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数词(六)教师寄语:如果把才华比作剑,那么勤奋就是磨刀石。【复习目标】1能写出常用的基数词和序数词2通过复习掌握数词常考知识点:数词与名词表编号的用法;日期时刻的表示法;分数的表示形式及分数所修饰的名词在句子中作主语时谓语动词的变化;hundred thousand million 等词后面是否加s的情况等。【导学过程】自主复习 知识习题化用适当的数词完成下列句子:1A century is _ yearsAfifty Bone hundred Cone thousand Dtwo hundreds2_ of the worlds books and newspapers are written in EnglishAThree quarter BThree of quarters CThird fourths DThree fourths3Our teacher told us to write a _compositionAtwo-thousand-word Btwo-thousand-words C.two thousands words D.two-thousands-word4The world population will be more than_ billion by the end of _ centuryAsix; twenty Bsixth; twentieth Csix; the twentieth Dthe sixth; the twenty5There are days, in a week and Tuesday is_day of the weekAseven ,third Bseven ,the third Cseventh ,three Dthe seventh, three合作学习(由前后4人组成的大组内合作:把你的答案说出来与同学交流,不同意见进行讨论,小组内达成共识,并将你的困惑提出来让同学帮助解决或求助老师)。1His uncle has lived at _ for ten yearsANo103 Xinhua Street B103 Xinhua StreetCXinhua Street 103 DXinhua Street No.1032Please wait hereIll be back in _ hoursAtwo and half a Btwo and a half Chalf and two Dtwo a half3China is _ larger than the United StatesAone six Bone sixth Cone sixes Da sixths4Two _ died of cold last winterAhundreds old people Bhundreds old peoples Chundred old people Dhundred old peoples5999 reads nine hundred _Aand ninety ninth Band ninety-nine Cninety and nine Dand nine nine【精讲点拨】1表示“十”的数词的复数可以表示人的岁数或年代。egHe is in his early thirties他有三十来岁(3134岁):This took place in the 1930s这事发生在二十世纪三十年代;2序数词有时可与不定冠词连用,表示数量上又,“再一” eg: He tried a second time 他又试了次Shall l ask him a third time?还要我再问他次吗?(我已问了他两次)3数学运算的表达 eg3+5=8 Three plusand five is eight 9-2=7 Nine minus two is seven 6x5=30 Five times six is thirty 82=4 Eight divided by two is four【中考链接】1. It is said that _ students like to talk with friends online. 【15四川】 A. two-thirds B. two-threeC. two-third2. Kate is a school girl. She got many presents on her _ birthday. 【15四川】 A. nine B. the ninth C. ninth 3. Two _ students _ to the opening ceremony last Friday. 【15滨州】 A. hundreds; were invited B.hundred;were invitedC. hundreds of; invited4. Helen love reading. She has read _ books this month. 【15重庆】A. five B. fifthC. five of5. Boys and girls, please turn to Page _ and look at the _ picture. 【15呼和浩特】 A. Fifth; five B. Five; fiveC. Fifth; fifth D. Five; fifth6. The _biggest earthquakes in Nepal (尼泊尔) have killed more than 8,000 people. A. two B. second C. twice【15成都】7. Its reported that people throw _ plastic bags along this street every day. 【2015四川】A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundred of D. hundreds of8. Basketball is so exciting that _ people play it for fun. 【2015天津】 A. million B. two millions C. million of D. millions of9. Its reported that over eight _ people lost their lives in the earthquake in Nepal this year. A. thousand B. thousands C. thousand of D. thousands of【15重庆】10. Whats the date today? Its June _, 2015. A. seventeen B. the seventeen C. the seventeenth 【2015湖南】11. Jack is nine years old. Today is his _ birthday. 【15四川】A. nine B. ninth C. nineth 12. _ of the land in that district is covered with trees and grass. 【15兰州】A. Fifth two B. Two fifth C. Fifth second D. Two fifths13. December is _ and last month of the year. 【15湖南株洲】 A. the twelfth B. twelfth C. the twelve14.Tonys mum looks young and beautiful. Its hard to imagine she is already in her . A. fiftiesB. fifty C. fiftieths D. fiftieth15. How many friends will come to your _ birthday? About_? 【15 黄冈】 A. fifteen; fifteen B. fifteenth; fifteenth C. fifteen; fifteenth D. fifteenth; fifteen16. The teacher was very angry because the boy made_mistakes in his homework.【15湖北】 A. one B. fifth C. five17.This is the time that I come to Paris. I have been here twice. 【15山西】Me too. The world is so large that I want to see more of it. A. first B. second C. third18.No.way! I dont think _ should be allowed to drive. I am worried about your safety. A. fifteen years old B. fifteen-year-olds C. fifteen-year-old 【15 贵州遵义】19.Its my time to come to the bookstore this month because most of the book in it are my favorite. 【15哈尔滨】 A. forth B. four C. fourth 20. Its reported that there are more than 300 _smokers in China, nearly a third of all the smokers in the world. 【2015云南】A. million B. millions C. million of D. millions of21. Do you know the girls who are in the living room?-Yes, they are my classmates. They are celebrating Lucys _birthday. A. thirteen B. the thirteenth C. thirteenth【拓展延伸】(选做题)1In _ Marx began to learn RussianAa 1870 Bthe 1870s Cthe 1870s Dhis 18702Henry is _ tallest in their classAthree Bthe three Cthird Dthe third3Would you like to try _ time?Atwo B.second Ca two Da seco


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