



Unit 1 Making friends 1 词汇学习一 学习目标 1 按拼读规则 学习第一单元词汇 能准确拼读所学词汇 2 运用部分单词造句 动词 学前准备 回顾下列字母组合的读音回顾下列字母组合的读音 并举一个含有该字母组合的单词 并举一个含有该字母组合的单词 1 ee 2 al 3 ew 4 ow 5 or 6 er 7 ar 8 ir 9 ly 10 eer 11 ex 12 ure 13 ch 14 ph 15 sh 16 th 学习活动一 观察结构 按音节 找 音 发音 形 字母拼写 对应关系 1 rugby rug by 2 greeting greet ing 3 signature sig na ture 4 address ad dress 5 penfriend pen friend 6 Walker Walk er 7 Newcastle New cas tle 8 magazine ma ga zine 9 own 10 architect ar chi tect 11 form 12 friendly friend ly 13 keen 14 physics phy sics 15 engineer en gi neer 16 wish 17 length 18 height 19 birth 20 express ex press 21 rat 22 age 23 excellent ex cel lent 24 dancer 学习活动二 按 音 形对应关系 反复朗读 然后组内开展拼读练习 及时巩固 一 补全下列单词所缺的字母 并写出汉语意思 1 gr ting 2 k n 3 s gn ture 4 ddr ss 5 Newc s 6 m g zine 7 n 8 ch tect 9 fr ndly 10 ys cs 11 en n r 12 b th 13 h ght 14 ex lent 二 根据英语解释和首字母提示 写出下列单词 1 A friend you often write to is your p 2 A h is something you like doing in your spare time 3 A person who plans buildings is an a 4 A person who works with machines is an a 5 If you like sports very much you are k on sports 6 The a is where letters can be sent 7 Your name you write at the end of a letter is your s 8 A r is a place we can have meals 活动三 活动三 What do you know about these sports Which is your favourite sport Match the words Look the sports How many do you play with a ball tennisrugbyskiing footballathleticsgym basketballbadmintonswimming table tennisvolleyballcycling 1 Match the sports to the correct verb 动词动词 play go or do For example play football or go swimming 2 Guess the sport Read and guess what sport it is about A There are two teams There are eleven players in each team on the field The players wear shirts shorts and boots The goalkeeper plays in goal The striker tries to score goals The team that scores the most goals wins the match B This sport is one of the most popular at the Olympics You have to be fit fast and strong It includes running the 100 metres and the marathon throwing the javelin putting the shot and doing the high jump and long jump C This is a popular sport all over the world The top players play in international tournaments It is played on a court with racquets and balls One player serves the ball over a net and his or her opponent has to hit it back D It is a popular game in the world In the game two or four players play it on a large table They hit a small ball over a low net using small round bats E This is a popular sport with people of all ages You play it on a course with different clubs and small white balls Two or for players hit a light object with feathers over a high net Interview your partner Interview your partner about sport Ask the questions below What s your favourite sport What s your favourite team Who s your favourite sportsperson Which sports do you play What s the most popular sport in your country Are there any sports which are only play


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