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Unit8 Unit8Isthereapostofficenearhere SectionA11a 2d policestation postoffice bank restaurant hospital payphone Mainwords street hotel 1aMatchtheactivitieswiththepictures 1 postoffice 2 policestation 3 hotel 4 restaurant 5 bank 6 hospital 7 street 8 payphone 9 park a g d i h e c b f 比眼力 It sabank What sthis It sapark What sthat It sarestaurant What sthis It sahotel What sthat It sapolicestation What sthis It sapostoffice What sthis It sapayphone What sthis It salibrary What sthat 1bListenandcircletheplacesyouhearin1a postoffice policestation hotel restaurant bank hospital street payphone park Yes thereis It sonBridgeStreet 1cMaketheconversationswithyourpartnerabouttheplacesin1a Isthereahospitalnearhere Pairwork Isthereapostofficenearhere Yes thereis It sonLongStreet IstherearestaurantonBridgeStreet Yes thereis acrossfrom infrontof town behind Mainwords 1 Thepayphoneisacrossfromthelibrary 2 Thepayphoneisnexttothelibrary 3 Thepayphoneisbetweenthepostofficeandthelibrary 4 ThepayphoneisonGreenStreet 5 Thepayphoneisinfrontofthelibrary 6 Thepayphoneisbehindthelibrary 2aMatchthesentenceswiththepictures Writeeachnumberinthebox 4 5 2 1 3 6 Thepolicestationisbetweentherestaurantandthehospital Theparkis thebank Thehospitalis BridgeStreet Thepayphoneis thepostoffice Therestaurantis thepostoffice Thehotelis thepolicestation acrossfrom on nextto 2bListenandfillintheblankswiththewordsinthebox Listening infrontof behind nextto infrontof between behind acrossfrom on 2cAskandanswerquestionsabouttheplacesin1aonpage43 A Where sthehospital B It snexttothepolicestation A Where stherestaurant B It snexttothepolicestation Pairwork A Where sthebank B It sonLongStreet A Where sthehotel B It sacrossfromthepostoffice A Where sthepayphone B It snexttothepostoffice A Where sthepark B It sbehindthehotel A Where sthepostoffice B It sacrossfromthehotel 2dReadtheconversationandanswerthequestions Reading Isthereabanknearhere 2 Where sthebank 3 IsCenterStreetfarfromhere Yes thereis It sonCenterStreet acrossfromthepark No itisn t Tony Hi excuseme Linda Yes HowcanIhelpyou Tony Well I mnewintown Isthereabankaroundhere Linda Yes thereis It sonCenterStreet It sacrossfromthepark Tony Oh where sCenterStreet Linda It snotfarfromhere Icanwalkwithyou Tony Oh that sgreat Thankssomuch Linda Noproblem Role playtheconversation 1 acrossfrom意为 在 对面 e g Thebankisacrossfromourschool 银行就在我们学校对面 拓展 across作介词 意为 从一边到另一边 横过 e g Canyouswimacrosstheriver 你能游过这条河吗 Languagepoints 2 infrontof意为 在 前面 在某范围之外 e g Thereisacarinfrontofthehouse 在房子前一辆小汽车 辨析 inthefrontof 在 前面 在某范围之内 e g Thereisatableinthefrontoftheclassroom 在教室的前面有一张桌子 3 nextto意为 紧靠着 紧挨着 贴近 e g Thelittleboyisnexttohismother 小男孩紧挨着他的母亲 辨析 nextto与near的区别从空间讲near只表示 在 附近 而nextto有 紧挨着 之意 nextto比near靠的更近 如 PetersitsnexttoMike 彼特紧挨着迈克坐 PetersitsnearTom 彼特坐在汤姆附近 4 HowcanIhelpyou 需要我帮忙吗 表示向他人伸出援手 主动提出帮助的意思 此句还可说成 HowcanIhelpyou 或HowmayIhelpyou 类似的句子还有 MayIhelpyou Doyouneedanyhelp IsthereanythingIcanhelp you with WhatcanIdoforyou 5 I mnewintown 我新来此地 town表示所居住的地方或城市里的闹市区 城里 为不可数名词 e g Isthereagoodplacetoeathere I mfromoutoftown 这儿有吃饭的好地方吗 我对这里不熟 1 图书馆在邮局的对面 Thelibraryis the 2 在公园附近有餐馆吗 Is arestaurant the 3 紧挨着银行有一家旅馆 There ahotel thebank therenearpark isnextto acrossfrom 小试身手 postoffice 4 投币电话应在医院后面 The phoneis the 5 在警察局前面


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