人教版2017-2018学年高中英语学案必修1课件:Unit 1 Friendship 1.3_第1页
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Section Using Language, Summing Up & Learning Tip,一,二,三,一、将单词或短语与相对应的释义搭配起来AB1.exact a.feeling that you want to thank sb2.disagreeb.not like (sb/sth)3.gratefulc.to have a different pletely correct in every detail5.tipe.to take part in6.join inf.a helpful piece of advice答案:1.d2.c3.a4.b5.f6.e,一,二,三,二、阅读Using Language部分, 找出并翻译下列短语1.have some trouble with 2.喜欢做某事 3.join in 4.列出5.be good at 6.与交流 7.make good friends with 8.给某人提建议 9.get along with 10.相爱; 爱上,做某事费力或有困难,enjoy doing sth,参加;加入,make a list of,擅长,communicate with,和成为好朋友,give sb some advice,与相处;进展,fall in love,一,二,三,三、阅读Using Language中的两封信, 判断下列句子的正误 (T/F) 1.Lisa has some trouble with her parents.()2.Lisa and a boy have become really good friends.()3.Some students like gossiping.()4.Xiao Dong is good at communicating with people.()5.Sometimes Xiao Dong feels lonely.(),F,T,T,F,T,1,2,3,4,1.Im getting along well with a boy in my class.我和班上的一个男生相处得好。考点get along with与相处; 进展She is sincere and easy to get along with.她为人诚恳, 很容易相处。【高考典句】(2015陕西高考)As an outgoing girl,I get along well with my classmates.作为一个性格外向的女孩,我和我的同班同学相处得很好。How are you getting along with your work?你的工作进展如何?He is getting along badly with his business.他的事业进展不顺利。,1,2,3,4,(1)get along with常与副词well, nicely, badly等连用, 表示 “与某人相处得好或不好” 或 “某事进展得顺利或不顺利”。(2)get along with的同义词组是get on with。,1,2,3,4,活学活用完成句子1)我厌倦了和我一起工作的那个伙伴;他是一个很难相处的人。I the partner I have been working with; he is too hard a person .2)我在学校过得挺好,但我觉得没劲。I at school,but Im bored.3)罗宾逊先生是个很难打交道的人,所以朋友很少。Mr Robinson is a man hard ,so he has few friends.,am tired of,to get along/on with,get along/on well,to get along/on with,1,2,3,4,2.I disagree.我不同意。考点disagree vi. 不同意 He said we shouldnt start the trip, but I disagreed.他说我们不应该开始这次旅行, 但我不同意。【高考典句】(2015安徽高考)Even though family members sometimes disagreed with each other,they worked together to make the business successful.尽管家庭成员之间有时会不同意彼此的观点,但是他们一起努力使得事情能够成功。We disagreed on which movie to see.我们对看哪一部电影意见不一致。归纳 disagree常和介词with,on或about连用, disagree on的含义是:在方面意见不一致。,1,2,3,4,(1)阅读下面的句子,体会黑体词的含义The food here disagrees with the boy.这个男孩一吃这儿的食物就不舒服。The climate disagrees with me.这种气候我不适应。含义 (某物)不适合(某人)(2)反义词:agree vt.& vi.同意(3)派生词:disagreement n.不同意,1,2,3,4,活学活用语法填空1)After talking to Mr Smith, I finally agreed the plan.2)If you disagree me,you should speak out.3)They are in (disagree)about the move to London.4)The girl said she disagreed her brother.,to,with,disagreement,with,单句改错4)The girl said she disagreed her brother.5)He said that the weather in that country disagreed on him.,答案:在disagreed后加with,答案:onwith,1,2,3,4,3.Although I try to talk to my classmates,I still find it hard to make good friends with them.虽然我试图跟班上的同学交谈,但我还是发现很难跟他们成为好朋友。剖析本句是一个主从复合句。although引导让步状语从句;主句中it做形式宾语,hard为宾语补足语,真正的宾语是后面的不定式短语。当一个句子的宾语是不定式时,如果这些宾语又带有补足语,须用it做形式宾语,把真正的宾语放在宾语补足语的后面。When we travel,we find it necessary to get a map.当我们旅行的时候,我们发现有一张地图是必要的。I feel it necessary to have a face-to-face talk with him.我觉得有必要和他面对面地谈一谈。,1,2,3,4,考点make friends with 同交朋友I want to make friends with you.我想和你交朋友。Better make friends than make enemies.冤家宜解不宜结。注意:在make friends with的搭配中,名词friend必须使用复数形式。类似的还有shake hands with等。,1,2,3,4,活学活用语法填空1)The world financial crisis has made difficult for some graduates to find better jobs.2)You can make (friend)with people who are easy(get) along with.3)Youll find our teacher wanting to make friends us students.,it,friends,to get,with,1,2,3,4,4.I do want to change this situation,but I dont know how.我确实想改变这种现状,但是我不知道该怎么办。剖析在英语中,若强调句子的主语、宾语和状语,要用强调句型:It is/was+被强调部分+that .;若要强调谓语动词则要用助动词do。do只有do,does,did三种形式,其后要用动词原形。I did finish my homework yesterday.我昨天的确完成作业了。She does like collecting stamps.她的确爱好集邮。,1,2,3,4,活学活用完成句子1)他的


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