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苏教版5B英语 unit2 How do you come to school? Melody精英课程5BUnit2Howdoyoucometoschool?1、 四会单词:moon月亮street街,街道near在附近by乘(汽车、火车等)bus公共汽车,巴士metro地铁taxi出租车,的士bike自行车plane飞机train火车city城市onfoot步行2、 短语:1. cometoschool来学校 go to school 去上学2. yournewhome你的新家3. verymuch非常4. befarfrom离.远 near sp. 离.近5. liveonMoonStreet住在月亮街6. livenearCityLibrary住在市图书馆附近7. bybus乘公共汽车8. byplane乘坐飞机9. byship乘坐轮船10. livenearschool住在学校附近11. onfoot步行12. liveinSunshineTown住在阳光城13. bymetro乘坐地铁14. liveonParkStreet居住在公园街15. bytaxi乘坐出租车16. ataxidriver一位出租车司机17. bytrain乘坐火车18. onthestreet在街上19. throughthetrees穿过树20. anewbike一辆新的自行车21. rideabike骑自行车22. wantto do sth.想要做某事23. showhisbiketoSam=show Sam his bike向Sam展示他的新自行车24. bybike骑自行车25. tooyoung太年轻26. gotoschool去上学27. thinkso这样认为28. sitinthebasket坐在篮子里29. liveinBeijing住在北京30. visitsb./sp. 拜访某人/参观某地31. gothere去那里32. livenearthepark住在公园附近33. getthere到达那里34. workonabigship在大轮船上工作35. gotomanycities去许多城市三、句型:1.Doyoulikeyournewhome,SuHai?你喜欢你的新家吗,苏海?(注意助动词do/does的使用)2.Ilikeitverymuch,butitsfarfromschool.我非常喜欢它,但是它离学校太远了。3.Wheredoyou/welivenow?你现在居住在哪里?I/We/TheyliveonMoonStreet.我住在月亮街4.Howdoyou/theycometoschool?你怎么来学校?I/We/Theycometoschoolbymetro.我乘地铁来学校。5.SuYangandIcometoschoolbybus.苏阳和我坐公共汽车来学校。6.IliveinSunshineTown.我住在阳光城。7.Helikesridingitinthepark.他喜欢在公园里骑它 (划线部分提问)8.Howdoeshe/shegotoschool?Sam怎么去上学?He/Shegoestoschoolbybike.他骑自行车上学。四、语法:1.befarfrom意为“离.远”,其后接地点,反义短语为:benear离.近。例如:Theparkisnearthecinema.=Theparkisntfarfromthecinema.2. livein/on/at:liveLive in+ 国家、城乡、乡镇或房屋;I live in Suzhou. Live on+街道或楼层; Tom lives on this street.Live at+具体的门牌号码 Mary lives at Nhestreet:在这条街的区域范围内;onthestreet:在这条街的路面上4.乘坐交通工具:by+交通工具或takea.介词短语动词短语中文On footwalk步行Ride a bikeTake a busBy metroBy taxiTake a planeBy car乘轮船By boat从上表可以得知:walktoschool=gotoschoolonfootrikeabiketoschool=gotoschoolbybiketakeabustoschool=gotoschoolbybus以此类推。5.怎么询问他人的出行方式。Igototheparkbybike.(划线部分提问) 提问方式用how,后面跟一般疑问句结构,注意助动词do/does的使用。改为:Howdoyougotothepark?例题:Hegoestoschoolonfoot.(划线部分提问) 4、 语音:tr/tr/trystreettreetraffic五、小作文。HowcanwegotoschoolIliveonMeijianRoadinXuzhou.Itsnearmyschool.Ioftengotoschoolonfoot.MyfriendMikelivesonShaohuaStreet.It isfarfromour school.Sohealwaysgoestoschoolbybus.Sometimeshegoestoschoolbybike.Welikeourschool.第二单元测试题笔试部分(70分)1、 选出划线部分发音不同的选项。(5分)()1.A.hotB.onC.old()2.A.brotherB.loveC.moon()3.A.ChineseB.teacherC.school()4.A.hasB.atC.cake()5.A.isB.hisC.hi二、英汉互译。(10分)1.cometoschool 2.befarfrom 3.livein 4.sitinthebasket 5.Dontthinkso 6.乘出租车 7.乘地铁 8.步行 9.月亮街 10.在你的学校附近 三、单选题。(10分)()1.doyougotoschool?Iusuallygotoschoolonfoot.A. HowB.WhoC.Where()2.Wehavetwolessonstheafternoon?A. onB.inC.at()3.booksdoyouhave?Four.A. HowmuchB.HowmanyC.Howold()4.Sundayisthedayofaweek.AoneB.firstC.third()5.Whatareyourshoes?A.colourB.dayC.red()6.Thisnewtoytigerisyou.A.forB.toC.you()7.Classesover.A.isB.doC.are()8.Howyouruncletothepark?A.does;goesB.do;goingC.does;go()9.Wedonthavenewpencils.A.someB.anyC.a()10.Herhobbyis A.cookB.cookingC.cooks4、 连词成句。(10分)1.to,do,you,school,how,go(?) 2.can,you,by,go,bus,there(.) 3.to,school,I,go,foot,usually,on(.) 4.usually,bus,home,Mike,by,goes(.) 5.park,to,how,I,get,can,the(?) 五、句子配对。(10分)()1.Howdoyougotoschool? A.Sure.()2.CanIgoonfoot? B.Itsnearasnackbar.()3.Whereisyourhome? C.Igotherebybus.()4.Lookatmynewskirt. D.Youcangetthereonfoot.()5.HowcanIgettothepark? E.Hownice!()6.Isitfarfromhere? F.No,itisnt.()7.Howoldareyou? G.Yes,shedoes.()8.Doesyoursisterlikestickers? H.Sheisaworker.()9.Whatishismother? I.Iamtwelve.6、 将下列句子重新排序,组成一段完成的话。(6分)()Isitfarfromhere?()Excuseme,whereisthecinema?()No,itisnt.Youcangothereonfoot.()Thankyou.()Itsnexttotheschool.()Yourewelcome.七、阅读理解(20分)(一)把正确答案写在括号里。(10分)JimcomesfromtheUS.HelivesinChina.Hegetsupatabout6:30andhasbreakfastatseven.Afterbreakfasthesaysgoodbyetohisparentsandgoestoschool.Heusuallywalkstoschool,becausehishomeisneartheschool.Hisfirstclassbeginsateight.Hehaslunchatabout11:30.Afterthatheplayswithhisfriends.Helikestoplayfootball.Schoolisoverat4:00.Heusuallygoeshomeanddoeshishomework.HewatchesTVafterdinner.Andthenhegoestobedat10:00.()1.Jimisfrom.A.ChinaB.theUSC.theUK()2.Jimisa.A.teacherB.studentC.doctor()3.DoesJimgotoschoolat7:00?A. YesB.No.C.Wedontknow.()4.Jimshomeistheschool.A.nearB.farfromC.infrontof()5.Jimlikestoplay.A.computergamesB.chessC.football(2) 、判断正误,正确的写T,错误的写F(10分)SuHai:Excuseme,howdowegettothepark?Man:Youcangotherebybus,oryoucangoonfoot.SuHai:HowdoIgoonfoot?Man:Itseasy.Turnleft(左拐)atthetrafficlights.Theparkisnearatallofficebuilding.John:Thankyouverymuch.Hurryup,SuHai!SuHai:No!Thelightisred.Stop!John:Thatsright.Wehavetowait(等).SuHai:Nowitsgreen.Letsgo!()1.JohnandSuHaicantgototheparkbybus.()2.JohnandSuHaiwanttogototheparkonfoot.()3.Theparkisnearthetrafficlights.()4.Johnwantstogoataredlight.()5.SuHaidoesntstopatthelight.Unit1-2综合测试.笔试部分(70分)一语音辨析(找出每组中画线部分发音与所给单词相同的选项)(5分)( ) 1. arm A. wear B. hard C. ear( ) 2. park A. sweater B. weather C. card( ) 3. fit A. like B. this C. kite( ) 4.make A. late B. park C. past( )5. clothes A. to B. dog C. go二、按要求写单词。(8分) 1. take off(反义短语)_ 2. many(近义词)_ 3. knife(复数)_ 4. city(复数形式)_ 5. sit(动名词)_ 6. them(主格)_ 7. fat (反义词)_ 8. teach(第三人称单数)_三、 英汉词组互译。(10分)1. 给我看他的自行车_ 2. 不得不_ 3. 对有害处_ 4. 试穿鞋子_ 5. 远离学校_ 6. Hurry up._ 7. dont understand _ 8. What a pity! _ 9. leave a shoe behind _ 10. a beautiful city_四、选择题。(10分)( )1. Its late, she _ to go home now.A. have B. has C. having( )2.How _ your uncle _ to the park? A. does, goes B. do, going C. does, go( )3. Many girls _on the shoe, and it only _ Cinderella.A. try, fit B. tries, fits C. try, fits( )4. There _ no milk in the fridge. A. has B. is C. are( )5. _ beautiful clothes! A. What B. What a C. How ( ) 6. - What do you usually do at Christmas? - I usually make a card _ my friend. A. to B. from C. for( ) 7. Mike is good at _ football, but Liu Tao _. A. play, doesnt B. playing, isnt C. play, isnt( ) 8. -_ do you have? -Thirteen yuan. A. How many B. How much C. Where( ) 9. Bobby _ eating peanuts. But Sam _. A. like, doesnt B. likes, dont C. likes, doesnt( ) 10. - Why cant you go to school? -Because _. A. Im hungry B. Im thirsty C. Im ill.五、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. There _ _(be) any cakes here.2. I like _ (read) the stories about Monkey King.3. She sometimes _(ride) a bike to school.4. She can _(ride) a bike.5. Jim _(have) some nice clothes.6. They are_(drive) . They like _(drive) .7. Why _(be) he so sad? 8. Where _ (do) he _ (live)?9. Tom usually _ (watch) TV at home.10.My _ (foot ) hurt.六、从栏中找出栏相应的答句,写在题前括号内。(8分) ( )1.Why are you so happy? A. No, thank you.( )2. Are there any snacks in you bag? B. I like dancing.( )3. Would you like a cup of tea? C. He has to go home before ten.( )4. Im very thirsty. D. Thank you.( )5.What do you like? E. Yes, there are.( )6. Who goes to the zoo with Helen? F. Heres a glass of water for you. ( )7. When does Tom have to go home? G. Because its my birthday today.( )8.Let me help you. H. Mike does.七、按要求完成句子。(9分)1. They have a good time at the party.(把they改成Nancy)Nancy _ a good time at the party. 2. These jeans fit me well.(改成否定句) These jeans _ _ me well. 3. My uncle and aunt live in a big city. (对划线部分提问) _ _ in a big city?4.David tries on Mikes jacket.(对画线部分提问)_ jacket _ David _ on?5. I usually go to school on foot.(同义句转换)I usually _ to school.八、阅读理解 (10分)A 判断正误,用T, F 表示Sam is a little boy, and he is only eight years old. One day he goes to the cinema. It is the first time for him to do that. He buys a ticket(票) and then goes in. But after two or three minutes he comes out, buys a second ticket and goes in again. After a few minutes he comes out again and buys a third ticket. Two or three minutes later he asks for another ticket. Then the girl in the ticket office asks him, “Why do you buy so many tickets? How many friends do you meet?” Sam answers, “No, I have no friend here. But a big boy always stops me at the door and tears(撕) my tickets in piece.”( )1. Sam buys the tickets for himself.(他自己)( )2. Sam doesnt go to the cinema.( )3. Sam is too young to make friends.( )4. Sam has no friend in the cinema.( )5. A big boy at the door doesnt like Sam.B 选择合适的答案,将序号填入括号内。Hello, my name is Peter. My parents and I l


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