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八年级英语上册Module 2 My home town and my country 导学案本模块学习目标:1. 记住本模块所学单词、短语及重点句型。 2. 理解、掌握形容词比较级的用法。 3. 能准确、熟练写出单音节形容词和部分双音节形容词的比较级。 4. 学会比较和描述两个不同物品或地点之间的差异。 5. 了解世界不同的国家和城市,能够描绘自己的家乡。Unit 1 Its taller than many other buildings .课前预习:1. 用英语读出并写出以下单词: 小山;小丘 人口;全体居民 宽的;宽阔的 百万 相当地;非常;很 比 2. 读、背、翻译以下短语: 事实上;实际上 和一样 在海岸线上 想;想要 某天 记得做 3. 自读对话,翻译以下句子并背熟:Its taller than many other buildings .How was your weekend ? Its getting bigger and busier .Some day , it will become as busy as Hong Kong . Whats the population of Shenzhen ?合作探究:读对话,找出对话中比较级的句子。达标检测:一、 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1. My home t_ is smaller than Shenzhen .2. The population of China is l_ than any other country in the world .3. My uncle lives in a big c_ .4. Hong Kong is newer t_ Shanghai ,but its smaller .5. - Whats the p_ of Shanghai ? - 13 m_ .6. - Is Shanghai h_ than Hong Kong ? - No , it isnt . Its colder .7. He is b_ doing his homework .8. Diwang Tower is a f_ building in Shenzhen . 二、 根据汉语提示完成句子。1. Shenzhen is a busy city _ (靠近) Hong Kong .2. - How was your weekend ? - _ (相当) good .3. Itll become _ (和一样繁华) Hong Kong .4. Whats the _ (人口) of China ?5. Her father is _ (超过) 50 years old .三、 根据汉语意思完成句子。1. 深圳会变得和香港一样繁华。Shenzhen will become _ Hong Kong .2. 这条河有200千米长。The river is _ .3. 世界上有多少人口?_ the _ of the world ?4. 将来某一天我想成为一名科学家。I am going to be a scientist _ .5. 北京是一个比长春更古老的城市。Beijing is an _ Changchun .四、 单项选择:( ) 1 . He has _ new clothes that I . A . fewer B . few C . much D . many( ) 2 . Rose sings _ and her handwriting is _ . A . good ; good B . well ; good C . good ; well D . well ; well ( ) 3 . Its about 5 _ along on the right . A . hundred metre B . hundreds metre C . hundreds metres D . hundred metres ( ) 4 - How many people are there in your family ? - _ . A . Its five B . Its fine C . There are five D . They are five( ) 5 . The sun is _ the earth . A . big than B . small than C . bigger than D . smaller than ( ) 6 . What _ the population of the USA ? A . is B . have C . are D . has( ) 7 . The maths problem was _ easier than we had expected . A . more B . much more C . much D . more much( ) 8 . There are many beautiful hills _ the coast . A . to B . on C . about D . with ( ) 9 . - _ your winter holiday ? - Wonderful ! I enjoyed myself very much . A . How is B . What is C . How was D. What was Unit 2 Cambridge is a beautiful city in east of England .课前预习:1. 用英语读出并写出以下单词。 故乡;家乡 尤其 大学 岛;岛屿 地区;区域 矮的;低的 山;山岳 农村地区;乡下 2. 自读课文,找出并翻译以下短语、句型。最后背熟。 in the east / south / north / west of be famous for such as by boat be part of be popular for Cambridge has a population of about 120,000 . My home town is especially famous for its university . There are lots of old buildings and churches to visit . The population of India is smaller than that of China but larger than that of Russia .合作探究:细读课文,运用比较级试着描述自己家乡的变化。达标检测:一、 用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空。 village , tourist , river , high , famous , south , church , coast 1. There are many foreign _ in Beijing .2. England is _ for Cambridge University .3. There are many small villages on the _ .4. Tom often goes swimming with his father in the _ .5. No one knows this small and poor _ .6. This mountain is too _ . We cant walk up it .7. Guangzhou is in the _ of China .8. Today is Sunday . There are lots of people in the _ .二、根据课文内容填空。Cambridge is a _ city in the _ of _ , and it has about 120,000 _ . Its _ the River _ , There are lots of old _ and _ . Its _ for Cambridge _ .London is the _ of the UK , _ seven and a half million people , so its _ and _ than Cambridge , It is in the _ of England and its on the _ Thames which is 336 _ long . London is an old city . Its about 2,000 years old . Its _ for Big Ben , Buckingham _ and Tower _ . 三、根据汉语提示完成句子。1. Shanghai is _ (在的东部) China .2. I _ (来自) China .3. He is a tall man _ (戴着眼镜的) .4. She _ (以著名) her handwriting . 5. The mountains are _ (一千米高) .6. Shanghai is _ (比大且繁忙) Hangzhou .四、根据汉语意思完成句子。1. 广州和深圳是中国南海岸的大城市。 Guangzhou and Shenzhen are big cities _ China .2. 我们教室的窗户比他们教室的窗户亮。 The windows of our classroom _ than those of theirs .3. 伦敦是一个有着七百万人口的大城市。 London is a big city _ .4. 他的衣服从来不会太便宜。 His clothes are _ .5、 这个国家的首都是哪个城市?Which city is _ the country ?6. 南京是一座有许多古老建筑的城市。Nanjing is a city _ many old _ .7. 剑桥位于英格兰东部。Cambridge is _ the _ England .8. 今天的报纸上有特殊的事情吗?Is there _ in todays newspaper ?9. 天安门广场比北京任何其他广场都大。Tiananmen Square is bigger than _ square in Beijing .10. 夏天不是很热冬天不是很冷。It is _ very hot in summer _Unit 3 Language in use.一、学习目标:(1)复习比较级的词汇,并巩固比较级的使用。(2)描述并比较两地点。二、学习重、难点: 掌握一些比较级词汇的特殊变形三、学习过程:(一)自主学习I. 单词冲浪 year(复数) express(名词形式) many(比较级) much(比较级) live (三单) II翻译词组1. much wider and cleaner 2.a large population 3. 相当好 4.任何另外的城市 5. best known 6. sent to III. 根据提示完成句子1)Hong Kong is hot. Shanghai is hotter. (用比较级把两个句子合并成一句) Shanghai _ Hong Kong.2)The population of Shanghai is 13 million.( 就划线部分提问) _ Shanghai ?3)大连约有三百五十万人口。 Dalian _5.3 million people.4)这条河长达五十公里。 This river is 50_.5)香港位于中国的南部。 Hong Kong is _China.(二)合作探究I. (Activity1) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.II. (Activity2) Talk about the pictures.III. (Activity3) Write sentences.IV. (Activity4) Complete the word map.V. (Activity5) Complete the sentences with the expressions.(三)拓展延伸 I 1 ( go)to Shanghai last year and 2 ( fall)in love with it . In ten years , Ill live in Shanghai. I will 3 (be) a reporter and meet interesting people. Also, I think Ill 4 (live)in an apartment with my best friends. Ill have pets. Now I cant have any pets because my mother 5 ( hate)them. Besides, our apartment is too small. So in ten years, Ill have many different 6 (kind)of goldfish. I might even 7 (keep)a pet parrot! Ill go skating and 8 ( swim)every day .During the week Ill look smart, but on the weekends, Ill 9 (wear)crazy clothes. Ill go to Hong Kong on vacation, and one day I 10 ( may) even visit Australia.(四)当堂测试 1. Do you think PE is _ unimportant subject? No, its very important.A. a B. an C. the D. 不填2. There _ a lot of traffic on the city roads every morning.A. were B. are C. was D. is3. Tom is one of my best friends now, _ I didnt like him at the _ . A. and; end B. and; beginningC. but; end D. but; beginning4. _ information it is! A. What useful B. How useful C. What a us


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