



1. Critical point 2. aircraft order 3. transit passengers 4. noise abatement 5. subsonic aircraft6. turbojet engine7. climb out 8. approach 9. aircraft fueling system10. Ground service and maintenance equipment 11. airport bus12. airport beacon13. airport traffic area14. airport heating plant15. Ground operation16. master planning17. parking fee 18. aviation activity19. design manual20. airport engineering 21. airport noise problem 22. noise standard23. noise contour maps 24. Environmental Protection Agency25. access modes26. urban rapid transit 27. airport drainage system 28. pavement design 29. pavement durability 30. pavement foundation31. estimation of runoff 32. landing strip 33. check-in 34. customs office35. Distance measuring equipment36. boarding gate37. flight deck38. boarding gate39. air density 40. area of the wing 41. city pair 42. transient passenger 43. international flights 44. customs clearance 45. fixed base operator (FBO) 46. trunk routes 47. Environmental concerns 48. collision avoidance systems 49. subsequent flight 50. airport master plan 51. Federal Aviation Regulation52. frequent flyer program53. minima separation54. crosswind leg55. de/anti icing facilities56. peak hour demand57. civilian airport58. Aerodrome Beacon59. air traffic density60. passenger flow 61. noise exposure 62. landing gear 63. seamless connection 64. Flood lights 65. Mandatory instruction signs 66. Departures Lounge.67. cross-shaped satellite terminal 68. Duty-free shops 69. airport rescue and fire fighting70. coefficient of lift 71. zero fuel weight 72. all engine takeoff distance 73. direct operating cast (DOC) 74. threshold75. aircraft order 76. navigational aids 77. turning radius 78. aircraft flight manual 79. federal aviation regulation80. touchdown zone lighting 81. crosswind82. airport elevation 83. representative daily demand84. parallel runway85. payload 86. wing tip87. landing gear88. orientation of runway89. Trend forecasting90. Wheel base 91. Takeoff decision speed 92. Climb gradient93. unstick speed 94. Parking apron 95. Secondary surveillance radar96. loose cargo97. visual reference 98. tractor99. passenger load factor100. glide slope101. fixed distance marking102. aircraft self-docking system103. blast pad 104. airside105. prevailing winds106. aircraft performance curves107. airport capacity108. Wing loading 109. airline operation110. official flight manual 111. 停止道 112. 净空道 113. Certificated aircraft 114. Lift-off speed115. Stall speed 116. Airport authority 117. Holding bay 118. Climbout speed 119. Airport curfews120. One engine non-functional 121. Noise footprint122. Cruise performance 123. Visual flight rules124. Instrument flight rules125. Navigational aids126. Automatic direction finding 127. Very high frequency omnidirectional range128. Maker beacon 129. Localizer 130. Visual information 131. touchdown zone132. Runway Visual range133. Instrument landing system 134. Microwave landing system135. Precision approach radar 136. Visual approach slope indicator system 137. Precision approach path indicator system138. Runway centerline lighting139. Approach lighting system 140. Runway and taxiway marking141. taxiway and apron marking 142. Nonprecision Instrument Runway 143. Military airport 144. Taxiway guidance signing 145. International flight146. Freight and cargo handling 147. Projected passenger flows148. Saturation capacity 149. Procedure for estimating delays 150. Vertical separation 151. Horizontal separation 152. Hourly capacity153. Gate occupancy time154. Weighted average155. active runway156. Approach surface 157. Horizontal surface158. Conical surface 159. Runway gradient 160. general aviation airport161. Approach speed162. wingspan width163. Fixed-wing aircraft164. Reference code 165. Runway length 166. Flight distance167. Runway strip168. Obstacle free zone 169. Pavement fillet 170. Turnoff speed 171. Engine runup 172. Push-out procedure 173. Propeller wash 174. Mid-air collision 175. traffic pattern176. Mutual aid agreement 177. Veered off the runway 178. Undershot the runway 179. Brake failure 180. Blown tire 181. Advisor Circular 182. Air traffic control183. Flexible pavement 184. Rigid pavement185. Skid-resistant surface 186. Embankment or excavation 187. all weather conditions18


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