a lot.Question: Where did this dialog happen? 8. M: Id like to see Mr Black.W: Hes having a meeting now.Question: What does the woman mean? 9. W: What day is today, Jack? M: Its Wednesday.W: Thank you.Question: What day was yesterday? 10. W: Did you go to Marys birthday party last night?M: Sorry. I wanted to, buy I was ill.Question: Why did the man feel sorry?III. 听对话和对话后的问题,选择正确答案。(对话读两遍)M: Good morning, madam. What can I do for you?W: Good morning, sir. Im looking for a teddy bear for my daughter.M: What color does the like? Pink or gray? Is this pink one all right?W: Yes, the color is fine. But I think its too big.M: Oh, I see. Look at the gray one. Its much smaller than that pink one.W: Hum. How much is this?M: Two hundred yuan.W: Its too expensive. Do you have a cheaper one in pink?M: Let me see. What about this one? Its only eighty yuan and its small.W: Good! Ill take this one. Heres one hundred yuan.M: Thank you, madam. And heres twenty yuan.Questions: 11. Where is the woman? 12. Whats she looking for? 13. How much is the gray teddy bear? 14. Why doesnt the woman buy the first teddy bear? 15. How much does the woman pay for the teddy bear in the end?IV. 听对话,填表格。(对话读两遍)M: Tina, do you know what day is Lindas birthday next week?W: Yes, of course. Next Friday, June 27th will be her twelfth birthday.M: I want to give her a present, but I dont know what to buy. Do you have any idea?W: What does she like doing?M: She likes reading.W: Why dont you give her a book?M: She already has a lot of books. I want to give her something special.W: What else does she like doing?M: She likes listening to popular music.W: How about giving her a CD?M: Thats too expensive. I cant afford to buy her a CD.W: Then I know what you should give her as a new present. A magazine about popular music. Shell be pleased to read about her favorite thing.M: Thats a great idea! Thanks a lot, Tina.V. 听短文,回答问题。(短文读两遍) It was Tuesday the day before yesterday. The rain lasted a few days, so it was quite wet outside. The children had to play in the classroom. Miss Gao asked them to play ping-pong in a big classroom. Some boys could play very well, but others couldnt. Miss Gao asked these boys to teach the other students to play. All that afternoon they had a good time, because some of them learned how to play ping-pong well.听力答案:I. 1. C2. A3. A4. C5. BII. 6. A抓住细节。一共有两件衬衫,而本题问的是the即this blouse,因此选white。 7. B根据语境,推测出本题谈论的话题是看病,地点是在医院。 8. C根据上文的Hes having a meeting,判断出Mr Black很忙。 9. B对话中说今天是Wednesday,而问题问的是昨天,这两处是关键词。 10. C根据语境,推测出这个人道歉的原因是生病没能参加生日聚会。III. 11. B她要给女儿买玩具熊,从而判断出她在玩具店。 12. C 13. A认真听,记录并辨认数字。 14. C对话中一共提到了三只玩具熊。第一只是粉色的,太大;第二只是灰色的,太贵;她买了第


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