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什么是定语和定语从句 定语是对名词或代词起修饰 限定作用的单词 短语或句子 汉语中常用 的 表示 单词作定语一般前置 句子或短语作定语则必须后置 句子作定语则叫定语从句 ablueseaahandsomeboy 定语从句的位置 1 紧跟在先行词的后面 YoumustdoeverythingthatIdo IhavefoundthebookwhichIlost IvisitedtheschoolwhereIstudied 2 定语从句后移 分隔式定语从句 Helaughsbestwholaughslast HeistheonlyoneoftheteacherswhocomesfromQingdao 3 as引导的定语从句可前移Asyouallknow theearthisround 定语从句 Jointhefollowingsentences 1 Aplaneisamachine Themachinecanfly Aplaneiscanfly Aplaneiscanfly amachine themachine amachine that which 关系代词实际上是先行词的复指 that which代指先行词machine 2 ThegirlisMary Wesawheryesterday ThegirlisMary ThegirlisMary wesawheryesterday who thatwesawyesterday 关系代词实际上是先行词的复指 who that代指先行词thegirl 1 Thecarwhichmyunclehadjustboughtwasdestroyedintheearthquake 2 ThisisthecitywhereIwasborn 定义 修饰名词或代词的从句 先行词 被定语从句修饰的词 关系词 连接词 连接主句和定语从句的连词 引导定语从句的连接词 一定要在从句中充当成分 定语从句 关系代词 作主语 宾语 表语 1 who whom that 2 which that 3 that不能放在介词的后面4 whose ofwhich或ofwhom5 as关系副词 作状语 1 where 介词 which2 when 介词 which3 why for which 4 way的特殊用法theway helives thathelives inwhichhelives 关系词的作用 1 连接 2 代替先行词 3 在定从中作成分 一 关系代词 1 Thenumberofpeople losthomesreachedasmanyas250 000 A whoB whichC whereD when A 1 who 作定从的主语 宾语指人作主语时不可省略指代先行词 2 Theboy wesawyesterdaywasJohn sbrother A whomB C whichD when AB 2 whom 作定从的宾语指人可省略指代先行词 3 Spielbergwonaprizeforashortfilm hemade A whichB whoC D where AC 3 which 作定从的主语或宾语指物作宾语可省略指代先行词 4 It saboutabigshark attacksswimmers arespendingtheirholidaysinasmallvillage A whereB whoC thatD whichE 4 that 作定从的主语或宾语指物或人作宾语可省略指代先行词 CD BC 5 Spielberg motherwasamusicteacher wasbornin1946 A whoB whichC whoseD that C 5 whose 作定从的定语指物或人不可省略指代先行词 sb s sth s Ioncelivedinahouse wasbroken A whoseroofB whichroofC ofwhichtheroofD theroofofwhich ACD 5 whose n ofwhich whomthe n the n ofwhich whom 她父母不想把女儿嫁给一个家境贫穷的男人 Herparentsdon twanttomarrytheirdaughtertoaman ispoor whosefamily thefamilyofwhom ofwhomthefamily theroofofthehouse 关系副词和定语从句 Istillremembertheday when 1 2 ontheday Icamehere onwhich 我仍然记得 我来到这里的 那天 1 我仍然记得这天 2 在这天我来到这里 1 Doyouknowthedate Lincolnwasborn A whichB onwhichC whenD where 1 when BC 作定从的时间状语指时间 在从句中表示 在 时间 in on which先行词为时间名词 Thisisthehouse lastyear inwhich where Ilived inthehouse 1 2 就是这所 我去年住过的 房子 1 就是这所房子 2 我去年在这所房子住过 2 Thefarm wepickedcottonwas90kilometersaway A whenB whereC whyD onwhich BD 2 where 作定从的地点状语指地点 在从句中表示 在 地点 in on which先行词为地点名词 situation business case point surroundings environment scene等为地点概念的名词 Hegaveareason forwhich why 1 2 forthereason peoplelikemusic 1 他给了一个原因 2 因为这个原因人们喜欢音乐 他给了一个 人们喜欢音乐的 原因 3 Idon tknowthereason helooksunhappy A thatB whyC forwhichD BC 3 why 作定从的原因状语指原因 在从句中表示 因为 原因 forwhich先行词为reason Idisapprovethereasons hecameupwith A thatB whyC forwhichD AD 因此先行词虽然为reason 但如果连接词在从句中作主语或者宾语 则只能用that which 4 以way为先行词的定语从句问题 Idon tliketheway hetalkedtohismother Idon tliketheway hechosetodoit A thatB inwhichC D how ABC AC way方式 方法 1 连接词如果在从句中作状语时 用that或者inwhich且可以略 2 连接词如果在从句作主语或宾语 用that或which 关系代词的用法 关系代词在从句中可以 何时可以省略 何时可以省略 做宾语时可以省略 解题方法和技巧 1 首先是确定关系代词和关系副词在定语从句中作什么成分 若是作主语 宾语 则在关系代词中选择 若是作状语 则在关系副词中选择 2 其次是看先行词是人还是物 是时间 地点还是reason way 1 ShelookedatJeff waswavinghisarms 2 Thegirl legwasbrokenintheearthquakewastakentohospital 3 Andthereshesawawallofwater wasquicklyadvancingtowardsher A whoB thatC whoseD which 1 判断关系词在定从中的成分是关键 2 再看先行词 AB C BD 定语从句使用中的特殊情况 一 只能用that的情况 1 先行词既有物又有人时 Hespokeofthepersonsandthingsthathehadseenabroad 2 先行词是something anything all nothing等不定代词时 IsthereanythingthatIcandoforyou 3 当先行词被序数词或形容词最高级修饰时或者被 all thevery theonly thejust修饰时 ThisisthebestfilmthatIhaveeverseen 二 不用that的情况 1 介词后禁用关系词that Iheardoftheman aboutwhomhetalked 2 非限制性定语从句 Shewaslateagain whichmademeunhappy 定语从句使用中的特殊情况 aboutthat X that X 三 介词 关系代词的问题 介词 关系代词的情况1 Themanwho whomyouspokewasascientist Thecitythat whichshelivesisfaraway to in Arethesetwosentencesright 介词 关系代词的情况1 Themanwho whomyouspokewasascientist Thecitythat whichshelivesisfaraway to in Arethesetwosentencesright 介词 关系代词的情况1 Themanwho whomyouspokewasascientist Thecitythat whichshelivesisfaraway to in Arethesetwosentencesright 介词 关系代词的情况1 Themanwho whomyouspokewasascientist Thecitythat whichshelivesisfaraway to in Arethesetwosentencesright 介词 关系代词的情况1 Themanwho whomyouspokewasascientist Thecitythat whichshelivesisfaraway to in Arethesetwosentencesright 介词 关系代词的情况1 Themanwho whomyouspokewasascientist Thecitythat whichshelivesisfaraway to in Arethesetwosentencesright 可见 who that不能用与介词之后 介词 关系代词的情况2 Themanwhomyouspokewasascientist Thecitywhichshelivesisfaraway to in 介词 关系代词的情况3 Helivesinalonelyvillage Atthebackofitisahill Helivesinalovelyvillage atthebackof isahill Hehasthreesisters Allofthemareabroad Hehasthreesisters allof areabroad which whom Jointhefollowingsentences 介词 关系代词的情况 Isthisthewatchthatyouarelookingfor TheoldmanwhomIamlookingafterisbetter 在固定短语中介词不能提前 下面两句中的介词能提前吗 3 固定动词或介词短语搭配 1 Doyoulikethebookshespent 10 2 Doyoulikethebookshepaid 10 3 Doyoulikethebookshelearnedalot 4 Doyoulikethebooksheoftentalks 5 Hebuiltatelescopehecouldstudytheskies 6 Thereisatalltreeoutside standsourteacher 7 Chinahasalotofrivers thesecondlongest istheYellowRiver 8 Thetower peoplecanhaveagoodviewisonthehill 9 Theman Ispokeonthephonelastnightisverygoodatwrestling 10 Hepaidtheboy 10forwashingtenwindows most hadn tbeencleanedforatleastayear onwhich forwhich fromwhich aboutwhich throughwhich underwhich ofwhich fromwhich towhom ofwhich 介词 关系代词的情况练习 IstillrememberthedaywhenIcamehere ThisisthehousewhereIlivedlastyear Therearemanyreasonswhypeopleliketraveling Idon tlikethewaythatyouspeak ontheday onwhich when inthehouse inwhich where forthereasons forwhich why intheway that inwhich 关系副词实际上是介词 先行词 介词 关系代词的问题 1 ofwhich whom结构很多时候表示 其中Class14has75students ofwhom35studentsaregirls 35studentsofwhomaregirls 2 when why where很多时候可转换为介词 关系代词 ThisisthehousewhereIlive Everyoneknowsthereasonwhyhesucceeded IrememberthedaywhenIvisitedthetemple inwhich forwhich onwhich Onherbirthday shereceivedfromherparentsanicepresent anotewasattached Weloveyousomuch A that sayingB towhich sayingC towhich saidD inwhich said Alecaskedthepoliceman heworkedtocontacthimwhenevertherewasanaccident WithhimB whoC withwhomD whom 1 I llneverforgetthedays weworkedtogether 2 I llneverforgetthedays wespenttogether 3 IwenttotheplaceIworkedtenyearsago 4 Iwenttotheplace Ivisitedtenyearsago 5 Thisisthereason hewaslate 6 Thisisthereason hegave when which that where which that why that which 几种易混的情况 及物动词 及物动词 及物动词 inwhich inwhich forwhich 非限制性定语从句 1 which引导的非限制性定语从句 此时无论它在从句中充当什么成分它都不能省约 也不能换为that1 和主句之间的关系不密切 只起附加说明作用 Wealllikethebook whichwaswrittenbyLuXun 2 用来代替整个先行分句的内容 这时它所引导的定语从句只能放在主句之后 Bushwaselectedpresidentagain whichmadeJimverysad 一 引导非限制性定语从句的连接词who whom whose which where when why as来引导 不能用that 二 as引导的非限制性定语从句 1 as具有正如之意 与之搭配的动词是固定的 如 asyouknow see planned asweexpected understand think believe也可以将它们用于被动结构中 asisknown seen planned expected Theearthisround isknowntoall Theearthisround isknowntoall isknowntoall theearthisround isknowntoall theearthisround isknowntoallis theearthisround It which as As It 定语从句在句首时只能用as it为形式主语 that引导主语从句 that What that what引导主语从句 that引导表语从句 2 as引导的非限制性定语从句 用于下列固定句型中 1 Thisissuchaninterestingbook wealllike 2 Thisissointerestingabook wealllike Thisissuchaninterestingbook wealllikeit Thisissointerestingabook wealllikeit as that as that 这是大家都喜欢的如此有趣的一本书 定语从句 这本书如此有趣 大家都喜欢 结果状语从句 as 3 Thisisthesamebook Ihave 3 as和which引导非限制性定语从句的区别 1 which引导的从句只能放于逗号后面 2 as引导的从句可前可后 常用于asissaidabove 如上所述 asweknow 我们都知道 asiswellknown asisoftenthecase 正如往常一样 asisreported asweexpect等结构中 as含有 正如 正像 之意 四 限定性定语从句和非限制性定语从句的区别 限定性定语从句用于修饰和限定先行词 与先行词之间的关系非常密切 它所修饰的词代表一个 些 或一类特定的人或东西 如果删去 则剩下的部分意思就会含糊不清 如 Thisisthemanwhogavemethemoney 这就是给我钱的那个人 上句如删去从句whogavemethemoney 则成了Thisistheman 这是那个人 完全失去了整个句子的意思 因而不能删掉 非限定性定语从句 在意义上 它是先行词的一个附加修饰语 是对先行词的进一步说明 如果删去它 不影响整个句子的基本意思 如 WangDong whoisintheroom wantstoaskyousomequestions 王东 他在房间里 想问你几个问题 上述主句是WangDongwantstoaskyousomequestions 如果删去从句 whoisintheroom 并不影响整个句子基本意思的表达 另外 在意思上 有时限定性和非限定性定语从句的区别还是较大的 如 Intheirclass therearefifteenstudentswhocanspeakEnglishwell 在他们班上有十五位英语说得好的学生 可以看出他们班学生要多于十五位 Intheirclass therearefifteenstudents whocanspeakEnglishwell他们班上有十五位学生 他们英语说得很好 可以看出他们班上共有十五名学生 他们英语口语都好 限定性定语从句 非限定性定语从句 插入成分 修饰限定 补充解释 能 不能 的 能否省略 解题方法和技巧 1 首先是确定关系代词和关系副词在定语从句中作什么成分 若是作主语 宾语 则在关系代词中选择 若是作状语 则在关系副词中选择 2 其次是看先行词是人还是物 是时间 地点还是reason way 三 非限制性定语从句和单句的比较 2 Hefailedintheexam madehisparentsangry 3 Hefailedintheexam madehisparentsangry 4 Hehastwosons Bothof areteachers 5 Hehastwosons bothof areteachers This It which themwhom them that 1 IamreadingHarryPorter isaninterestingbook which whom 引导非限制性定语从句的连接词 一律不能省略 2 Hefailedintheexam madehisparentsangry this it 1 Isthisthefactory hisfathervisitedlastyear 2 Isthisthefactory hisfatherworkedlastyear A whichB thatC D whereE inwhich 对比训练 ABC DE 1 Iwillneverforgetthetime Ispentwiththevillagers 2 Iwillneverforgetthetime Istayedwiththevillagers A whichB thatC D when 对比训练 ABC D 1 Idon tbelievethereason hegaveforhisabsence 2 Idon tbelievethereason hewasabsent A whichB thatC D whyE forwhich 对比训练 ABC DE 1 Itisthisshop Iboughtallthesethings 2 Itisinthisshop Iboughtallthesethings A thatB whereC inwhichD 对比训练 BC A 1 Itwas1949 PRCwasfounded 2 Itwasin1949 PRCwasfounded A whenB inwhichC thatD where 对比训练 A C 1 All Idoisforyou 2 Idoisforyou A thatB whatC D which 对比训练 AC B what引导主语从句 在从句中作主语 what不能引导定语从句 对比训练 1 Itissodifficultaquestion noonecansolveit 2 Itissodifficultaquestion noonecansolve A thatB as1 isannounced themeetingwasputoff 2 isannouncedthatthemeetingwasputoff A ItB As A B B A 3 as和which引导定语从句的区别 1 which引导的从句只能放于逗号后面2 as引导的从句可前可后 常用于asissaidabove 如上所述 asweknow asiswellknown asisoftenthecase 正如往常一样 asisreported asweexpect等结构中 as含有 正如 正像 之意 3 as还可以用语下列固定句型中 so such as thesame as 1 Hersisterhasbecomealawyer shewantedtobe A whoB thatC whatD whichThefamousfootballstar triedtomakeagoal succeeded A whereB whenC whichD who D 本句中which指代先行词alawyer 律师身份 有逗号 不用that D 2 Theresultofthegamewasgood wehadn texpected A whenB thatC whichD what3 Iexplainedonthephone yourrequestwillbeconsideredatthenextmeeting A WhenB AfterC AsD Which C 本句中which指代前面整句话的内容 译为 这 有逗号 不用that 本句中as指代后面整句话的内容 译为 正如 一样 位于句首 不用which C 4 Ilikethesameprogramme youlike A thatB asC whichD when B 本句中as指代先行词programme 因为先行词被thesame修饰 故选as as引导定语从句常与主句构成的thesame as as as such so as结构 5 isreported Tomwonthefirstprize A ItB AsC WhichD That B 本句中as指代后面Tomwonthefirstprize的事实 译为 正如所报道的那样 位于居首 不用which as引导非限制性定语可位于居首 五 定语从句的主谓一致 试对比 Iboughtabookyesterday Itwasveryinteresting ThebookwhichIboughtyesterday veryinteresting Iboughtsomebooksyesterday Theywereveryinteresting ThebookswhichIboughtyesterday veryinteresting 定语从句中如果连接词作主语谓语动词的数应与连接词的数即先行词的数保持一致 was was were Heisoneofthestudentswho praisedbytheteacher Heisthe only oneofthestudentswho praisedbytheteacher were was 定语从句中如果连接词作主语谓语动词的数应与连接词的数即先行词的数保持一致 1 Hetalkedhappilyaboutthemenandbook interestedhimgreatlyintheschool A thatB whenC whoD which2 Canyoulendmethebook theotherday A whichyoutalkedB thatyoutalkedC aboutthatyoutalkedD youtalkedabout A D 3 Is someAmericanfriendsvisitedlastweek A thisschoolwhereB thisschooloneC thistheschoolD thisschool4 I llshowyouastore youmaybuyall youneed A that thatB which thatC where whichD inwhi


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