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Unit 7 Its raining! 安达市青肯泡中学 杨丽敏一、学习目标:(一)知识与能力1.重点单词:rain snow windy cloudy sunny2.重点句型:Hows the weather? Its raining / windy/ cloudy Whats the weather like?(二)过程与方法 通过谈论图片,复习现在进行时“What are you doing?”Im 这个话题引入谈论天气,不同的天气影响人们的心情和活动.(三)情感目标:引导学生学会描述天气,培养学生学会观察事物并能够正确的描述事物。二、能力目标:掌握如何询问和描述天气,并且灵活的掌握现在进行时。三、重难点:1.掌握表示天气的形容词 2.询问天气和描述天气。并且能正确地表达人们正在做的事情。四、教学过程:Play the English song . First lets admire a beautiful song. If you like ,you can sing this song together.How I long for a sunny day.I want to dance,I want to sing Different weather can influence our mood. Today well talk about the weather.Lets learn Unit 7 Its raining. Step 2The teacher shows some pictures. Then get the students talk about “What are you doing?” “What is she/he doing?” Get the students understand and master the Present Progressive Tense. Step 3 The teacher shows some pictures then learn some new words( rain rainy snow snowy cloudy windy sunny ) practice the conversion between the teacher and the students like this:T : How s the weather in Beijing?S: Its cloudy/rainy/sunny/ 。T :What about the weather in Shanghai?S: Its hot. /It snows. Step 4 Pair work Get the students to ask and answer in pairs, One student asks the other answers.( The students talk about the weather in Beijing Mosow, Shanghai, Boston, Toronto)Step 5 Play a game ( Guess the weather, then make up conversations. )Step 6 Now lets look at the pictures in 1a,then lets finish 1a together. The teacher checks the answers. Then practice listening. Get the students to listen carefully, wrtite these city names in the boxes above. then finish 1b.Step 7 Imagine you are in one of the places in 1a.Talk about the weather with your friends on the phone .The teacher play the story ( Play the flash, the students look and repeat) then the students practice the conversation.Step 8 Practice listening The teacher plays the tape , the students listen and number the pictures from 1 to 4 , finish 2a .then the teacher checks the answers. Get the students to listen again then finish 2b. the teacher checks the answers. Step 9 Sum up :What have you learned this class? Find one student to point out.Explanation 1. it 可用来指代天气。在句中可不译为中文。要根据上下文理解。如: It is windy. (天气) 在刮风。Its cold today. 今天很冷。2. rain既可作动词又可作名词。rain 名词,“雨,雨水”。动词,“下雨”。Its raining cats and dogs.正下倾盆大雨。其形容词为:rainy 下雨的。“下雨了”可说:Its raining. 也可说:Its rainy.3. 其形容词为:rainy,是在rain加后缀y变成形容词,英语中有许多名词可以加 y这样的后缀变成形容词,如wind-windy,snow- snowy ,sun-sunny,cloud-cloudy。Step 10 Exercise Fill in the blanks with the proper words 1.-Wheres Bob ?-He _the violin in his bedroom.(play)2. Sometimes I _some evening newspapers in the evening .(read)3.-Jim, lets_the room now .(clean) -But I _my homework.(do )4.- Is Kate doing her homework ? -No,She_a letter to her pen pal.(write)5.Every morning Da


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