英语人教版八年级下册An old man tried to move the m.doc_第1页
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英语人教版八年级下册An old man tried to move the m.doc_第3页
英语人教版八年级下册An old man tried to move the m.doc_第4页




要求:1 必须是原创,抄袭将被判定为“不合格”。2 内容和格式必须与教学设计与反思模版要求相符合。3. 请以附件形式提交至平台。教学设计与反思课题:Hansel and Gretel(人教新目标 Unit6 Section B 2a-3b)科目: 英语教学对象: 八年级下 课时: 1课时提供者:何彦春单位: 中宁二中一、教学内容分析本课时是人教新目标八年级下 Unit6 Section B 2a-3b;学习内容是讲故事;是继Section B第一课时以对话形式讲西方童话故事后,以剧本的形式讲西方童话故事的一个范例,它对Section B第一课时是一种递进与延伸。并通过戛然而止的结尾调动起了学生的好奇心以及对西方文化的向往与渴望。二、教学目标知识与技能:1 词汇目标:能听说读写,正确运用以下单词:wife (wives),husband,whole(the whole family/all the family),shine(shone),bright(adj./adv.),ground,lead(led/lead sb.to sp.),voice(sound/noise),brave 能认读以下单词:stepmother,scene,moonlight 2 语法目标:能学会在叙述故事中使用as soon as,unless,so.that等连词。One year,the weather was so dry that no food would grow./The wife told her husband that unless he left the children to die in the forest,the whole family would die./As soon as the moon rises,we can follow them instead.过程与方法:让学生提前预习(单词、课文读熟;把2c,2d,3b提前尽可能完成);把该删掉的删掉(2a,2e,3a);最后节省出来10分钟时间对剧本进行延伸理解(视频Hansel and Gretel,让学生对故事的结尾进行原声英文动画电影观看,以满足他们的好奇心及求职的欲望。)情感态度价值观让学生了解西方文学内涵,从而提升他们的人文素养及观察世界的能力。三、学习者特征分析13班的孩子英语基础好,99%的孩子都不存在朗读问题,绝大多数学生拥有良好的学习习惯(能按要求进行新授课预习;并能自觉地对已学习知识进行巩固与练习;课堂注意力集中,能积极回答老师提出的问题,并主动也有能力表达自己的真实想法,能使得课堂生机勃勃)。作为老师,我主要是课堂上大面积给学生机会,从而了解他们的。四、教学策略选择与设计本课时设计的基本理念:让学生一步步猜测故事发展的内容,不断激发他们的求知兴趣,从而在学中用,在用中学,达到寓教于乐的境界。主要采用的教学与活动策略:启发与揭秘;对白到概括。五、教学重点及难点1 能对剧本进行正确理解 2 能合理地想象故事发展的情节3能对剧本内容进行有条件概括六、教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图Step1 Lead- inT:In this unit,we have learned some fairy tales,such as Yu Gong Moves the Mountains,The Monkey King and The Emperors New Clothes.This class,we are going to learn another fairy tale-Hansel and Gretel. Step2 Check the answer to 2c.1 Listen and check the answer to 2c.2 Listen and try to find out the text type.3 Listen and try to recognize the article from the sound itself.培养学生预习能力及对西方语言魅力的感知能力。Step3 Go though 2b as quickly as possible.Make sure they can understand the play well.1 Read and translate the sentences one by one.2 Try to find out some difficulties.夯实学生基础PPTStep4 Check the answer to 2d and 3b.1 Answer the question one by one.Try to find out difficulties.2 Read and translate the sentences one by one to share the answers with others.培养学生预习能力,帮助学生纠错,进一步提升他们自我反省能力。PPTStep5 Guess the ending of the play!Step6 Play the cartoon movie Hansel and Gretel for the students to learn about the ending.Step7 What can you learn from the play?Step8 Homework1 Try to guess it ,then share ones own ideas with others.2 Watch the movie .Think over and try to describe it in English!培养学生讲故事的能力及跨文化意识能力,激发他们的求知欲与好奇心培养学生积极地人生价值观。Video 视频七、教学评价设计本课时上的很大气,不拖泥带水,课堂容量很大,还播放了8分钟的视频,从整体感知到细节落实都非常到位,还从剧本形式到短文形式进行了概括,上了一个高度。学生基本功扎实,活动量大,预习到位。课堂扎实有效。八、板书设计Is 2b a letter,a play ,a short story or something else?hear sb. doing sth.Can you hear the birds singing outside?I heard someone knocking at the door just now.Its leading us to that wonderful house (that is made of bread, cake and candy). be made of 由.做成1. Unless he leaves the children to die in the forest,the whole family will die because they dont have enough food.2. He goes out to get some stones3 He does this to make sure (that when the moon is shining bright,they will be able to see the stones).4 They followed the white stones home.5 Because they cant see any bread on the ground. Maybe the birds ate them. Guess the ending of the play!Watch the cartoon movie Hansel and GretelWhat do you learn from this story Hansel and Gretel ?Do you like Hansel? Why?九教学反思可以从如下角度进行反思(不少于200字):这节课最让我得意的就是设计了看英文原声卡通电影Hansel and Gretel 后半段这个环节,学生和听课的老师们都很兴奋。这在本人以前的教学及同行听课中都是没有的。另外让学生在看完电影后说出自己的看法也是点晴之笔。虽然由于时间的关系没有更多的学生表达自己的观点,但唯一的那个说得是那样的精彩,到位,是课堂的一个亮点。学生们按照我的要求预习的非常充分,导致这节课容量很大,这说明孩子们的潜力是无限的,只要我们能够充分挖掘出来。遗憾的是由于时间关系,让学生们自由猜测剧本结尾这个环节没有进行,我相信我的孩子们只要给他们平台,他们一定会让你刮目相看。还是由于时间关系,2e 也就是让学生四人一组表演剧


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